The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-15, Page 3f ,1 1 r 11^6 a.m.: Morning ■ WorshiijiL Lloyd Hall. Mr- and Mrs. Stuart Collyer,.. Teddy - and Thom .have been visiting' in Ottawa and on their return will be .accompanied Hy, Mrs. Hall/ / V ’ '• / >' *A Minister: . Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D. ' ' SUNDAY, JUI.Y 19th 10 aJm.: Sunday School. ■ . ■ *<’■... r .inserted By' the ; ? ; Bruce Liberal Association; vr • , • • >•'. r ■ *■ » ? ’■ ■ J ‘ . ,A I !. * . I ' K WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th, 1953 ' ■ ' ™E LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CHURCH NEWS Langside W.MS. ‘ The W.M.S. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guest on Thursday, July 9th. The meeting opened with the call, to worship by the president, Mrs, Farish Moffat. A reading was given by Mrs, Lloyd Moffat, The scripture lesson was read by Mrs, Peter Moffat. Miss Emma Richardson read the meditation, Mrs, Gordon Wall led in prayer. Roll call was taken and the minutes of the last meeting read by Mrs, Neil Mc­ Donald. The offering was receiv­ ed with prayer iby, Mrs, Dave Scott. A chapter ip the study book was read. The .meeting ‘ closed with the Lord’s prayer in. uni- . son. Donations to our supply are to be brought to the’next meet- RECEIVE GOOD RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PAPERS Qur request last week for a number of copies of the issue of June 24th, has brought a good response. This issue carried the QbitUjry Of the late Mrs. John MacMillan, and additional copies, which we could not supply, were desired-by•-the family, to whom they will be turned' over. Among those supplying us^Xrith a copy were, Dohald~MacLean: Norman Stuart-Thomas Hill,, of .Ripley; Mrs. C. B. Woolley, Dob- binton; Mrs. . N.,G.- MacKenzie; Walter James,-' Whitechurch; Mrs; Wallace Mil- *«rL- Keuben- Wilsbrt; Jack McDonaldjvW. S, McLeod; S. E Rohertson; p. J^Naylor, Toronto; ing to be at the home of Mr. and I Melinda Nivins’ ^rs’ ■ Mrs. Dave Scott. Mrs’. J RoSi ’ C’’nt°n; South Kinloss W.M.S. . The July W.M.S, meeting was an evening meeting at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug­ all. Mrs. Baulch,/the president, opened the meeting. (After the > reading of the minutes plans were made for the special anniversary meeting. Piano solos were enjoy­ ed by Master Allan : MacDougall and. Miss Margaret Baulch. A very interesting missionary topic was given by {Miss Dean McLeod . who used exerpts from letters ; from her missionary friend, Mrs. __^LKu h n,_Th i &-w as^-fbl -lbw-ed— special Dominion Day prayer •by. Mrs. Douglas Graham. The chap­ ter from the study, book on edu'- i. .* ■" cation - in Africa was taken .by Mrs. W. F. MacDonald., A ques- . fionnaire was conducted--by^Mrs?- Harry Lavis Mrs. '-Douglas Gra-j ■'■'./• • ham -had many books bn display' and' took Orders for several. A vote' of .'thanks was extended . to the hostess and those takipg.-pxi.i’i- 1 . by MrS.-, Ira .Dickie. After sing'-, k ... 'ing hymn. toL.Mrs. -A. MacIntyre closed the. meeting with prayer. 2 Lhad 1000-MILE HOLIDAY. HITCH-HIKING TRIP ' Mr' and Mrs. Guest-Mitchell of ’jan consumer goods the.,world so Preston 'spent the week-end with i ^°rely needs. . ..'her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Red-| Over ”here, every time news- i 'vers-. Johnsen, to conclude a fVom indicates .that-hoshl- week.’s holiday that' took the form i 9ver °there are 011 the verSe • of a hitch-hiking, trie. Guest and coming to a Halt, -the;stock and Joan covered over a thousand ner" ; miles during the week with ri0 i vous jitters arid begin manifesting difficulty and. few delays,. They ! othA' incipient'indications of ,im- ' •.called at. Niagara Falls; New - u r- “ I In Madrid, the Spanish Govern­ ment dictated .that bathing cos- i tumes hereafter must be volumin- j ous enough, to .cover the entire ■ torso and drape well down to . within .a couple of inches of the ! knees. '- ~~~In Atlantic . City; Americans were