The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-08-12, Page 3U< ft I V ■ ?'• X ' $ A .■■u —l III, —>> I LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister:' Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, . f . B.A., B d: SUNDAY, AUGUST 16th 10.00 a.m.: Sunday School 11,00 a,m,: Service in Presby­ terian Church, Rev. G. A. ^Meiklejdhn in charge. 7/N ■WEDNESDAY.AUGUST 12. 1953 i i j i I 1 thelucknow sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario Local & General Mrs; Wnri. McNall mTfown is patient ip Wingham Hospital. Goldie Cockwell of Detroit spent, the week-end with rela­ tives. ■ Miss .Irenne Holmes of Toronto visaed friends in town on Satr I J0. Urday. ’ . " . Mrs. Lydia. Evercfale of Acton ^turned-to-iher-h"o_me^fter"vlsir mg her sister, Mrs. J. Hall. ’ iMiss<byceTittle left the ’first of the week. tp. visit friends in Galt and rSti Thomas, . • . Sandra Walker of Toronto spent a few days with Buth Johnston last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens of Detroit are visiting at the nome of Mrs. Lily Anderson, Ross ’ (j 1 Donald McCharles returned home recenntly from London where he had undergone an ap- I eratibn. ' / Mr?. A. E. b_urnin_.is-.spendjng a week at Southampton Beach with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ball and Barbara of Clinton. ’ • Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Armstrong of Goderich are leaving at the week-end to fly to Vancodver for a brief holiday. . \ / Mrs. Allan MacTavisb, form­ erly of Lucknow, recently under­ went a major operation in Wing­ ham Hospital. ML. and Mrs. Art Young of ! Toronto are : visiting . with Mrs.! Edgar Hollyman and with other friends, iri the village. ", ■ Mr. and Mi^-_Charles-Sherwood- of Detroit were week-end visi­ tors with relatives in the cdhi- munity. Miss Emily Pearson of Toronto "is spending her vacation with her .cousins, . Misses , Ada and Hazel Webster. Mrs . Al Martin and, Neddy spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thom after returning from a three weeks’ favor of an extension to Wing- . vacation, at Mackinaw ’ Island ham Hospital if required for act- where Al .was playing with a ive hospital care, but not to per-I dance band. > petuate a condition that would . “increase the number of old folk in the hospital not requiring act­ ive care. He said he would like to see the Hospital Board ■ review their,policy in this respect.. He contends that such old folk would in many cases be happier and better in convalescent homes such as thp Rakpr hnmP2_w.hp.t:e- they have more freedom and more opportunity for activity to occupy their mind and time. « f. W. ,B. Anderson, a member of the. Hospjtal Board, said in speak­ ing as a ratepayer of Lucknow, .that the individual tax through the County rates for Bruce Coun­ ty hospitals would Only amount to a few cents. He added that LucknOw had contributed nothing to the capital costs of the present hospital and that contributions to ■ the ibuilding of the wing in 1946 had been very little. He'felt that we should be “carrying our weight” here. ... . Robert Rae said the health of the. nation was the government’s business and if an additional tax ■was added to property owners, it would become/ a burden to wid • ows. and retired folk. Consider .thg'jnatter-caref- u l-l-yT-he^d-vkjed-r 4 Mrs. Iris Morrey,: hospital* sup­ erintendent, again raised the questio'n of “where will I -put them?’’ and “what would you do.?”, in the ’ matter of over­ crowding. The- wing would not be in competition. with convalescent homes she said. We’ll still have ''to go ahead. J(We have to, for we woh’t turn- , anyone away’ said Mrs.. Morrey, j and expressed regret at-~thei/,6ick- ^10ig--betwoeiT~-^uek-now--^^n^ Wingham’*. Others who spoke briefly were Harold Gaunt, reeve of West.-Wa* wanosh; Wm. MacDonald* a rep­ resentative of Morris Township Council^ which haS approved its Jare of the costs; Mrst’ Wilson Hamilton, Durnin Phillips, John Hurhin and E. V; Baker. Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, AUGUST 16th 10.00 a.ni.: Sunday School. 11.00 ajn.: Morning Worship, Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn in. charge. ~ -,i ■■ • 3.00 p.m,: Erskine, Dungan­ non. NO EVENING SERVICE AIR HOSPITAL POLICY ( Continued from Page 1) combined in that period. Dr. Johnston stressed that "there was nothing personal what-, ever in his. views; which he had previously expressed to the Board of. Wingham Hospital.. He con­ tends it is neither in * the -best H nterest^oMhese^gedHfotksrrror economically< sound" as a long \ange policy to ibuild hospitals at $10,000 a bed for these old people, ghat’s .the sole that I’m trying to bring up”, Dr. Johnston stressed. Every encour­ agement and every assistance -^should be given, to the develop­ ment of convalescent homes, he said. Dr. Johnston said he was in I Mr. and Mrs. Tom Haller of Burlington were visitors this week at. the Solomon home. Mr; and Mrs, E. D. Harton of Toronto are holidaying with rela­ tives in the community. Mrs. Orley Cooper has been Quite ill at her home for the. past two weeks. Her sister, Miss Mabel White of Toronto, is taking care’ of her. ___Mrs.