The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-08-12, Page 1$2.50'A Year Jn Advance—$1.QQ Extra To U S A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY; AUGUST 12, 1953 . ■EIGHT. PAGES f * I l HOSPITAL POLICY I DESTINATION GERMANY i I I I .1 I r * . • . • d • / .x. f . • green trees overhanging the side- ' While , the Dominion was re- ■tkrallr n a c+r\r>lr_ r ___-i_j.__ _ II |L- rI?, > L AIRED AT MEETING rA, second meeting within two weeks was. held in Lucknew on Friday night to discuss the pro . posed 50-bed chronic wing addi tion to Wingham General Hos ..7,:.vpital...... —',..^.-.-1. . The meeting was poorly attend ed with ,Lucknow and West Wa . wanosh Tfewnship the only two municipalities'. officially repre­ sented. ,z 7 ; • li ’ The remarks of Lucknow rate­ payers at least tended for the most part to caution against rush-1 , ing^ into the project which would | commit the Village in the amount of approximately $13,000. 7‘ Reeve S., E. Robertson was chairman* of the meeting.. Mayor DeWitt filler- of Wing- .ham said it was necessary to build or revert to a 48-bed hos-, -----.pital.- Estimated-cost pf the newZ 50-bed wing; ,would be $550,000.1 The Hospital Board, Government1 and County grants- would pro­ vide about $350,000, leaving $200,000 to ibe assessed pro rata upon the municipalities, setved by Wingham Hospital, according to the percentage of patients hos- ’ pitalized from each municipality on an average over thcr^ast five years.: ■' -^>/_ J. W. Joynt, speaking-as-a-r-ateL payer in both West Wawanosh - >and Lucknow, referred to the County set-up of the two, and While he felt West Wawanosh. was commited to support the, project, he wasn’t so " certain about Lucknow, or to what ex­ tent, due to commitments of the Village through Bruce Cou^gy; -Council's— generous support of' hospitals in Bruce. He compared Lucknow’s proposed $13,000 share as beingi slightly over a quarter of the $50,00Q. the Town of Wing­ ham is to raise. ■"V7'/'/flutter‘of' Policy ' Dr. W. V. Johnston said that the community arid himself per- ’ sonally, owed a very great deal j to Wingham Hospital. But, he'l added.theproblemofovercrowd- ing is due to no small degree to. the policy of admitting long term patients and keeping them there after they no longer need active medical care. This is not dpne to the same degree in any other, hospital in Ontario, to his know­ ledge., .*.! About-~ond-third of LlrtrhospitaT days of persons from this area are made up by such long teym patients. . Lr. Johnston pointed out that one such longrtetm patient. will in one year occupy a hospital bed : -for a greater number of days than all his fnaternity patients (Continued on Page 3) LAST RAPER FOR TWO WEEKS > I'. • “ With the issuing of this paper The Sentinel staff will go on holidays. The pffice will .be clos- ed: until August 22nd, and-zwhile open for job sprinting the follow­ ing week, no paper will fee ptlj> UishecL-—-a- —— | The.next issue of,The Sentinel, ; will be on Wednesday, Septem- iher 2nd. J ’/ DEFER ACTION ON J i I i r *N |t.”- Liberals Back In Power But Bruce And Huron Elect P.C. Candidates Prime Minister Louis St. Laur­ ent- and hig LifeeraT government .WQre, swept back into office .in Monday’s , voting, With only..