The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-22, Page 1LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd, 1953 worthwhile purpose in the Holy* continue to enjoy comparatively terest in the affairs of the com^ dent this year and the secretary- I PASS MUSIC EXAMS ■* f PASSES IN DETROIT J •Mrs. Grace Lockhart, of town ■numBsmsnu TO INSTALL HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEM • ■ ■ •• * . . . ■ I I. I some time. r------ -------------- ■- - ■ .. LOCAL BOY GETS . . • . . -j" ■. ATTENDED FUNERAL ft^r. arid Mrs. E. V. Baker were who formerly taught at Dundalk on Friday attending ence to a, forced air system. ? TO MEET HERE RE $2.50 AYear In Advance—$1.00 Extra To U.S.A ashfield leads HURON IN PAVING • . ' -i ■ • 1 : •• 1 ■ . i - Work has been completed of paving l’A miles of township road in ’ the. Township of Ash- iield andyaqcdrdirig tp - Reeve* El- mer Graham ^his municipality’ . leads all townships in the County of Huron in this respect. ? The pavement is a permanent black top?cold mix and was laid bn th J Fourth of- Ashfield from Dungannon west one block, past - the fair grounds and cemetery; Ttyis road was widened and improved while, the airport was. in operation at Port Albert, and was in comparative readiness for ... a hard top.' The, work was done by Huron County highway men and equipment.. But this isn’t the first hard top program Ashfield has engaged in. The Ashfield-Huron boundary? from Amberley to the “top of the hiil” at the lake was previ­ ously paved /with the two town­ ships sharing the cost. This has /resulted in an ex­ cellent road link with Highway 86, and eliminates the gravel “wash board” that was inevitable during the tourist season parties ularly, no matter how much time and effort was spent in trying to keep it in shape. —This—hard surfacing work” in Ashfield portends, no doubt, a future and expanding program in rural municipalities generally/ : TAKING POST GRADUATE ’ COURSE AT SUNNYBROOK Dr. John Mackenzie anti his sister, Miss Katherine MacKem zie spent the week-end in kinloss the..homes of their brothers; Frank and Tom Ma’ctKerizip. > '*7 John t motored from .Vancouver early this month after .completing ■ post gradiiate surgery .at Shaugh­ nessy Hospital,; Vancouver,, and after a brief holiday in Toronto wMi^his mother,, commenced a post graduate course in path- plogy—At^ Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto,. z i HOLYROOD INSTITUTE TO MARK 40th ANNIVERSARY . A red letter day in the history of the Holyrood Women’s^ Insti­ tute -wilLbe marked -thisrThUrs- clay afternoon, .when the' Branch celebrates its 40th criipiversary,-.. < An afterribori .tea will be held .in < the./^ojyroods Township Hall at 2,30 which Will* bring together old members arid new .of this organization which has served a TEN PAGES MARRIED FIFTY- FOUR YEARS AGO Al , reunidn.L was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jqhn Wraith in Honor of Mr. arid Mrs. Wilson Wall, on \the occasion: of their 54th wedding anniversary.? ' Mr. arid Mrs/ Wall are highly esteemed residents of Concession 6, Kiriloss. They are 7$; and 73 years of age respectively and LOCAL SCOUTS GO TO CAMP ON AUGUST 1st Boy Scout Camp at Inverhuron is from August 1-10. All Luck* ribw Boy Scouts intending to go to Camp» please register at The Sentinel; Office this week. The total fee, is ?$12;do, of which one- half is paid b# the Lucknow Boy Doth ways is arranged for. ATTEND GRAND LODGE Mr. and Mrs. Leonard MacDon­ ald, Mr, and Mrs' T. J. Salkeld, Mt. and Mrs. Ted Collyer, and Mr, and Mrs. Win. Evans were in Toronto last week where the men attended the sessions of the Masonic Grand Lodge. KOREA WOUNDS WERE SEVERE Further word has been, received in Detroit by Mr. arid? Mrs. Geo. Linley that her son, Sgt. Wilfred Snider,.who “has served in' Korea since December, is in Osaka Army Hospital in; Japan. He re­ ceived six blood transfusions. Wilfred’s second injuries im eluded splinters of shrapnel in : h.is eyes and face, right arm and