The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-15, Page 2I
1 -M- -;W — ..v .... •■■ • ►...» # «
The Session of Chalmer’s Pres-
. l>yterian Church, Whitechurch,
entertained the members oij the
choir to a social evening recent
ly. Rev, R. D. A. Currie presided
for the short program which pp-
ened with a hymn, with Mr. Nor-
Z Mian Taylor, of, Lucknow at the
. piano. Dr. James Little. favored
with violin solos accompanied by
Mr/ Taylor. Mrs. Bob Mowbray
of Wingham gave a reading and
Mr. Gordon Legigatt of Wingham
sang two solos accompanied by
.. Jean Gaunt at the piano, Rev:
: Mr. Bailey rwas guest speaker and
e as his topic “Music of the
Mr; McIlrathA then was
ca n and he asked Mr. and
.. Mrs. John McGee to come to the
front and read them a typewrit-
. . ten address which was to be
framed and presented them in ap7
preciation of their help and lead
ership each anniversary. Mr. Mc
Gee replied very fittingly and
1 Mrs. McGee said it was 47 years
since she started playing a church
organ arid hopes* to be able to
Jkeep it up for three more years.
A closing hymn was sung and a
\ Very bountiful lunch topped off
With , big cakes and ice cream
. was served by members of the
Session and the minister. Mrs.
Johnston Conn, /as' organist, was
~ spokesman for the choir and on
behalf of the members* thanked
R. F. McCabe, Benmiller dis
trict farmer, died in Goderich
Hospital last Wednesday morn
ing, about twenty-four hours af
ter he had been gored by a. bull
in the barn. He suffered internal
injuries. ■
Mr. McCabe was in. his 70th
year. He is survived by his wife,
one. son and six; daughters, one
of whom is Mrs. Harvey Alton
of West Wawanosh;
Appreciated Remembrances i
Prior-to close of school/pupil?
of S.S. No. 7, Kinloss (Second
Concession)held a farewell party
at which they presented gifts , to
Mr. H.^B. xBurden, their retiring
teacher. . , ;
In thanking the pupils Mr. Bur
den say^ he/will treasure these
tokens of gratitude and will al
ways think highly of the 'pupils
and parents who co-operated in
making the past two years Sue- .
cessfiil. . • .
, ■ I-' , ' ' ' ’ ■ • ' ■. ■
Lady: I snore so-loud at night,
doctorj that I wake myself up.
; Doctor : I suggest you - sleep in
another room.
the session for this most kind
.act and .said it gave both her
-and her; choir courage to carry
on and do the-future.—
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WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th, 195a
/■'•^........................■ ■■/■•...........‘............................. ....................-......---------------------------------------- ...................................... ■ .•
The Huron-Maitland. Presby
tery of the Presbyterian church
met in Wingham on ^Tuesday,
June 23rd, Present in addition to
the Moderator the Rev. D. G.
Campbell, B.A., B.D.,, Th.M. and
the clerk the Rev. D. J, Lane of
Clinton were Rev. J; R, MacDon-’
aid, B.A. and Mr. J. D. Bryce
from Ashfield, and Ripley/ the.
Rev, WM^T? Mtbn, B.A. and
Mr. W. Smith from Brussels,; the
Re-v., Alexander Nimrrio and Mr,
H.. F. MicGee from Wing'ham, the
Rev. John Pollock, B.A.; the Rev,
R D. A. Currie, B.A. and Mr.
Jas. Mcllrath from Whitechurch,
the Rev.: G. S. Baulch, B.A. and
Mr. B.'Scott from f South. Kinldss
and Kinloiigh, the Rev. A. J,
Simpson, B.A., B.D. and Mr. A.
K. Baliagh from, Teeswater, the
Rev. C. A. Winri, B.A. and Mr.
J. R. Henderson from Lucknow,
Mr. J. G. Mullen from Seaforth,
Mr. R. L. McEwen from Clinton,
the. Rev. W. Hyndman, B.A. from
Craribrook and Ethel, the ReV.