- a slightly smallef/miajqr.ity than in the last Parliament, tt. will mark the 19th consecutive year that the Liberals. have been in power at Ottawa. Even the results of voting on Monday night appeared to be re­ ceived with a lack of interest which was evident’ locally HpSPITAUAI D Lucknow Municipal Council at ! their regular meeting on Monday __ ______ ____ iniight sat for 4%. ho^rs; dealing ‘ throughout the quiet pre-eleCtion .with .problems ranging.from ever-! campaign. • — ----------- X--------------- ------- ----------------------* — •-------- - ------•- • walk and catching ladies’ stock-1 turning the Liberal administra- I: ings, to the matter of a requested j tion Western Ontario showed a I - $13,000 grant4outhe-new™wing-at i-Conservative swing; and in the7 Wingham Hospital. local riding, Donald Blue/Lib- ! • In the latter regard the Board -i eral member in the last parlia-1 REGAINS SEAT HON. LOUIS ST, LAURENT whose-Iaih^rM^arty^asTetiffrW’ to power onMonday by a large majority. '.•••' 7 PRIME MINISTER RETURNED GUIDESHAVE BEENTAKING SWIMMING LESSONS 8 Puring • the holidays/ members “ "bCthe Lucknow Girl Guides have bedrf making regular mbrning trips to the swimming pool at Teeswater, where they have been receiving , swimming instructions that will qualify them for their *•, swimmer’s badge. Fyling Officer J. H. Barger pilot of one of tho R C A R wt ’ xu uic regsru me ouaru j erar member. in tne last parliar Iplanesis scKedSed to ^'hordeferred action, with the under-1 tnent, went down to defeat. In sail for Germanv He was on am ' sta‘1^m8 that theY w°ul<5 recon- Huron, L. E. Cardiff was re-elect- 1 barkation leav/' ^ere with w? sid®r the matter if the Winghdm ed in this constituency, the boun- narents Mr arid^ Mrs Howard P°s?it8’adopteda polity of op' fdaries of which were considerably Barker-o dh“in« as ’ an aptive treatment | changed. His opponent was And-i rger oi A&hfield. This picture hospital, or if a sufficiently^sign- -■ •• - - ed petition pf Lucknow rate-j eral, ' who ’represented Huron- , payers requested a referendum on i Perth id" the House and was i the suggested gtant. . i prominent in Government affairs, Council is of the opinion tha£[hayingj3een^^^ 1 any obligatiohrthey may have in ' ' -- this Rafter should be an obliga­ tion of the Courity of Bruce rath- Barker Of eraung as - an active treatment changed. His opponent was And-1o£ Tm .1 hospital, or if a sufficiently-sign- rew Y. McLean of Seaforth. .Ub-.. OeiveThfc tings at ^ntralia in'*1 petitidh Lucknovr rate-| eral,; who -represented Huron-; TamXv iqS - 1 Centralia m payers requested a referendum on i Perth ip-< .the House and was Jdnudiy t j thVsuigi^ted gr^t 7 jprominent in Government affairs, delegates to the United Nations. Mr. Cardiff has been at Ottawa since 1940, this being the fourth ' election he has successfully con­ tested, • • ■ " . _ In Bruce, traditionally Liberal, Andy Robinsbn regained the rid­ ing for the Conservatives. He de­ feated C,arl Whicher in the 1945 election, and in turn was~defeated7 in” 1949 by Donald Blue who had a majority of some 800 votes. The voting in Bruce was as ! follows: ; j t Amabel Albemarle Arran ....... Bruce....... Culross ...... AARON-BOAK HAS POSITION AT DRESDEN HIGH SCHOOL Aaron Boak, formerly of Port er than of The individual muni- Albert, has accepted the position‘ cipality concerned and that- in -o^f—Industrial—Artsrnnstructui^df^*1'.''’’’, “"7'7 the LambtomKent District High t Wingham General Hospital should School at Dresden and is at pres- l-revert to the status of an . active ent occupied setting up the mach- treatment hospital only. * -..