The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-29, Page 3PAGE THREE * CHURCH CHANNELS. TO ELIMINATE HAIRPIN ' TURN AT PORT ALBERT WEDNESDAY, JULY 29th, 1953 ■ir.,.-.-.■■■'..."'"T' 1 ■■ «|-> -I “ J' ®11 1 u LUCKNOW . UNITED CHURCH | THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO I p V Minister: Rev. G. A? Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, AUGUST 2nd 10.00 a.m.: Sunday School 11.00 a.m.: Service in Presby­ terian Churchy Rev. G. A, Meiklejolm in charge. NO EVENING SERVICE j Lucknow ■<? Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, BJL, Minister. 1 SUNDAY, AUGUST 2nd 9.30 sum.: Erskine, Dungan­ non. 10.00 a.m.: Sunday, School. 11.00 a.m.: Morning Worship, Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn charge.. ‘ NO EVENING SERVICE in • Donald Finlayson of Toronto and* Mrs, A. R. Finlayson of Lucknow were recent visitors with relatives in Detroit. They were accompanied by Mrs,, J, H, Hall and her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kolpin of London visited a CQUiplg of days with his grandmother, Mrs. M. E. Dudley, who visited ’with ihem at itheir. cabin at JPort Albert beach. V <• Mr? and Mrs. Ronald Heridersoh of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson, Boundary West, returned .on Sunday from a trip to Alpbria, Mich., where they vis­ ited with Mr? and Mrs. Wm. H, McMillan and other * relatives. , Mr. and Mrs.’ Oscar Beauchamp, son Oscar, and Mrs. Lighten of Fort William; Mr. and Mrs. Les Reid and son and granddaughter of Vicar Heights have been Vis? iting with their brother, Leo Beauchamp at Mrs. Miller’s^ Mr. Fred Webb, his sister Mrs, George Anderson and Mj;s.' Etta Roberts visited friends in Guelph recently. They were in Fergus on Sunday and heard Dr. W. J*. Mumford preach and were later entertained at his home. George Webster and Roddy Wraith' of Camp Borden and Al­ vin Baker, Bob Gardner, Bill Rit­ chie, Bob Morton and Arnold Hartford of Ipperwash were home from these respective cadet camps for the week-end. / Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kolpin arid infant son Gregory Gordon of London spent a week of their holidays at the home of. the ter­ mer’s grandmother, Mrs. M. E. Dudley. It was the,first time she saw her great grandson. Visitors at the home of Mr. and -Mrsr-Wm- Bushell- were’MT.Tand Mrs. Perry Bushell arid Judy of Toronto, Mrs. John Bushell and Mrs' J.. W. Colwell, of Kinlough, Mr*?J^d IMrs. John G. Moore,, Jean and George bPBervie. > Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart of Kitchener spent the past, week with Lloyd’s parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Philip Stewart. Lloyd has been convalescing from a major operation performed in Toronto three wee^s ago. Mr. and Mrs. ^Garnet Sisson of Detroit, and her mother, Mrs.. John Howe of Amherstburg, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Button. Mrs. Howe was 90 on June 23rd, and is still in good health and enjoyed her* trip back to the .old home town. The iprovincial - highway con­ struction program on the’ Blue­ water Highway this , year includes thg gujley-fillmg and bridgipg of the Nine Mile River to eliminate . the hairpin curve that leads thru the hamlet of Port Albert. When the new highway link is com­ pleted, the present paved high­ way around the hills will revert to Ashfibld with the status of a township road. total General Mr, W. W. Hill is visiting at Bright’s Grove and Flint. ' a Mrs. A. G. Elliot otf. Strathroy visited for a few. days with Mrs. E. N. Hodgins. *• Mr, and Mrs. George t Agar of Stratford are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stew­art. •< Marie and: Paddy Lou Silver- thorn of Belmont are spending the; week with their aunt, .Mrs. Burt Roach. < . < ■ . , Mrs, F. Scott MacKenzie . of Montreal has .been seriously ill since suffering a severe stroke