The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-16, Page 84 TT 'P*' >asaD a / I 1 •V < *< ) FOR SALE AT Finlay Decorators tf I r i I. feet V ^Easyfy f . V refrigerators, sparkling DULUX Super White. - I. ■ ■ ?Phone 218, Lucknow,, Ont. THAT Ray Stanley of the Black­ horse district was the winner —ofthe-$1000-supeTspecialprize at the last Teeswater bingo. m iniiim I «n iM S > Life Insurance . WEDNESDAY, SEPT; 16th, 1953 ■I" . .. .... J. Alex B. McKague ’Phone 96-w —, TEESWATER, ONT. “WE INSURE EVERYTHING INSURABLE” THE ONLY POLICY OF ITS KIND FOR SALE IN CANADA - For- Full Particulars, With^ Absolutely No Obligation To Buy . apply, to ' 4” THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ASHTON’S z 7 35c A I , bar tack* at all points , of strain for longer wear. Vourbestoverall buy, because Haugh's “Big 88” ara better! • A bjrilliantly ivliite enamel that stays white. Dries with a sparkling porce­ lain-like surface that’s easy to clean as-a piece of china. Keep kitchens, bathrooms, white with safe(MMIIllW#®*WJWWWBWB*H•»<•»««» < < 4 '•'4 '■< ■' 4 4 ■"4 ■ 4 Good Values Fol bining Haugh's Sanforized Gold ; Label cloth and finest workman? 4 ship . . Extra full cut for more comfortable fit, with the “Tug-of- war" crotch and heavy diamond < 4 ’ ' ‘ ■' -J; ^AGE EIGHT CMhts fittt tan/A Hard Wear! I SEE BY THE SENTINEL (Continued from page IX THAT George Westlake is moving from Wingham to the apart­ ment over Button’s ’ Butcher Shop./ OVERALLS //../fBI'Ilflt UM* Housh’« ,’Bla «»” Ovwall« or. I ’• fHomlum' arodo •worollt —con* —o— • THAT Lucknow. Fire Company has' accepted a, challenge/to a softball encounter with the ' Wingham Brigade. The date is not set... Clair Johnston is try­ ing to work up a foot ; “race” as a side > attraction; featuring -threelocakheavywejght-speed- steis’k^/; "■ MEN^S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Goods and Woollens A A A'A JbJkJb.A.AAdkAdRdR.AdkJk THAT the tender of Mr. Herb Kuntz of Formosa has been ap- ceptpcl fqr the^bU|i(dihgs .at thd new-County fprest farm on Con. 1, Culross. The buildings are to be removed. They in­ clude a frame ibarn, straw shed, implement shed, log house, 2j storey frame house, hen house and double garage. -J-o— THAT in renewing their ’ Seri-V tinel subscription, Mrs. C. B. Woolley of. Dobbinton, says: “We watch eagerly for ’your newgy,. clean little paper each week and read even the ads. We knew you needed two weeks’ holidays, but it seemed hard to get along without The Sentinel so long”. \ OBLTUARY JAMES PICKERING The comipunity has expbrienc- : ed a great shock and a heavy i_loss_in_jthe passingpf^James Henry Pickerings He was taken by a siiddeh heart attack - on Wednesday night, August 26th, and uvas found by his sister, Mar- _ garet, the hext morning. A ter- ciples and character, the cheerful and loving nature which was much in evidence* in the life of the deceased. Mr. Winn likened the Christian life to a pilgrimage in a strange land which ends rible sorrow settles upon us when loved ones are suddenly summon- ed, andv thei prayers 6f Christian friends and neighbors are for Mr. XL .