The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-01, Page 1$2.50 A Year In Advance—$1,00. Extra To U.S.A.LUCKNOW; ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st, .1953 EIGHT PAGES .^Liberal mem- icuhg during the received: the " ...........— STORES CLOESD WEDNESDAY, OPEN ALL I) VY THURSDAY Wednesday, July 1st, is be? . ing observed as H .public holiday in the Villa Lucknow Business Men’s As-0 sociation announces tliat busi- ness places in Lucknow will remain open all day Thurs- . -day. v TATTOO DREW BIG CROWD FRIDAY ' . Lucknow held t its first band tattoo- in several 'years last Fri- 'r day night. Itjweht . JroW. oT seven hun­ dred specfaitprs who viewed. Jhe : colorful spectacle under the lights with the ball diamond as the parade ground? t Lucknow Pipe Miand sponsored the show which • will probably become an annual event : Six bands took part. The ..par­ ade to the park was headed by the Lucknow District High’ Schooi brass band and the Seaforth Kiltie brass band. The four pipe 1 bands, Mt. Forest, Owen Sound, Kincardine and. Lucknow, mass- ■ ed at ithe park entrance sixty strong to march in. / ' ; Donald Blue was master “*of cerernonies and-kepttheprogranv moving smartlyf Each band per- . formed individually on the par- . ade ground and their selections . were interspersed by numbers by Mel Lavingrie and, the Bluewater Boys, and Highland .and Irish . ^dahcing^by^a-nquartette of Amy" Johnston’S dance students of Dwen Sophd. Their tutor was . champion highland dancer' of ..Canada for fifteen years. D. A. p MacLenxian piped the dancers to 7-the platfqwaa?^ ■ f Gets Big Hand ; In full kilt, Neil MacCallum ( was on hand to thoroguhly enjoy 7 die Scottish airs which : he once r- played-so-well- himselfr"Neil~has > been, crippled'by; rheumatism for, . several years. He is the only liv- ' ing member of the original Luck- £ now Pipe Band, and -When the^ j. Master of Ceremonies paiid trilb-; Uite to him, the former Langsider Was given a rousing and touching i round of applause, i I Members of the Lucknow Pipe Band include, .Roy MacKenzie, pipe major*; Pipers D,< A'. Mac^ Lenhan, Frank MacKenzie, Lome MacKenzie, Murray. MacDonald, ? Wallace Hewitt, Wilfred McQuil- ; lan and Archie McQuillan;, bass drummers, Alan MacLean and El­ mer MacKenzie (it W’2S Alan who performed Friday night) and side drummers, Mac Webster and Don­ ald MacKenzie. Mac is also a member of the Kincardine Band.i SIREN MOVED TO NEW LOCATION AT FIRE HALL During the past week the fire siren was moved from ‘.‘Standpipe Hill” >tp a new location., at. the rear of the Fjre Hall on Main Street. The change' of- location is accompanied by a■ modernizing of ,Tthe fire alarm/system. .. S ’ . In- case of fire, the telephone call- number ,is 100. When this number is ^‘plugged in” at . the telephone switchboard it auto­ matically sets, of the fire siren, which continues to wa.il until shut off at the Fire Hall, upon arrival' of .the first fireman to reached the hall. A telephone has been installed at the Fire Hall, and there the location of the fire is learned: . It- is .important that • the party calling 100 remain on the. line un-. til instructions are given, as to l-he-doeation of-the-fire. ICis not. the operator’s responsibility or j duty’ to do this, unless -circum­ stances might warrant it. The outside fire alarm button ’ is being done away with, which ^lIl^&p^l^he^rankste^^WIl'OT we’en “fun”; Th^ public telephone booth at Mason’s corner