The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-06, Page 3THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL/ LUCKNOW, ONTARIOWEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, 1953 WOLF CUBS two Cubs strayed thq Jungle last week,- and LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, ■ B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, MAY 10th 11 a.m.: Christian Family Sun- day. Sacrament of baptism. I ,• /. l j Evening, Service .Withdrawn! due Presbyterian Church! Anniversary. | Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, MAY 10th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11.00 a.m. and 7 pan. D.S.T, Guest Speaker — Rev. J. R. MacDonald of Ashfield and Ripley. Special music by the Choir assisted by Whitechurch Male Quartette; CHURCH CHANNELS ■,.fe “good losers”. Members winning Six are: Sixer Lord-of-Lif^and-King-ofglor-y^— i. - Who didst deigma child to-be,r- Cradled on a mother’s, bosom. Throned upoiCa/mother’s knee: For the children thou hast given We must answer unto. thee.. Since the day the blessed Mother Thee, the world’s Redeemer, bore, Thou has crowned us with an honour Women never knew before; And that we may bear it meekly We must seek thine aid. the more. Grant us, then/pure hearts and patient, That in all we do dr say , " Little souls our deeds may copy, And be never led astray: Little, feet our steps may follriW In a safe and narrow Way. May i^e keep our holy calling, Stainless in its fair, renpwn, ..That when all the work is over" And we lay the burden down, . Then the children thou hast given Still may be our joy and crown. DR. W. X MUMFORD IS ' A TIRELESS MINISTER from . - , . there­fore missed the big sudden* death game which declared the 1953 champions “of the Indoor Floor hockey league. Said, honors went to the White Six who defeated the Reds. 3r0 in1 a* closely con­ tested game. Aided by a strong defence,, Agnew kept his eye on the puck to gain a shut-out while the spectacular offensive actidn of Collyer . and Henderson had their opponents going round in circles. Bobby Andrew • in goal for the Reds, and Bill Andrew on the forward line, played out­ standingly. The Reds were worthy opponents,’ and what is most im­ portant of the Fraser Ashton, Second George Gibson arid Cubs Evan Agnew, Glenn' Cowan, Thorn Collyer, Paul Henderson,, Kenneth Jones and Frank Murdie. Further test work on 1st and 2nd Starsr"?was ^bWucted> ""arid Baloo and Bagheera looked after a period" of games and relays, while Akela met with the Sixers and Seconds at. the Sixers Coun­ cil. Various matters were discuss­ ed and some interesting outdoor activities 'are in the offing. —0—1’ ■ ' Those, interested in helping the Pack are reminded of this oppor­ tunity by purchasing the lovely picture of ; . Her Mejesty Queen Elizabeth II which we are selling. Kindly leave your order at Um- bach’s Drug Store where the “pic­ ture is on display. / oL- Till next weeks Cubs, “Good Hunting”. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart vis­ ited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Goesel and family,, Kin­ cardine/ . X > We are glad to report that Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Meyers were able to' bring their baby son home from Wingham. Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mac McPherson and family of,the 6th Con. spent ^Sunday with Mr. arid Mrsk Torrr ’Stewart anti family. . Mr. Jim Hodge of Kinlough is assisting with the . work., at Mr. Ernie Hanna’s. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher and Helen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zettel arid Mrs. Schumacher, Formosa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nicholson and family, Bervie. (Guelph Daily Mercury) Dr. W. J. Mumford who re­ tired from the active ministry less than a year ago and accept-- ed the invitation from Melville United Church, Fergus/to be as­ sistant minister is still a very busy man. On Sunday he. spoke to his Young People’s Bible Class at 10 a.m. and he took the regular iniprning church service at' 11 a.m. Normally this would be con7 sidered a .good ,day*s work for a retired minister but that was a warm up for Dr. Mumford. At three o’clock he was in the Mt. * Forest district where he baptized two adults, admitted 15 young People into church membership, dispensed communion service and took the church service., Iij the. evening ;he was in Kenilworth, where he baptized three infants­ and again dispensed communion ^hd again preached a sermon. Still riot icbntent that he had done a good- day’s work: he was x---hack_^ix3iMelville—to—be—present, for the closing activities in cori- . section with a welcome party ex-, tended to new members who join­ ed the church* in the past fpw riioriths and also tri New. Can­ adians who have rcpm,e tri live in *ho (Fergus area recently. / Mumford' takes the tmd~ prayer service , rin Wedhes- -day evening also,.aridMs' insmuch demand as a speaker in the com- , < _ Wriity,; 4 r Local & General Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Stothers spent the week-end in London. . Earl White is . hospitalized in London due to a heart condition. Mrs; Verna Myers of Kitchener spefft the week-end with her father, Mr. Rt