The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-15, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th, 1953 ‘ J. - - -----------—' 1 •. --- * * Lyceum Theatre W INGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Mrs. Watt iwaiv* Li num Cl, VIOH W1L11 IT*---------------12----------------------------. ------------ . J . . -Harold—-Sproul, Davidson^—-The-Mission~Band. met on Sun» LUMBER LIMITED last week, of Baker’s Lucknow, Brodie on I Irwin Ralph i i I ♦ 1 » 9* * * ' ■ ’ *'*•$» iriMMjmtrorr" ~Tr.ni-iJ-' " • • A.* Lucknow ■■ MBSKHSUHMBSHtOBHlSSaM* /■ /e/ ■ ! | THE LOW COST INTERIOR PANEL | . ’■ ■.■-/■„ . ■■■''/and. ' FLOOR UNDERLAY BOARD ,. f-.|...f p■V THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Wednesday, Thurs., JJuly 15,16 MITZI GAYNOR, . ’ l SCOTT BRADY ‘ 7 “ ’ 7"'■“SS'.'l.R ■ Bloodhounds Of ■>.:/ Broadway '.'/' Friday, Saturday, July 17, 18 GENE AUTRY, in On Top of Old Smoky MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, July 20, .21 RICHARD WIDMARK, „__L^OANNE^DRU. ■ /■, ..—in ", My Pal Gus Wednesday, Thurs., July 22, 23 Humphrey Bogart, Sydney Greenstreet ;• in ' *'■ \ , “THE MALTESE FALCON” PURPLE GROVE .■ ' Mr: and Mrs. Elmo_ Colwiell_of_ orth Battleford,, Mr. Alvin Col- ell of Oshawa, Mrs; Len Ged- js and fapiily of Bervie, Mr. and rs. Frank Maulden and Keith, rs/ Arthur Phillips and Peggy Welland, were visitors at the nine of Mr. and Mrs. Donald cCosh on Sunday. “ ■ Mr. and Mrs/ Farrell of Pinex ver visited with Mr. Joe Emer-. n on Sunday. ' I- ./ Mrs, George S. Emerson is at esent in 'Kincardine Hospital ,er undergoing an operation.' Quite a number from Purple ove and surrounding district ended the Orange 12th of July ebratidn at Goderich, where angembti from all over West-, i Ontario were present to take rt in one of the largest parades 21’; seen in Goderich. dr.*and Mrs Trayer, Miss Edith mley \ of London spent the' ek-end at the home, of Millon mley. dr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley, Ima, Marlene and Gladys spent ; Wednesday at London. Ir. and Mrs. Arthur Patterson I family of Toronto, Mr. and 5. Andrew Patterson visited on iday at the home of Mr? and >. Burton Collins. he pupils.of SJS. No. 2, Kin- gh, presented their teacher, Goldie Emerson, with a Bible icordance and tie pin at the elusion of his term as teacher, wife, Mrs. Jacqualeen Emer- als.o receiyed- a rhinestone ciace fropi her school, S.S. No. ancardine. ne four entrance pupils of lough ■ school were . successful passing their, examinations: ion .Percy, Kenneth Hodgins, glas. Stanley, Ivan McFarlane. fOVER COUNCIL is request? Grey County 'municipalities support a resolution asking busiriess assessment be omit-- in calculating the county tax , *........... • J .... . • * KINLOUGH ... Miss Helen Malcolm of Toronto is vacationing at the Malcolm home here, , / iBey? David |Lane of Clinton W his grandsons, Donald and David Edward »of Goderich visited Monday with his brothers, J. R and Malcolm Lane and their fam­ ilies here, rMrS. J. W? QolWell with other reiatives here .attended a recep/ ; fo? W- an^ Mrs. Elmo Cdb Wil, ’ newlyweds, at Kinloss on Monday evening. . ■" / 1 . Mrs. W.‘MacDqnald returned to Toronto after visiting at the Lane homes here, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Boyle and Miss Vera Boyle of Moose Jaw,. Sask., are visiting with relatives . Congratulations to Mr.'