The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-01, Page 3I * it WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st, 1953 T l LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH I Minister; • ■ I Rev. G. 'A, Meiklejohn, j B.A., B.D. j SUNDAY, JULY 5th, 1953 | 10 a.m.: Sunday School. | j Ji a.m. Rev. C. A. "Winn guest | ! minister, , . , I [ A cordial welcome is extehded I I to The Presbyterian ebngrega-j pion-and to all visitors, j Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., \ Minister. SUNDAY, JULY 5th 10.00 a.m.: Sunday School. 11,00 a.m.: Morning Worship in the United Church, with "^nRevT’Cr/ATWiiin tihTcharge, 3.00 p.m.: Erskine, Dungan­ non. NO EVENING SERVICE JUNE MEETING OF KAIRSHEA INSTITUTE ; I . ----------7-------- - ^.7 . The June meeting of the Kair- shea W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. Ted Collyer. There was a large attendance ■ of members J. and ivisitors. Mrs. D. H. Carruth- - „.ers conducted the business and’ f Mrs. Donald McKinnon read the minutes. TO were re­ minded of the Institute holiday I / at Guelph in July. Anyone wish­ ing to attend the A.C.W.W. meet­ ing in Toronto in Aiigust is to leave her name with the secret/ ary, in case a cancellation is turn- ■ ; ed in. “Frozen Foods” was the exten- , sion service chosen for the Kair- shea; Outsiders are to be invited to an evening meeting in Holy- . rood hall. The date is to be set ’ later. It was decided to join with 'South;. Kmlos.s congregation for the annual picnic to be held at Poplar Beach on July 2nd in Jthe ... afternoon. A donation* of $5 was made'' to the Institute - for the . ■ Blind. , ’ \ , ; ;■ . ■ Home economics was the. theme for a very interesting and in- struclive program. The roll Call was “My favorite kitchen gadr • get”. Four different members gave five minute talks on differ^ ent household arts. Mrs. Wm'. . MacIntyre gave a helpful talk on “Quantity Cooking”; . Mrs. Ira Dickie gave a variety of helpful /•Household* Hints”; Mrs. Donald McKinnon, on “Shorit cuts in sew- . ‘ irig”, jtold many helpful time­ savers;'and in “Correct Sauces for Meats”, Mrs. Wm. .Scott gave the appetizing sauces for differ­ ent meats. Community singing was enjoyed with Mrs. Scott as pianist. A medley of waltzes as a piano solo by Mrs. Irwin Car­ ruthers was much enjoye$. A de- hionstration on “Salad Making” was given by Mrs* Tom MacKen- zie .and Mrs. Laiwrence MacLeod. . In a very clear style Mrs. .Mac- • Kenzie related each step in .de­ tail and as a result they produc- ed* two attractive and delicious “salads .which ’were : served .1 a ter . on. Some of the girls who . took this vegetable course were pres- . ent and their books were on dis­ play.' Marilyn Carruthers hiad the Poster and explained “Five ways With prie vegetable1’, as she had &vPh it at Achievement Day. in .' Walkerton. .. . . : . . ■ Dr* Little was present and with . Mrs. Wm. Scott -as accompanist, entertained the gathering with , fflin numbers; Mrs. D.< L. - iMac- Kinnon gaS>e the closing remarks ;,^nd after. God SaVe the Queen, a time WAS enjoyed. The July' meetingJs-.to be held; , at the. home of Mrs. Cliff RouL «ton with' Mrs. O. Mliott, Mrs. A. MacLeod, Mrs. T. Robinson and Miss Dean MacLeod as directors. From November to March Jasper swore . .' , • The atmosphere was much too v raw ■ ’"Tb"leave“lTtT“home and conre..— - along ' ■, • . •' To Sacrament or •Evenspng. . “It’s far too cold to venture out”,. He told, the Vicar, “but no doubt ,f 11 come to7 church like anything In spring”. ... When Spring had somewhat , farmed the air.. The church-bell ran0 for praiS^ and prayeiv < - But Jasper didn’t come to, light, At; eight eleven; or ; at' night.__ Andiow Vicar thus replied’ .“It*s much Joo fine to go inside. ..When winter comes 'and days are; /-“Chill i “Corrie ye yourselVcS apart’ Remove that load ' . t From off thy wearied heart.; , , Regain the road. • “ : Theu "t^oU7 a f resh can S t start*;- ; If Chi’ishbe with' thee, all the way ;HiM be.' thy Guido arid 'Path “and Stay ’ •/' . • Tb»play thy- part. '--■-M and Mfs; Lloyd Hunter. * ttepbie. and Marybelle and , Mr* *n<LMrs. Wm; Hunter spent Sum S Hamilton, Niagara Tails Welland* • / / — .............■ .