The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-10, Page 3WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10th, 1953 ... f 4. . THE: LUCKNOW- SENTINEL.LUCKNOW, ONTARIO I * lucknow / Locol & General UNITED CHURCH■ I T ' ' PAGE! THREE i i i i i i i i I 11 ’7 Minister: Rev, G, A, Meiklejohn; B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, JUNE 14th . a.m.: Sunday School Anni- • ' versary, p.m.: “Being Disciples of Jesus”, Lucknow Presbyterian Church ROv. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, JUNE 14th 10 a.m.; Sunday School. IL a.m.; Sacrament of Bapt­ ism. . • \ A • '• 3 pin.: Erskine, Dungannon, Sacrament of Baptism. 7 p.m.; Evening Worship. t ' ... • ■ ’ • I'’ Sunday! School ANNIVERSARY LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 14th 11.00 a.m.' Superintendent: -^^^Wilfred Drennan. "Minister: Rev; G. -A. Meiklejohn. Music by Junior Choir (All members of the Sunday School are asked to gather in the School Room at 10.45 a.m.) OBITUARY EARL DOUGLAS WHITE This community was saddened, and a young wife and. her little boy sorrowfully bereaved, by the death of Earl Douglas White, who passed away in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, On Tuesday, May 26th. He was 41. - " Earl’s untimely death was due to a heart ailment from which he had suffered for about, five years, Although a resident of Western Canada , most of his life, Earl was well known here and for' the past year hie and Mrs. White and : their 21-months’-old son Murray had resided, in-Xucknow? Earl was born at Lanigan, Sask, on November 5th, 1911, being a son of George and Ethel White. He served four years in the Royal Canadian Air Force and on Sep­ tember 4th, 1950, married Eileen A. Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hall. Following their mar­ riage they resided at Trial, B.C., until returning here a, year .ago. Earl was a member of the Un­ ited Church, of the B.P.O. Elks and the Canadian Legion. ■: The funeral service was held on Sunday, May 31st at the Mc­ Lennan - MacKenzie Memorial Chapel; and was largely attend­ ed. Many lovely floral tributes were added expressions Of respect and sympathy. The service was cpuductedbyaclosefriendyRev; J. Dorrian of Tottenham, who had married the young couple not so long ago. tie was assisted by Rev. Grant Meiklejohn.. ’ Interment was in Greenhill. 7Cemetery^3;The“ pallbearers were Harold .Ritchie’ A. J. Wilson, Russ’ Button, Ernie Crawford, R. Rich­ ards and F. McKinnon; Other survivors besides , his ^ife“aiM‘^bung_^On? include his mother, Mrs. Ethel White; three sisters, Mrs. A- Hayton; Trialy BjC.; Mrs. L. Bull, Bemidji,. Minm; Mrs. P. McIntyre, Elfros, Sask.; two brothers, James of Trail and Wilfred of Elfros. ed Mr.»and Mrs. Ross Paterson and Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Mont­ gomery /(formerly Muriel Pater­ son). Ross works in the Kleenex factory and took them on a tour I Noreen Kilpatrick is employed as a waitress at the Delawana Inn, Honey Harbor.. i Mr. Lloyd Barkwell left for Toronto on Monday where he in­ tends to stay for a* while/ ? 1 . . - I. • • •George Chin is home from Ann Arbor, Mich., where he has been attendihg university. ■Mrs, John MacMillan is quite ill. and is again a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mrs, R, H. Thompson is spend­ ing this week in. Toronto with her sister, Lorna. Campbell., Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hender­ son and family spent the week­ end at Port Colborne. Morgan, "Donald and Jim Hen­ derson have been attending the Trade Fair at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCall and infant sori Barry of Listowel spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kilpatrick and daughter Pamela of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick. Miss Gertrude Crich and Mr. and Mrs. j.. Wrangham .of Torr onto were week-end guests of Mr.’ ;and Mrs^.^ Harold ../r^M®aven’j^=-^- Miss Shirley Robinson, nurse in training, has returned to her dut­ ies in Owen Sound, after spending her, vacation at her home here. —Misst—Estella-"" Pat^t^son ^and Mary Jo Anderson of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Torrance*Anderson. __Mr. and Mrs. Tracv—Webster- and little daughter Linda of Kit-' chener visited, with Mr. and Mrs. Richard-Webster Sunday last. Mr. arid Mts. Clifford MacMil­ lan and daughter Christine and Jim MacMillan of St. Catherines spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MacMillan. Mr. and Mrs. George MacGregr or, Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs.- Rae Myers and daughter Linda Neil J. MacKenzie. . Mrs.. Howard Cowan and child-/ ren left Monday of this week to visit Mrts. Cowan’s parents, Mr; and Mrs. A. H. Jesperson, Chilli-. . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brooks and Janice, Mr. and’ Mrs., James Culbert and Mrs. Bert Finnigan _£p.en.txSUhd;ayr-a-t—PoH^Dover-~at- Mr. £rid Mrs.-Gordon Will’s, cot-, tage.. - ' /•.•/, .. ■ ?,./ ■.'/• • Mr. and Mrs,-Richard Webster ■have returned' home after spend­ ing several weeks with their dau­ ghter, Mrs. Charlie Johnston, of Sarnia^ where Mr...:’Vy'esbjer, was recuperatihg from a- recent oper- • ation. ' •■•/ • ‘ . • • ’ ‘ j Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong and family and Mrs.- Armstrong’s 1 sister, Miss June Reeve of Port Colborne, spent the week-end here with Mr. Armstrong’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Arm­ strong. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Sharpe and sons David and Keith and: Mrs. Qurston of Guelph were Sunday I. •Visitdrs- with’/Mf..-’and/Mrs/John ' ’R. England, Alec and Jack served | • uveiseas -.togetliel.' ■■ ,? • • • Dr. W. V.. Johnston leaves this week to fly to Saskatchewan, to I him by train to the West, where they yyill Visit with their daugh­ ters, Dr/ and Mrs. John Mow­ bray of Stoughton, Sask, and Mr. and Mrs; W,m. McKinnon, of Cal­ gary*. •' / /' ; ■ . ■ . . ‘ The regular meeting of Luck- 1 now Women^s Institute wpl be w< 9 f*. • AW I I i i i I I v I. I B.C Red Cedar Shingles «k 1I 1 WEDDINGS / Jackman—Mackenzie • v* • x Pink and White snapdragons, calla lilies and fern adorned Ash­ field Presbyterian Church on Saturday, June 6th for the wgd- ding of Ethel Mary MacKenzie,, daughter of Mrs. .Roderick Mac- J Kenzie of iKintail and the late j wack, B.C. . Mr. MacKenzie to . Mr. Clifford Russel Jackman of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jackman of Toronto. The ’ceremony ' was -pei-foimed—by^Rev^*r^IX--MaC,r' ••Donald.' . j ■ ; V • - ------ • ... The bride,' given in marriage by" her brother,' Mr, David Mac­ Kenzie, was lovely, in a waltz­ length ./gown of white . silk or­ ganza over taffeta, with jacket of chantilly lace. The full skirt had applique of the same lace as in the jacket. She wore a fingertip, veil with lace headdress and car­ ried >a cascade of Johanna' Hill roses. ; ", " . The bridesmaid was Miss Bev-- erley MacKenzie of Kintail, niece of the bride, and Mirs. John. Bittie of Toronto, was matron of honor. They wore identical Waltz-lengih gowns of maUve. arid' turquoise, silk organza with matching head­ dress and carried „ cascadei .b.o_u-... "duets of yellowy carnations. . Norman ‘ Jackman, brother of.. The groom, was best man. The ushers were David Cowan ‘ and> Ant Bittie. Miss Sally /MacDonald/ was organist and Miss Marion Munn isang i‘The Lord’s Prayer.” and “Through The Years”.. Dinner was served at Reid’s Corners Community Hall for ^bout seventy guestsl. The bride’s mother received in aVforest green crepe and lace dress with black accessories arid corsage of pink -gardeniasxThe groom’s"^ x-Ji *X ....