The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-22, Page 9WEDNESDAY,JULY 22nd, 1953 0 4 V THELUCKNOW .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 4? I . PAGE NINE whsburgh FLORHIDE ENAMEL • ■ X ........ this’ll’that ■ . ' by . ROSEMARY THYME hot. Water bath for 10 minutes, i If desired, you may add the sugar to sweeten, boiling it until the ■' suggr is dissolved. This is a con- • centrated drink and will need ’ to be diluted; add to fruit drinks ■ in summer, jt gives a very, re- freshing flavor. Make it hot and. '' ..... . - \/ ‘ spiced for winter colds. I keep harping on the beauties I Black Currant Jelly, may be X VaMrtillC frnil-c'oc ♦hov nnwin ' »•»•» «-----_"i _ V _£ ----a.------j.f.1 — if. • , season.A First rhubarb, then the same way, and adding % cup of scoop them up out of the water I tiLit ^sheets” from spoon. in which voir, wash' them - and• »' • ♦ . .;. < of various fruits as they come in made by extracting juice in this —1____1_______1- 1 Al_______ xl____' ■ • ' - ’ 7 BUMPER HAY CROJP Following a spell of continuous wet weather that brought haying operations to a standstill, last * week turned hpt and dry, and-a^ bumper crop was cut1 and har- .. vested. Despite new methods of hay storage, including baling, silos and ’ ground si.los, storage facili­ ties are overtaxed in many cases by this;- year’s, crops, and it is notjuricommon to see baled hay ; jpiled UP as if it were cordwood. dewmess offcherries when you sugar to each cup juice. Boil;un~ in which you wash them, and/] black, currants and blueberries; • the jewelled, translucence of red currants; the fragrant smell they give out when cooking, ^nd then the delicious taste they’ reward you with when you have added them to pie or pudding. I know we all welcome “fruit time”. Likewise the birds. One of our fbrmer Neighbors was worrying about the birds she used, to feed in this neighborhood, but I as­ sured her she need have no wor­ ry.........they had moved into our yard, and. conducted their act­ ivities in the neighbor’s straw­ berries from herg. Now they have started on our mulberries-7 . . I would conduct a more active war­ fare on them if I liked mulber­ ries. We have a few cherries, but not. enough to grudge to the birds... \ . ■' Quick Cherry Pib:: -2% - Cups cherries, 3 tbsp, cornstarch^, one tbsp, .butter, 1 drop almond flav­ oring; .!’• cup. sugar. Plain pastry; Mix cherries'* with sugar and cornstarch. Add butter, pinch salt and almond flavoring. Pour in; pastry lined pie plate; cover with ! lattice crust. I took a pie to a bake sale recently, of which the crust was much admired. . more.; simple than lattice?—I—^t-hrnkw~~I~i cut crescents out of the rolled out I paste with a round cookie cutter, | when you have one crescent cut,! just keep cutting back into the | -paste—an d- on e'cTescent f611bv/s j another. Start in the centre of j the pie and arrange th.em in i circles’ to the outer edge. You.! may-cover the fruit as closely as you like, but- it won’t ’‘run”. 1 Cherry Bavarian; Crumb crust, .1 cup cherries, 1 f envelope un ­ flavored. gelatin, l1^ cups milk, l/4 cu-p sugar, pinch salt, 3 eggs separated, 116 tsp. vanilla, 1 cup. whipping cream. Soften gelatin in milk. ARd sugar and salt and put over low heat until gelatin is. dissolved. Slowly add mixture to slightly beaten, egg yolks. Cook over low heat and stir constant­ ly until mixture coats spoon. "Whehwobl, add7vanilla. Whip the .cream and beat_jeag-Whites-uhtit stiff. Cut the cherries in . quart­ ers and fold into, custard mix­ ture with egg whites .and half of whipped Qream. Pour into graham crumb crust-lined pan. Chill thor­ oughly. Garnish "'with whipped cream and whole cherries. Currants make a fine pie too- Plain pastry. 