The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-27, Page 15I WEDNESDAY, MAY 27tlj, 1953 b PURPLE GROVE. . » • ’ . *6. ■ . and Mrs; Bahn Emersoh d? Mr. and Mrs. John Emerson spent Jast Th ursday,in London,. ■ t,.>-' j^r. and Mrs, Donald MeCosh Tnd Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Arnold fpent a couple of days at Niagara jast week. ■ ... ■; Mrsand Mrs;.Garfield MacDon­ ald and Garry of Lucknow visited at-the home of,.Mr. and Mrs, Eli Morgan on Sunday. ,' ,Mr. and Mrs, Jack Elphick and -family v<re visitors M the home of j^r. and., Mrs. Peters Leeson on ■Sunday.-... /' ' ■. ' JkIt;.. and Mrs, MiHer Hartwick and- Wayne of Kincardine were "visitors at the home of . Mr., and Mrs. Frank Currie on - Bunday. - ■ Mr. and Mrs. Frank’Currie and' Brenda visited, recently,, at the home of Mrs. Gertie. Walsh at Kinlough. . Mr. and Mrs. John Emerson vis­ ited with Mr.- and Mrs. Isaac Nixon of Ashfield on Sunday. The following visitors at the home of Mr. Milton Stanley were Mrs. Harding of London, Miss Edith Stanley of London, Mr. Lawrence Stanley and Miss Lor­ raine Newbury of Toronto, Mrs. Murray Wyatt of Kinora, Valarie Stanley. The ladies of Purple Grove. Women’s Institute attended the district annual meeting which =n3><S THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,LUCKNOW,ONTARIO and Mrs;; Harold Haldenby, Kin- loughpiano solos by Corabelle Thompson ahd Elda Wall; read­ ings suitable to the occasion by Mrs. Tom Hodgins, Miss Mae Hoyle, ..Mrs; Jim Hodgins; Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs,, Midford Wall and Mrs Frank Brown, The address to the bride was by Mrs, Art Graham., As Gertie opened her gifts,/ Miss Emma Moffat read the verses- ahd Miss Helen Schumacher helped with the gifts. ■X was held in the Anglican church |\A/ I kAFAARFRS TO at Bervie on Wednesday” of last I T** IV iSUPPORTJAUSEUM t ....... . u,,u Support for a Bruce CountyMrs. Brindley of Riversdaie last Museum was pledged 'by members | of South Bruce Women’s Insti- and Mrs. Crawford and tute branches who gathered at of'.T ------x • T"* -*-- ‘ ’ week, . ' .>'• . • ’ •I t Mrs, Frank Dore and Children’] visited with her parents,'Mr. and I • iwjr— < ■*«’ - — * . week. • - Mr. ........ t Sandra of London visited recent-, ly at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Victor Gawley, 6 A number from Purple Grove attended the agriculture concert at Ripley Friday evening, Mr. , and Mrs., Ronald.. MeCosh, Mary and Dickie visited at the i home of Mrs. John Colwell, Kin-i lough, who observed her /75th j. ’birthday, Her many(fiends join in wishing bar many such be,cas- . ions; "■ ■ •■ 'v__—____ ___' •• . r • GIRL GUIDE NOTES Bervie last week for their annual convention. \ . Each member will \contribute one dollar to help establish the museum. The site for the mus­ eum will be selected next .month -by- .the; Bruce County Council. Buildings are available.. in Kin­ cardine Walkerton' and So.uth-1 Rampton. % ,y” There were 200- delegates pres­ ent .at the convention from the South', Bruce district. Lucknow, Branch was represented By Mrs., J. R. Johnstone, Mrs-. Burt Roach, Miss Mary MacLeod and Mrs. A. Last Friday evening' the Girl i J\yils2,n’ . , T ... , Guides were tested by Mrs. Ken IK Mls® E-E°und of \he U»We’s Mowbray anjf Mrs. Donald M<._ . branch of the Department of A-g-. Kinrion for their Needlewoman ’s 1a» Toronto revrewed the badge. The following Guides pass- "stltute s hlstory a"d p0Jnted t0 ed the test successfully: Ruth'll lncreasin8 n.^er ?f exten- Treleaven, Nancy Webster, Bev-1 sl°" c°?rtse,s liable erley Ashton, Marilyn Kilpatrick, I Joanne Hunter, Joyce Mowbray,' Louise Andrew, Bessie -Reavie !ed that was rais?d 14 ’ t a ’.senior and four junior branches.,Jean Richards, Marjorie Arm- Prizes for the best roroarams strong and Nancy Johnston. I . . programs mu j ' j •• xu . went to Reid s Corners, Holyrood The Guides are donating the;.^^ ......’• ... . garments made to the Red Cross Society. . District treasurer, Mrs. Victor . PAGE FIFTEEN Gertie received many lovely and useful presents, Miss Wraith was; also guest of honour'at a surprise shower held for her 'by her girl friends in Wingham’ recently, , where she received many lovely igjfts, .