The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-15, Page 6Service and Satisfaction in ' Plumbing , ■ ■ and ■■. .:■■■■..” Heating Automatic Oil; Furnaces In­ stalled—See The Oil Ranges. FURNACE REPAIRS^.' Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs Eavetroughing, Air Conditioning. District Agent , For BEATTY PUMPS & REPAIRS Art Gilmore > ' R. R. 3, LUCKNOW ’Phene 61-r-13, Dungannon WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th, 1953 0-0-0 0-0-0 oursioi wHift THE -o-o-o——. STANDING THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO SPECIAL 1949 ; Ford Sedan $895.00 1953 CHEV. BEL AIR COACH, ti 1953 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN ; ! 1953 CHEV? DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, two-tone ~ ■ 1952 STYLELINE STANDARD CHEV. "SEDAN ! 1952 CHEV DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, fully equipped. > 1952 PONTIAC COACH • r i : 1951 POWERGLIDE CHEV. COACH, fillly equipped 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH ! 1951 CHEVROLET'SEDAN ; • 1950 CHEV..FLEETLINE COACH ; ,1948 CHEV. FLEEXLINE COACH. •1948--------------------“ I 1946 > 1949 CHEV. COACH. 1947 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH CHEV. COACH 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. CHEVROLET SEDAN < X®' 1942 DODGE COACH TRUCKS MERCURY THREE-TON STAKEg 1947 MERCURY THREE-TON STAKE § 1947 CHEV. %-TON PICK-UP § 1948 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP i,! - Brussels Motors ; S Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers § g, .. Cash, Trade, Terms — Open, Evenings Until. 10 8 § Cities Service Dealer Phone 73x, Brussels $ LUC-TEE-WIN FLACES TROUT IN DISTRICT STREAMS On/Monday of last week the Luc-Tee-Win officials released ^a good many thousand trout of fin/ igerling jize,, in streams around Lucknow, Wirigham arid Tees^ /- water; equal numbers were al­ located to each community. These, fish; were (bought and paid fpr 'by. the club and are extra to the regular restocking program of the FishAand • Wildlife branch" of the -Department of Lands and Forests. HOLIDAYS TO START, Found car stolen A. Mr<«and Mrs. John Carruthers, Gail and Ann of Delhi are holir daying here this week with his mother, Mrs; John Carruthers and plan to spend ne^t week at the beach. ■/ John, who is a member of the staff of the Delhi branch of the Bank of Montreal, got a rude jolt to his holiday plans when he dis­ GODERICH DOVk^ED LOCALS 8-1 LAST WEDNESDAY . ..............- r “ Woefully weak at 'bat1,, plus some careless looking catching, were the two big factors in God-* erich trimming Lucknow Legion­ naires 8-1 last'•Wednesday night before one of the biggest crowds of the season. . Sdm6 atrocious umpiring high­ lighted the fixture, and while the defeat couldn’t be blamed on the inefficiency of the umpires, it d id figure on the score sheet. t Harvey Krueger who handled the game,1 and they roused" the. fans to a pdint where they remained; around to add some-, personal words to. the cat-calls that were' hurled during the game. The handling of the Port Elgin and Goderich games in Lucknow, were both glaring examples of the need for some high calibre umpires in this fastball circuit* St. Marie’s major error came in the fourth, when Pinder clip­ ped a /foul. Nobody moved/till Miley ran in, claiming that Mann had clipped his bat. Gborge wav­ ed Pinder to first to fill the sacks. He later scored. ' ■ • / ^AslLone.Lfan_.put_Jl^thjei^ gave a 3-D demonstration—dim, durnb and distorted. The score was: 3-1, and looked like riiighty,. tight ball g§me un­ til that 4th innihg rhubarb; when the visitors scored twice. From there in Lucknow Jwent ‘hitless, and in the 8th and 9th,. Goderich added three more on a pair of triples, a’single, passed ball arid