H, McQuillin. Mrs. A. W. Hamilton is- visiting in Ottawa 'With Mr. and Mrs. DougClark. ' Mrs. C, ,,H. MacDonalcl under­ went a major operation in Till- sonburg. on Tuesday. \ * Mr. and Mrs. Matt MacDpnald have moved to«Kincardine from .their farm at Port Albert which they sold to Ernie Crawford. Gordon Irwin is making a good recovery from spinal meningitis and was able to leave. Goderich Hospital last Friday. Mr; S. C. Rathwell ^returned to town the first of the week after spending a few weeks in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Orm Moffat. Richard Webster entered hos­ pital in London on Sunday for a check-up prior to undergoing an operation. . Mr; and Mrs. Douglas Ball and daughter Barbara of Clinton were Sunday visitors with hrir mother, Mrs. A E. Durnin. ~ —Mr; and Mrs;/ Bert Alton, Ken­ neth, Donnie, Joan and Dorothy spent the week-end at Sudbury visiting Mrs. Alton’s sisters. The. regular meeting of the Lucknow. Women’s Institute wjil be held in the Town Hall, on Friday, May 8th, Hostesses, the Executive. = f Mrs. John Jamieson suffered a itghtlrtrbj^^ Her condition has improved some and she is able to get about with assistance. Mr. and Mrs. George Linley of Detroit were week-end ‘ visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vincent of Belgrave. Mr. Linley returned Sunday but Mrs. Linley is re­ maining up awhile. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Moncribf were his brother, Melvin Moncrief of Trial, B.C. and Mr. and Mrs. N. Kury- lufck and daughter, Mary Lou, of Kinnaird, B.C; CULROSS CORNERS DURING MAY AND JUNE1 •> We still think the easiest (way to improve a vegetable dinner is to add a nice juicy steak.\ DUNGANNON CAST PRAISED Slab Prices Slashed ■X-- Dungannon Junior Farmers had an entry in the Goderich Drama Festival, and the adjudi­ cator in his remarks compliment­ ed the cast, for a wonderful ef­ fort. For an inexperienced young group they did a grand job he said. They received the Robert Simpson Co. award of merit. The best juvenile actor award went to Dougals A thill of the Dungannon group. Dependable Investments! GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES and DEBENTURES NOW PAY • Receive 4% on $100 or more for 5 years, 3%% for 3 dnd • 14 years or 3% for 1 and 2 years. , •' • Recognized, % law, as trustee investments* ■' ■ ■ ' ’ ................. • ■ '• / ■.............................../' ■- • Aik for Odr‘^20 Questions” folder oil these investments. ? "Older, than th* Dominion of CanaJ^: District Representative " Joseph Agii&w, Lucknow'Offke — Eondoti, Oiit«rto; I PAGE.THREE ... -A.' j J...—'!...................•„ J ■' Mi " 11 —i II —’ll ■■ II ■■ II — I II MW II ■■I II ■W ll'— ll —HI ■M H ■■ IIJ— II — 10, I OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, May 12th, i§ National Hospital Day, We will hold Open House that afternoon from 2,00 to 4.00 pm. And Invite You To Visit Us And Insect Our Hospital, i i i G ■ I" ■ i ■' I BAKER'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL | LEGION NOTES • . ' • ’ • ■ . ■/ • As part of a very enthusiastic April meeting, Comradel Garnet Henderson was .installed as Ser- geant-at-Armsi and Comrades Philip MacMillan anpl James Mc­ Naughton were initiated into our branch. \ President C. Greer' and 1st vice president K. Cameron attended the Zone Cl district meeting held in Kincardine recently. The tickets for the showing of “The. Hasty Heart”, sponsored by the Legion in cq-operation with Comrade B.‘ Pappas at the Play4 house on May 7-8-9, are now in the * hands of the members /for sale. Your reporter as one who has seen this fine show, recom­ mends it highly/ to everyone and in particular no veteran or his family or friends should miss it. ' • \ -6— The Midget hockey banquet is now past history but -one that we venture to say will long be remembered. It was surely a grand climax to a successful season. And we couldn’t pass up this opportunity for a .good snap- py saiute tp the Ladies^ Auxiliary for a job well done in catering for the banquet. Lessthanamonthnowtillthe I i I I I i i i L .. I—~GREEN-SLABS,^per cord.42.50 Delivered in Lucknow Hardwood Mixed Wood Hard Maple, Elm, : L Beech, __.Soft Maple, Cherry,. Ash Basswood DRY SLABS, per cord _ $3.00 $2.00 Delivered in Lucknow Coronation of our> Queen. ;We would urge all good .citizens to- . < give47 seriqus thought to decorat­ ing their premises for this mem­ orable occasion/: Secretary JI. D. Thompson has information on some suitable inexpensive decor-, ating materials and hny one in­ terested should see him at/once; NOTE ALL VETERANS — The Service Bureau Officer will be in Lucknow May 21st. If you have- a problem see him then. See the- secretary for the time. Due to the pressure of coming examinations, I believe the^publie speaking contests will be passed up for the present at least. Plans are'now being completed for- a Coronation Ball to be held on June 1st. 0 The annual church parade vnll . beheld in the very near future. Watch for further particulars. / They served -till- death. Why ■ not. we?' ’ Youth, at late hour on front porch: “Oh, darling, how can I leave you?” A Girl’s “Father, wearily putting ' head out of window: “Walk, take bus No. 4 or call a cab and charge -it-tome”.------___...---- “T I -i