The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-23, Page 8'A PAGE EIGHJ '"!■ 1 l'"‘ ■ ■ > * THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ONTARIO . ........:.. .......... a, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23rdi 1953 ■............................. • T . <7 Service and ^Satisfaction in Plumbing and Heating Automatic Oil Furnaces In­ stalled—-See The Oil Ranges. FURNACE repairs Bathroonv Fixtures & Repairs Eavetroughing, . —-r7__ ’ ‘i t , '-'H, • • • 4 ■ ... „.^:?...i.l;'Pistric±LAgeht_Fori.iJ,t.;.'j ■ BEATTYPUMFS&RFPAIRS BRUCE DEANERY CLERGY < MET AT ST, PETER’S CHURCH Art Gilmore R. R. 3, LUCKNOW ’Phone 61-r-13, Dungannon 4 a. * LTI>. WINGHAM, ONTARip SPORT... Formosa Ousts Fort Port Albert was eliminated from the “C” softballplaydowns by Formosa 3 games to 1. Port took' the: opener with Formosa coming back to win three in a- raw; Port^ Albert played their home games in Caledonian Park. The final tussle was last Thurs­ day night which, provide^ a close 3-1 ball game. It was a tie game going into the 7th, CROSSETT MOTORS t. On Tuesday, September 15th, the Church of England clergy of the Deanery of Bruce met at St. Fqters, Lucknow, The Rev, H. L. Jennings celebrated Holy Com- muniori at 10 a.m; after which business was1 conducted in the Rectory by the Rev. R. M- Jones, Rural Dean and Rector of St. Paul’s,; Southampton. Other clergy present were Rev, A, J. Ostle, Chesley; Rev. F. N. TalmefJTHanover/Rev. G. Hamil­ ton, Lipri’s Head, who was ;w<ql- ?cbmed into 7tfie" DqanWy; RevvrFr Tomkinson, .Paisley; Rev. M,' A. Stephens, Wiar.tori; and the Rev, G. H,. Kidd, Walkerton, who will return to Ireland at the epd of the month. , Matters for discussion were: the Every Member Visitation and Canvass in 'each church in the Deanery, the visit of Bishop Helber Wilkinson of India to the Deanery, a central Confirmation Service for the Deanery in Feb­ ruary, and the organization of the Brotherhood of (Anglican Churchmen in each parish. v \ Mrs. H. L. Jennings, assisted by her mother, Mrs. C. Laurence of Gorrie, served dinner. The next meeting will be- on Monday, October Sth in conjunc- j tion with the Fall meeting oF the 1 tdry prayer. W.A. at the Church of the * 4 Messiah, Kincardine. at on of I FOURTH CONCESSION p ‘ ——7— f * . , Mrs. George Lockhart Was “ the Western Fair, London, Tuesday. Miss Margaret MacDonald Sarnia was home for the week- ,Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jamieson of Montreal and Mrs. L. Maclver of Lucknow visited Thurst^y with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie. > Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham spent Wednesday with relatives "at Drayton. • s • ROOFING I Ready Before Winter. METAL ROOFING Call in for Free Estimates ■ r. ■ ■ ..... —■■■ ■ •................... - . --------X I —. ■ -■■■ . , ■ ■ • ft . • . WE’VE ROOFING FGR ALL YOUR NEEDS / ? •J 1949 FORD COACH COACH 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. 1947 CHEV. SEDAN '4 • Now Is The Time To Get Your Roof jAshfield......W.M.S^^t:'_l.._7^^;^ The September meeting of the’ Ashfield W.M.S. was held St the home ,of Mrs; • Hugh MacKenzie. Mrs. Reuben Wilson, who was in charge of the program, opened | the meeting with prayer, Mrs. i Fred McGregor read the scripture lesson and the meditation on it. The-meditation was composed by Mrs. Wilson. Anna Mae MacDon­ ald offered prayer. The roll call was answered by . naming a mis­ sionfield, A new committee was appointed to prepare the pro­ grams for 1954;. A >card with. the names of. all members present, is to be mailed to~Mrs. D. A. Mac- I I Lean, who was absent owing to | • illness; After<the collection, Mrs. J Colin McGregor, gave the offer- J ‘ . Mrs; Earl Howes read about the Christian church in Africa from the study book. ■ Mrs. Jamieson read about Jem~ ima~ Thompson, a hymn writer. She wrote the “Sweet Story of Old” as phe rode along on a stage coach. Mrs; Tqm McDonald gave a review outline of the Glad [ Tidings. After hymn 684. and the j national anthem; Mrs. Wilson | gave the closing prayer. Mrs. Mc­ Kenzie and helpers served re- i freshments and a social time was* ^enjoyed. There were 29. presents I I LANGSIDE I USED CAR Clearance Sale MUST BE SOLD I * ROLL ROOMING in 45 lb., 55 lb; and 90 lb., SHINGLE ROLL, New Pattern supertite ASPHALT shingles 210 lb. ASPHALT SHINGLES in the Popular Blends Cedar shingles JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED ’Phone 150 Lucknow. Ont. 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN ----— ; 1953 CHE-k SEDAN ' ' • I TWO 1952 STYLELINE CHEV. REDANS 1 1952 r 1951 [■ 1951 ► 1949 ! 