The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-20, Page 35- T I J HELD THIRD CLINIC from a distance at- funeral Of Mr. R. H. t' WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th, 1953 • • ........ .. . ' ' ' ' - • .......... i Minister:, * Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, EK. A., B.D,<« si LUCKNOW united church SUNDAY, MAY 24 th ,10 a.m.: Sunday School. . / 11a.m.: “Talents in Trust”, 7 p.m.: “Cultivating Good- — will” Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, MAY 24th 10«a.m.: Sunday School. 11 a.m.: Morning Worship. 3 p.m.: Ejskine, . Dungannon. 7 pjn.: Evening Worship. WHITECHURCH Miss Winnifred Farrier of Tor­ onto spent the week-end at her home. here. ••.. . . / '■'./• __ 7 Mr/ Gordon Welwood and Mr. Mac McGregor spent the holiday week-end in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thompson 1 j _erL^_ Preston spent the, week-end at her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Art Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Thompson & family , and Mrs. S, H. Thomp- L„ison _of Caledon, spent Sunday at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Stan­ ley Moore. /■/ Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Cox and daughters. of» Fohthill—suen.t^the- week-end with Mrs. M. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Clark McGregor and Bruce, Mr. Ross McGregor and Mr. Bill Purdon spent the week-end in Toronto. ’ Mrs- Bogg. arid daughter Hazel of Willowdale spent the week- end with'' Mr. and .Mrs. E. H. Groskorth. > Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker and family of London spent the holi­ day with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. B. D. McClenaghan. ~ of 'the Pres­ byterian church will be.held’ on Sunday, May 31 st when Rev: Mr. Bailey of Blue vale ^will be the- guest speaker. Services at 11 a.m. and 8.00 p.m., D.S.T. __ Mrs. E. Welwood spent the week-end with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Heiffer of Turn- ■ berry.'; - . ,/ Mr. iand Mrs. Russell Moore & family of Preston spent the. week­ end with Mr. and M>s. A. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. O. /Mitchell arid family of Toronto spent the week­ end with B. D. McClenaghan and Wm. Henry. Muriel Moore entertained a. number of her girlfriends at her birthday party on Saturday. Mr. arid Mrs, Reg Scholtz and sons and Mr. Carman Scholtz of ’ Auburn spent Sunday with Mr’ and Mrs, E. Scholtz. Mrs. jack Flanagan of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr, and _^.M^.X-ingiU'——- Mr. and Mrs Harry Moss and family of Bright spent the week­ end with her parents, Mr. arid - Mrs. J3, D. McClenaghari. Mrs.; Irene Paiterson spent the , Week-end with her mother, Mrs. Wt Taylor. , ; //’ * Mr. and Mrs.A Jack Hayes, of -Detroit spent the holidays1 with _7 and*i^rs?‘RUsseirRit€^ . V. Emerson’s. . * ' Mr,/and Mrs. Hector* Purdon and family of Petrolia spent the Jveek-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. _JTiffin. ’ ASHF1ELD *. WE WCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, YOUTH STILL HAS ' HIS • LEG IN A C AST n/r^0rl0n Fisher» son of Mr. and Mrs. George- Fisher of White- churchj. was into town on Friday for the first Uinie since suffering c badly fractured leg when struck t by a car the last Of. February^-—• oyer eleven weeks ago. But he’s on crutches, Gordon had the cast tempor­ arily removed last week and the pin taken from the ankle. A leg -cast—was—^again—appTied'^ha^fie will probably have to wear it for the most of, the summer. . ■ OBITUARY MRS. WM. T. POTTER Mrs. Wni. T. Patter of Luck­ now passed away at Mitchell on Friday, May 8th, after suffering heart attack, followed by* a strpke. She. iwas. 73 years' pf age. Mrs, Potter was formerly Bertha J., Whittingham, daughter of Arthur and Cordelia Whitting­ ham and was born in Goderich Township on March 24th, 1880. Mr. and Mrs. Potter were mar­ ried, in Stanley Township; . Mrs. Potter was an esteemed and respected resident of Luck­ now for several years ; and a faithful, member of the Lucknow United Church. The funeral service was held at Clinton on Monday, May 11,/ con­ ducted by Rev. G, A. Meiklejohn of Lucknow United .Church, as­ sisted by Rev. Eagle of Clinton. Pallbearers were' B. Trewartha, ?N;/Jrewar^ vis and E. Trewartha. Interment was: in Clinton Cemetery. Mrs. Potter is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. C. Shaddick of Lucknow, and- Mrs. M. McFarlane of Mitchell .and a son, Delmer /of • Goderich. Also surviving is one sister, Mrs. Fred Neil of London. /; Women’s Association Group 1 Group 1 of the W,A. met for their May meeting at the home of Mrs. George Joynt. Mrs. Or­ ville Jones presided and the meeting opened with singing hymn 483, followed by the Lord’s prayer.’ The devotional, based’on- psalm 130, was taken by Mrs. R. Johnstone, and Mrs. D., C. Taylor offered prayer. Reports were re­ ceived from the Cheerio ,and the Sewing committees and the roll call featured a bulb and slip ex­ change. Mrs. Jones presented a .very fine. and. interesting report Of the annual meeting of Bruce Presbytery W.A. which she at- Tended at the Underwood United Church. “Mother’s Day” readings were given by Mrs. K. C; Murdie, Mrs. Will Eadie, Mrs. Sam Gib­ son and Mrs. Ewart Taylor, fol­ lowed by hymn 148. Mrs. J ones closed the meeting with the W.A. motto: “Let the beautyl- of the. Lord be upon us and establish thou the work of our hands upon us. Yea, the work of our hands establish Thou it”. A social half hour followed with Mrs. E. Tay­ lor conducting a spring flower contest, and the committee, Mrs. E. Taylor, Mrs. Glen Walden and Mrs/ Sam Gibson serving refresh­ ments. Local & General Mr, and: Mrs. Ted'Collyer spent the week-end in Detroit; Mrs. Chris Cooke of Belfast- is a patient in . Victoria Hospital, London,/ Mrs, Irvine Henry is; moving this week to her home in the village of Dungannon. ■ .Mr, and Mrs, Harold Durnin -of^W-iSconsin spent-The_week"-end_ with his mother, Mrs. A. E. Dur-, .■nin,.1. • , / '• • ■’'•/■■’ Mr,, iand Mrs. Kenneth Cam­ eron arid Barbara arid/Mrs. Noble Jphnston spent the week-end in Hamilton. Mrs. Fred Crump of Wingham and her sister, Mrs. Wm. Mutrie (Lillian Towle) of Toronto,, were callers in town at the week-end. Mr: and Mrs. Archip E. Mac­ Donald .and family of Kitchener spent the week-end with Mrs. T. A. MacDonald. ~ Patricia Thompson spent the week-end at Walkerton With Karen Carnegie Who was observ­ ing her 10th birthday. Miss Patsy MacMillan of Lon­ don and John. L MacMillan of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs J. L. MacMillan. Mr, arid Mrs. M. L. Sanderson, Mrs, James MacDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton spent the week-end in Toledo and De­ troit.' ' Mrs, Lloyd Ashton and Mrs. Bob Finlay were in Toronto the end of the week when their sister, Miss Nellie Rut tan under­ went an operation. . < , Mrs. Orley Cooper returned af­ ter spending a few days with her brothers, Mr. and Mrs? Harold White _and-Mr.. and Mrs.-Albert? White of Hanover. . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Matheson and two sons, Billy and Bobby, of Regina, visited this week at the home of her aUnt, Mrsr Sarair Collyer. r . j Earl White’s mother arid his brother Wilfred of British Col­ umbia, have been visiting, him in Victoria Hospital where he is a patient due to a heart condition. Mr. arid Mrs, Irving Reid of Wingham and Mrs.-George Phil­ lips and; Miss Betty McDonald sperit the week-end in Apple Gate, Mich, with Mr. Toni Phil­ lips and-family,, -—Mrs—Minnie Horne of Toronto” spent" the week-end here with Mrs. Walter Horne and other rel­ atives arid friends, She accom-. pariied David Farrish of Toronto Who visited in Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs; Gordon Steward and ./Bruce of London and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin MacDonald and Mary Elizabeth of Chatham spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Charlps Steward. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Stewart of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Jack WilsOn. of Stratford and Allan Stewart of London were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stewart. ONTARIO «T‘ A. *m 6xoti*iz| pnotectiow PITTSBURG^ PROOF house paint Mott important Faint Advancement inj 25 years New Fume-Proof, Sun-Proof House Paint produces a film of unusual' whiteness. '•[WHCOUTSlKWHltt &TSBURGH STAYS WHITER LONGER ■ ' i It will not discolor or darken from coal smoke or industrial gaseK It’s self-cleaning, too—-removes surface dirt. Years of extensive exposure tests under many types of climate conditions, from strong, sunlight and salt air to heavy industrial fume areas, have proved the superiority of this new formula over ordinary house paint. Come in and ask us about new Fume-Proof, Sun-Proof House Paint. < JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED ’PHONE 150 LUCKNOW7, ONT. .Miss-Gail-MacMillan—nurse-in- itraining at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, has resumed her duties after a three week. vacation spent in Detroit and Lucknow with her parents, Mr. and Mrss J. L. Mac­ Millan. . ' / Dinner guests last week with Mrs. Bhilip MacMillan were .Mrs. M. Richardson of Toronto, Miss Dorothy Hoyle of’ Stratford, and Mrs. E. L. Hqll of Blyth, who were here for th^ Auxiliary Rally. Relatives tending the Thompson on Monday were Miss Lorna Campbell of Toronto, John . ’ * ““ ■ ' r' • ‘ ’ 6 ’ ’ • |-Naylor—of—KitchenerT^Wm? Thompson of Toronto, Andrew M< Thompson of Bowmanville, Mrs. Charles Reid of Goderich. . The third and last of a1 series, of three immunization clinics was. held in the Recreational Centre on^ Tuesday • morning conducted.* 'by , the < Bruce County Health/ Unit.' • A- ■' ; z There was an attendance Of 1QQ * children at the first cliniCj about 30 of whom were receiving single­ booster inhoculatioris. Attendance a't the two succeeding, clinics ", numbered about 70. / ■’ A* v pupils of Hemlock City school, with , their teacher and friends took a bus trjp^ on Friday .to .Detroit with Mr^ Allan Reed charge They detobred at Shr- . • synthetic—rubber /.PlahT.xhi Detroit Ithey visited vand the Zoo. camen^^ through the. turn .hel to Windsor. iiiiwwwMawuMMmwiiiBaw