at their summer cottage near Mon­ treal. . Flt>Sgt. Lloyd Henderson and Mrs. Henderson and two children, Adrice arid Lilias of St. Hubert, Quebec, are holidaying at Point Clark. ' ,' Stewart. Cameron of Port Col- borrie spent the week-end here. Mrs? Cameron arid two children are pn a visit, to her prirental home in Scotland. Mr. and” Mrs. Jake Hunter'arid Freda, ./Mrs. Cliff Menary end . Harold and Mrs. George Phillips visited last week with frierids at Thessaloni and Sauli Ste. Marie. Mrs. Thbs. Scott of /Berkley, Mich.,.who has been spending the past month with Misses Elizabeth arid Pearl Henderson, returned to< her home Wednesday morning. * Miss Jessie Kilpatrick of Brock- yille. visited the past week with relatives and attended ’the And­ rew-Lane picnic, Mrs. Charlie Lorenz of. town _is moving-, tex the—Henderson apartment on Mairi Street, form­ erly occupied by Mrs., Jessie Mc- Innes who is a patient, in Wing­ ham Hospital. . ! Having just received the latest calendar of a Theological College where men are. trained for the ministry, here are some items of interest, Candidates are expected fo hjave previously shown, an act­ ive interest in some of -the“ phases of church life, and given \pr oof * by their conduct and character of the reality of their profession as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. They must also be pre­ pared to share fully in the dis­ cipline of the college corporate Christian .life, particularly . thru regular attendance at the daily services in the chapel, and priv­ ate prayer, and Bible study. Unless a candidate is a grad­ uate of a recognized, university, or is considered by the commits tee. on admissions to be of suffic­ ient . maturity through age arid experience, he must take an arts, course, prior <to , his theological studies. For admisison to the arts course he must have, obtained the Secondary Sphriol graduation di-- ploma and Grade 13 (or equiv­ alent) standing in English and History, and two of the following subjects-: Latins French, Greek, German, -Spanish, music, .math­ ematics (any two) ’and science. Candidates under 21 years of 1 Mfs?. ^orSeand other j age are -in all eases expected to, ; complete the senioir matriculation j in the regular manner. ■ ! Candidates over 2Pyears of age_ ^may be. admitted to the Bachelor I of Arts course with theological I options, by presenting Grade* 12 J certificates in twelve papers. One i 'BORN .... MacKENZIE^—in Wirigharh Hos­ pital .on Saturday, July 25th,. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacKenzie., Lucknow, a son, Robert John. -BRADBURY—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bradbury (nee Agnes Stothers), Stockton-on-Tees, Co^ Durham, England, are happy to aririoiince j the birth of their son, William! Stephen, on July 6th, 1^53. Moth-' er and baby fine. . AUSTIN—at Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, onjuly 20th, 1953, to : Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Austin, R. 1, Dungannon, a son. > I I I t I I i 1 PERCY—-in Wingham Hospital on Wednesday, July 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy, R. 1, Holy rood, - a son, William Wayne., Tanguagerother than English’ rhustT ' ’■ „ . , ....... ' ?, ? ?be included ! ^ev’ ^°^ert Macconnell had \ x i . ' charge of the services in the!