hand and left leg. The bone in .the left arm is shattered arid in a cast. He stated -that his eyes are all right, and none of the wounds will 'cause permanent jdjsabilityv ■ ___ Wilfred expects to be returned home, to the States soon. THAT a reception was held on Friday night in the Recreation­ al Centre in honor of'Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Irwin. The newly­ weds were presented : with , a purse of money. Gordon Brooks extended' Congratulations t o Mr. arid Mrs. Irwin" and Bill XHUnter made the presentation on behalf of the gathering. ’ > 'r . • —o—. • a. ■v . THAT Wayne Nixon Qi Ashfield won «.a $100 prize at the last Kincardine bingp. His father, Isaac, has been a two-time win­ ner of a similar cash prize. rood-Kinlough area these many g00d health and take a keen in- n - • terest in the affairs of the com-Mrs. Raynard Ackert is presi- munity. + '• w „■ ;r I. Mrs;. Wall was the former Annatreasurer is Mrs. Wm. S. Eadie, j pinnej], daughter of the late Mr. j and Mrs. George Pinnell of Cul- - . j ross township, and her husband is -‘3 a' son of the late Mr. arid Mrs. j John Wall, also of Culross. Fol- (lowing their marriage they farm-*^ is ( ed in,Culross for 26 years and in ,---- - _J years. They «were JET PILOT GOING TO GERMANY ?7Flyingj Officer J. H. Batger __ ________ _ spending three weeks’ embarka-1 Kinloss 22 years. They „ were tion leave with his parents, Mr. (married in Wingham by the Rev. arid Mrs. Howard. Barger of Ash- J William? Lowe .of the Anglican field. He will sail for Germany ! church. soon after his vacation ends. ’ I They have two sons and three . Jim; is a jet plane pilot and daughters, Ira, of Whitechurch; DOE DIES DESPITE Treatment at o.a.c.i A young doe, caught in a fence on Reid.Bros, farm, Con, 6, Ash­ field, got the best-of veterinary attention but died” despitethe ef-. forts to save it. Upon discovering the animal suspended on a fence at the bush, word was sent to Jack Henderson, deputy game warden. JaCk pick­ ed up the deer and had it exam­ ined by the local veterinary, be- fore taking it to the O.A;C. at Guelph, where it died the, next day. It was injured, internally and parajyzed as well as having suf­ fered severe superficial injuries to . the legs. . . < / THAT the Baker family has mov­ ed to the adjacent residence purchased from R. H. McQuil-. jn,_..and; JheiiL..former?- living­ quarters in thewing of the private hospital have been re­ modelled to provide consider­ ably more hospital. accomodar tion. :. ' ' • • .. —Q— • ' ■#’.! THAT there is likely tp be a bus I . trip to Niagarh Falls some time' in Augpst, and anyone interest-! ed in going, should contact A1-? I lan Reed. / likes flying those faster-than- [Gordon of Kiriloss township; Mrs. sound machines, and certainly ’ John Wraith of Lucknow; Mrs. isn’t losing any weight doing so. | Bert Moffatt, Teeswater; Mrs. He had been stationed at the!Leonard Conley, Cargill, Und 13 R.C.A.F. station at Bagotville,grandchildreri. Quebec,. until, three weeks prior to his leave when he took a spec- ! ial instruments course at North •Bay." . • Jim, ‘ ‘ ___ _______v _______ school in Ashfield and in CoJk^the-funeral—of— Chester, received his pilot’s wings Mrs. George MacVicar;, who pass­ fl nd commission at the Flying i ed away at the ago of 73. She Training School at Centralia in. had been in failing health /for (January 1952. I At the piano examinations of OXFORD DEGREE .the Royal Conservatory of music, | of Toronto, Louise Andrew ob-j tained honor standing in Grade * IV and Carol Gardner, honor standing in Grade VIII. Both girls'are pupils\of Mrs. C. Shad­ dick of Lucknow. • . —o— • ' THAT Nancy . Webster, Joan Crawford and Joanne Hunter are spending ten days at Girl Guide Camp at Kewadin at the ? ‘‘Fobf .bf?the Twelfth”. . —o— THAT Mr. and Mrs. William Me, Kinnon (nee Mary Johnston) are now residing at /Tulsa, Ok­ lahoma, where Bill is taking a Course at ' the Tujsa office of the oil corhpany with which he . is associated. They expect to. return to Calgary in October. ’? ~o~ ?;'■?