The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-02, Page 3WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1953 * • ' 4 * . UUi “ the LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LITCKNOW, ONTARIO i 1 I I LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH I Minister: ‘ Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, . ■ B.A., B.D, SUNDAY, JUNE 7th a.m.‘: Sunday School. a.m.; “Our Canadian Privq ilege”. ’ p.m.;, “Saviour,. Hear My Cry’’. .- 10 11 i i I i I i i i I1........... -rr- • , ■ ;■// !•■;; ■' Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A, Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, JUNE 7th a.m.: Sunday School and Bible Class. a.m.: ReV; Robert A.Mac- connell. , p.m.: Erskine., Dungannon, Rev. Robert A. Macconnell. Evening Service Withdrawn I /Sunday School ^ Service, June Htli at 11 a.m.! ■ ■rir--r--T1>t--------r-i r— 5 ■ 7 *<■ 10 11 3 ^^^CHURCH-CHANNELS--— Local & General Mr. and. Mrs, Guest Mitchell of Preston spent the week-end With her parents, Mr* and Mrs. Red vers Johnston. Mr, and Mrs, Dick Reed and' Jimmy, of Detroit spent the week­ end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W./G. Reid. A • Mr. and Mrs. Angus Nicholson of Waterloo are tenanting the. William ’ Johnston residence on Havelock St. . _ 21 .. .: .2 ....1 ’ ►Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter and ■ Mr. and Mrsv Keith Blake spent the week-end in Buffalo, after attending,a. wedding in Kitchener. ■ ■ ■. , ■ ■ . ■ j + M.... . Weekrend visitors with Mrs. H.« R. Allin were Mr. and Mrs. Pen Norris’ and Craig of Detroit and Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Allin and Douglas Of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson and daughters Marion and Linda spent Coronation week-end with his mother, Mrs. J, J. Wilson ahd other. relatives: Miss Nellie Ruttan Of Toronto visited here with, her sisters, Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Mrs. Robert. Finlay while convalescing from an appendectomy. Mr. and Mrs. James Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Necurvis, Sus; an and Bobby of Detroit and Hor- §£eJ^?Qdlr^amd, Shirley-of-Lon-1 don called on Sunday on friends here. . Mrs. Allan Turner has return­ ed from Toronto to spend the summer -at- Whiteehurch. She ac- c.ompanied her son, Dick -Turner and Miss Rowena Myer of Tor­ onto who spent the week-end here. This month of June is tradi­ tionally, the month of weddings. Mpst.™Cp„uples_,hav^ ..their, union solemnized by the church. If only the same holy atmosphere that is at the service could continue in the married life of the couple. After all the excitement Mr. and Mrs, Newlywed settle down to the serious business of making a home. They have much to learn about each other, they' have a new relationship to the. commun­ ity, and the church hopes that a hew Christian family has been / enrolled in its membership. / In a recent poll women were asked, to’ name the chief faults .'of husbands, and men were in- ,-vited to tell what’s wrong with •wives. The results should show , married couples what to do^Jien-A1. “Mr“and Mrs, - Al Martin and Neddy of Detroit spent the yveek- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,. Ed Thom. They were ac­ companied by Mrs.. Roy, Cringle who visited " at the homes of her sister and brother, Mrs. Charles Cook and Jack Gillies. The regular. meeting of. the Lucknow Women’s 'Institute will be held in. the Town Hall on Fri­ day, June 12th. Note change, of time. Meeting: will be held in the evening at 8.00 .o’clock.. Hos­ tesses, Mrs. J. R. Johnstone, Mrs. Philip Stewart, and Mrs. El­ mer Johnston. ST. HELENS Commencing next Sunday, and continuing throughout the sum-, Tri'er months, service in/the Un­ ited Church will be held, at ten o'clock. / ■ / . . The ladies, are reminded of - the meeting of the Women’s Institute this (Thursday) afternoon at 2.30 at the. home of Mrs. Geo. Stuart* Roil call, Something; I remember about the life of our queen. Mrs. E. Barbour, Mrs. G. Mac­ pherson, Miss W. D. Rutherford, Mrs. Fred McQuillin, Mrs.. E. W. Rice, Mrs. ,W. A. Miller and Mrs. Frank McQuillin attended the dis­ trict annual meeting of the Wo: men’s Institute at Dungannon On Thursday. ' Mrs* D, Todd, Mr. Stan Todd- V SENTjll WEDDINGS I MacINTOSH—HUNTER A*, loyely early summer wed­ ding was solemnized on Satur­ day, May 30th in Lucknow