-J The Sidewalk Issue'___ _ their considered—opinion the’ ‘ .............. ‘ '"‘7 |.revert to. the status of an active The Sidewalk Issue 7 . The repairing of Village side- .vuvi. «x , walks with a black xtpp bitumin-. year at Toronto University. He joua IP^X’ ^ias repercussions, received a Dominion-Provincial I has provided a ^contentious ./problem. This mix was placed over the cement in front of Hall’s Grocery on Friday evening and on Sat­ urday morning the coating was speedily removed by' the proprie­ tors and piled up in a couple of heaps at—the curb. There it has-remained up to‘the time of! writing. ' 1 Mr. : Hall night’s meeting and pointed out that this “road material” Was a menace and an eye-sore in front of his place of business, and ,in view of the taxes he pays was i jnery „in the shop. He . received- • his Industrial Arts certificate up- I on successful completion of one bursury and he escaped the mis­ eries of final exams when re­ commended in all subjects. The family has' now taken up resi­ dence in Dresden. ! BLACK KNIGHTS HELD CHURCHTPARADE SUNDAY In commemoration of Derry [ Day, the Royal Black Preceptory of Amberley hold ’ their church parade in Lucknow on Sunday to St. Peter’s Anglican church, head­ ed by the Bannockburn s Pipe I Bruce Blue Robinson • ■ 274 167 279 441 .4. (Continued on Page 2) 139 400 243 295 ■ 7 - j ? ' •• ' T ~ ” attended Monday »BRUCE HEALTH UNIT - . • TO OPEN OFFICE HERE The Bruce County Health Unit is.opening an office in the John­ stone Block, recently vacated bv A. G. Hartford. The Lucknow and district Public Health Nurse, _______ ____ ___t _ Miss Joan Cormack, will be sta- by other district Orangemen to. fix the streets properly, in the. tioned here and will take up resi- ’ ----------'-----—- oe —-___ -____a .. . dence in the Anderson Apart­ ments;. ■■ - _Band.-Reuben-Wilson—is-Breeep-( entitled to something more than tor. ;. . /j that. Mr. Hall contended it was The Black Knights were joined ; the Council’s first responsibility j. ■■ ' "~■ j 7___7/ .7. make a procession some 85 strong, j interests of the safety of elderly At St; Peter’s, which was filled t people in particular. to capacity, Rev. H. L, Jennings! He said that, he-could" get a spoke; on “The Open Book” and j largly signed petition of the mer- t’he great privilege that is ours ‘ of freedom of, “The Word” won by persecution and bloodshed. I i ! He said that, he could" get a chants opposing such a method of sidewalk repair, and that they had been congratulated for peel-j ing it off the sidewalk. Mr; Hall [ claimed it could be repaired with! cement more Cheaply and much better. Reeve Robertson said they had not completed the work, : but (Continued oft Page 2) ■ I ENGAGEMENTS 7 . • '■/ ■■■ I SEE BY THE SENTINEL THAT George Alton of Sault S.te, Marie is renewing old acquaint-* ahces in this community where he was born. He is a son of the late Dan “Alton of the BeT- .fast district The family left here for . Northern Ontario When George was a lad. Mir, AltoA is interested in 'Church work and is lending his supr ydrt to the daily vacation bible school being held here at pres­ ent ynder the direction of Mr. . John Martin;' / it.. .. t • ■.... 7?, ,7 ■■ —1 THAT an error occurred in Mrs.. James.’ Forster’s obituary *Tast week. : The; bridesmaid at their * ■ Wedding was Mrs, Matheson pf ’ California (for m e r 1 y. Kate ? Smith of Ripley).. . •, THAT Jim Oliver, who .suffered a badly fractured pelvis and : left.[ ,'wrisf in a; fhli from thie hay1 . mdw on tiie Wi 1 kins farm in . Ashfield, is Still .confined to^ • Wiiigham Hospital; .............. THAT many lobail residents ‘ had their slumber^ . disturbed and ' were plenty pro.voked/m, Sun- ; day night by the back-firing of a car as it cruised about the . Village. We understand that , the authorities have the license • number; • - ; ■ . -4—0—-. 