^i^efm^s rbereaye^ sister, Mar- > garet, in this her ’hour of loneli- > ssiess and sadness for her brother 7 was very precious to her. ; James Kckering was born at Paifempuyit, Ashfield Township, on April' 14th, 1876 and married Christina Murray in 1904, Mrs; Pickering died in 1924, and her husband then returned to Luck­ now.from Brantford where they had been living*. The funeral was held at the Pickering residence on Havelock StonMonday^AugusU31sLat^2 pan. A large, number of friends were present and many lovely floral tributes expressed in their, way > the great esteem in which Mr. Pickering was held. His min- (from\ personal experience and : tpld of the strong Christian. prin- September AT I.G.A. .Aylmer' Pork & Beans, 13 oz.,- 2 for 27c Stockley’s Honey Pod Peas .... 2 for 37c I.G,A. Catsup, 13 oz; ...*.*.. 22c Crisco, lb.1 . ............... 35c Gerbers Baby Foods, 2 for 19c Marshmallows, lb. bag ...* 37c Campbells Tomato or . / . Vegetable Soups .... 2 for 25c sisters (Mary (Catharine) Mrs. ’ Leach; (Elizabeth) Mrs. McGuire and Janet Ethel, had predeceased hint. The interment was in Green­ hill Cemetery. MRS. WM. ROBINSON .. . *1 ’ . - ’ • 4 ’ x ’ ■ „. '7 The death of Mrs. William Rob-, insOn occurred in Lucknow on Monday, September 7th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Kilpatrick. She would have been 92 in November. Mrs. Robinson was ill only a comparatively short time but had failed rapidly and the end was not unexpected. She was a lovely old lady and —-------_ ... ihad made a host of friends here ertson, Virden Mowbray, Norman i since she and her husband re­ Taylor and W. T. Roulston. Flow- hired to Lucknow from their er bearers were: John Murdoch, I farm in Wawanosh. Mr. Robin- when the Celestial Ci^risreacli^ 1 Relatives attending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Howe of Fordwich; Miss J^an McGuire of Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rhiel aridf family of Goderich; Mrs. Mary Alexander, Mrs. Mary Aumann, Mr. and Mrs. George Spilth, Mr. and Mrs. Etchells, all of whom are from Detroit; The pallbearers were W. W. Hill, Jim Henderson; Stuart Rob-i Wm. Fisher, Wm. McGill, Janies Cameron, R. j. MpcKenzie, Cam­ eron Cooke, John McRae, Donald McCharles. James Pickering Was a faithful member of the Lucknow Presby­ terian Church for years, as well asbeinga^member of—Session- and Session Clerk for some time. He was' Sunday Sbhool superin­ tendent at. one time and served His Lord \well.- He wa^ a mem­ ber of the Library Board* at the time-ofhisdeath. —— He. is survived by his sister, Margaret. His brother, John; four Challenger Sockeye Salmon Food Saver Wax Paper 31c Mild Factory ‘ Cheese, lb. 43c Orange juice,‘48 oz......... 35c Oranges, 252's .. 2 doz. 63c Grapefruit, 100's .. '5 for ,27c Pepper Squash ... .. 2 for 19c Washed Celery ..... 2 for 19c -Watch—for—I.G.A.a<Ivt.~in—Thursday-s-Free—Pressfor-—— additional good values at your I.G.A. - SMITH’S FOOD MARKET EALLORW1NTER-HATS——- Now is the time, to choose that Smart Fall or. Winter Hat from our beautiful selection of. velvets, felts arid velours: Moderately . priced from *ZS,....$3*50 to $5.95 BEDSPREADS New Fall shlpinent of homespun bedspreads, in shades green, coral, wine, blue -and pink. Sizes 80x100. ■ Only $6.75 THAT some '“new faces” are to be seen behind the counters in local stores. Mr. and Mrs. “Bus­ ter” Whitby are both employed now. in ' the Lucknow Fruit ~Market7Mrs^EvaBlack~isto work at the Market Store and Mrs. Edith Webster is as­ sisting afternoons in Rath well’s Shoe Store. Miss Lorraine Mac- —DonaldisemployedatGhin’s Restaurant. THAT Vernon Hunter and Lofne Reid have been exhibiting Hol- . stein cattle at Western Fair. THAT this' is /the season of rally dayservicesinTocaland dis­ trict churches and the local