United Qhurch, when Lois Marion, dau- htor . of .Mr, and Mrs. Wm, O, Hunter, was united in marriage | to Robert John Macintosh, son of the late - Mr. and Mrs.' John Macintosh,. The ceremony was performed before an arrangement of tulips and white lilacs, by Rev. J. IJ, Dickinsonj assisted 'by Rev., G, “A; MeikTejdhn,■ ...........: The bride, given in marriage by her. father, was charming In a floor length gown of white ny­ lon net over satin. J?he shirred bodice was strapless ?and over it she wore, a net jacket/with stand up collar and long lily, point sleeves. The bouffant skirt of net over Sc|tin was worn over crino­ line, with <the overskirt Of neb with sequins ending in points at the floor. A tiny satin covered headdress studded with pearls held her three-quarter length veil and she carried a cascade bouquet of American Beauty roses with shadow lace and fern. Mrs. Wrn. Button, twin sister of the bride, as matron of honor, wore maurve double net over satin, with a lace shirred strapless bod­ ice ,and net jacket, with lace rriiti. tens, tu^match. Miss ’Donalda Nicholson and Miss Jean Mac- KinhbiTas! bVide&maids, wore sirh- iliar styled dresses in blue and yellow. They each carried nose­ gays of roses and sweet peas. Mr. Robert C. MacKenzie, cous­ in of the groom, was best man. Mr. Elmer Umbaeh was organ­ ist. Mr. James Scott of Seaforth was soloist and sang preceding jhe^exemony___and-^dur-ing/Jthe signing 'pf the register. Ushers were Charles Webster Of Luck­ now arid Robert -'Sloan of Sarnia. At the reception which follow­ ed at the Recreational Centre, the bride’s mother received wearing navy nylon with corsage of white carnations and navy and white accessories. Aunts pf the groom, Mrs. Jean Hetherington and Mrs. Hetta Gopdhand assisted. Following the wedding dinner the couple left for a motor trip to the. Southern States. The bride woi’e an. aqua green suit with brown accessories and rust color-t ed shortie coat. Her corsage was of Talisman0roses, and white ac-_ cessories. . • . On their return they will re.-, side on the groom’s farm Boun­ dary West. 2 .1 I . ' . ‘ ‘ ’ • y / ) I STANDARD SIZES i they settle down to live happily ever after. Ten things wrong With wives Were nagging, extraya- gance, poor homemaker; too much Tiight-clubbing and drinking, gos­ siping, selfishness, too many out- / side interests, too bossy, careless and untidy personally, and inter- | ested in too many other men. Ten things .wrong with hus­ bands were drinking, thoughtless­ ness, lack of consideration, self-; ishness, ‘ too domineering.- other ■ women, stinginess,’lack of inter­ est in the home, take wife for granted, complain tod much, and / gambling and smoking, r. ' C . _ ' dred polled, ldyally declared that I to^b of..St.Catherines and Mr. | by Mrs. Jessie Allin were very I • \husbands are faultless. Another Neely Todd;0f Stratford .attended 1 much ehjoyed^TheJppic pnJ^The. k- ^ig-ht-m--every"handred~w7Tu1dh4t Tt hTTuneraT"of The"!fdfm’drT^bl'b- < United Nations and . Christian’ |.. talk; Farmers seemed to be more ther, Mr. Robert Neely at Pigeon, | Missions” was very ably' taken L^Jintende-d-^th-^et-r--^wi-ves^-thun^Mioiii, un -Friduy/rR^s—only^^ A very pleasinT Shy other class of men nhmed*' j j Of every 100 men polled as (•Mr*- JaS. rsieeiy, passed away* hiany, as eight said. ‘ wives have; < no faults. -One m'an shid, “If LEGION CHURCH PARADE I they’re like mine they are pqr- j TO ST. PETER’S, ON SUNDAY feet”, Another: “M'y Wife works - ' / -——, Four women (Jut of every hun--. of Southampton, Mrs. D, J* Mcln- & * 1. • PAGE THREE WITH SCREEN 7 ALL CLEAR CEDAR . 4 o f iiIi Ontario | 'C' ./. d JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow . ■ i ‘ Phone 150 CQ’WERAflGN. REQUESTED-- IN, JUNE FARM SURVEY / Forms for the Jung, survey of crops and livestock are being mailed by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics Jo .farmers and will be in their hands about June 1st .The .Ontario Department of Ag­ riculture stresses the importance of this survey and urges all far- mers to complete the form and return it in thei postage free en­ velope supplied. Widespread re­ sponse from all districts and farm types is required for a good meas- j urement ‘ Of the farm, situation. Individual replies are strictly con­ fidential and are hot related to taxation of any -kind. Statistics dn agricultural pro­ duction