treated to a preview of the newest in beach attire, which weighs just over three ounces and takes up no more packing space than a good sized bandanriar Tn Ottawa, the annual convenn- tion of the Canadian Dietetic As­ sociation is informed by Dr. E. Gordon Young,, of the National Research Council, that one . of the big ' troubles with 'Canadians is that they’.re too fat. Fully one- fifth of the. population is un­ healthily overweight. • From India comes word that fully half of the people are hun­ gry, all the time, and that a quarter of' the. population7 flirts chronically with starvation. In Paris, France, the minister of education publicly extolls the simple virtues, of “Uncle Tom’s (Cabin” as a. istage presentation; 'Tn a civilization ■ WhereThere is' already too . much,, of the tough and the thwdi‘y,. the indecent and the blasphemous, the homely' lit­ tle morals of “Uncle .Tom” come refreshingly “as a sweet -breeze”, j Out; in. Vancouver, a theatrical troupe objects’ to' the expurga­ tion-'bf- “Tobacco Road”. They want'tri stage it as it was written, complete with all it£ gross- ob­ scenities. ... , ‘ And back . in Ottawa again^ a program of ’•“assriSIp’d immigrate ion” continues because Canada, .'with'so much work to do and so many-resources to develop; heeds more?people. ’ ' • ' ■ In the meantime, the Canad­ ian Psychiath'c Association con­ vention out iri Wirinipeg • is told that legalized abortion has some­ thing to recommend it where among ■ ■‘Other things, financial hardships”. > ;. • : : . Ydu figure it out ’ ’ ’ . -V ”, ' ; . Aimiwniwfm nim urmiW'iM 11 ■ ■ "W|,ww yiwimwnmmiiftMWi « York, Toronto, Barrie, North Bay, Temiskamihg,Que.; Owen Sound, and'Lucknow, and from here re­ turned to Preston. Fifty Years Married . ‘. z Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel "of~"Clinton recently celebrated their golden wedding anniver­ sary. Miss Eleanor . Plumsteel of the High School teaching, staff is a daughter. '. 3 Hepworth Children Have Polio Three of fourteen children of Mr. and Mrs.. Ed Ruth of Hep- worth were strickeh with polio* recently and taken to Sick Child­ ren’s Hospital, Toronto. The three girls are Josephine 11, Cath­ erine 6 and Theresa, Mrs. Ruth was formerly Mary Sadlo of Riv- ersdale. ■ ’ Uamaa»*S’._A Local & General For personalized napkins, coast­ ers, pencils, matches, playing cards, stationery, etc., call Don Thompson, phone 33 or 35. Ronald Sturgeon of. Detroit is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Miller. ' ° ‘ 1 Mrs. Joe Austin of Linwood un- derwerit an appendix operation Friday, July „10th at Kitchener- Waterloo Hospital,f ' ••••. i ’Mrs. ^Thomas Caster and son * Tom of Toronto, have beep visit­ ing with her mother/ Mrs, .A. R. ' Finlayson. Miss Mina Graham of Ghili- cothe, Ohio, is holidaying at the home of her sister,’ Mrs; William 1 Habkirk. 1 ’ ■ !. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cringle of Lincoln Park have been visiting With Jack Gillies and Mr. and Mrs.-Chas. Cook.^ 1 . Miss Annie McCready of Min­ neapolis has returned home after a visit at the home of her uncle, Mr. and Mrs.' James Forster. Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Edith and Billy of Fielding, Sask., are yisiting at the home of her uncle, Frank and Mrs. Miller. Visitors with Dick . Baker' of town over. the week-end were his sister, Mrs. Sarah McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Lewis- of Detroit. ! CHURCH CHANNELS ! • Over , i n Br i la i n_the—o-tho-i—d-a-v- one: of their ranking industrial, consultants said thaV-.w.bat the world needs., more than anything | else is “a long .arid uninterrupted'I i era- o-f. - com pleie ' -peace” so that i { factories and mills can get busy ■ arid, start tu-rnmg out, all- lire civil-1 Don: I hear your new girl friend is a toe dancer. John: Arid how* She dances all over my tods. • 1 LUCKNOW | UNITED CHURCH j i I ■ i i ■i. 11 ii.m. Rev, C. A.^VVinn guest | minister. I A cordial welcome is extended I to tlie Presbyterian congrega-1 i tion and to all visitors. j.! i I I I .’ .’ ©a A BULL ON YOUR FARM? BREEDING STOCK? A TEAM OF HORSES? FIL has helped' to finance thousands of 1 Canadian farmers in such purchases. See your B of M 'manager about a Fartii Improvement Loan ■—soon... It may mean extra profit for you this year-— and many more. 'MY BANK ro » HtiiHM auuann I* Rank of ' Montreal C-’. , • • • • WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1117 <OtCT i The * X ■■ Liberal Candidate’s Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A* Wind, B.A., Minister. >. SUNDAY, JULY 19th l(i;00 a.m.: Sunday School. in the United Churchy Witii Rev. C. A, Winn in charge* 3-00 p.m.: Erskine, Dungan- •■-A—non*------':,r" - no evening service ; -... . , ......-,............................. ....................■. .....J i^jEjrjsr Mr. , and Mrs. John Naylor, Tommy and ‘Sttephie of Kitchener; are. spending the week at the 12.th Concession Beach, at the Hewat—ca-bim—:. ~~ Mr, - and Mrs. Wm. Evans of Langside spent. Sundayat London and Hyde Park. They were ao: companied by their grandson, Garry Brown, who returned from a visit at Langside; Mrs. George Anderson of Craik, Sask., is. visiting with her broth­ ers, George A.9 and Fred Webb. It is- Mrs. Anderson’s first trip back to the old home community in thirtyyears. •' Dr. and Mrs; Tiarold Mopre and Mrs. Ronald. Moore of Saskatoon, Mrs. Sam Mewha and daughter, Miss... Priscilla Mewha of Edmon­ ton, visited or^ Thursday with their cdhsins, Mr. and -Mrs. Ed ■Ihom. < • ; Mrs. John Kilpatrick, and Miss Susan Kilpatrick yisited at Mara­ thon with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Car­ ton (Ruby Kilpatrick). Miss Kil- ipatrick is remaining for a few weeks. Before feturnirig,' Mrs. Kilpatrick went on to Dryden to visit her brother,'Dr, W. G. and Mrs* Wilfred Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed B.aker and Mr., and Mrs. T. A. Cameron motpred to Powassan’ and other points in the north last (week. At PoWassan they visited with Mrs.- Glen. Cameron and family, and three of the children, Russell, | Clarence and Joy Ann, returned , for a visit with their grandpar­ ents. ’ I '>■ Mr. and Mrs; Alfred King and idaughter Barbara . of Pontiac, ■ Mich-, Miss_.Jessie—Sprung—of- - Owen Sound, Mr, and Mrs. Wil­ fred McDonald of -Detroit, Mr, and Mrs.. Albert Berry of the Canadian Soo, Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCullough, Jimmy, Gladys and T.e-r/y of Toledo arid Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell and Mrs. Hazel Detrick of Cleveland' have been visitors with Mrs. Chaples Lorenz. LITTLE SCOTTISH LASS ISDRUMMAJORETTE-----— .When John Djefenbaker visit- e:d Clinton last week the Beacon- Herald photographer shipped him While coaxing a smile from 5- y ear-old-Joyce MacFarlane, drum majorette of 'the Brussels Legion pipe band, who was clad nr a complete kilt.'Joyce is the daugiv ter of Mr. and Mrsr Thomas Mac-' Farlane of R.R. 1, Ethel and a granddaughter of* Mrs* Margaret MacFarlane of Lucknow. ’ ; Last week the record of the Liberal Govern- ment on the important issues of the day was discussed in the advertisement of Bruce Liberal Association. This week we would like, to touch on. the record of the candidate, Donald , Blue. Speaking in this riding, the minister of nat­ ional health and welfare, Hon. Paul Martin, said that Mr. Blue had been “honest, honourable and conscientious” in his > dealings and on behalf of his constituent^. ) Since his election four years ago, Mr. Blue was largely instrumental ip having various needed public works in excess of $1,000,000 completed in Bruce. His re-election will assure that Bruce will continue to receive its share of public Works. •; • In more personal vein, Mr. Blue seeks re­ election to serve the people of this riding. His r-election on August, 10 will not make him eligible for member’s pension, as some of <the opposition claim; It Is necessary for a member to be elected for three-terms to share in tKe pension. Vote Liberal- Vote Blue