■ / ‘'. _ . ' Customer: Can you recommend this sleeping mixture? Druggist: Absolutely. We give an alarrh clock with every 'bot­ tle., The Limited Canada’s scenic wonders roll by as you relax in comfort on , Canadian National’s famed Continental Limited. The ever­ changing landscape unfolds through broad picture windows •.. forest and lakeland, wind-swept prairies, the towering Rockies, incredible Thompson and Fraser Rivers. You see them all when you travel "The Jasper Way”. _ J?s Peasant way to go • •. modern bedrooms, sleeper?, lounge• tears, coaches offer a variety of fine accommodations. Superb meals in .bright diners. The Continental Limited serves . . • Montreal, ~~ Ottawa,TofontotMinaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton,Jasper and Vancouver •••on dependable daily schedules. By arrangement, at major points you can have a drive-yourself car waiting for you. for Reservations and Information regarding your business and ploosure travel, write.or.phone your local Canadian.National Passenger Agent. • * * , ‘ . Prizes for the best programs ' ' ' " ‘ ' ----- and Teeswater. junior institutes. The district lent its support to Mrs. R. J. Gates; of Colpoy, Bay, I for the office of provincial presi­ dent. District officers elected were: president, Mrs. R; J. MacKellar, Kincardine; first vice-president, Mrs. Donald MeCosh? Purple Grove; :2nd^vice-president, .Mrs, J. E. Rowe, Kincardine; sec.- ti eas., . Mrs. Victor Emerson, _Whitechurch, Federation jpresL. i“dent, Mrs. Melvin Rome, ..Tees^. l/Water; alternate, Mrs. P. A. Mur- I ray, Holyrood. . . - | Delegate to_the ^area conyenr., "■• tibhris Mrs.- John Elphick, Luck­ now, with Mrs. John Colvin, Teeswater, as alternate. .-Auditors are Mrs. J. Coultes and Mrs. JaS. Mplnnes of Whitechurch, Fedbr-! at ion of Agriculture representa- • tive is Mrs, John Shier, Arrhow? I Committee conveners elected 1 were: Agriculture and Canadian [ Industry, Mrs. Orland Richards, [Lucknow; citizenship and educa­ tion, Mrs, Geo. McKee, Armow; community Activities and public­ ity, Mrs. Neil Grander, Tiverton; home economics and health, Mrs. Thomas Blair, Heid’s Corners; Resolutions,Mrs. Rose Martyn, Ripley; Junior Institute activities, Mrs. Earl McConnell, Tiverton, t CULROSS CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bell of Tor- I onto were recent, visitors with the Hannas. ‘ .. .Ji/; /. , - Miss Joyce Little.of L.D.H.S. spent the week-end with Miss Helen Schumacher,. - 1 Mrs. Frank Brown spent. Tues­ day evening with Mrs. William iialde .. "■ ’J 1; " . . ' . Mr. land Mrs; Don Willets Guelph Hannas. < Achiev y, Kinlough; ere recent visitors of at in >Sf« :< 'i .. <... ■< I> F OHLY RAILWAY SERVING ALt<tiW PROVINCES. ------•- ..... Canadian j National Railways ent Day, was held the Walkerton District 14 High School for the girls who had tak­ en bhe course, '‘Dressing up home I grown Vegetables”,. Each girl in the Vita-Ghls group received a Jo-vely-.-spopm- -Miss -Nancy Need- ham^receivevd the county certifi- cate for having comble.ted_six_pro^ j jects. Seyeral of the girls received other certificates; . ' ‘ Miss Grace Hahper/ who. has been employed at Mj. Joe Hanna’s for -over two years, nbs now accepted a position in Owjen Sound at ■ a friend of Mr. and. Mrs. Earle Hod^ins. * ' A charming event took place last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Morley Wall with M^s. Jack Schumacher and Mrs. antr-hostessesr .when friends and neighbors gath­ ered to honor Miss Gertie Wraith; prior to her approaching mar­ riage. As Miss Edna Boyle play­ ed the; wedding march, Gertie was ushered to her place of honor by Miss Helen Schumacher and.. Miss Emma Moffat., With Mrs. Frank Brown as chairlady, an Jn- tbrhstitig pYOgrafn • “ was' given consistihg of solos by Mrs. Ray-* mond Schumacher of Teeswater . ■ ' ■ '■ . ‘ vd 0 w . ■ r ■ ES '• ' ’ I w”. s 3 « HK ui w.g . O H N e . ’ g r • •m O •&w- -- - ■ .... Cd z X i£s J,-.V