& Mrs. Morley Bushell (nee Doris Barr) on the gift of a little girl, 3 sister . for Margaret Ann. Mr. Russell Barr spent a few days last week at, Toronto. The Rev. J. L/ Ball and Mrs. Ball, formerly of Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and boys Visited o^ Monday’ at the Cox home, Concj“§sioq_J.0._ . / I- -1- ^ ■Ki'r. and Mrs. Jack Button of Herschel, Sask., Mrs. Wm; Walk­ er of Petrolia, Mrs. John Purvis, Con. 2, were recent visitors with Mrs. John Barr and* boys, also, with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bush- /;•':. ;/-• ■’'■•./.. Miss Pearl Thamer and Miss Winnie Percy, R.N, of Woodstock, 1 motored to Manitoulin Island re­ cently. ’ ■ • / Mrs. Gertrude Walsh entertain-: ed the W.A.~ at her home on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. - Tom Hudgins was in charge and ex­ pressed her thanks for the co­ operation in all the painting and -W-onk—which—has-been- done;~“alS(L the garden party arid summer fes­ tival; Mrs. -Midford Walk reported on the garden party. Plans were made for entertaining in August. A quilting was planned:, for this week. The afternoon was spent in sewing-quilt blocks; The litany and dainty ' refreshments were served by the hostess. Friends here are sorry to. learn j that Mrs. Alex Percy is a patient in Wingham Hospital. A number of Young . People from here attended the A.Y.P.A. rally, in Tara on Thursday even-z’ ing. . 'Little Margaret Ann Bu's.hell . spent .last week fwUb Mrs.> John Barr. c Mr.. • and Mrs. Bert. Nicholson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. j'ack Cuyler at Kin- cardine, this being their 25th wedding anniversary. - . '• Mr- andi Mr§. Elmo Colwell of Prince, Sask., arid Mr. Alvin .Col­ well of Oshawa.visited during the week, with their aunt, Mrs. J. W. Colwell/ . . • • . ? Mrs? Morley Bushell and 'baby daughter arrived home from Kin­ cardine Hospital? . . Mr. .and Mrs. Malcolm Lane, Kathiieen, John and Stewart vis­ ited Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Lane at their cJo.ttage at .Bruce Beach. Messrs. Jack. Barr, Hugh Lane and Russell Barr motored to Tor­ onto Sunday and Russell remain^ ec( to begin his' work th’ere.^Tor the summer. ; ■ ■ ' . .'The Holyrood Women’s Insti* -tute 40th anniversary. afternoon tea’will, be held at Holyrood Hall, are. incomplete and there rriajJ be some former members who have ■ not been sent an invitation as a result. If so, the qommititee wish­ es’ to .emphasize.-that all ..will be maft quite Welcome and are in­ vited to attend. ' ‘’PAY FULL COMPENSATION FOR HOGS SLAUGHTERED The Dominion, Department< pf ’ Agriculture announced' la§t week that it considered the outbreak pf hog cholera in. Ontaido now ^under control, No new cases had been reported since June 19th./ ’ Restrictions have’ been lifted except on h quarantined farms,) with the ban on community sales still in force,, ././’■■ - * The Government has decided to pay lull marketvalue in • com­ pensating for hogs slaughtered as a result of the disease. The; form­ er rates were $30 maximum for' grade stock and $50 for register^ ed stock. The PLAYHOUSE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 16, 17, 18 A phantasy comes to .life with action and thrills' ‘ — and in eolor —> y ^Alladin and His Lamp” With Patricia Medina •'/ NO SATURDAY MATINEE UNTIL SEPTEMBER /DUNGANNON Mrs. Nelson Stewart of Walla Walla, Washington^ is visiting her late husband’s brother,' Mr. Will Stewart •& family at Glenn’s Hill. Her husband passed away in the early spring at Walla Walla. . Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Harvey- Alton-6th Con. of West" Wawanosh, who (lost her father, Mr. Robt. McCabe,' Carlow, by tragic de^th’ last week. \ , Mi’s.-S. J. Kilpatrick was a vis­ itor for a few days last week . with. Misses Ada -and Hazel Web­ ster, Lucknow?/ . ■ MrS. Will Gardner, Ziori, visit­ ed Mrs. ,J. Fitzgerald and Mrs. R. Gardher one day Miss Lyla Convalescent Home, visited Mrs. - * - Monday. Rev. -George Watt, and family are leaving this week to^spetid"tlTenn^ldays in a cot­ tage qn the Ottawa River near Pembroke. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, Zion, were recent visitors with Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick. Mr. and Mrs, Bill McClure and three sons’ of Elmira returned home Monday after spending a week .camping at_Go,derich Har­ bor Park, v ;; Mrs. R. McDonald has beeh housekeeping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Elliott for* three weeks, while Mrs. Elliott is on holidays1 in Saskatchewan. Mr. Jas. Sherwood has sold his farm on the 6th Con. of Ashfield to Pentland Bros. • Miss Clara SproUT? Stratford; Mrs. Winriifred Widcombe, Wind­ sor and Mrs. Arthur Elliott of Dungannon, are now on their homeward trip from a, visit with Mr. Sask. ■ ;/. . •' Mr. and Mrs. Everett Finnigan, Walkerton, spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Alvin Sherwood, Robert and Mrs. Jas. Finnigan. Ladies’ Guild The July meeting of St Paul’s Ladies’ Guild was held* at the home of Mrs. Jos. Hamilton on Thursday evening. ^Mrs. William Caesar presided. Mrs. R.> J; Dur- niri gave the scripture reading. The roll call was answered by repeating a verse with the word honor ,by seven members, Mrs. Jack Caesar ga ve ■ • a heading/ Plans were made for the picnic On July 15th at ‘Harbor' Park., Mrs. Caesar closed the meeting wjth prayer, and-lunch .yvas serv-, ed by the, conveners, Mrs. William Caesar and Mrsi R. J. Durnin, The August meeting will be held at the home of Mi’s....Ben-Mole.— ■ iColwariash Junior Farmer’s an­ nual Service Will be held Sunday evening July 19th. at 8 p.m.. in the Dimganrioh. United Church. The provincial president Will give the'; address. ■ ‘ . . / Held Memorial Service , A very large crowd atterided the Dungannon memorial service at the cemetery on Sunday after noon. J who have passed on,’many lovely bouquets were placed om gfave& bn the splendid upkeep df/the bemetery of wliich Mr. .Thos. Park is care- takei/ Rev. Cy A.’Winn , of Er< :kine Presbyterian church gave the' address., Rev. George Watt, United Church pastor, conducted the service. Rev. H. L; Jennings, rector , of St. P>ul’s churdh gave the prayer aiid benediction. Greer Electric 7pubTLF“7acrd'fes§ gyStW v?as used 'and recordings were used for jpading in the hymn Singing. iN JO COMFORT Oll ioiliir * WAtiw HISELER and SON, Phone 426, Wingnam Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 20, 21, 22 See MARGARET MAIN" as a society matron-—with • FRED ASTAIRE and lovely ELLEN DREW in The Belle of New York” Western Ontario’s Biggest CASH BINGO $2300.00 to be given in a single night at KINCARDINE Friday, July 24 First Game at Arena at 9 p.m? SPECIAL GAME FOR $1000.00 THREE SPECIAL'GAMES FOR $200.00 FREEGAMEFOR$100.00 12 REGULAR GAMES FOR $50.00 Sponsored by Kincardine Kinsmen for Arena Floor Fund ADMISSION — $1.00 Extra Cards and Special Games — 25c A A A 4 A A A-A k JiL A A A -A A day, July«12th, in the United Church basement. The summer­ time worship service from the June-World Friends was follow­ ed. Mrs. Cecil < Blake .read the leader’s parts. Wayne Brooks read the prayer verse. The scripture verses were read by five girls, Nellie Jouwsma, Lynda. Blake, Joanne Crozier,/ Diannb Comp- cemetery on Sunday after- i In remembrance of/those • j ive ndssed on. many lovely " ton and Sandra Finnigan. The collection was taken by Patricia Pentland. The minutes were read by Keith Finnigan, and the'roll showed 31 present Mrs. Robt. Ir­ vin told the story* ‘‘Journey to the Mission”. All joined hands for “ the Friendship Circle. World . Friends were distributed , and the children were dismissed after re­ peating the Member’s Purpose. Quarter-Inch UTILITY ? I aOHN W. HENDERSON | JX Phone 150 Ontario