1949 ) 1948 J 1948 ► THREE 1948 CHEV. COACHES [ 1947 MERCURY SEDAN ..1946 CHEV, SEDAN—1 ’ 11'—“rn94T^EV7~COACH--“ t 1937 CHEV. SEDAN 1942 DODGE COACH . ■ TRUCKS ■- I 1948 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP .. n 10 TWO-TON ARMY TRUCKS, available soon " PONTIAC COACH CHEVROLET SEDAN 1951 DODGE SEDAN POWERGLIDE CHEV. COACH, fully equipped chev. DELUXE SEDAN FORD CUSTOM SEDAN OLDSMOBILE FLEETLINE CHEV/COACH | Brussels Motors X Huron ^County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers.S Cash, Trade, Terms — Open Evenings Until 10 § Cities Service Dealer — - Phone 73x, Brussels * ■ • ■ • ' / Congratulations ot Mr. & Mrs. Donald Stewart (nee Gladys Blake of Colborne Twp.), who wera married last Saturday af­ ternoon, Sept, 19th. .Earl Crow- ston was groomsman. , \ ; Miss- Lois Crowston, accompan­ ied by Miss Lorraine McDonald, spent a few days last week in Flint and Detroit; Mrs. Clark Johnson, Linda and Janetta, spent the week-end with Mr.; and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin? Mr. Donald Huffman & Clar- ence Crowston went to Chatham to work. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simpson .. spent the week-end with par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simp­ son.___:_____- \ ■ ' ." ' ' ■ ■ . The Young People’s Society will commence their meetings for the Fall Friday evening in the church. Miss Lois Crowston, Earl and Marlow, Crowston of Kincardine were guests at the Stewart-Blake wedding Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Henry E. Olson and Mrs. Ejar.1 Murray of Duluth, Minn^, -and Mrs. Chas. C. -Sher­ wood of Detroit called on Mr, and Mrs. Russell Ritchie last week. They are ‘ sisters of Mrs. Chester Ritchie, formerly of Paramount district. It is quite a few years Since Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Ol­ son have vfeited the home com­ munity. . . Mr.‘and Mrs.;Ted Collyer, Mr. and Mrs, . Neil McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. -Wes -Young, : Mr.: and Mrs.- Bert Moffat, Jimmy and Donna _atteilded_Londb_n Fait. The Ladies Aid was held at ♦the home of Mrs. Wm. Orf, Mrs. Wm. Evans presiding. Hymn 582 was sung and prayer. Mrs. Bert Moffat, read the scripture; Mrs. Peter Moffat gave the meditation and prayer. Business was discuss­ ed; Birthday dates are to be sought at 10c each to be put on calendars made for Ladies Aid* All to be handed in by October 9th; It wa$ decided to- have, a bazLaar-^nd^sorial^October30th. Letter of thanks was read, also a lotter from the clerk of the church on behalf of the Session of appreciatiqn for the gifts, giv­ en to the church by the Ladies Aid and, interest they have shovvh: Readings were given by Mfs. J; Crowston, Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. Wes Young,, Mrs. Neil Donald, Doliena, Orr. and ' Mrs; I Feagah* Thanks Were extended to 1 Mrs. Orr fdr her hom'S. Hymn 511 was supg. The Lortfs prayer I ’j?“j**''i,**'***f**“‘^^ 1952 Ford Customline, 2-door, blue, low mileage f951_Forri Sedan. green. low mileage 1950 1949 1949 . 1949 1949 1947 1947 1951 1950 1941 Plymouth 2-door.- blue X. Ford 2-door, black .................. Ford Sedan, grey Meteor 2-door, blue.... ..... Meteor Sedan, green Mercury-2-door, 2--tone green, radio Monarch Sedan, blue ........... ..... . Mercury Sedan, maroon ............. .... . Austin Sedan, grey ..... Austin Sedan, grey . Nash 2-door, green1940 1939 Chrysler Sedan, blue 1936 1941 1938 Chev; 1937 1937 1936 1937 Chrysler Olds.; Chev. . Hudson,blue .:.......: . . / ' 4 .... .:..... ..........:............................■/ 1 $1745.00 1395.0,0 “1245700- . 895.00 1095.00 . 995.00 1045.00 7695:0OT . 545.00 . 495.00 . 495.00 . 345.00 “’150:00“ 150.00 75.00 ’• 150.00 —95.00— 75.00 50.00 25.00 65.0D \ 1952 1951 1949 1947 1951 1951 USED TRUCKS Fargo K’-ton, very low mileage ..... Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury 3 -ton 3-ton, completely reconditioned 2- ton with stake rack 3- ton, reconditioned motor 3-ton 1948 Mercury 3-ton 1946' Chev. 1-tpn • 1950 Mercury Ms-ton with racks 1952 Ford Tractor and ,one-way disc We e. 4-— > M a a a. 1953 Meteors $1095.00 . 800.00 800.00 . 550.00 1000.00 . 600.00 “600:00- . 400.00 . 700.00 . 800.00 Two ditching, outfits are carry- TRAVEL IS OUR BUSINESS SEE YOUR was repeated. A dainty lunch was. seryed by Mrs. Orr and Doll- ing out operations on the Second cna. Concession. 4 If yoti’re going places—whether for business or pleasure—to any destination near or far, - keep us ever in mind. Travel is our business—tra vel in Canada, United States, West . Indies, Europe, etc.! We’ll beglad to help you with ’ your plans, and will do our best to mike your trip a pleasant one. V-f-.Ksl Canadian National Railways For reservations and informa-' tioh regarding, your business and HgH' pleasure travel, see, ■ write , or phone .your local Canadian ’ Nat- IS