-EdnaRothnieof-Saskatopn is spending a month .with her isister, _-Mrs —EssJeA^Hewat^Tat”-the-- home.of W. J. Davidson. Milt Mc­ Mullin of. Toronto . spent-f the week-end With them. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murdie and, family are on a motor trip this week. to the Manitoulin, Sault Ste. Marie and Northeim Michigan. Clarence Murdie of St. Thomas is assisting at the store in Kenneth’s absence. Visitors last Week with Mrs. A. E, Durnin were Mr. John Woods of Fergus, who is in his 94th year; his daughter, Mrs. Wes Ham of Guelph and her daughter, Drs-Mary- Ham,—Ph7D;“ of-'Corneir University. . . Mrs. Herib Curran returned oh Saturday from Victoria Hospital, London, where she recently un­ derwent a major operation. She is convalescing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Tom Ander­ son, Jr., in Lucknow/ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Button of Herschel, Sask., who have spent the last few weeks visiting with old friends and relatives here, left last week by motor for their home in the West. They also visited relatives at T^eswater, Dundas, Sarnia, Petrolia, Oshawa? "Toronto and Kincardine. ■ Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Johnston were Mr. and Mrs. Al Guse and two boys. ofGalt/Mr.. and Mrs. Merle John­ ston and two daughters. of Lon­ don, and Mrs. Fitmore of New Brunswick, who accompanied Merle and Mrs. Johnston on their return from a trip east,- Mrs. Lawrence Tremaine . and children Lois Ann and Kenneth, Mrs. Amelia Treleaven and Miss Gwen Treleaven, are holidaying at—Point^Clark—Gwen —and—-her friend, Miss Marie Barrett of Hamilton, recently returned from a trip to North Bay, Pembroke and Peterborough. Holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan were 'Fly­ ing Instructor M. R.' Stewart and -”^hos’e~viMrihg”"Mr. . arid/Mrs? .Orley Cooper during the week and week-end were Mr. arid Mrs. James Yuill, ,Mrs. Roy Wakeford, son Jim and Miss Fay Stiar of Galt; Mr. and Mrs. Harold White, baby Mary Ellen of Hanover; Mi\ and Mrs. Herschel White, Regin- ald, Pauline, Dianne; Mrs. W. Durenfeld of Stratford;. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Litwiller and Larry of Toronto; Mr; and Mrs. Need- of Toronto; Mr. Leonard White ham of Wallaceburg, Mrs. Frank of Mount Forest. Henry of Flesherton, Mrs. Pat 1 V PAGE THREE ‘V f, "SALAM —-TEAt-BAGS= 1__ ____ >/ Sanderson’s LADIES* AND MEN’S WEAR NQW! AT LAST! .You get the figure you wanted . ’ ' ■'•’k <* • , . 1 i i Mrs.*James Mullin' (Mary Fin- / ; her daughter Marilyhn ^ Millet, Alta,, returned home 1&st week after visiting with reL Ahves* in the district .’ ■ < < ‘ < < < j < ■ 1 . . < < ■ 1 -—■< - .. •< • • < , '< I '' h ► ► ► ► >. Summer is waning and the desire for that hipped in, Wrinkle ■ > , ► ► . ► ► . ► ■ ►' ► ■ ►- Foundation Garments free comfortable feeling calls again—to wear those sleek dark clothes. Our corsetierre awaits your call; with a wide selection—fitted while you wait—-with new stream-lined garments—at moderate prices. . . ' Corsets—all types. Corselettes—all ages. Girdles—all makes.9> Belts, Garters. ; Laces. Bust Forms. Maternity Garments. BRASSIERS Selected carefully from C largest selling numbers-r-popular styles. /Playtex Garments, Supple and Reducing Mowbray, Doug and Carol, WIng­ ham; Mrs. Jas. Drehnan and. Mr. T. Twamley of Godericb and Mr. J. C. Drennan, of Galt.L CHURCH CHANNELS The Sunday Schools of Luck­ now are co-operating to conduct a Daily Vacation School from August 17th to 21st at the Pres­ byterian Church. The classes will Mrs.. Stewart.. Dawn nd Judith | ho from HflM.ni fill 1 i 3Q a ~ There will ibe something inter­ esting every day. for children' from four to twelve years of age. The parents should give every Ann, Breslau; Pilot Officer Rae •» V. * » I • .' ■ A A • •* » . V ' . b. ’ ■................• ‘ ■■■ ■ 0: ff Encouragement to the children to attend and this in turn will en­ courage those who are giving; their- -time -and “ thought ~to th£F worthwhile project A great part of Religious Education is the in­ terest taken by the home. We pray that God will bless this Christian work. - Hackett’s W.M.S. The W:m.S, meeting of Hack­ ett’s church was held at the biome* of Mrs. Bert Alton. It was the _c hiId reIT’s “m eeting. Mrs? Andrew Ritchie presided. Hymn 623 was sung, . followed, by the Lord’s prayer in unison; Piano solos by Misses Joanne Alton^ Gertie Campbell, Diane Ritchie & Mary Alton were much enjoyed. Mrs.. George Alton read a children’s story ^entitled. “Grandmother’s Gooseberries”, followed by hym^ 609 and prayer by -Mrs. BerJ Al­ ton. There - were 15 children pres­ ent, The next ^meeting will be the young ladies* meeting. WOMEN TODAY... V if S'l; » 4 They do most of the family , .. ■ A , 4 p ' buying, much of family banking. They find the bank a safe, handy place to 1 * ' ' ■ • . keep money; they like to pay larger bills often as much a part of the shopping day as a trip to the local stores. '• t «r V I V. F THE BANKS SERVING YOUR. COMMUNITY * > <■; i ■* * <• iifr lift? wwi iO^W“ii^iav*,',|i