■Prfcs’byferian church at White- and a layman must be given for 1 character references. A medical BERING—in Wingham Hospital I report must be given. There is ,a personal interview with the prin­ cipal and chief clergyman of the church. Needy deserving students may receive financial assistance on. applying for a bursary which may be given each year with satisfactory, conduct and academic progress? In the next article we on Friday, July 17 th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jurrien Bering, Lucknow, a daughter, ' ’ vMr. and Mrs. Fred McLeod and daughter Ruby of ,Detroit. were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nixon and with his moth-. • er, Mrs. John McLeod, who is in? shall tell of college residence- reg- her 89th year and continues to ulations and an iidea of the sub­ enjoy good health. I jects studied. . church oil Sunday last in the ab­ sence of Rev. Mr. Currie who is on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hesse and Mr. Joe Jardine, all of Evanston, Ill, left for-Iowa on Monday. Mr. and' Mrs. Hesse will visit with Mr. Hesse’s sister in Iowa-while Mr. Jardine will go to New York, returning 'to Lucknow before leaving for Evanston. . They have’ •been visiting, with Miss Mary MacKenzie. - 4 . ■ • • INHURON ■/ .. i# • ' ■- ■■■ •y: $ •ij: *, YOUR LIBERAL CANDIDATE IS Andrew Y. Z { 'i x’: 1^''’^ S' ' z |z/ ' S ' fill li ' <• ><: #•Ml y.*? 7 .1 t r ciwaaBisttwemrei * McLean ‘ •'.. • • • • • -—Bom in Seaforth 44 years ago —Married; father of three children .k*=s- ■ 1 * „• • .. ■ • , . . —Member First Presbyterian Church,, Seafbrth —Veteran, R.C.A.F.,/World War II —Past President of and Chairman of Public Utility Commission -——Alocalmanwhowillworkforyou —-Represented Huron-Perth in the House of Compions, 1949-1953 —Appointed oiie of the five Canadian delegates to the General Assembly of the United Nations •?'-."?„.??.i'M' uitonw ; j A’ issued by Muron Liberal Association A £ OFFICIAL NOMINATION SETS TWO-PARTY FIGHT « The , formality of an. official ’■ ? nomination ih the federal ridinig Of Bruce was held on Monday when Donald Blue, Liberal and . Andrew RobinSori/ Progressive Conservative, were the sole nom­ inees for a straight two-party fight. The CCF which has run a very poor third in previous elections, has not entered a candidate. THOMAS KOV1AK PASSES j’uheral services fpr Thomas A. Koviak, 55, who died at his home on the. Bluewater Highway,, Ash­ field Township, were held at the Lodge funeral' chapel, "Goderich, on Monday afternoon, conducted, by Rev. H. L. Jennings of Luck- - now Anglican church, Interment was in Port Albert cemetery. A native of Maryland, he had lived in Detroit before coming to Ashfield 25 years ago. He was a painter and decorator. Surviving besides his wife, formerly Pam­ ela. Murray, are one son, Thomas,. of Amberley; and 13 sisters. 1 WON FIDDLERS’ CONTEST , - z Roy Renwick of Brampton, son of Mrs. Jas. Kirby of Tees- water and the late Ed Renwick ’ of Lucknow, won the 100-year- old Rosemont Orange Lodge fid­ dlers’ contest, and will represent that lodge in the Canadian cham­ pionship old-fiddlers’ contest at Shelburne on August 7th and 8th. ■? This was a regional contest to decide, who would go on to the Canadian finals, and carried a cash award of $40. What You Must Know About Polio ‘ . How can you safeguard your family against polio? In The Am­ erican Weekly, with this. Sun­ day’s (August 2) issue Detroit Sunday Times, read “What You Must Know About Polio”. It’s an. “ important, ? timely .message, by -Dr,^Kenneth„S.„Landauer,-Assist-— ant Medical Director of the Nat­ ional Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Get Sunday’s Detroit. Times. HURON 4-H CLUBS PLAN AUGUST BUS TOUR k 4-H Clubs of Huron County . have plans made for a bus tour to Hamilton on Atigiust 18th. Twelve busses are expected to make up the convoy, carrying close to 400 Huron County . jun- ' iorSi. ■ : Allan Reed will have one of * the -busses and his load will be made up of. members of the Dun­ gannon and LuCknoW calf clubs and members of the St. Helens Garden1 Club. 6 - , - First neighbor':- How did that -l-itt-le—demon—oB-a—boy—-of-yoursr- get hurt? • Second neighbor: -Your little­ saint of a boy hit him with a stick. •' if faHher ^9 dollar »• V ♦ 41 •r I • SA w 1 fl V -I*- 1 1 TORS LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . > : , . : ....5. ■Mi t Y A * » i . r • , '' f ■ ^4