an. infield out, to; complete, the rout. " I SPORT... LET HALL GO, MANN TO FITCH The Legionnaires and Hughie Hall hriye parted9 company. Hall and the promoters of. the team couldn’t agree on contract terms! last: week, arid .they ‘‘let him go”. Hall has been commuting most of the/season. with the Goderich colored battery of Justice and Miley, and on more than one oc­ casion has arrived late-for Leg­ ionnaire -rgames.; Anybody’ . can have/ a guess/as,46 what’s back of these late arrivals* ir , . t , Hughie' missed his bat in they first inning in Walkerton on Fri­ day, but then went in to pitch a whale, of a gapie with errors costing him a;. ..IrO .decision on a three hit job. . The chips were dowp after the game. Hall was offered $ con­ tract with two options* One that he spend five days a week in Lucknow . at what is . regarded locally as a fancy figure; the other that he commute on his I own, with fewer greenbacks be- I ing fluttered in 4his offer. Hughie Yturried-them-downraTTd^topk^fi/ by taxi for Goderich to catch his travelling partners, /' As far as The Legionnaires, are concerned Hall won’t ;be back except on theiri terms. He’s' had plenty i_of opportunities to * make ; good during the past, four Reasons in .this fastball loop—three years with. Lucknow and one with Port- coveredhis car;/ a. 1948, /Dodge, was stolen. He had used the. car on July 1st, and had no occasion to need it until the>.end of the)' . . x xweek, when he " discovered it was I but always chose to , play missing from the locked garage^I.1*'. kis way—-and if he fails,40 where he had kept- it. No -trace;-6?®^ to terms it looks as if he of- the/ car has since been found, ! killed the goose .for good. .He and fiie. Carruthers family are Iinade indifferent ■ start this using a rented vehicle for their .vyhich disgustedi, the fans, vacation.’ 15; Mel Donahue, Teeswater, 2 plus 19;. Gordon MacKay, Wing- ham, 2 plus 13; Isaac Miller, Lucknow, 2 plus 12; Wm. Dobson, Walkerton, 2 plus 11.; f-0-0-0 CITE DIFFERENT REASONS FOR LOSING JOHNSON Last week’s Meaford Express reported that in . the Wednesday, night game with Walkerton, Russ Johnson had injured his leg slid­ ing into the plate in the first inning and had to leave the game. Said The Express: “Meafprd may have lost the services of Russ Johnson for some time”. But “Hank” (Port Elgin) Smith had any reason why the Knights. :• might lose Johnsdn.- ^Harik” eame- up for a second time with a re­ port from the Pdrt Colborne Ev­ ening Standard dealing with 2-0 fastball. Victory won. .by’/' itojyn.iname.d_.Sherks!ton.. The fir: line*’of the article'read; “Again ' it was t'h^e. strong right arm of* . veteran Russ Johnson that ac- ' Playing-ifouf gqrries m six days,/couhfod. for. the win”, with th? added comment farther on; .“If is. going to take a great team to . beat Russ”.-- /' . \ ../■■■■ /.That was*, enough to cause “Hank” to burst, out ,in. a two- column spread in the ■ Time.-, ’rightfully demanding an invest!-, gation of the Johnson -affair, by the W.O.A.A. and O.A.S.A., with which Sherkston.is claimed to bp affiliated". “Hank” ‘calls for John­ son’s suspension until the matter is dealt with. He points out that was the procedure in dealing with . Wdlly Hetherington of South am p- ton who was “belted‘out of the league” last .year , for switching to Port Elgin, after he had signed up with his home town team. ■ Meaford and Jqhnsori shr-ug-it— off as exhibition games, , and the reaction here when the affair was first rumored, was that “John­ son would know better”. But the incident is past the shrugging off stage. The only recourse now is an open and full scale invest-.' igation into the affair. ----f “h ;e: Goderich ..’..........