The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-08-05, Page 5I WEDiWStiAY, AUGUST 5, 1953 PURPLE GROVE week-end with DUNGANNON !■ gannon Women’s Ii ! ’ed the July meefi] . o'4- /vn44-nirt/\ +<V M«»t important Paint Advancement in *25 years CULROSS CORNERS / * & c-rl ^PITTSBURGH HOUSE PAINT New Fume-Proof, Sun-Proof House Paint produces a film of unusual whiteness. . * > * Kilpatrick Of »•* dw wxusaas I I V It Will not discolor or darken from coal smoke or industriar gases. It’s self-cleaning, too-—removes surface dirt* Years of extensive exposure tests tinder many types of climate conditions, from strong sunlight and salt air to heavy industrial fume areas, have proved the superiority of this new formula over ordinary house paint. \ <r Gome in and ask us about new Fum?-Proof, Sun-Proof House Paint JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED ’PHONE 150 LUCKNOW, ONT. " I I < I TOURIST EYE CATCHER f. I * chair a good -program wajj giver? [ consisting of piano solos by Miss) El d a Wall—and—Miss—Mary Coi~ linson, a quiz by Mrs. Tom Hodv gins, readings by Mrs. Midford Wall, Miss May Boyle, Mrs. F. Brown and. Mrs. Perry .Hodgins. The address to the bride was given by Mrs. Art Graham. The . .bride .was assisted" in opening the gifts byjMiss Lois Hald.en.by. The verses were read by Miss Joyce. Haldenby and the gifts displayed by Miss Helen Schumacher. The bride received many lovely .and useful gifts for which she thank-. ed the ladies. “For she’s a jolly good fellow'’.was sung. A bounti­ ful lunch was served. • & Mrs;- Lome Kraemer (nee Eleanor Murray) -and Mr. and Mrs. Ste­ ven Woloschuk (Helen Thomp- . son).,Mr. and Mrs. Kraemer were marited\ in the R.C. church at Riversdale. They will reside in Toronto, Mr. and' Mrs. Woloschuk were married in the United Church, Teeswater. They will re­ side in Winnipeg. Both weddings Were on Saturday. ; , Miss Sharon/Wall, London,,' is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs/ Jack Schumacher and Helen. " Mr. Jo(j Gant and his sister Mary, Bervie, spent Friday af-. ternoon -with* Mr. and Mrs. Jas. • Wraith." • ' " ' . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wail, Luck- how, spent Su’nday with Mrs. ^MaiyAV-allr-'-——-------- • v.^r' ..ond Mrs. Ronnie Stanley, spent—Sund'ay'^AV'ith—Mt?- ahd_ Mrs. Torn Stewart, . . - 'iHhJ* Kidd,. Toronto, is'vit-! Port' Elgin,, .which ‘ is in charge W1 ■ 'MFS;. ’Mary "Wall and ( of Everett.Lane-, son of 'Mr. .and , t and Orville Wilson. Orville j.Mrs-. Mac .Lane of Kinlough. One. of the notes revealed that this particular couple returned because they' had observed- when driving- through .that town jive yclirs. • before, the'"'main*' street' benches where‘hubby could relax ,While ./the little lady -, was shop­ ping: • is improving ’ though still conf in-1 ed.to Wihgham Hospital., *, , . . Mr. and Mrs, Keithi Hackett & Brian and her'sister and Helen Mills, Toronto, were .^Saturday ^visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mid- ford Wall‘and Donnie.\ Showered Bride-Elect. -Jiih-Misses-H^i^iWrh^l^ .•Joyte, Haldenby and Lois Hal­ denby . as hostesses, Westford; '' school Was .. the setting fpr-.a| farming ‘event Thursday even-1 when friends and. neighbors, gathered to honor/Mi^s .Helen, , Thompsori, bride-elect. of the W.' While Miss 'Edna Boyle Piayed the wedding march, the Prjde was escorted to ‘ her place . honor by Miss Joyce Haldenby.. W.Mfs, Frank Brown iri the PAGE FIVE __You -neye'r know..catch the fancy of summer tour­ ists. In. order/to find out. a “Bug- gestion Box” was placed in the tourists’ information booth . at which ’ is in charge Injured By Jammed Shell On Friday/,He.nry Elliott,’ 28, df ILR. No, 5, Lucknow;.was adA rnftted to the’hospital suffering from the effects' of a shotgun> blast. Elliott/ whose, gun. had jammed j was*‘frying to/extract the shell when, the gun discharg­ ed? He"recei vetf pai nfuj iffjItTi&S to the/ fade and burns around xthe eyes.-^Winghtrm Adyahce-Tbiies,. absence of Commander Geo. Hal- denby who was' unable to be present. Members from Maple Grove,, Kinloss and Kincardine lodges were present and assisted in the initiation. Worshipful Mas­ ter John Emerson gave a talk on Orangeism and described how ! the first Orange Lodge was form- ed nearly two hundred years ago. After the closing of the Lodge, lunch Was served. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dore vis­ ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dore on Sunday, Mr. arid Mrs. Albert Blackwell: and Bobbie of London, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robertson & fam­ ily of Zion visited at the home of Miss Margaret and. Donald Robertson recently.. Miss Edith Stanley of London spent the week-end at her home ’ here," ' ' / ■ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Herbert of Weston; spent last week atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Trank Cur­ rie; also Wayne Hartwick of Kin­ cardine.^ . Mary and Dickie McCoshi are spending some holidays at their aunt’s, Mrs. Walter Forster* Miss. Rosilyn Swan visited at j her aunt’s in London recently. Mr. and Mrs.. Donald McCosh and Mrs. Colwell visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Will Bush­ ell of Lucknow on Sunday. . ’ ' The Garden Girls Club met at the home of Mrs. Francis Boyle last week. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Currie and Brenda visited With Mr. Fred Bender at Listowel on Sunday. •’ Mr./~an.d Mrs. W. J. Bell of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell of Woodstock visited at the home of Mr; and Mrs. George* <S. Em­ erson. Conferred Royal Scarlet Degree" On Monday morning of last week a meeting of the Scarlet Chapter was held in the Orange Hall, Kinlough. The meeting was called at the request of Bro. Glen Pinnel who wished to b? exalted to the degree of the Royal Scarlet. ] Marilynn of Millet, Alta, was a Deputy Clarence McLennan pre-j Visitor recently with her aurit, sided over the meeting in the Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick and rela- tives at , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stewart, Diane and Kevin of London were week-end: visitors with Mr, and Mrs,. Hugh Stewart and others. May Stewart, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Mel Stewart returned with .•them for ^holidays. Mr. and Mrs*. Cecil Blake and family spent the Mr, and Mrs, B, F, Comfort, St Catherines, • ' Miss Jessie Brockyilje was a. recent visitor with Mrs. H. Horton and Mrs. S; J. Kilpatrick. . Mr. and Mrs, David Cowan- & family, Allan, and Patsy, visited at the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stewart’ t Mr. and Mrs, Russell Drennan and; Reta of Brights Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Morris, De­ troit,^ were week-end visitor's with Mrs. Albnef Morris. Miss Edna Rivett, who is tak­ ing a short course at Toronto University,, spent the week-end with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rivtett. ’ . The Senior Branch of th^ Dun- „.. w enjoy­ ing as a picnic at the cottage of the district pre­ sident, Mrs. Durnin Phillips, Pt. Clark; Thursday afternoon. Mrs; Cecil Blake presided in the ab- .sence/of~Mrs. Qmar-Brooks.-- A^ter "" the usual opening the roll call was answered by “What I like about the month of July”. Sports was conducted by Mrs. Robert --Mn^ahd™ .MrsrrK/ K. Dawson returned .home last week after' a six thousand mile motor ., trip through the United States, 'trav­ elling west of the Mississippi River to the; Gulf of Mexico and over to Florida, spending a week i at Miami Beach, while it is known to be quite hot there during the summer months, Kay reports restaurants and motels having .air conditioning, their va­ cation was quite pleasant.. Their trip homeward was a little more eastern as they proceded north by way of Chicago wherey they visited friends before coming home. . y Visitors with Misses Nettie & Rebina^Sproul over the week-end were Miss Clara Sproul, ..Strat- iord; Mrs. Etta Clisp, London; Mrs. Paul Powles & Miss Myrtle -Whitey St-Thomas and Mrs? Robt.; Wilson, Goderich. < . Mrs. C. Treleavenv Toronto, has been a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. L. -Eedy and relatives in i Irvin and Mrs. Herb .Stotfiers. Mr. the vicinity. _ _ Mrs. Jim Mullin and daughter | motor boat which was apprecia- Phillips gave, all a ride in his ted very much. Mrs. Harvey Al- ' ton and Mrs. Clifford Crozier were lunch Conveners' Your one “little” vote may be a big one. Back behind the curtain of your voting booth you can do something —people-only—dream of doin g behind another curtain we &acall iron. You can pick up a stubby pencil and vote any way you please. You can vote for the candidate you think is best; the policies „you think are right and the party, you think will do a better job. Yesuaiid yours is. the vote that counts. Leave it at home under4a pile of good intentions and the man who ought to win may lose. Remember^the date — August 1 Oth ■-— and “See you at the polls!” DON’T LET OTHERS DECIDE FOR YOU . Vote AS You Like.;.But BREWERS SINCE 1832 ’• 'Space cdntribufed:ln tbe^ Service of the Community by John Labatty Limited