R. J. Boggs, B.A., from Moles-
worth arid Gorrie, the Rev. J. B.
Fox, B.A. from Hensail and the
Rev. M. Bailie, B.A.,' B.D. from;
i Bluevale and Belmore.
Permission was given to the
congregations of Whitechurch to
sell a portion of the glebe; South
Kinloss,, a shed; arid Kinlough, a
shedand. a_portion. of.frontage.LA
resolution was passed that all
congregations be visited in the
fall by the Presibytej&’s, committee on Stipends."The^Rev. J. R.
MacDonald was appointed con
vener of the Presbyterian. Record
edinmittee. A scheme is to be
brought forward to plaice the
magazine of the church in every
home. The ‘ Presbytery <; heard re
ports from the commissioners to
< • L ■ '.-7----- -----
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Colclough of
St. Catherines called to visit Mrs.
Kennedy and Pete on Friday. Mr.
and Mrs. Colclough used to work
for Mr. Wm. Fisher; .
Mrs. Toynbee Lamb> Mr?.; Har-
ited one day last week with Mrs.
Kennedy. ;
Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Farrier,
’Mrs, G. E. Farrier, Wayne ana
Janis visited with relatives ip
Bluevale last Thursday,
ily Tichborne and Mrs. Reihl vis*.
J :4.^J lnc-f uroolr with Mrs.
The death of Mrs. Margaret
May Jamieson, age 70 years, oc
curred on Monday of last week
at her home in Calgary, She was
born at Lucknow , and went West
in .1908, where she has since, re
sided. She was a member of
Grace Presbyterian church, Cal
gary, and a life member of the
W.M.S.* ’
The funeral service was held
on Thursday at Grace Church
-With interment in„.Queep’a Park
Cemetery. . . : ?
. She. was predeceased byf a son/ .
■Staff Sgt Cameron Jamieson, in
Calgary in. 1947, < //
‘ Surviving are herhusband,
Clarence; three daughters/Mrs.
Percy Dowler and Mrs. Geo. Wai-*1
lace, both of Calgary, arid Mrs.
Paul Humphrey, Winnipeg; a son
Frank, Calgary; a. sister, Mrs. J.
A. Macklin of Agincourt, Orit.;„
and two brothers, Dr. A. A. Cam- .
eron, Ottawa and Ewart Camer
on, Walkerton, Ont; also 11
Rev. and lyirs. George Watt and.
family of Dungannon visited on
Friday with his parents, Rev. and
Mrs. W. J. Watt “ :•/
BORN—in the Markdale Rosr
pita! to Mr. and “Mrs. George
Thompson (formerly Muriel Watt,
R.N.) a son, on July . 7th.
Mr. and Mrs? Russell. Purdon
and Brian returned home from
the West last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hayes and
Dewey, Mrs. Russell Proctor, Da
vid and Dianne and Mr. J. Grady,
all of Detroit, spent the week-end
with Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ritchie.
Mr. Thos. Ross arid Mrs, A. J.
Murray, returned; home to .Toronto
with Mr. Ross Murray pn Sunday.
Mr, & Mrs. Cameron Simmons
of London spent the week-end
with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Martin. : ,
Mr. and Mrs. . Jack Henderson
vdsited 'bri Sunday Witlf”W^ arid’
Mrs. T. H. Mbore.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ross and
family of . Galt visited With his
mbthcr, Mrs. M. Ross and Olive,
Terriff. ■ .
Mr. yand: Mrs. Walter Bell arid
Heather spent the. week, at BUr.-
ford. Janis Mudford arid Roxie
Allgood, who. have been holiday
ing here returned home with
4hem.- ———r-v;—1
, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry and
family and Mrs. Ted McClenag-
han spent the week-end in Tor
onto with Mr. arid Mrs. Orville
Mitchell. Terry Phippen, who has
i been holidaying herb returned to
Toronto with theim
Mr. and Mrs. jack Buttpn from
the West called on Mr. and Mrs.