- ■■■ . ..............;j. Local & General Mr. & Mrs. Cameron McAuley and family visited Sunday yrith Mr. and: Mrs. Frank Ritchie. Clyde and-Fern Reid and. Karen Herd of Strathroy were visitors' with friends here. ' Mrs Leon Skelly pf Deirbit/ formerly Peapl Finlayson of Lucknow, was a recent guest Of Mr.,, and Mrs. W. A, Porfepus. ■ Mr: and Mrs? Stewart Bums ot Detroit .spent the week-end yrth his parents; Mr. and- Mrs Trios. Burns. . . • ’ J . - Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Cook and son ' Finlay of Collingwood are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm/ Robb' and” Mr. Albert Cook. Noble Pierce ' became ill .with pneumonia . last' week and- was taken to Wingham Hospital on Saturday. /' Mrs. Al' Martin and Neddy - of Detioit have been '.visiting for a couple of weeks with her parents) Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thom., . - ^□^iY/an^J^Irs.^,_Eugene---Han- ;son of East Tawas, Mich., are visiting at Dungannon with Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick. Mr. and Mrs? Albert Little vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mi^,. Robert Marshall^TenthiGan-- session and also with Kincardine friends* • s - Mrs. Sidney Matthews and Mrs, Gertrude Pike of Malton/ who had. been guests of Mrs. Bessie " Shirley, returned home on Mon­ day.. •• . . /. # ■ • • . ‘ Mr. and Mrs Wm. Stauffer of Brantford have been residing temporarily at /Kinloss; before ‘ taking up residence at Kinlougn | in ..the. residence being vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Emerson. .; Mr. . and Mrs. Andrew Mac­ Millan and ‘ Miss Marion Mac-’ Millan of Long Beach, California, have been visiting • with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Agnew and ■' others in the vicinity. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold” Ritchie and chi 1 dren have moved from trie. Gammie Apartments to Mrs. Dave Alton’s residence on Wheel­ er St. • ■ •;/ ’ .’ Mrs. Ralph Blackstone an.d Donald o£ Goderich and : -Miss:. Wirinifred Raynard • of- London visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. ’ Nelson Raynard- , f«- •. 1 Mrs. Dave Andrew and 'her) ■daughter, .Mrs7 Arthur Butts of Calgary, Mrs. Edith Andrew of / -EdmeHtoftr-Mr;—and—M-rs?-—A-Hred-’ - Andrew, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas of Hamilton and John Crispin of Camp Borden visited with and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland attended the funeral of Mrs: drew THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO SUCCESSFUL CHURCH PICNIC HELD IN PARK The United ’Church congrega-? , tional picnic was held in the Agricultural Park due to inc’le-’ ment weather on Thursday after-r noon-, Ju’ne. 24jth. Rev, G, A.-Meik-' lejohn,- with the help of others, conducted the sports prograni Which included .games, races, peanut scramble and a blanket pantomime. .Supper* Was - ith e n- served arid an ice cream cone Tor everyone brought an enjoyable .afternoon to A close. ■'' v ? • ’ /' Race results are. ' as follows: girls ‘under 5; Marle'ne /Porter, Peggy. Buffon; boys‘under" 5, Ter­ ry Rathwell, .Donald Andrew; boys 5 and 6, Douglas Johnston, David Thompson; girls 7 and.8, Mary Murdie, Beverley Rathwell; boys 7 and 8, Tommy Andrew, Garry Johnston; girls, 9, 10,'11, Jean , Richards; Joan Crawford, boys 9, 10, 11, Jack Button,. Bob­ bie/ Andrew;, boys. 12 and 13, Art Howald, Bill Robinson; 'girls' 14 and 15, Bessie Reavie, Joyce Mc­ Kay (tied); boys 14 and 15, Paul -Couse— George—Webster (tred')T sack. race, boys under 12, Thom Collyer, i Jack Buttd’n; ^ack race, boys over; .12, Arthur Howald, Bill Robinson; girls 3-legged race under T2, Jean Richards & Jo­ anne Hunter, Joan Crawford and, ■^Nancy~Websterf"over 12, Donna' Johnston and Joyce McNay,'Jean Richards and Joanne Hunter; girls sack race under 12, Joan Crawford, Jean Richards; „ladies’ ■shoe kick, Mns. Alex Andrew, Mrs. Qriand Richards; blanket pantomime representing the cor­ onation, washing blanket to the rhythm of-a Gaelic song and an . Indian war hoop around iterit’. \BORN GAYNOR—in Kincardine Hospi­ tal on June 20th, 1953, tp-Mrrand~ Mrs. Lyle Gaynor, Kincardine, a daughter, Sharon Elizabeth. 