The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-09, Page 7X k; •S 4 WEDNESDAY, SEPT; 9th, '1953 0 \ ___ . x of and A- ■fi SUPPLIES t» < •9 EVERY ARTICLE •t IN STORE ON THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO | Kairshea institute august activities ■ A 0 “r—. T- "t' I During August the Kairshea W. L was entertained by the Purple Drove Institute in the .school on August, 13th, On August 21st; ten ,members of. th-e Kairsheii joined the district.busload who went’.to loronto for Canada Day of the A.C.W.W, meetings in the Maple- Leaf Gardens.. Those attending were Mrs. Huston, M<rs. Hughes, Mis. Steer, Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre Mrs. George Lodkhart, Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon,, Mrs. Walter Mac- - ..^.D^ie>—Mrs.- W;/. E—MaeDorialdT- Mrs Richard Martin, Mrs/ D.. H/ Cai-futhers. \ . ■, ^he Grandmothers’ fneeting for the month was h’eld in HoLyroctd hall with Mrs. P. Steer and M^s. G, Wall as hostesses. There wis a good attendance and an interest­ ing program enjoyed. The grand­ mothers were in" a group and each was presented with a corsage, and Mrs. Wall - Had-, several prizes for a grandmothers’ contest. Mrs. T. Collyer had a splendid motto, “Home is . the golden setting im which the brightest . jewel is mother”. Readings on: the theme were given'by Mrs. Dickie, Mrs. •Roulston and Miss Dean Mac- Leod.^ '• .. , The songs, “Long, Long Ago” and .'“My- Grandfather’s Clock’-’, were . sung by . the group. Mrs. Steer sang “The Sweet old sohgs I heard - mv Mother sing” and .“Mother ^achree”. These Were, much enjoyed. The roll . call was answered by' “Something I have which my mother did’not . have”, Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall had charge .of a display of. grand- mothers’ handicrafts. Mrs. Alex Sutherland gave the closing re­ marks. . ' The September meeting will be in Holyrood Hall with Miss A. MacLCod and; 'Mrs. D. H. Car- /ruthers as hostesses arid the dir- betors .are Mrs^ D.. McConnell, Mrs. Evan Keith, Mrs. T. Mac- Kenzie and Mrs; S. Ghislett. this’ n’ that by ■ ROSEMARY THYME Cariruthers. KITCHENER BREWERY IS EXPECTED TO CHANGE; HAND J PAGE SEVEN ’gredients.1 Boil mixture slowly un- Graham during the summer, has til thick and fruit is tender. Stir returned home, J Often to prevent * burning. Seal in sprite jars. FOURTH CONCESSION . The fallowing teachers have re turned to their schools: Miss Mar-. garet MapDonald to Sarnia; .Miss Christine Thompson -to Oshawa; Mr Murray Thompson tp Wind­ sor and Miss Betty Hamilton to Rapid City. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon were in Stratford Saturday .where; Mrs. MacKinnon attended the re­ union of her graduating class, , -> Miss»Helen MacIntyre of Flint, Mich., spent the holiday week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coll­ yer: Mr. John Barton of Drayton, who has been assisting Mr. Allan Last night I was lining, up for you sonie idea^ to beat tine, heat, Tonight I am planning on digging out another woollen blanket for me./. .< i . Nice to have it cool though; I expect everyone, is busy canning iand~_picklirig^-Smack—in-the-mid- ale of the/fall fruit season: Peach and Pepper1 Relisni*!gave you last Sept.? After I Kad ipade it,, I didn’t feel it’ was too suc­ cessful a product, Apparently it needs to age in the jar, I opened a pint this summer when we had guestsyand.it disappeared just like a July snowfall, and another pint went just, as fa'st, right af­ ter. Delicious............... or cold pork. Peach and Grange /am: 1.2 medium sized. sized oranges, peel from brie and i a half oranges, cup chopped maraschino cherries, 4% cup§ of sugar. Wash .and peel and pit the peaches. Peel the oranges and grind peaches, oranges and orange peel. Measure into a large preserving kettle and add an equal amount of sugar. Bring to boiling point, slowly and boil rap­ idly until thickened, about 30? min. Add the cherries at the end of 15 min. cooking. Stir often to prevent sticking. Pour into ster- ic jars and seal. Maybe -your family likes a var- Hetyof;freshpeachrdessertsright now, instead of putting them all away for winter, Everyone loves them sliced with a thin syrup poured over. They are delicious, -s 1 ieedy-w i th—si