Ab McQuillin one day last wpek.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chapman
and family spent Sunday in
Aurora. Garry and Shirley stay
ed there for a few^holidays.
. Mr. and Mrs? Art Moore visited
theGeneraLAssernbly. ibeRev.
G. JS. Baulch described the deep
impression that Foreign Mission
night at the Assembly had made
on him.. He spoke of the sermon
delivered, to the Assembly by
Prof. J. Haroutounian, professor
of Systematic Theology in Mc
Cormick Seminary, Chicago. The
Rev. C. A. Winn reported on the
sehse of fellowship in the As-*
sembly, the contacts with. people"
of unusual experience, and the
complete unanimity in the choice
of the Reyi. Dr. Cameron as mod
erator. The Rev.. J. R. MacDon
ald reported that t'he HurpnsMait-
land Presbytery led the whole
church in /Canada in. its percen
tage of contribution to the bud
get. He added that the Assembly
was adopting a budget target this
year of $1,000,000; It was a gen
eral feeling that more laymen
sho.ulcL-be nominated to—General
Assembly committees, The Rev.
A. J. Simipson reported on the
work of Christian Education. A
Presbytery school of Evangelism
will be held on Sept. 22nd and
23rd in Wingham, the speaker to
be the Rev. W. Bell, M.A., of
Syracuse, ‘N.Y. A student, Mr. B.
Milne,’ . supplying in. the 'vacarit
congregations of Auburn and
Blyth, was introduced to the Pres
bytery. The Presbytery will meet
next t on Sept. 8th. in Seaforth.
(Intended for . Last Week)
Mr., and Mrs. Arthur 'Pattersbp,
Sheila.,Sharon, Patricia arid Gail
visited .with Miy and Mrs; And-
-Patters6n^nd"Mrriarid Mrs?
Burton Collins receritly.
'ed last ‘week-end with’ Miss Au-
.riie MriLeod. at Lucknow.. / .
Mr- and Mrs. Leonard Irvin of*
Pine River visited * with Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Boyle arecently. .
Mr land Mrs. Wilfred ‘ Traker
and family of London, were visi
tors at the home of Mr. Milton
Stahley. :’'■■*..■/ f • ■ ’.■/ '
Mr/ and Mfs. Perry Anthony
of - Detroit visited at the home of
Mrs. George Erriersori, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Martyn
of Detroit visited at the hOrtie of
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Farrell re
cently.' ■ . • " • - *
Mr, and Mrs.t George S.. Emer*
son, “Jihimie and Bobbie visited at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Chester,
Campbell recently. ■ ’ J
Mary . McCOsh and Francis !
the success of their entrance ex-,
aniina’tidhs. ■>
■■ ■ \ > .. * ....*
DR. R. B. PALMER of Wrbxeter
has moved to Wingham where he
is associated with Dr. Wm, Con
nell and Dr. Bern Corr in.
• . ' ._______L—L • . ' • •
“And what will you do, dear.,
when; you., are as big as your
mother?” / ’ '
— ——T------------r ;----------——-------------------------------—
on Sunday with their daughter,.
Mr. and ■ Mrs. Keri Dickson of ■ .
Miss Rena Moore visited last ‘
week’ in Preston with Mr. and
Mrs. Basil .Thompson and. Mr, and : Mrs. Rusnell Moore. . > / •
We are pleased to hear that
Mrs. Lance Grain came home .
-fr-om -th e-^h ospi t al-pn Su-n da ya j-rv—
ter being hospitalized for the .past
three : months from a ceiebraJ
A few from around here atten
ded the funeral of "the late Dr.
RedmOnd of W.m’ghafn on Mon
day.' . ' /■■■
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Watt and
son of London visited one day
last week with his father, Rev.
and Mrs. W. .J, Watt.
Mrs. E. Welwood' is spending
a few days with her daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Heiffer of
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.»« ...../ ' *• ' .j • v'k'. ■ " V'?. ■.. ■ ;l"’ s, ■.... ■