may now be used for such calls as Would be turned in frorfi the old out­ door switch' box. DIAMOND JUBILEE OFLANGSiDE^OtS^ PRESENTATIONS MADE I I IE UNO P PO^ F D TO RETIRING TEACHER ; Mrs. Lloyd Hall (Helen Ham­ ilton) terminated eleven years on the Lucknow Public ScKopi teachr ing staff at, the term’s end ..last week. She has given mqsL.efficL ent 'and Valued service during that.time. - • Prior to. 4hea close of school her student? of “Grades III and IV made a surprise presentation of a wool blanket and a chenille -hearth rug. : • Members of the "teaching staff presented Mrs. Hall with a silver relish dish. BUYS McQUILLIN RESIDENCE THAT The Sentinel’s collection of license plates now includes: C 22220, 23187 El, A 3805’. AT NOMINATION ■I..* - • ■' -■ ■.............. . Donald B. Blur ber "for,,. Bruce rio. past - four ’ years, party’s nomination last Thursday in Southampton ..by acclbma'tibn. '.Also nominated was Ross Wicher, mayor of Wiartbn,1 .who withdrew his. name- bu#* intim­ ated that he might -at some time in. the future be honored and • willing to accept. He expressed himself as being one hundred percent behind Mr." Blue. In accepting the nomination, Mr. Blue said he did. not plan to .tear down anybody’s fences in ------ ' I the campaign to. which he pledged A real estate deal that has been' a full Effort, and called for the pending for a time was complet- [ support of everyone who had the ed this'week with the purchase ;Liberal_causelat" hearit^ -——----- -byf~Ed“'Baker~OfT"the residence of,' In. his•_ pro-nomination remarks, Mr. R. H. McQuillim which is,i Mr. Blue pointed out that since adjacent to ithe Baker Private 11949, the Department of Public Hospital.: - \ X.. ! Works had spent approximately - :; ^The Baker move i $r,000;000 in the riding. , to the newly purchased residence j Association officers fg-elected jand_c,onyert^heir^pr,esen^living--were7^Kefr"Symbh~s";of~~Wiarton, " quarters into additional, hospital j pre$.; Duncan Kennedy of Tdes- accojnodation. Mr. McQuillin will I water, Vice-pres.; Tom Duff of I. -O’----- - J • U i Mr., R. H. McQuillin, which is ,I Mr. Blue adiacenit to the Baker Private h Qka thn THAT among those listed in the Stratford Normal school results are Joyce Baulch, Kathleen Lane, Murray McNain and Geo. Harris of Goderich and form­ erly of Lucknow. THAT the Lucknow churches are 1 CREWE CHURCH sponsoring a Church Vacation School in the mornings , of in"mihd; T7” ______- r — —v *•••* •*** 1 V*UWAj . V Ijj/x J | continue to reside in his old j Tara, secretary. I 'home. . .•■/•!. . Prime Minisl ir . - k - A large number of .friends and members of neighboring Auxiliar­ ies attended the 6.0th. anniversary W.M.S. Auxiliary ’ in the ‘ church i on Tuesday evening, June 23rd. J The scripture reading^-and medi­ tation was given by Mrs. Gordon Wall. Mrs. Neil MacDonald led in prayer. The history"o’f the Aux: iliary Was? read by Mrs. John Richardson in which -were men­ tioned the names of the charter­ ed members. A duet was sung by Ruth and Phyllis Steer: The president, ; Mrs... Farish 'Moffat, welcomed the guests, and a mom­ ent’s silencewas observed in memory of members who. have passed on. .’ ‘ < Greetings were extended by. Mrs. Robt. Mowbray of Wingham ................ on behalf of-Hamilton and Lon- 43§^!INEN[T_jCONSERVA-TIV-E—-don-^ynodiealT—MrsT-ArlaTT-Mac^ Auley of Ripley, president of Maitland Presbyterial, extended greetings. The JjSjev. R. D. A. Cur­ rie, ^mister of the congregation, extended greetings on. behalf, of the, church and stressed the need of missionary workers in the con­ gregation. • ; I Mrs. G. S. Baulch of South Kin- Joss Was guest speaker. Mrs. 1 Baulch used a flannelgraph to i show the progress made during the past 60‘ years of the Langside Auxiliary.stressing that, future missionary work is, in the hands Of the children. ‘ * , Mr, John Magee of Calvin sang a solo* accompanied by Mrs. Ma­ gee, whose" mother Mrs. A. Gor­ don, Was a chartered ' member., 1 Mrs. Wm.. Orr gave the offering prayer and a reading was given by Mrs. John Pollock, Jr. of Luck- now. The anthem, “Send the Light”,' was sung by the choir.\ A former minister, Rev.’ and Mrs. W.' S. Sutherland of West Hill, were present arid extended their ■ congratulations;. 'Mrs, -. Guthrie Reid of .-TeesWater, past • Presby-'1 ferial, president, also expressed, ■her eohgfatulations and best; wishes,. Mrs. Jas,- McPherson ex­ tended thanks to the guest speak; er: arid to those, taking -part ■ in the program: Mrs, Peter Q, Mof- fat . and Mrs, John.' -Richards.oif Welcomed the guests, Mr,. Gordon Wall /Clerk of Session, closed the meeting with prayer. ; Lunch was’served in the’^fiool' room,-Miss Emma’ Richardson, the- oldest member cut the birthday cake. Pictures/of former meet- jhgs as well as a quilt; which was _made. hjCth’ e JV. Jan d. purchased by Mb. Angus'Strome, were dn display. The quill- ,was . b> < Ml'’* ax •A« A/F L COMING TO BRUCE , Hard oh the heels of the Prime Minister’s Visit, citizens of Bruce County are to have the oportunity of hearing another outstanding. J parliamentarian, Mr. John G.Dief- , enbacker; who will be in South- . ampton next Tuesday afternoon F speaking on .behalf of Andrew Robinson, Progressive , Conserva-. tive candidate in Bruce. Mr; Deifenbakef, Mr< Drew’s deputy, is one of the most pow­ erful orators in the House. RUMOR OF OIL (DIUUINGJKERE . unconfirmed: report has0, it that oil drilling operations mayjjag- Undertaken before long1 in the j vicinity of Highway 86. Land, was ; recently leased iri Kinloss Town-* -Ship adjoining the Highway, and .. as far north - as the 8th Conces­ sion. Another block of land was leased last year in West. Wawa- n°sh, adjacent to the highway and •- W of. Dickie’s Hill; : , Imperial oil has /been drilling ^Jh Huron .County this ’ spring. As . toany as five rigs are reported to nave been operating but_LdiX^- —'!oles are being, encountered in ■tach case.....:.J:. *' .•* , One of these outf its was drill - ■. }nS in the. Saratoga Swamp dis-, tnct. in West Waawanoshr but shale rock was: Struck at about , 1800 feet, which is said to have the cabse of abandoning that iocation, ' The drilling rig isJbeing--diSA. - ^antled;Vp^]para&ry . to moving; .wa.ne’w drilling-’site; arid it is &ored that “north io Highway is the destihation. " 7 ! ■i 1* M * ’ I | . Prime Minister Speaks ’ 1 Highlight of the gathering held / i in Southampton Arena, due to / ’threatening \veather, was - the , •. arrival of Prime Minister Louis St: Laurent, headed by the Cape Croker Indian Reserve' Brass . Band- and—the -Wiarton—publiic";"' ” school majorettes. —o— jof the road”, so far as a House' The Prime Minister was given THAT Noreen Kilpatrick, daugh-; of Worship is concerned. It Will a rousing welcome before taking ORANGEMEN BUY School in the mornings . of L Crewe United Church, built as August 17-21. Keep the datesJjL Methodist., church, -jsixty-three i years ago, has reached “the end J of the road”, so far as a House' 7. ' .