4 Mr. and An- CHURCH CHANNELS OBITUARY MRS. ISAAC ANDREW On/ Thursday last, Mrs. Isaac: Andrew passed away at the home of . her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Kirkland, after an illness of er al months. She was in her 89th year.. . ■■ . ' ■ . With trie exception of a few of her early years spent, in Huron Township west1 of Paramount her entire -lifetime was spent , in the. Zion community. She was-born- of pioneer parents who contribu- . leti_urmch^_toL__th.e—building—and^ establishment of the Zion church. This Church formed the, centre of her religious life^ she having been a devoted member of the congregation for her many years. Formerly Susan Raechel And­ erson, she married Isaac Andrew who predeceased her fifteen years ago. They celebrated their golden Wedding anniversary the year previous to his passing. The home which they established was z a mecca for genuine hospitality and gracious living/ She sought al­ ways to be an example of Christ­ ian living, serving her home,- her church and her community in the- highest traditions of Christ­ ian standards. . . . . / . ■ . To this union were 'born five children:.wDayidr who lives in Calgary, Alberta;. John F., form­ erly of Edmonton, died. in 1937; /W.illia_m_died_in:/L9-1.6.;_Alfred-who- , lives in Orillia, and Jessie, Mrs. Gordon Kirkland, with whom she lived -her- declining years arid' who devotedly pared for her. Mrs. Andrew was the, eldest of the David Anderson family of ten children. She was predeceas-. ed by Robert, Thomas, Webster,; Sarah (Mrs. John Helm), Harvey,’ Janie (Mrs. Anson Finlay). Sur­ veying are David of Red Deer, Alberta; Elizabeth (Mrs S.; J.' Kil- Lucknow. There are ten grarid- childneiL an(^ five S^^t grand­ children* ' ‘ . / - The funeral was held Saturday i afternoon from the McLennan & I MacKenzie memorial chapelAvith interment to GreenhiH cemetery. •Rev.. J. R; Dickinson iCohdudted the service. Mr. Gordoh Lucas, a grandaon-in-laWr was soloistv Pall­ bearers were J* F./Barkwell, Oli­ ver' Bai/Rw^iri Palmer' Kilpatrick^ Plchard'Kilpatr ick,, H* D. Ander? Json and David Anderson* « I In the .periodbetween how and voting day, I will endeavour to further acquaint you with what the Liberal party stands for arid Will also meet as many of your personally as is possible in that time. ... SALKELD REUNION _ , ■ ’ . • ’ ■ ’ - rThe Salkeld reunion picnic Was sev- p <» This advertisement is inserted by Tlie . Bruce Liberal Association. r? .■ '--L . ■ • ' Electors - ago you did me the honour to elect me as your member. In- the intervening time I have done my best to represent you all, regardless of your political affili­ ation. For this privilege of being/ permitted to serve you, I extend my thanks an<^ appreciation. L Again I have the honor to be the candidate of the Liberal party in this Constituency. On. __ August l_0th you . .will have the- opportunity r to. elect the man you deem best fitted to serve you and the party0 Which you believe will attend to your interests best, On its record, the Liberal party is deserving of your support/ and as its candidate in Bruce, I trust that you will give/yohr vote to the Liberal party. Let us unite to go forward with Canada ’under the ad­ ministration of Prince Minister Louis St. Laurent, with whom I have had the pleasure of serving you since 1949. ‘ erator on the Bell exchange she continued. ' her outstanding .act- ' j v i y Tri YoungPeople’s work in McNabb Presbyterian Church. She was on the staff of Inter­ national Youth, Council and also oh the Council of Hamilton and ' j' Londno Synod. Grace was a tire-. I less and efficient worker in any-. \ . | thing she undertook and as a re- U. ■- . 1 > * - • • .• « * <X _ • • WAS VERY ACTIVE IN? .■ " ’ ' ’ ’ YOUNG PEOPLE’S WORK . The Sentinel obituary of two weeks ago in connection with the tragic death of Miss Grace Mac­ pherson,; made mention of her activities id Church, work. We take the *' following paragraph from The Milverton Sun which . - . --------..------ gave more detail of these aptiv- su}t her services were . in great i ties: , 1' ‘ Grace was born on the 10th of Kinloss, in Bruce County, on _________ ........................ £anu^ry 7th> 1918, but camp to held on June 13 at_-Harbor_.Pai£. ’Milverton about eighteen years Goderich.. Sixty sat down to sup- ago and while here was employed per at six o’clock. Afterwards, on the staff of the local telephone ‘ - system, as well as assisting at the J* M* Fleischhauer tailor shop. She was a very actiye type of girl and her interests were.par­ ticularly directed to church woirk, she being an outstanding worker and leader in the Y.P.S. of Burns Presbyterianchurdh.•WKi'Te* here she Was also leader in the Strat­ ford District Y P.S. Afitef. going to Hamilton' about six years ago where she was long distance Op- Wallace Miller,' St. -Heleh^ presi- ,dent for 1952, took the chair and election oFofficers took place for. 1953: pres., Wm. Dalling, Monc­ ton; vice pres., Amos Andrew, Goderich; secretary, Mrs. Roy Rundle, Goderich* Everyone repaired to McKay... HalT"^ere Elbert Salkeld, CleveT land, Ohio? showed;some pictures • ■ • •takfen in Wgfma7Xustrali.a, God- ' erich, (Seaforth And Saskatche- •.. / Wan* r«M