The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-02, Page 3WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 2nd, 1953 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, W0KNQM ONTARIO '■ 1 I t 1 LUCKNOW t UNITED CHURCH | Minister: 0 • ‘ j Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn,. | JMU B.D. | SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th I 10 a.nu: Sunday School. I 11 a.m.: “All Matters, Because}of This”. J _ 7^pa».:"”“Iiere and There at i ’ • WorshijT, ' • . — X 5? Local & General ofMw;iand “rs- D- McAlpine S£ent thei1' vacation at Amberley 'Beach, ^rs" J' A' Thompson 4nd.<inuny of Tweed . were holi­ day visitors: with friends here; . Miss Ethel Robertson is con^.. sjrill tOi be<1 fono,^ng a heart Mtrs\ Dgri Ward was ordered .tcr/~ked at the week-end with pneumonia. v - J LucknoW Presbyterian Church , Rev. C, A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th 10.00 ajn.: Sunday School. , 11.00 a.m*: Rev. Robert Mac- corine 11. '' 3,00 p.m.: Erskine, Dungan-1 non. Rev Macconnell. I 7.00 pan.: Rev. $Iacconnell. •' ' . .... •' ’ * • • •! r ■ • . PAGE THREE OBITUARY MRS. WM. R, MARTIN Mrs, Wim, R. Maritin passed away at her home, on Friday, August 14th, exactly, ten years from the day her late husband was’ buried, Mys., Martin ’had been in failing, health for a long per­ iod and .critically, i_U (fpr several weeks but bore her suffering without complaint and with Christian fortitude. She was bom ip Kiriloss on August 20th, 1883, youngest dau­ ghter Of the late. .Dayir ZCarruth- ers and his wife Rachel Lockhart. .•■SKe^wa^’rriaiWed to Wm/Robert Martin‘in 1907 by Rev. D. L. Mc- Kerrol, Sh^ is survived by four children;, Wm, Frederick and Goldwin Lockhart, of Paramount, John David Martin, principal of Thornhill Public, School Who re­ sides at Maple and Ethel Rae (Mrs. Allans Stuart) of R.R. 1, EganviUe, in Renfrew &o. She leaves five grandchildren, David Maftin, and John, Margaret, Mary and Ethel Stuart. Her only sister, Mrs. Annie Creech, lives at Pine River. Her two brothers, John. T, and David Carruthers, predeceas­ ed her,. . ■ • * . . >u. Service was held at her late residence, day, Augus Parker of church conducting; the service and interment was ifi Greemhill Cem­ etery. The pallbearers were Dav­ id, Elliott and Irwin Carruthers, Eddie Creech, John Moffat and Austin Martin. The many ibeauti-. ful floral tributes were carried by the neighbors. Friends from a distance attend­ ing the funeral were - Mr. and Mrs. J.. Hallawell from Concord, Mrs. J< Valiant from Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Moffatt, Mrs., Geo. -T-horripson-and-M-r^and-Mrs^Meb Mdrison from Bognor near Owen Sound. LAUCHLIN C. MacIVER After months "of weakness and suffering, Lauchlan C. Maclver passed away, peacefully in Kin­ cardine Hospital on Wednesday evening, August 26th. He iwas born in Lucknow, June 22, 1868, and when three years pld moved to the iarm, Cohcessibn 4, Huron where he grew to manhood. On July 8th, 1903, he was married in . Harrisville, Michigan, to Mar- garet La Chapelte and this year the couple celebrated their gold­ en wedding anniversary at the 4)ome-oL4hfrir-daughteF-and-son— in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ira Dickie of Kinloss, when many friends and neighbors shared the happy eyent. Mr. Maclver was a genial kindly man, a good and helpful -neighbor^andfriendT-devoted-to~ his home and family and to his church where he Was an esteem­ ed elder. His health ^declined fol­ lowing the sudden (accidental death of his only son Donald in the fall of 1951. His eldest daugh­ ter, Frances (Mrs. Donald Brough) died in 1932, He is survived by his Wife and two daughters, Sarah (Mrs. W. Townson of Sudbury, Elizabeth {Mrs. Ira Dickie); elevep grand­ children arid one half brother, Mr. Tom Ross of , Toronto. His frothers, John, Dan, Will Ken­ neth and George predeceased Him, also two sisters, Lizzie (Mrs. Wm. MacLeod) and Mary Jane (Mrs. Dan MacDonald). The funeral in South Kiriloss Fresbyterian church on Saturday afternoon was conducted by his minister, Rev. G. S. Baulch, who spoke-wor-ds-nfjicomfor.t—concerm-~ - ing the Christian’s hope. PaiiLcannot;effect Us always, Brighter days will soon be here, ’ Sorrow may oppress us often, . Yet a happier time is nerir! ’ All along our earthly journey This reflection lights the way: . Nature’s darkest hour., is always Just before the break of. day< » , ■ • »' ■ .