7.....r......j... -THAT Herb Graham "of Toronto left last week on la holiday trip to Vancouver, .. A..,’’..-' •. „■* T. • . ’ • ANDREW ROBINSON regained Bruce riding bn. " ' the Conservative party by defeating Donald Blue. 1949, when he "was defeated by. who Monday for He held the seat from 1945 to Mr.‘ Blue. • HIS FOURTH TERM AKinloss township MEETING POORLY ATTENDED A public meeting held at Holy- .rood Township Hall last Friday evening drew a sparse attend- -ancepof Kinlbss Township rate­ payers. . The : meetipg, presided .over1; by Reeve Dave Carruthers, was called by the Township . ,Council, which body ’ sought1 the .reaction of Kinloss residents to­ wards aiding the financing of the • new wing at Wihgham Hospital. ■ .Kinloss’ share is. 6 percent -or ; ’ $1^,000, • 7 ' ARM BROKEN IN MOTOR MISHAP * ■' 4 w... v ,v - 7, • Mrs. Noble Johnstone was f.; -,'trely hurt in a motor accident ‘ ... Kingsville on Saturday. Shv* ;• suffered a. badly 'broken left a'rm. Io her arms and legs. -. -. • . ... Mrs. ?Johnstone was accom' t \ Ponying Detroit friends to a wed-. ' ding when their' car was struck 7 fey a-riother vehi'Cle^ and was badly 7 , Wrecked in, the crash and in the ipllmge, dbWii a steep embanh- 1^ •. Wi/.- . J ■ 7 ’ • ' w " 7. - Jessie <was throwfi clear of the -and suffered- thVTinjiiries; rir plummetinig down the gravel eim- bahkmoriti/ Offers hi the car-’ Escaped With a shaking up/ ,7 r |y LOCAL LADIES ON TELEVISION PROGRAM . Mrs.: Wm. Scott of Langside and Mrs. Duncan Simpson of Kintail concluded S^week. music courses at Toronto last'Friday. On Thurs­ day the class was tendered a ban­ quet and, took, part in a .recital which was broadcast on CBL and also televised,, ■- . • I- .. '77 '7:' 7".,..7 , — ,--------------—--- ................ 'I // /:..BORN . / jghter, Erma Joan to William Ell- I ", ' I Wood Irwin, ’eldest son/of. Mr, HAMILTON—;irj Wingham.Hospi-1 Mrs. . Emerson Irwin, Luck- tal on Satureiay, • August 8th,: to i, the marriage to' take ’place Mr and .Mrs. Alvih Hamilton, R/ at 12.00 noon, Wednesday, Aug- 3, Lucknow (Gladys Gibson), a Ust 26th’,. in Pine, River United daughter, Patricia Isohel. 7 | Church.. ,; GIBSONIn Wingham General j.. ■ ,^r> and Mrs’. William; J Ste- Hospital, on Wednesday, July 29, vvart, Fergus, .Ontario, announce to.Mr- and Mrs. Roy Gibson engagement of their daughter ('nee' Evelyn Moffat‘1, R. 3, 9^7 Marilyn Cecilia to Stephen Cleg- trich, a daughter, J<.net Elaine. I horn Stothers, son’ of 'Mr. and McGU1RE—in• Wingham_ Hospi al j •Qntarim The marriage will „ ;Augu4; Sth; to Mr placo On Saturday,' Septem/, t,hd .Mrs* Lovell-McGuii g. Wing ■ son iri Mpivilip •' hato (Isla Reid)^a, daughter. j fjnjted Ghurch/Fergusi ’■CORRIN—in ■ Wirigham Genteral Hospital on Sunday/“August;.yh,, ___ . to Dr., and. Mrs. Mel . Cornn, a L^ent of their only daughter, Ger- daughtor. . 7. aldine Mildred/to Mr. Leon Car- utta.tptyrfv ■••-in WinghaimuOcn«L^mailJHj£Le0dii_.son of Mr. and.^^rs.,„ HtJMJHREY m-wi & . Aa;Udt. William A» McLeod, Kincardine, S’?1 c0£wB /nd G. the marriage to take place the ii^hr^iXowA dau<hter.-,h.tUr of August. • i Mr. and Mrs.. William Camp- (bell,' Kincardine, announce the | engagement of their secondjiauT. . w'.n8pa” 77;, I now, Ontapbi The. marriage willph ^turdW,'August 8tn. to Mp]ace on Saturday, Septem- ahd Mrs> LovelkMcGuire, Wing ■ 3,00 .p\m. iri Melville «....n Ha lighter. . :■ /Mr. and. Mrs/Archie Courtney, Amberley, announce the engage- 1 , * .r..... ,T «- ELSTON CARDIFF Who ^defeated A. V? McLean to ranks. It was Mr: Cardiff1^ fourth election, and .he’s been "at Ouuwa . ' since W40.■