3 cups currants. Cruch .slightly in large bowl,; and mix: with IV2 cups sugar, 3 tbsp, quick cooking tapioca and a pinch j salt.. Mix until currants are coai-. .ed with sugar. Pour- into pastry lihed pan. Top with lattice.. i . Black ' currants are crammed ' 1 with Vitamin C,. hnd one .of the. [ very few foods, which, retain the i vitamin when cooked; A half cup : of currant juice gives 50. percent. . . . . . ( } more . ‘ For—■ .. • ,k$ame amount of orange juice. So Tn/erriritmoM Limited has served ’ your. breaklasLj^in-hM4>i^^e^ ‘ —t-i" •/ : food value.'• • • r ’ • / - • • Black Currant Jam: Clean'four pounds of black currants and add ’ >6 cups; of ’.watery Boil’briskly for • ; 20 .'minutes, and . add six pounds. • ! sugar.” Boil until the juic^-‘sheets’ . .'• fi;bm . the spoon’ Usually, only . a ■ ' rlew’minutes. Stir well so that the '. fruit is mixed well '.and pour in- ' .■to hoi^ stirile jars.' Cover with ...'.■thin layer of paraffin,’and when, I (■old/•■cov.ei’ ..with another layer. wdjoiil 12. pbllnds of ff * * ’ ■ Currant Juice’::.To -four of currants,...add 6 cups ........................................ * t i ishing the.,fruit ■ well,. Run*'thru; /Mrs. Ida Burke is at Baker’s weeks’- holidays. Limited u , . . • . - 4 ■ .. , . . ■ . . , ’ . It’s easy to make floors and steps look like new with the tough, long-lasting Pittsburgh Florhide Ehiunel, Use it on wood, concrete or metal. Eleven durable colors, Black and White. •41 JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED ’PHONE 150 MJCKNOW, ONT. A BEVERAGE ROOM vote will Mrs/ Ida Burke is at Baker’s ;be held in Paisley-in September. Private Hospital while Mrs; Mac- ; Four years ago the. issue was Far.lane'is aWav for a couple of .defeated 298 to 179. .■ // c weeks’-holidays. < FTIWT MONT RE AL - T OR ON TO - CH IC A 6 O On business or pleasure, travel the fast and comfortable way on Canadian National’s International Limited. Put usable time to' your advantage as tile engineer does the driving. Work Or relax in modern coaches, duplex-roomettes or luxurious bedroom-buffet-lounge cars/ Overnight, enjoy the wide variety of restful sleeping accommodations from berths to drawing rooms. Dine well in bright^ up-to-the-mintite dining cars. MARVELLOUS, MEALS Ta*ly food, nicely »erved, make* mealtime a pleasure when you • Oo Ctanadion National. For reservations and infornid*1 ' lion regarding your business/ and pleasure travel consult f .... your Ideal Canadian National Passenger Agent Ask about train travel Gift Certificates. —, T o t o u t ds 6f~ Detroit, Chicii^o, on dependable, all- wea l h e tv sell cd u 1 es. (Poo l se r v-1 ice Montreal -Toronto only); Go by The International Limited and ' •arrive refreshed. ; i • ’ . I*'• RA H W A V S O UIN&’'AtL ■ if N —This, ma-feei juni; • ''.' Black ' pounds . <>.! water and simmer, -for-25 min,, ■ ■ 'fr.a ............ . a jellv hag'. Return the. pulp to ''» and almost cover it water;’ Boil , again for ”20 jag® (Q) /. the kef Be Vjvdh 1 pmiT'iuttxs’.and run through a jelly -b 1, ag. 'MTX“th.o ‘tetibhs arid ■ ; bring to boiling point Pour in lol ' 11 sterile ’’ air-tight. jars,' filling to within . ka in.ch of. trip*. Prbt’ds^ in t-.- ( ? .■ "■ • - <;