«■ •' ' Mr. and Mrs. Murray Richard- ^rF“iind~^vn^hitdren-“nf—Fort‘S Erie, spent a couple of weeks with her mother, Mfs. Bessie Shirley and with Mr. and Mrs. . Hirvey Webster. : *. , Mrs. Kenneth Farrish and her daughter,. Mrs. Hugh McKenzie '* and two children, Duncan and Jgiily McKenzie, attended the Mc­ Grath-Nelson wedding in Toron- to. Mrs; Nelson, the bride’s moth- eri spent a week iri Toronto prior to’the Wedding. SALADA’ '^ill; Stjmspri, Jr,, Ippal C.N.R. section foreman, is on^a» holiday tnp. to the West. : . ; ‘ Mrs. Charles Lorenz has moved from the Henderson Apartments to her home on Ludgard Street Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacDonald and children of Ottawa haVe been holidaying here and at the*1 Stewart, cottage at Point Clark. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier and .Winhifred and Mrs. Mary Tiffin of Whitechurch visited .Sunday with Mr. and-Mrs. Sam Reid. .' Mr. ..and Mrs.. Charles Smith of Blenheim visited here last .week upoh returning from a trip thru Northern Michigan via Mariitou-1- in Island. 1 , Mr. and Mrs. Jack’Clark, an/ their daughter Kathleen . of Southampton were recyent callers in town. Mrs.; Clark, was formerly Birdie Macintosh.. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Havens re­ turned the first of the week after "a . tvvo " weeks’ " trip to Saskatche­ wan,to visit relatives. They trav­ elled’ by train, '■ Mrs. R. H,.Thompson and Wil7 ■ rim'd^hbmps'on arri spending the week in Toronto. Miss Helen •Thompson/has .. been visiting af Huntsville.' Mrs< Wm. MacDonald of Hani/ iiton has bee'n visiting with Mrs. Duncan MacDonald and -renew­ ing old .friendships here and at St. Helens.: Mr.. John MacLeod returned to his home in Speers, Sask., after visiting his rriother, Mrs. John MacLeod and his sister, Mrs. Harry Nixon Of town, Mi\ Murray MacDonald of Win- nipeg visited receritly^at Peter G. Moffat’s anl renewed old friend- ships-i-n-^theriba ngsi de-d istrict“He ~is~a~rriephew of the late George Murray," Lome borough iri—towu__T________ mother, Mrs: Janet MacDonald Seaforth, has been vacationing the Beach, despite the fact she in hrir 92nd year, v. Mr. and Mrs. Jim two children David Anri are holidaying I aramount, on Mon­ Rev. H. L. , Anglican DULUX EXTERIOR /• An exceptionally tough, [ lustrous enamel, specially made for doors, window frames and other outside trim, wood or metal. Fast drying • lessens risk of spotting fr,om insects, dust/etc. Made in 6 popular colours (and/lack) which h heir colour and gloss^far "longer than ordinary paints and enamels. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and ..Mrs: Lome B. Reid of Ripley announce the engage-: nient of their daughter, Fvelyn Eilene to James. Marshall,- son of ML:... And7 .Mrs- ■ J ack JB rad ley p f '. Ashifeld. Wed'ding to take place the latter part Of September., ... Mr. and Mrs. Ewart D. Mac- . Phers&n announce the engage- •ment of their daughter, Jean Isa- ibel, to Mr. Thomas Harold Wade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wade of Bfelgraye . The marriage to take place Saturday, Septem- / “ber 12th^af two o’clock in Wing- ham Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs; James Ansley Henry, Wingham, 'wish to ari- : nounce tfrri engagement of their daughter, Donna Marguerite, to James Stanley Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stanley Hall, Wingham. The marriage will take •place in Wingham United Church /on Tuesday,. September 15th at ——3;30 p.nv——' Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gaunt, Whitechurch, wish to announce I the engagement of their^briry^dau— 4 ghte.r, Jean Elizabeth, to Donald James Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, Kinloss Township; The wedding to take place in -—Whitechureh-Rresby-terianchurch- ' Saturday, September 12th at o’clock. . . UPPER SCHOOL EXAM RESULTS < George Anderson: Trig.,: C. - Russell Barr: Eng Comp., Eng. Lit., II; Alg., II; Geom. C.; Zool., C; Phys., II; Chem., C; Fr. Au., C; French Crimp., C. Bill Baulch: Hist,, I. . Shirley Burden: E. Crimp., Ill; Zool.,C. J Gladys Chin: K Comp., C; Eng. Lit., Ill; Hist., II; Geom., C; Trig., Ill; French A., Ill; French Comp., Morley Chin: Phys., C; French Comp., C. ’ Carolyn Gibson: Hist.,, C; Trig., ' : ' ■ • S^tty^Hamilton: E. Corrip., ITU * Eng. Lit., Ill; Geom., II; Zoot, C; Lait. Comp., III;. French A.; C; Fr. Comp., C. ,, ■. /' / Joan Hamilton: Trig., L ,... Harold Howhld: Trig;, IIL , Mary MacMillan: E, Corrip., Ill; Eng. Lit., I; Hist., II; Geom., II: Zool., C,; Lat. Comp., II; French . Au., Ill; French Comp., II. , Donald MacNay:' Eng. Comp.,' IH; Eng. Lit., I; Alg., I; Trig., II; Geom., II; Phys:, C; Chem/ C; -^hcrAu/XrFreiKKTom^^Ip Murray McDonagh:. Eng. Lit T“IV Alg., l;; Geom., Ill; Chem., C; Edna Reid: Eng. Comp., Ill; •’Eng. Lit., I; Hist., II; Zorit/IL ChenL, III/Lst; Auth;, T; French Auth., II; French Comp., It , Dan Rosb: E.