^Ol 200012—8 8 .2 Lucknow. ...100 000 000->-l/4 3 and then settled , down to, pitch the kind of ball he is capable of. Fellx Mari, ‘his battery mat.e, will take over- the mound duties; Felix has had ah inning or so] to his credit arid is keen on his] new assignment. He’ll face; a stiff f. test' when he meets Walkertori’* Wednesday night. Guess who’ll of . Repeat Sepoys’ Performance ’ The Mildmay Monarchs,: win-; ners of the London Free. Press -trophy three years’ in .a row, had '| the giant mug officially present- ! ed to them- recently by Jack i If’ark, sports editor of the Free (be catching—George Westlake, .Press, who/intimated .that a re- j course. : -plica would be made of the .cup, for/the permanent possession of | the Mildmay club. . A similiar replica will alsp. be •in order for Lucknow; Sepoys who previously had won the tro­ phy three times in a row as “C” hockey champions of the WOAA intermediate series. I LEGIONNAIRES LOST 1-0 ON HALL’S THREE-HITTER i i I Hughie. Hall and * George Zuk hooked up in ,/one of their old- time mound duels last Friday night in the County Towri^ with an error and the breaks of the game deciding the/tilt in the 4th inning when the Hartleys scored a single run to eke out a LO decision; Hall limited the Walkerton power1 batters to three bingles. while four hits were the most the Legionnaires could get off. Zuk; one. of them a first inning double by Mann.J . ——o-o-o----- JUVENILES BREAK EVEN—“ DURING-PAST WEEK Lucknow Juveniles broke even with two wins and, two losses.' In a Slugfest at- Formosa last Thursday, Garnet Henderson’s lads scored a 31-3 victory. Back in Lucknow on Friday night they trimmed Ripley 24-6. The Ripley boys had one bad inning when Lucknow bvatted almost twice around for 14 runs. They tasted • their. first defeat” at Benmiller on Monday night, When the boys claim* they were robbed in; dropping a 13 to 12 de ­ cision. They _ went right -back to Goderich and lost their second game by-a score Of 10-6. Goderich won it in the last inning with a six;run outburst. The Juveniles are back home ——Zj Ej > (Including Monday’s Games) L 5 6 5 7 8 14 15 Goderich ..^.........v Meaford .... Walkerton Kincardine Lucknow.............. Hgnoyer..... Port Elgin .... w 14 12 10 12 6 3 3 Pct; .737 .667 .667 .632 .428 .177 .167 SUN-PROOF HOUSE PAINT Wise Homeowners realize that the best pro­ tection from the elements is good paint. Sim-Proof Mildew Resistant Outside White contains fungicide to resist mildew.f Will , not discolor in arpas where sulphurotis gases are present. / ♦ f v 6 JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED ’PHONE 150 LUCKNOW, ONT 7 the visiting team. •——b-o-6----- Trebles Tournament Winning rinks in the Lucknow Bowling Club’s trebles tourna­ ment last Thursday were: Harry Sanderson, Ingersoll, 3 wins plus Past Week’s Results Meaford 4, Port Elgin T Kincardine 2, 'Hanover 0 Goderich 8,; Lucknow 1 • Walkerton 8, Meaford 7 - * Fort. Elgin’2, Hanover 1 - ”“Goderich~5;Kincardine~3 “ Walkerton 1, Liucknow 0 Goderich 9, Walkerton 2 Meaford 8, Hanover 6 Kincardine 3, Port Elgin 0 —-o-o-o—— ; \ Games Coming Up Judy 15—Walkerton at Lucknow July. 17—Lucknow at Hariover July 20^7-Hanover at Lucknow ... July 22—Lucknow at. Port Elgin ■ '-^-T-q-OTO-r—' ' A ball jteam .Is^heing_orgahiy.ad- at Rapid City,/once a hot-bed of sport activity, and: the newly or­ ganized team is boldly announc­ ing that i>t is ready to take on ” all comers in;exhibition games, .... -6^0-0----— •.jA/ Twenty ‘bowlers took part in '$ie Monday night focal mixed' jit- high scores chalked up ;hy„Fre^ riiori, Gordon McPherson, Jim Canier.Oii and Mrs. K. Cameron, A T-.-+ i ‘11 ■* i I HEY FOLKS It’a Better for 1953 CIVIC HOLIDAY Monday AUGUST 3 1 *’ , ■ ■ • ■ • Lakeview Park IPORTELG ... Commencing at L30 p.m. AFTERNOON arid EVENING. j Kiddies Midway Highland Games , Fiddlers’ Contest tou^To Enjoy '