The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-27, Page 5r 4 (rJ'I 5 J y WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th, 1953 Lyceum Theatre W.INGHAM ■S" ' ' ' • Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 ’■ 1 ■ ' » Wednesday, Thurs,, May 27, 28 SHELLEY WINTERS, ricArdo MQNTALBAN -in — • :r My Man and I Friday, Saturday, May 29, 30 BARBARA STANWYCK BARRY SULU VAN • - ■—<. in’ JEOPARDY , MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, June 1, 2 ANN BAXTER, : FARLEY GRANGER O’Henry’s Full House —-in— Wednesday, Thurs;, June 3, 4 CARY GRANT, , :r _ ■ —' in — MONKEY BUSINESS BORN MacLEOD—-in Toronto Western Hospital on Sunday, May 24th, to —Mrrand^ Mrs. Donald MacIyeod of Port .Credit.(nee Punice Webster) a son—a grandson for Gordon and Evelyn. I AM PURCHASING BOARS AND MEAT, HORSES ' at top market prices ' LEROY ACHESON Phone Atwood 37-r-i2 collect or contact SID GARDNER; LUCKNOW l J : Waterloo Cattle Breeding Ass-n ' . *WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED” .------ • ■ •* ■. ■ * ... . • 4 * t ’ ' * . • .J • • T Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 1, 2, 3 It’s June—the month of brides and Judy Holiday is it —in the hilarious comedy— - The Marrying r & / ► ► ► ► ►---- - ► t ► I ► * ► ► *" ■ '■ • .... : * 9 ' ' ■ ■ ■, *' •• •• ' '■ "i imii’lijiriinR ' and top Celling Hereford, Ontario Bull Sale 1953,- by -C.K; y ‘ Cruiser D 34th from C.K. Kansas Belle 55tlu FROUD MIXERS DOMINO 199588 by,W.1LR; Proud Mixeri from .Rilda Domino ,G. F, ’ ** • ’ ..““ w % • 'f ’ • the LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW,.ONTARIO FIRST ANGLICAN SERVICE AT PORT ALBERT 94 YEARS AGO The Anglican Christ Church, Port Albert, Xvas well filled on Sunday, May- 17th at 3.45 p.m. for a combined service, of rededL ication and of Rogation-tide to bless the seed that Jias been sown and is to be sown, • . . The day parked the 94th an­ niversary of the first Church of England service held in the Port Albert district and the $lth an- inversary-ofthe^officTarTypehmg of the 'present chui’ch. Rev. H.. L,“ Jennings of Luck­ now conducted the. service arid led in the prayers, and reading the scripture, lesson. For the benefit and interest of the younger generation* Rev. Jen­ nings read an interesting histor­ ical sketch of the life of i -the church, tracing the improvements from the time of the building to the present, pointing out that it was through the efforts of faith­ ful members.that these improve* rherits could be made. Many beautiful gifts were re­ dedicated and a basket of lovely flowers on the altar was dedicat­ ed to the memory of the' late Mrs. Ralph Foster, presented by her brothers. , Rev. W. E. C. Vollick of the Church of the Messiah, Kincar­ dine,. \yas the guest speaker, who gave "an ihspiring sermon choose ing as his text “Foundation”. He stated the church needs support not only financially but spirit­ ually, and urged more fellowship and more praying people. . s Mr. Walter Tigert, orgianist, presided -at the organ for - the service and the choir, sang an. anthem assisted by members, of ithe Lpckhow_choir. - Luncheon was served in the basement at the close, of the ser­ vice, .. .' United Church Young Peoples The regular meeting of jlh'e Lucknow United . Church Young Peoples was held on Tuesday, May 19th. The meeting opened j with a sing, song and a prayer ; was giyen/ Hymn' 681 was sung 1 and the,., offering was taken. A guitar duet was played by Rod­ die and. • Eldon.’ Wraith. Slides were shown on the missionary, life of Paul. The business, period ! consisted of , a discussion of the.' * Young Peoples Camp at Mira* jnichi. Games Were played and I we closed with “taps”. . PAGE flFI VB WEDDINGS McINNES—MOFFAT ' , quiet but pretty wedd.injg place on Saturday at the A itook .home of the brides parents, when -Betty Lou, only daughter, of Mr. a nd. Mrs. Elmer Moffat of Pink­ erton, was united in marriage in a double ring ceremony to Wil­ liam George, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mclnnes of Holy rood. Rev, John L. Coyle, Wingham, jjerfoi^ed^the^eFemony^beneath" an arch of pink and white stream-. ,’ejds and vvhite wedding bells, with a background of apple blossoms. The bride looked lovely; in an ankle length white gown of taf­ feta. with scalloped yoke of chan- tjlly lace studded with rhine* stoics, with papels of chantilly lace in skirt. The. tight fitting sleeves came to a point over the the hand. The bride’s only orn­ ament was a rhinestone necklace the gift of the, groom. She car­ ried a bouquet of American Beauty roses and lily-of-the^val- ley with ribbon streamers, Her three-quarter length embroider­ ed veil was held in -place by a wreath of small white flowers. Miss Reta Thomas was brides­ maid, wearing turquoise blue taf­ feta , with matching headdress. She carried pink roses and lily- of-the-valley with ribbon stream* Robert Mclnnes w:as his 'bro­ ther’s giroomsman. Mrs. John Coyle, Wingham, played the wedding music. Don­ ald Haines of Blyth sang a wed­ ding prayer during ithe signing of the register,1 ‘ After the ceremony a reception and wedding dinner was seryed to the close relatives. The bride’s mother “received wearing floral nylon and a corsage of red roses. The groom’s mother assisted, wearing grey floral nylon with corsage, of red roses. For her wedding trip, to north­ ern points the bride chose for her costume a grey gabardine suit with grey and -white accessories w ith corsage of red roses. Upon their return they will reside on the -groom’s farm near Holyrood. .1 I TENDERS for an artificial. ice plant in Paisley arena varied from $26,000J to approximately $50,000. Six bids for the Job were received. ZION The PLAYHOUSE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May, 28, 29, 30 Roy Rogers back to thrill you in his latest and best action-packed thriller—t IN OLD AMARILO ( y . * • SATURDAY MATINEE •At"2;l'4‘ p.m.—Doors; open at 2 pjoi. So girls, if you are the inarrying kind, just drag the boy friend to The Playhouse. their donations to the next meet- ing. We were pleased to have Mrs. Bert Alton /with us. She gave a splendid report on ... the morning session of the Presby- ierialL at_, Gp.derich.:=.Mrs^ Wes-Rit- chje will report on the afternoon session at the June meeting. Mrs. Earl Swan continued with the study book. Mrs. Frank Ritchie 'closed with prayer. Zion.’ W.A, . ' • The May meeting of the W.A.* was'Tield at the home of Mrs. Allan Ritchie. Mrs. George Hunr ter presided. Mrs. Allan Ritchie read the scripture and the min­ utes 'were read by Mrs. Jim Hun­ ter. During the business period it was decided to brmgl^g^ool.^ lens; for the" blankets to Mrs. Wes, Ritchie’s as soon as possible, -with Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs.’ Chas. Wilkins to take charge of order­ ing the -blankets. Members are- -reminded^ to bring their garden' party money to the June meeting. The last tyro verses of hymn 259 were sung arid Mrs. Hunter clos­ ed with prayer. TIMKEN Olli HEAT FREE SURVEYS AND .ESTIMATES OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERSOIL FURNACES • HISELER and SON, Phone 426, Wingham / » LONG MAY SHE REIGN! J Crawford’s Feed Store and HATCHERY New Life Feeds — Phone 165, Lucknow r For Your Supply Of * STEEL AND ALUMINUM ROOFING 4 - Contact - ' ' * ' . ’ " * • ’ . ' V Lucknow; Pis t r ict Xf-egeotlye Lucknow Phone 71 ■ ■ ii j 11 m'ii idmA itii wi Mrs. Wes. Ritchie spent a few | clays in Port Elgin with Mr. an.ctp /Mrs. Jim McKay. ’ . ■ ... j Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Smith and j family of Molesworth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie. ■ ‘ ' We are sorry to know that Mrs. Isaac Andrew is very poorly. : Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton and Frank visited Sunday evening . with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ray-, nard. '■ There will be - no church or I Sunday School next Sunday as itJ is Hackett’s anniversary.. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Webster and Sharon of London visited on Saturday with Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Hunter.' . - .Mr.-Harold Gardner of Hamil­ ton,' Mr., Sid Gardner of Luck- 'noyv"and"Mr.. Harvey and Ken­ neth Johnston and Steve Currie ^f-^oronto^mrd~Mrra’hd“Mfs7Geo.. • Henry ^nd girls visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter. Zion VV.M.S. ' The regular May meeting, was ! held at the home of Mrs. Allan Ritchie With nine present and 1 -visitdr.- Mrs..-Frank Ritchie, bpen-- 'ed the meeting witji a message bn God’S missionaries’ short pray- er. The roll call was answered by a verse of scripture and the de- votion -period follov\Led^Mxs^-J-ahn^---l Gardner favored with a solo and j '• Mrs. John McDonagh a readinjg which ,were enjoyed.* The next meeting will be Grandmother’s day ;with Mrs. George Hunter to prepare -the program. A' quilt was' quilted for ‘the bale, during the meeting and' each metfiW is ask- ’ 'i qd for 25 cents and tb be given to either Mrs. McDonagh or Mrs. Raynard to; pay for the material. Anyone 'having used clothing - suitable-for the bale is to bring. ■ r ’• • . .. * - ■ . . v A farmers’ non-profit, co-operative organization, owned and operated by farmers. Service from the best bulls available in. all breeds. For Service Call Collect, Clinton 242 WEEK DAYS ........ 7.30 to 16.00 a.m. SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS 7.30 to 9.30 a.nv Any,cows noticed in heat later than times stated above will be more likely to conceive if bred the following day. Fees for ALI: BREEDS are: $5.00 for life membership. ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► * ► ► . Seryice fee for Members is $5.00. Service fee for Non-Members is $6.00. Four services to insure conception without extra, charge. Free Veterinary service for co-ws that are problem breeders. ■ NEW BUSINESS IS.B0LIGITED^J--7j"“^ Special care is taken to have , ■ ■■"TOP"SrRES"QFTall BREEDS in service. WEAREIEATURING THEHEREFORDSINTHISAD ' ' • ' * , . ' 1 ...... They are as follows: JACKSON HILL POLLED DOMINO 2nd (Polled) 2173'83 • iby Polled Cyrqss Boy-by Polled Domino 9th front Nancy .Bblle by Jarvis Domino Lad 54th. • ' ■ S. R. DOMINO MISCHIEF 33rd (Polled) 311656 by J. I: R. pomino„ Mi5chie,f-.22nqL.by--H.-H“Fr Domestic Misehier* 1st ► from Miss Adrain 2nd P.M.F. by H. P. Royal RupOtt 16th. ’ HER NVALE DEL ZENTO 16th 277350 by Del Zen to 29th by . Beau Zento 54th from P. Hl R. Lady Mixer, if th by ’ • Painter Mixer 1st. * RINGWOOD DFTl...RIltf^^ / at Ontario Bull-Sale 1952, by Rin-gfwodd Del Zento 17th < , by Del Zento 1st from Miss Advance A Dorhino by Ad- < / vance Domino 161st; - ’ A . ’ ► RINGWOOD^ DEL ZOTA 300128, Grand Champion Ontario ► • Bull Sale 1952, by Ringwood Del Zento 5th by Del Zento J ► , 1st, from C.K. Clemeatihe 16th, by C.K. Challenger D 85th * * RINGWOOD CRUSTY 8th 264227^ Sire of Bill Dunbar's ► ► ..... INVrVVVJVJLJ CO X I Olli Q11C UJ. .BMP JL/UIIUcll * -J , Queen’s Guineas Steer 1952 Royal. Also Grand Champion i . ■ //V... > .-h* ■iAfe'ii'' L...'/-ayz * *'«■