>Comp., C; E,‘Lit„ H; Trig., C; Pliys., C. It... . Nor'maf Sherwood: E. Corrip., C 2.00 i; tkv <• MacDonald of Peter- was a week-end caller He tells us that , his of at is Grant arid and Carol With his father, Mr. R. A. Grant, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Grant have two other boys. One of them has been, in Germany... fdr^bver a year. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Higgins of. Detroit are spending two weeks at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran. Mrs. Curran, who had been convalescing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Tom Ander­ son of Lu,cknow, was able to re­ turn to her home in Ashfield at' the’ first of the week’ Visitors at- the home of Mr. and ~MT57~^ScnTdy—^MacLeod~-o'f~^Luek-- now were Mr. John MacLeod of Speers, Sask.; Mr. .‘arid Mrs. Wil- ibert Hodgkinson and Kenneth of Wirigharn; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Good and three children of Tren­ ton; Mrs. Good was formerly Isa­ bel’Keith of .Tecswater. Mr. and Mrs. Carman FarriOr, Brian and Colleen of Toronto vis­ ited Tuesday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid. Mr.' and MrsZ-.W- A« RUssell have been spending three weeks with their, daughter/ Mrs. ,W*. A» McKibben, at Kincardine Beach. Eng. Lit.,'?;'Hist ~c7’Geom./ H: !’ Mr, and Wrs.-John Kilpatrick spent’ thd * week-end at Honey Harbor and on their return were accompariiicd by Marilyh Kilpat• rick who has spent ^he summer at. Del a wana *tnn. KoLne Kilpat- fick will tom a In there- until latei.. this month.'Glaclys Kilpatrick has fl gng, i* Hist., C; Geoim, n; . . . • Zeol., D* ^eiich Arith.,JC.* French , Cl. 1 '' spent the suninieu. •. Coh>p., e.spent’ the summeT, « ■ z / W.> 1 ■' ’ ■■ v ijj x t 1 I I Phone 218 tNAMCL I DULUX ■ KTERIOR TRIM Goderich Business College FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 14 DAY AND EVENING CLASSES .Practical Instruction in all Commercial..Subjects,- Courses approved by the Canadian Business Schools - . - Association___.■ :___—__=L | Telephone 1272 or 428W Goderich, Ontario fourth Concession STEVE STOTHERS MET CHARLIE BARBER IN B.C. At a^ Board of Trade and RotaryMiss Margaret MacDiarmid of Windsor is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. G/ MacKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Needham & family of Corunna were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mac­ Dougall and family and accom­ panied them to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MacDougall’s cottage at Midland for the* Week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Graham MacDon­ ald, Miss Margaret and Mac Mac­ Donald are enjoying a motor trip through Southern Ontario, Buf­ falo and other points.. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Townson & fain ily left, for Sudbury on Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Townson mot­ ored down again on Friday to attend Mrs. Townson’s- father’s funeral- on Saturday. , Mrs. Barton arid family of. Drayton have been visiting, with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham for j Progress which is now published the past two Weeks. - by his son. . Bailey's Beauty Salon | dinner in Chilliwack, B.C,, qti | August 21, Steve Stothers met in with Charles Barber, and another tongue - wagging spree about Lucknow and district resulted. Steve and Charlie’s grandfath­ ers, lived opposite each other at Hdckett’s church. Charlie’s •par­ ents, Mr; and Mrs. Chas. Darber, lived at one time on the farm now owned by George Alton. His mother was Margaret Hackett, a sister of the late Joseph Hackett and of Mrs. W;’ J. McNall of LiicknowZ . , Charlie was employed in The Sentinel Office frrirti 1900-03 un- ' derA the late James Bryan. He : latrir established the Chilliwack f Make Your. Appointment Today INDIVIDUAL STYLING * PERSONALIZED hair cutting Please Keep Appointment :On Schediilri—We may hot be able to work in customers who fail to keep appointments oii time. SPECIAL SHAMPOO FOR OILY HAIR Several,, Lines To Choose FromI' ” ’’ r.7 * ■ y I try THE NEW NtLONlZfiD NAIL POLISH I . ■ ' \/ “Aliy Tiine ,1s /BeautyTtime* ' x I. ’ • ■ ,»■ ; , stwi