The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-20, Page 6WEDNESDAY. MAY 20th, 1953 • ’ FILM i.< f ’4 enterprises <—■ banking sendee still follows £ MMKMUlMta < < .< ■< < ,< J \ '< /. < \ ■ < ■' < ' ■* < ■< . < ' < ►; < 2. Localities in which the population density is three ► ► THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO * / *■ hx . Men end Young- Women 18 end over ■- * \ You are invited to an organization meeting of the YOUNG PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Teacher: Now, class, you should never end a sentence with the ^vord with—that is, unless you-ye nothing else to end it with. banks serving your community ■ branches to meet the needs of changing, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th at 8,30 o’clock z tEeswater townhall . /• v ■■■■'• - Speaker: " ' / \ ' '1 ■ w M, “MAC” PRATT, Q.C. District Vice-President r-H ENTERTAINMENT ■ REFRESHMENTS Mrs. Miriam Lindsay, Secretary p.m. Communion service will be held on Sunday; May 24 at 3 p.m. The Y.P.S. will meetin 4he church on Monday evening, May 25th at 8.30. (Note, change of ;.25 at 8,30 p.m. (Note change bf ‘date). LANGSIDE At the church service on Sun­ day a/chapel bhair was dedicated in memory of the late George Moffat. Mrs. Charlie Tiffin and . Mrs. Wm.. Scott assisted in the ' . dedication on behalf of the ..I^adjes * Aid., .■' ; ’ * y Preparatory service will be held on Friday evening at 8.30 : They’reSmart! . Dependable!. J lonomical! _ .. Brussels Motors - Huron. County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers Cash; Trade, Terms Open jEvenings Until 10 Cities^ServicerDealtr" Phone~73xr“BrusselsJ~ 1 1952 CHEV. DELUXE, STYLELINE SEDAN, fully equipped. 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN 1952 PONTIAC COACH / ( TWO 1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS 1952 CHEV. DELUXE COACH, fully equipped. 1952 PONTIAd STtLELINE SEDAN a 1951 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN. 1951 CHEV. StYLEUNE COACH. V■ 1951SCHEV. StYLELINE SEDAN. 1951 PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH. 4351 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN. 1948 DODGE COACH 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH. 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. TWO 1948 CHEV. COACHES 1947 PONTIAC COACH with radio 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN 1939 willis Sedan *1948 Mercury -HALF^X/feic’K^p ‘ ’ SPORT... i' OPENING GAME POSTPONED } ' ... * . ■' ' ' h‘ 4, Wet. grounds , at. Caledonian Park caused the postponement of; the opening gariie of the fastball season on Monday night/ Han- oyer was to have been the visiting, team. . Two other games were played With Kincardine and Meaford ichalking up; wins. Scores of the . opening games have. been as follows! f''- . Meaford 8, Walkerton Q -t- ’Kincardine 4, Port Elgin 1 Meaford 14, Gpderich 3 . ■ ' *' ■ • \:.'r -I - -- ' '■ •’ -■ KINLOUGH ’ Mrs, M, Dudley i of Lucknow visited Sunday with relatives; Mr. Ralph Haldenby of Prim­ rose spent the holiday week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Haldenby- ~ \ Col well visited Sun- j. and Mrs. Geo. Col- Mrs. J. W; day with Mi well; Holyrood. The Girls’ Garden Club will meet bn Saturday afternoon, May. 23rd at the home of the leader, Mrs. Perry Hodgins. Mr. arid Mrs, Clare Sparling arid Allan of Walkerton visited Sunday with the latter’s parents. The Y.P. of Glariiis are present­ ing their play at Holyrood on Fridayeeningundertheauspices of the Women’s Iristitute Mr. “arid Mm. Arthur Breckles have mbved to their farm home at Clam Lake where they will spend' ’the. summer operating their summer resort, j Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow and Beryl of Toronto visited oyer the wee}c*erid with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hodgiri$, Jy.-v _ < The W.M.S: met bn Wednesday at the home of Mrs. John Emer­ son'. Mrs. Perry Hodgins presided and the hymn ‘‘Give, to Our God” wassung;”Mrs.JohnBarroffered -a--prayeiyJ]^e-script^ by Mrs. E. Bi^shell. ■ Plans for the W.M.S. anniversary in June were made, (the date" to be announced later). The Word for the roll call was Holy Ghost. Mrs. F. Maulden and Mrs. Perry Hodgins were chosen delegates to the Presby- terial. “Lord of all being throned on high” Was then sung/ Readings were given by Mrs; Perry Hod­ gins, Mrs. Mark; Jbhnston, Miss Margaret Robertson, Mrs. Frank Johnston, Mrs. Don McCosh. The study book was taken by Mrs. Wesley; Guest, Mrs. Alex Percy, Mrs. Frank Maulden, Miss Nellie Malcolm and Mrs. John Emer- son. A hriivn Was sung and the benediction closed the meeting, Refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting yriU fee" at the home of Mrs, Edbert Bush* eil. ? J?