Sunday Schools Association is advocating, “attend, your Sun- . day School every Sunday”. son passed away in 1947. ’“‘Mrs. Robinson was formerly Elizabeth Ann Campbell, daugh­ ter of Thomas Campbell and Eliza McBurriey. She was born in Beverley Township near Galt but spent the "greater part *of her life^inthis“districtrOn“March_317 1885, she was married at White- church. and^ for over fifty years Mr.Z/and Mrs. Robinson farmed in tne Donnybrook district where they were esteemed and upright citizens. Active in church work; Mrs. Robinson was a faithful member^of Donnybrook United Church and a life member of the W.M.S. The funeral service was held’ at the McLennan - MacKenzie Memorial Chapel oil Wednesday of last week, conducted by Rev. G. A. Meiklejohh Of Lucknow. Interment was in Wingham Cenf- etery. Pallbearers were John Mason, Athol Bruce, Chas. Rob­ inson, Bert Thompson, Dustari BeecrOft and Norman Rintoul. Mrs. Robinson is survived by three sons, Ed of' Minneapolis; Dr. Harold Robinson,. Walkerton; Dr. W. G. Robinson, Dryden; two daughters, Mrs. Cecil Wheeler. (Laura), Blyth; Mrs. j." S. Kil­ patrick (Annie); Lucknow. A son Ernest died in 1942f. end tWo. dau- _ghters^_L.aura_Beii—and—Lillian^ died in infancy. * Mrs. Robinson is survived by one sister, Mrs. Bella Knowles of Hamilton. THAT . the individual student lockers at the high school are1 a new inovation for Lucknow district students. Each has its individual combination for op- . ening of the locker, and for a few days this posed quite a problem in. getting onto the new “twist”. ’ —r—-------—----------(J--. - THAT, early Saturday morning a.. three weeks.’ drought was brok­ en by a heavy rainfall that measured almost "an inch and ahalf.Raincontinuedatinter- vals throughout the day and - on Sunday. THAT Monday was meeting night in town as one could readily note by the parked cars lineup. These meetings included Pub- • lie School Board, United Church ; Official Board, the Fire Com- p^ny, Ladies' Auxiliary and the “ Village Council. ;Z PAYS $10,000 at death if you die from natural causes. PAYS $20,000 at death if caused by accidental means before age 60. ■ ■' ■'? PAYS $30,0Q0 at death if cahsed by accidental means, before age 60 while a passenger in certain public cori- . veyances or if diie to a fire in k public building (hotel, hospital, etc.). ’ . ' PAYS $10,000 for loss of two eyes, two hands or two PAYS $10,000 for loss of any two of above. PAYS $5;000 for loss of an eye, hand or foot. PAYS $1,250 for thumb and index finger. PAYS $100 .a month if totally disabled (beforb age . 55. No Premiums To Pay If Totally'Disabled. _—r-_ OH^ CLOTH— < : ’■'( . ■ ■ ,« - "« . Brand riew patterns and colors in . . Oil Cloth, 54 in, wide, only 95d yd. , ‘ Green, red and Grey Plasterhide, 54 iri. widej drily $1.85 yd. ■ -j. ■ LINOLEUM RUGS Lovely bright patterns & colors. Size 18x36/Only .7.....19c each ' • ——~ ■ HGUSEDRESSES Don’t go about, the house in that old housedress. Be sure and see : our brand new stock* .Sizes from 14 td 52, 'also half sizes. • XOnly $2.98 —■■■— ------------- — - BOYS’ PANTS ‘ Boys’ Parity for school arid play. Sizes 24 to 34. Price only $2.75 MENSWEAR’■ ■ The popular Sweatshirt of cotton jersey, soft fleecy lining. Sizes, shiall*, medium, large. Price $2.25A< ■ Men’s . Airfotce. Blue . Trousers, . all xVoql, sizes 38 to 42 .........$7*50 Work. Socks, Various weights, 1 jvHaps6h arid .Periman brands. Priced from 49c to $1.10 per pair