■ THAT the Finlay Decorating. & Gift Shop in Lricknow has been appointed local dealer for CIL. paints. A display advertisement ; -to this effect appears in .this issrie? , . ’ ’ ’ ,**.’• .'■■ ■■? • ; —O— THAT Susan McNaughtonis home from Toronto for a month or ;. so. Doctors. believe she may I _ have had a mild attack of poip,{/HOSPITAL DRIVE that affected the strength of one. of her limbs, arid advised! . -her to take a rest. .; , . • — o-r-•• / ;j THAT Ross McDonagh, son. of Mr., and Mrs. Jack McDonagh, urn derWOnt an ^operation on his knee in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, oh Tuesday of ldSt -week. Ross had cartlidge’ removed by Dr. McLaughlin. The injury oc­ curred some time ago during gymnastic training at schbol, - and when it failed to . respond ■ to treatmem the' operation was “"decided on. Ross will , have ’the" . limb .in a cast for a time. . --—o—— THAT Charles .McQui.ilin left on ; Thursday for Vancouver. Re is ’ • driving a C'hev.coupe to the Coast for the General Motors Corporation? He. made the trip • alone. . The Sentinel mailing list Will be corrected shortly. Is yourysub- i scription paid? . • V Recgojnize 25 Years’ Missionary Service As Furlough Hears An End The annual congregational and I gON qf FORMER DUNGANNON PASTOR RETURNS FOR VISIT Rev. R. K; Fairbairn,, B.'A.y B.D, S TM? of Montreal, accom-’ panied by his wife ancrdaughter, returned for a visit to Dungan­ non last week, Where his father ministrired iri the Presbyterian Church many years ago . Rev. R. K. Fairbairn has been the minister?at Livingston United Church, Montreal, for over thirty, years,. having been there since ‘before. Church' Union. .He holds “the record for having rriinistei’Oci- the longest '"in any Montreal -Chu-i^hLand^s^^^U-^his-y^^ vacation is an expense-free trip through' the benevolence’ of a Montreal business -man.- I In returning to Dungannon his. attention was. attracted to. a new sign ‘lit Allan Reid’s farm, read­ ing “Davidson Hotriostead’’, arid which, incidentally, was paintrid by ’Mac Webster of Kincardine, Rev, Fairbairn called at the DavidsOn’ home as • he well’ rO- Itiehibcred the late. Robert David” ■sun, ■ W:/feLillod! preach in. the early' days of .his ministry' and of borrowing. .‘^11’.’ Davidson's horse, and buggy ■ to fb ’SL. Helens to-deliver a ,sei‘- mon’... ' ' < . • 1 THAT Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Web­ ster accompanied Mr/and MrSv ■Clarence Bell to / where they are. spending the ' week. -Harvey.and Edith plan to return, by' air. fropl Cleveland to; Loricioh. , * Sunday School picnic of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church was held in .Harbor Park,, God­ erich, on Thursday, July 9th. A splendid picnic was enjoyed by a goodly number of people with ’ the weather excellently favor­ able. ( ■ ■ ‘ The races were run off begin­ ning at 4 p.m, Mr. Innes. Mac- Syreen tyas the transportation , converter for the picnic arid a bus left the church at 1.15 p.m. Mrsi MacSween was. in' charge* of ‘the races, assisted by/the minister* ,RevTC.7ArWirin. / , ' .. The congregation Sat down to ^^~bountiful”””supper which was' truly appreciated. When the sup-< per was over, it became a pleas- .ant duty to minister and icongre-1 gation to make a .presentation to Miss Dorothy, bouglas, mission- . ary on furlough from Formosa. Miss Douglas , had been, designa- ted a missionary in the Lucknow Presbyterian Church twenty-five years ago this year, A bearitifui set of thatching’ luggage and u purse oL money were presented in remembrance of. this, event and to express the esteem in which she is held .by . her friends arid associates of the , <ohgregation. Miss DoUglns re- . Pliecl, speaking of her Surprise and Of her extreme delight in the 1‘emembrancO and arinouncihg her ’ Plans to return to Formosa the . jniddle of. August. She expressed. * ' yor thariksi arid the prayers, of the congregation, as she realized, will g0 with het in 1‘Her work i for. the Lord and Master. THAT Jirrihiie McNaughton en­ tertained some, young friends ori the'occasion of his' 7th birth- ...day uirdM-onday; ■ ■? ' ^—0— . .' THAT an advt appears in this issue listing rural ,mail ' box’ . plates fpr *$,I..QO a ppir, over‘the name of Wyse arid.Hardie. It’s ’ Sam Wyse, w,ho"is. well known in .this district and the same chap Who ’a ’few years bank, acted as subscription salesman fpr The. S’entinel When he pairit- "ed the name/ori the b,ox free hand like? with every new or renewal, subscription. • , • i» . . *.