•• v •' 4 of Sudbury visited with Mrs. of the plant ' The Paramount_Women’s Insti­ tute will hold their June 16th I 1 I ; 1. ■■■r i ■ r- dL •X . . ■ ■-.xx i CAR TO ARRIVE EARLY >IEXT WEEK I . -■■/■■■• /?:X iI- ' /• ■.■/""'/I JOHN W. HENDERSON XXttlMBEKiafflfEDX i | Lucknow — Phone 150 — Ontario j ■ JBORN — . FORAN—at Alexandra Hospital* Goderich, on May 27, 1953, tec Mr. and Mirs. John F. Foran,. R. 2, Auburn, a daughter. RITCHIE—in ’ Wingham . General Hospital on Tuesday, June 2ndr 1953, to ML and Mrs. Harvey Rit­ chie, R. 3, Lucknow, a daughters ' • .. • ’ We are booking orders fo>r BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR SHINGLES In Grades No. 1-5X, No. 2-5X . and No. 3-5X.. U. a i a - ! meeting at Mrs. A. Irwin’s. Th& members wishing tickets for Tor­ onto in August can get them at this meeting. Roll Call, ‘‘Some­ thing I read about the A.C.W.W.” Will members please have ans­ wers for roll call. Current events, Mrs. H. Ensign; topic, Mrs. Reid, paper on Edna Jacques; program, Mrs. McLennan, Mrs. Stahley. * '1 <•< ■ ■ ■Tfwwaang for an Army Career Under the Soldacey ■ AppranHce-Under the Sosd^er An^rentase^Pinn—- “7 ■/;•■////: ;■ /./' ■.-'■"/ cc - ;./.// . /■ ■ . /, ■ ' ■■ : /■'. . /„■ The Canadian Army Soldier Apprentice Plan upon reaching their 17tk birthday they re- offers a unique career Opportunity for young e’eive full pay with extra group pay as they programme trains Soldier Apprentices for f careers as skilled soldier tradesmen* ihe yqunginah who is interested in the happy» healthy and purposeful life of the .Soldier • Trades training tinder ex perl instructors Apprentice shbuld investigate immediately. in one of16 skilled trades. '• ■ - . • Aeademie training ir. dentistry, algebra, English, etc. v e irTHltitary training as o Canadian Soldier, j Soldier Apprentices follow a balanced pro- I gramme of stjLidy,. Work and play; live, in1 i separate. residence at Army Schools under J ! . supervisidti' of military arid Civilian instruc- ’ I tors. It’s a healthy, berieficiai course of train- I I tliaL prepares Soldier Apprentices for . | .■ fine'caifCeM' ■' ( r . j * ■ ■ - ......X.r «.■- 'Sfb :■ i, •• Address ‘ Soldier Apprentices are eligible for all Army* I benefits,-pensions and the 30 days annual j > deave. They receive half pay while. 16 but ■ . *. ' ‘ * . ’ ’ f ■ » t ' join? Mrs ..Johnston who preceded! men of, 16-who want a good future* 3-Way qualify. i • - u-. Ikh Wocf urnpt*p I i • • o. ■ . a J 1 * . ' aim -gardeniasr^h^^ a 00 ' o’clock. Hostesses, assisted in a powder* blue dress < •ja|instone, Mrs. Philip with .matching jacket, white ac<Mis-j. ’ g^er johnston. cessories and corsage' of. pink ^tew fart Writ* Jl x .. • - with matching jacket, white ac^ gardenias. 1 , . - For a motor trip tri Washington and New York the bride’s en­ semble was a beige knitted suit, ’beige hat/iand 'gloves, snakeskin. sh°es land’. bag and carnal hair, coat, with a corsage of roses. , Mrs/ Jackman will re- Sicfe in Toronto. • I Mrs. J. R.. Johnstone, Mrs. Philip. Roll Call’, narne an interesting fact ! about Newfoundland. ■ Slides oh. j Goose Bay. Everyone Welcome:, . Mr? and . Mrs. Wallace Conn, Charlie Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. I Ronald - Forster- spent last -week . I. on. a motor trip to Kapuskasing, -; Lard6r 'Lake, Sudbury and MM* i land. At Kapu’skashig they visit- * . • . ■ • I General Officer. Commanding, , . Central Command, OrtOna Barracks, Oakville, Ont. ' . Please send me the booklet on the Soldier Apprentice. Name . o.fa | r. ■■ i' i i ......I '■ 1- 1 1. L I