* A ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kil-i in the future be rebuilt as an j the platform to give a stirring , • " ■ 1 . ’' ’ -----■- ” :address on Canadianism and the ’ The church, the church con- • qualities of being a good Can-. ' versity. ' r - ’ tents arid the church shed were' adian. The speech was about as- • sold by public auction on Mon-1 non-political as an election cam- \ THAT Glen Tasker has been ■ day with total proceeds amount- /paign speech could be. Mr.’St. Laurent offered nothing more, ‘ The church /was built by. than in the 1949 campaign, that. ? . I K'Jx.-.l. Z-X _' 'I •••* •• ▼ -1----■ T* -‘ *■ ' * . , torn down and. rebuilt in Mitchell; strive to do their very best for- as an Orange and L.O.B.A. hall. ' Canada. Present also on • the The sale price was $550.00, The . speakers stand and called on Were church shed went to Ivan Rivetf; A. Y. McLean from Huron, Arn- for $220’ The church furnishings: eld Darroch of ^Wellington' and brought slightly less than $100. Walter E. Harris, Minister of The sale terms called for re- Citizenship, arid Immigration.’ moval of the buildings by Nov-’ ; —1 -■ ----- ’ ’. 1, ’ / <3 !- OFF TO CADET CAMP , 1 given six months grace to do > ■ '• ... ■ ■' 'A- ■’ w i/ tt I Seven boys of Lucknow High| The auctioneer was Well. Hen-, schoffll are_of£ lo.cadet.campVt,:is„ . | week. Five go to Ipiperwash. They I are Alvin Baker, Bob Gardner, Arnold Hertford; Bill Ritchie and BY REV. C. A. WINN SUNDAY Morton .Roddy Wraith and ■ ■■ : George Webster go to Camp Bior-The - morning service f in the deh; George will take a motor Presbyterian .Church Was high- mechanic’s course and Roddy a lighted by the i baptism of Seven wireless I ,children by the pastor, Rev. C; I A. Winn. They were: Gail Isobel, Yu'’’~t ~ J i Patrick, successfully concluded i. Orange. Hall'.. address on Canadianism and the 'll I- I i I ~o r transferred from the R.C.A.F. I inlg to, slightly over $800.00. station at Chatham, New Bruns- ‘ wick, to Greenwood, ; Scotia. Mrs. Tasker and child-, ren a^e at present residing in nearby Middleton in the An­ napolis Valley. >. THAT. Mary Chin, student nurse of Toronto Western Hospital, is on vacation. She commenced ' - - —- _______________ ( her holidays by undergoing an ; ember, but purchasers^ have been ■' ’ appendectomy. ~o'— THAT a largely attended recep^ tion was held last. Wednesda-v-l-derson. night in the Recreational Cen­ tre in honor of Mr. and Mrs; Robert Macintosh.» I • ■ ♦ • I . . Nova ] Mitchell Orangemen and will be the Liberal party would always ’hi.ld--l torn down and. rebuilt in Mitchell strive to do their very best for STUDENTS, STAGE SURP1SE PARTY FOR TEACHER (By Bill Kennedy) The pupils of Grades VII and VIII , < ‘ ‘ 9 z- *• >1 a George Webster go to Camp Bor- course. ■. of the Lucknow Public daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Stewart,: RI SHOP CONFIRMS School staged a surprise party in I Jamieson; Robert John, son of ; ■ .