• z '• * . . ■ ' ’ . • r Alex G< MacIntyre, who has (..spent the past two years study- i4ng at Oxford University in Eng­ land, received his B.A. degree in Physiology, at the recent degree day ceremonies there. By special permission, from the University he will be allowed to (reduce the regular three-year I clinical course by six months on The Official Board of the Un-!'condition that he work in the ited Church met last Thursday; hospital duririg the vacation this night and decided on installing a i summer. . , stoker-fed hot water heating) To do this, Alex began the’ system in the church. Wm. Mur-: [clinical work on July—6th-for- his- ^die and Son has the contract. | M.B. degree in the famous Rad-? There were several tenders for cliffe Infirmary of,Oxford. ■ '_■■■■ heating, systems with the Board ————— --------— deciding on hot. water in. prefer- SISTER OF JLGCAL MAN < . -The Councils of adjacent muni­ cipalities are to meet in Lucknow on Friday night of this week to hear details of the proposed new wing to the Wingham; General Hospital. The meeting will be held in. the Town Hall at'8.30. . Wingh'am Hospital has frir some time ! been badly . overcrowded, with corridors; and every avail­ able’ bit of- space .Utilized in .ad­ mitting patients? thaV“ha‘Ve;-at times, almost doubled the rated Capacity of 48 beds. ■ g.. Word from. the Department of Health, is to the effect that, the time’ is approaching when it will j be„ necessary to “control the ad­ mission pf patients”, if a _ new- wing is riot soon built. Mrs. Thomas, Frederick Omans, formerly Jane Reid, daughter of the late - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, died after a long illness in Detroit. • . . /*’ ! • Mrs. Omans* was born at .Zioiri [and spent her early-years in Ash- ! field and West Wawanosh town­ ships. Since her marriage she liv­ ed in Detroit./ i Surviving are two brothers, | Samuel Reid, Lucknow; John i Reid,'Goderich; three sisters, Mrs. - '.James Pipe arid Mrs.; Charles Nicholson, both of Goderich; Mrs. I Charles Teesha, Detroit; 6 'grand- - children. , . • . - * ' , The funeral took place from_the- ‘ “Cranston -ftineral home, Goderich, Saturday at 2 p.m. The Rev. lari Hind, Baptist church minister, ofr ficiated. Burial was in ’Maitland cemetery. . . - ■ . ’ wimg is noi boon ouiii. ’ ’ t ■ A k 4 u n.' ■ ' Stumbling block to-this project NAME SCHOOL FOR .needed from^ the area served by JOHN A. LOCKHART?"is , the matter of sortie $200,000 the hospital to suppleinent grants, from the. Ontario and Dominion Governments totalling’ $250,000.! Was present., on Saturday, July cost of the Wing is estimated atat; rrr^ Wo,000. •: v : . .. • It is proposed that each muni; cipality concerned contribute, to the new wing on a percentage basis, according to the .number of patients hospitalized from each municipality.' . The plan \yill be explained in detail on Friday night Among .the municipal councils expected to be present at this meeting will be RinlosSj.Ashfield, .West ripsfy Lucknow < Huron arid CoL borric. . • Burlington, when her sori? John laid the cornerstone for the new .. johrir A. Lockhart public/school. Mayor Smith, 'a member of Prim, cipal Lockhart’s first class' at Central school thirty-three years ago, presided*. He commended him for his generosity, industry arid Strong,sense of du,ty'. ■ /There were^f ou r .generalons of Lockharts attending - arid Mr. Lockhart’s mother was presented with roses; having Made the trip id see honor paid her sori/.'