i eed—ora n ges—in—a? lemon jelly. — Peach Tarts: j cups sliced peaches, 2 tsp. lemon juice, cup sugar, 1 tbsp.' cornstarch, 4 large * baked pastry tart shells. Sprinkle I peaches with lemon ijuice and sugar; let stand one hour. Gook peaches several minutes until barely tender. , Drain; there should be 1. cup syrup. Gradually add syrup to cornstarch. Cook over low heat until thick, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add peaches; cool. Pour intd tart shells/ . ’ Little Peach Shortcakes: 2 cups flour, Vz tsp. salt, 4 tsp. bak. pdr., 1 tbsp, sugar,, one-third cup of yhoilenimgyT-^eH^^ cup imilk; sift dry ingredients; cut in shortening until mixture is like coars^ crumbs. Add com­ bined egg and milk, stirring until just rhoistened. Turn .but on slightly flouredboard. 'Pat duugh" with pork chpps, rv__ ______ -rZ___ _ • n) peaches, 3 medium V A L ( $ I s L V I » ;• I I L r. L -"The Ranger Brewing Company, Ltd!, Kitchener, will be sold to Canadian Breweries, .Ltd"; a chain operated by E. P. Taylor, it was indicated on Saturday. The an nouncement came from William P. Renaud, Ranger president, who said he is recommending to shareholders acceptance of the oi- ■ fer to 'purchase1 ; outstanding ’ shares of the company. “ ““ A Toronto executive of. Can­ adian Breweries, Ltd., confirm­ ed the offer to purchase but had no other commerit.. It is under­ stood, however, the new, owners' ' will continue operation of the i /* I r I L i* A- HARTLEY hiSv ho < SALE 1 \ UP TO 50 Percent Shop WALKERTON i brewery. Whether the name .will 14 inch thick and cut with large: be changed is'mot known. The biscuit cutter. Place, half of brewery chain already operates 1 circles on . baking sheet. • Brush. Brading Breweries. Ltd., in Wind-i with melted butter.' Top with re­ sor and Ottawa/ Carling. Brewer-1 maining circles of dough. Bake in lie's Ltd., in Waterloo. • and-;.hot oven, until baked; about ',15 ■ | maining circles of dough. Bake in Waterloo, - and ;hot oven. un.tiPbaked',' about ;15 i I' u. I chlv • independent breweries in es between layei$ arid pver top. Southern Ontario a: e ’Labatt's in - Serve’ hot with plain or whipped oiKeef'e's'litd. in Toronto. The min. Put sliced, sweetened peach- e I London'. Beliefs' in- Hamilton and ] cream. ; <’ne in Form1-sa. Tnvj-v are a few independent rirny’m ♦lie, north.. 1 H:stdiy e! the' brewery hack -to'.biOO'' when, the ] . I.ioiB. e\\ v’rv wa<1ikmded;- l^ater the-Xanie was char.ye.l to Heuth- ef Brewery. In 1.93.6 the-company name'-was -chang'd to .BluC Top. ■ Breweries. Ltd., and opei ations • weiP continued tindvr that riam'e ■Hint-d-lyst year when the coinpaity ’ w.is leeigam/ed, and the .present iidiHe adi'i.p/d,—.^Iii\eiton Sun. ZION Did . you know that ' -.wild grapes, make, the most delicious • goes ' flaVered juice, .jelly ’ and -.catsup?' Berlin ''So 'many.Wild fruits have a. flav­ our that, can’t be beat .... thorn- apples, chokecherries, Wild crab-.- -apples • (maybe they aren’t wild' . . . I just figure thej/are because I find them on the roadside,, or in the fields). For juice . ... . add a cup of ' • w’atef "to every • 5 Tbs. ’ of ;grapes. ' Cook slowly until soft. Strain: ■ -rehe-aB-K-^®^^ to each qq'aft of juice. Heat to Veiling. To. make jelly use the same procedure to straining, then add . ;’,4 cup sugar to each cup of , juice. Boil until it sheets from the spoorf. ... / . - Wild, grape catsup .. . /■ two. , quarts /grapes; cover with virie- w;j.f ' gar: Heat through. But through colander;, add 1, cup, sugary I ts£. cassia," 1--tsp; cloves,, pinch' all­ spice, ]-2 tsp. pepper? Cook slo.w- a i i hp bottles./' " X. T ... K 4 n t / i 1 ’ ;y ' .• •• .. ■ y!:y .... a.buys hit- I. '• Lots of green'.tomatoes?. Make ' some Green Tomato, Mincement , 4 quarts green tomatoes,’ 2 quarts pared and cored apples, 1 i fb. raisins, 4’ tbsp, chopped/citron I or lemon peel, 4 tsp. cinnamon., Jr, tsp. allspice; G tsp. cloves, 5, 'cups brown, .sugar, 2 eupS'vine1- Sii’- ........... ir'lA'-xv'UK'-. lrS'4' ‘ arid apples fine, Add remaining iri- . ." ■ ’ v ‘ - J • .. ' . ' ■' S * tx M ,y. ’ Ei-aftk .< r '... . : Kirkland spent-.'a .the Fx. - ‘ -wol .wIl-, Vo'at. .10.15 fav'mdnfh' of , ....... _ . r , Wdiw cveuiug. .g;u\.2 cups watey. Chop .Watoes Ji ‘ t /