--/ Dr. R. D. and Mrs. Lane of Port Elgin visited on Sunday with the Lane families/ Ladies from the W.M.S. attend­ ed the PreSbyterial meeting at Whitechurch on Tuesday. Mr. and Mr&Art Phillips and Peggyof Fonthill .'spentthe week end with Mr. and Mrs; J. R. Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maulden. Members of the local Institute attended the District meeting held at Bervie bn Wednesday. . . ” ....... ............ .... -M.* • .. ........................................................ CULROSS CORNERS . Hush! Lis*?n! What to! Wed­ ding bells are geiitly pealing/ Mrs. Ethel Wilson and Mr. Wm. Kidd of Toronto spent the holi­ day week-end with Mrs. Mary Wall and Jim and Orville Wilson. . Mr. and Mrs. joe Blackborow, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jowett, ..Jan­ ie and Judy of Hamilton spent Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Art Hodgins. • Mr. and Mrs. joe Wa^l, Tees-, water, visited Sunday with Mrs. Mary? Wall. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Green and.. boys were Mr. arid Mrs. Tom Brownscombe, Chesley FOLLOWING THE TRAIL-BLAZERS . ■ ,• ■ , ' • * • V As Canadians push back the frontier . ' - . . • • 'z developing new areas, building new growing Canada.,. they are being used more. , . they are doing reople^ f-orei , ; Since 1900, branches of the chartered , - banks have increased from 700 to 3,800. * / , In the past ten years alone, 3,750,000 bank accounts have been opened. >'• NOTICE To Huron County Residents The new Provincial. Plumbing Code came into force pri May 6th, 1953. '■ .. ? ■ ■ e . . , lit does not affect simple /repairs (leaks;, stoppages, '■ etc,).’ ..' ‘ ‘ v - ” ' ' '' ' ‘ ' • '' It does affect alterations and new ^installations in the following: \ / 1. Places on a muriic^al or community water supply. or more persons' per acre (towns, villaigies, hamlets, built-up areas in the country or at the lake). 3. Public-access buildings (schools, municipal build? irigs, etc.,). ; . •' ‘ . -• g4, Q...... ■ ■ . • , , ’ ’ ’ .. .. please note that septic tank installations are still sub­ ject to approval in every locality.^ . For further information consult HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNlt, CLINTON. ^ndMr/and-MTsrFrank^Greeri;^" 8th Con. - ' . • ■ Mrs. Whitehead of Teeswater is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Walt / . Mr. and Mrs. R. Cotteril, Agin­ court, sperii Monday with Mr. & / Mrs: Morley Wall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher and Helen spent Sunday even­ ing withJMr. /and Mrs: Wm. Wall, Kinlough. ...y. £ Sunday visitors with Mr. arid I Mrs. Alex Whytbck and family were Mr. and Mrs Jim Carr and family, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Whytock and Garry’of .. Langside. The Vita Gals held a meeting . in the hall,. Holyrood. Thursday evening, when they practised the skit for Achievement Day which: was held in Walkerton, Saturday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Schumacher & Helen Were Mr. and Mrs; Jim ; Yaeck,/ Walkerton arid. Mr and Mrs. Mel- - ivin Zettel and Mrs. Schumacher, I Formosa. ■ ■ I . We extend our sympathy tc/our . J Editor, Mr. C. Thompson, irr the.. I death of his father, /. Mir. R -H. . I Thompson, 1 JOHN BUTLER TRANSFERRED John D. Butler, who has ser­ ved Huron County as assistant agricultural representative since ■ May 7, 1901, is being transferred to Wentworth County. He leaves, with his wife and two children, . Karen and Larry, to take up his new position at the end of this month. The popular assistant is ’ being succeeded by Harold Baker of Wentworth County. FOURTH CONCESSION Guests this week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Allan Graham included: Miss Marta Martin arid Miss Ruth MeAllister of Toronto7“Mr r and ■ ’ • Mrs. James Barton and Mrsr-Wm: Barton-and~three--children—oF-—! Drayitori, Mi*- and Mrs. Hartley Barton and> Jifrimie bf Fergus and M.r " arid Mrs. Gerald Barton of Toronto, .. Mr: and Mrs. Harvley IVTac- , Dougall of Willowdale visited : I With..Mr.rand...Mr^^ all and family over the week-end. I Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacDori- I aid arid Ronnie visited at Dickie’s I on Sunday. % \ I Miss Chriistine • Thompson °f I Oshawa and John and /Nancy ....1 Chambers of Toronto were bdll • , I dayvisitors With Mh and Mrs, I Dan Thompson. I Mr. and Mrs. Ted Collyer spent I the week-end in Detroit and Mr. I and Mrs. G. Pinkney and Glenn I of Aja^ were at the farm. I : Miss'/ Margaret MacDonald of . I Sarnia and Mr.,and Mrs.,B...Sang':‘.I ster of Toronto spent the week- I end With■ .Mrs. W. F. Mac- I Donald arid Mack. I i” *' I . ' ( I