are essential in drawing up'policies to improve and fur­ ther the interests of farmers. | Farm organizations use this in- the official weather observer has. formation in their presentations' a chance to go through the books. to-gpvernmehts^and"commiWoms ort behalf of the farming popula­ tion. Businesses and services .that deal with farmers require up-to- date figures on production trends in planning' their future opera­ tions and many farmers them­ selves use. such information in their farm management decisions. A VERY WET MONTH June dawned bright and warm­ er after a very dismal perform- ance by its predecessor, the month of May,*, which was lacking in. sunshine, over - generous with rainfall and history-making with its cyclonic wind storms and haiL High for the month was 80 de­ grees with a. low of 36. Rainfall! totalled 6.92 inches which may (•'prove a near record locally, when Is your Sentinel subscription paid? p Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary !i Members of the United church ji Evening Auxiliary . were the j! guests of the Presbyterian Ev-. eriing Auxiliary for their May I meeting . in- the Presbyterian i church. After a word of greeting ! from Mrs. Morgan Henderson, .president., of the Presbyterian Auxiliary, Mrs. Ken Murdie, pres­ ident of the United Church Aux­ iliary took the/chair. The open­ ing hymn 381 was supg /arid the! scripture reading taken by Mrs, j Jones, was followed by prayer j by the president.- A sold by Miss I Margaret*Rae, a reading by Mrs'..1 Harvey Webster, and a piano solo, “It isnrade•'""ccVer in onK7 coot old painted surfaces^of- white or light tints whith are ih fair condition* A self-cleansing white, not to be tinted. month ago since another brother, j duet .was sung by Mrs, Raynard Au/aV* ’ A rklrxSvi anrl TVTrc ’ JTa/SLr AaItatM/ Apolled as •Mr.- JaS. Neely, passed away:Ackert and Mrs. Jack Ackert. A 1 vote of thanks was tendered to? the Presbyterian Auxiliary by j Mrs. Alex Andrew and the meet- ’, ing closedwith hymn 671. • too hard, .that’s .her only, fault, • God bless ner”. obviously victims of “battle fa­ tigue” were unable to reply, ___, On Sunday morning .members . Fourteen percent, of the Canadian Legion, the Lad­ ies’- Auxiliary and the High School Cadet Corps, led by the i Lucknow. High Schodl Band, par- ’V ndnri . to St...Peter’s..'...Anglkan I Church,. Lucknow, The minister, 1 the Rev. H. L. Jenpings, preached Babe Didrikson Zaharias Gives'Cancer Warning' . ,-------, /From her hospital bed, Babe a suitable message from the text, ‘ ’ -I “Let your light-so shine beforebidrickson Zaharias sdpds a dra- .hikiic warning against cancer '. LjCI your lijjiiv’ ov .---------p * •‘•^/xaawallllnE afialnsl cancer . . . men that they- may seP youf-gopd ing in her lifetime over 125,000 ' ' aimed at th!se^ who think “it works and glorify;, your Father lbs. milk, Her ,actual production ■ ran’t happen to me”, Amer- which is.- in HeaVentV The choir igures made nme lacUt.ons . That’s what Moore’s One Coat Exterior White will do , for you—and in addition it • will give you the smartest looking white paint job you • ' have ever seeh. Moore*5 I-» ” . LONG-LASTING BEAUTY AND PROTECTION / » Moo>e’s House Paint is an exterior paint of highest quality * Benjamin Moore & Co/s experi­ ence through" 70 years, of point manufacturing has " gone into the making of it; You can. count on it for f «• Blue’Seal Producer at Maple Lea- Maple Lea Daisy. Abbekerk, a I member of the purebred Holstein i herd of L, B, Reid. RiDlevL-has-{. Qualified for a Blue Seal Certifi-1 r - . cate c>f longtime production, pre-1 the Dest in all round performance — covering, color; Rented by the Holste'in-Friasian i " ' ' ' Association of Canada by produc- permanence and long-wean Comes in 16 modern colors, black dnd white. . lcan dancerSociety ur^ under ti/ madership M Mrs. Fredj < onf twice a •'day milking .nd ;.. to read PTomoftW is T^>;UeQuiIUn,-organist, sane “The: four of them in the .305 .day d>v-, . - in The1’American Weekly/Lord is .My Shepherd-; ./.'/v 1W fat average-testwith this Sunday’s- issue of (Juno ' church lights were used for the. teSfc .. ^troFL Sunday Times.. first time at this service. < ^,79 pOicent butteitat* f sang “The: four of them in the .305 .day div-; . ; The hew - 1st on- are 130,573 rlbS; milk eon—I - WM. MURDIE & SON ............. ——- • » ’Phone 10. Lucknow, Ont > 5