• honor of their teacher, Mr. Stuart iMr; dnd Mrs. Robert Boak; Don- J CLASS OF SIXTEEN Collyer, on Thursday morning. |sld Campbell,, son of Mr. and An interesting prograin was ; Mrs< ’ John E. MacDonald; Mary; Collyer, on Thursday morning, j .An interesting prografn was arranged and enjoyed by all. The opening number was a song by the pupils, “Auld Lang Syne”, followed by a chorus by a group of girls, “Now is the Hour”. Don-*- na Johnston and Elizabeth Web­ ster, sang a duet and Lester Bur­ den played a piano solo. This was followed by a . sing-song iby the Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Henderson; Doug-, las Dale, son. of Mr. and Mrs., Grant trollan; David George, son i . of Mr. ahd Mrs. George Taylor.' < Johnston. • :r ' Mr.’Collyer was presented with a’ neck tip and Mr. Stimson with a handkerchief. ' v . Refreshments were served by the’, girls' at the close of the meet­ ing. . . • ■ -■* On Sunday; June 28th at 3.00 p.m. a large congregation attend­ ed the 79 th anniversary of St. Peter’s Church, Lucknow. Mem.-, bers of the congregations of St. Paul’s, Ripley; St. Paul’s; Dun- j V/AAX AOV WliUlVllj •'A VA b Albert, joined with those of St;. Peter’s to. make it a great occas­ ion. A '.. ;■ ----The-Rev., H. L. Jennings pre­ sented sixteen candidates to the Bishop of Huron the Right Rev 7 erend G. N. Luxton, M.A., DiD., for Confirmation.,.It, was one of the largest classes in the history of the parish,. The Rev. H. L. Parker of {St. Paul’s, Wingham/ was bishop’s chaplain.-Those, con- firmed wefe, Frederick d. John-- •*/**«• j i aui s, xvipiey; ou ryaui s, juun- Jr.; Janice Ann, daughter of Mr. • gannon; and Christ Church,-Port ____u JI H <_ ■ .TS .1...^ T-M • T ..... _ ' ' , _ ’and MrSx Robert Reid. In the evening at the Manse, Rev. Winn baptized Melvin Gorr i dpn,^oh_cdLMr_and-Mrs^Gordon- Lyons. 5 i * .». PUBLIC SCHOOL DONATES $60 TO JUNIOR ?RED CROSS Periodically throughout the school term students of Lucknow Public School /have contributed small amounts to the Junior Red _____ ___, ________ ___ _ Cross fund/" At the enfd of the ston, Lois Marie JohhS^ term this had totalled $60, Which Emma Johnston, Allen Ernest has been forwarded to headquart,- Johnston, Floyd Carl Johnston, ers to aid, UhderpiiyRegexiLcaLtl4^-RoihCY4~TY^f^^ irAnp~ r^n- ’ I May Roulston, Annie Mae Ketch- I abaw; * Catherine ‘ Edna 1 Ketcha- I haw, Mary Alice McQuillin; Gwendolyn Anne Caesar, Lome Clifford Reid; Edna Grace Reid,; William David Marshall; Thomas William Pritchard and John Gor* dOn Thomsoiri; 4 'After the Offertory the Bishop dedicated - the new church lights"- ’ the gift of the ladies of/the par­ ish. The. choir led by. -the organist^' Mrs. Fred McQuillin, sang the ah- . them, “O Come Let Us Sing’V ■ • ' ■ • V, .................. ..... .. . L J. ( ....... r l yji ...— NAME OMITTED FROM HIGH SCHOOL REPORT > Audrey Ross’ name w'as;0mi.t- J^Jf]±ihjJJieLHigh_JS.chdiilJexam-- ination lists. Audrey is a Grade" XII student, and obtained the. fol­ lowing standing: a , • Eng. 'Comp* IL; Eng. Lit II; French II; Latin II; History II; Ag. Sc. I;'Geom. I; .Health I. • Betty Johnston wroth a special ’oxgmination last week in Agri/ cuitiiral Science and obtained Jkst class honors. Betty had been unable to Write the regular papef were on ■ oismay i I1C ....... due to. an - appendix operation autographed ’ wit'h a number .ol which she underwent at examina- lodal. names, - -. • tion time. . . ■ . •»' , t -to ' ’ ' ■ . ' ' HEALTH NURSE RESIGNS Miss Patricia Baillie, Brtice Co. health nurse for this district, has resigned her, position, .effective at the end.of,June; She has enrolled with the Red Cross nursing* ser­ vice and Will be assigned, to duty, at an. outpost hospital^-— Miss Baillie is a daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Trimble Saillie ot Cargill.' Her mother was formerly Frankie Cain of Lucknow. 2 , / ' 4' » » i ' , t *