The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-29, Page 7WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1953 DUNGANNON Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT, 7.15 ■ ■ ■■ ■;...... ?.......«............. ..... ............. ........ ......./ '; \< Wednesday, Thurs., Apr. 29, 301 JAMES CAGNEY, , CORINNE CALVERT, . DAN DAILEY What Price Glory Friday, Saturday, May 1, 2 .4 ■“*-*” • ’• CHARLES ST ARRET A>*r- >’■ . * • . —r li| — Raiders of Tomahawk Creek ' MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, May 4, 5 RITA HAYWORTH, GLENN FORD ■' /" " " in ' ... Affair In Trinidad -- '/ ’ \ / . ■ ' '/ •' Lr •' ’■ .■ Wednesday, Thurs., May 6^ 7 JEAN PETERS, ’ jeYfryhunter ■/ •: /.;-—; in./^-,' Lure of the Wilderness ATTENTION FARMERS! F am purchasing BOARS ... ' . -X’ :. ■ at 7c to 9c per lb. liveweight. . Phone Atwood 37-r-12 collect or write me LEROY ACHESON R.R. 3, Atwood, Ont. TIftlliElV Oil, HEAT ENJOY COMFORT OILBURNIRS • OIL FURNACES FREE SURVEYS AND ESTIMATE! • OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS HISELER and SON, Ptohe 426, Wingham e Minister Operated On Rev. George D, Watt, pastor of Dungannon United Church, un­ derwent an appendectomy iri •Goderich Hospital on Monday morning, He had conducted ser­ vices, at all three appointments on Sunday, His father, Rev. W. J. Watt, will conduct services un« til his son is able to resume his duties. Long Service Recognized • . * ' Congratulations =to Mrs, Clara Sproul who was presented by. the ■Stratford Hydro Commission of­ fice. with a wrist watch in rec-; ognition of 25 years (service; A native of Dungannon she visited, her folks back home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs., James Barclay of Maple Creek, Sask., were Week­ end, visitors With their cousins,- Mr. and Mrs. Mason McAllister and with Mrs, Fitzgerald and Mrs. R. Gardner. . The Institute short course. “What makes a good officer” was attended by twenty ladies from St. Helens, Kintail and Dungan­ non branched. They were ad­ dressed |by Miss Edith (Collins from the Department. Dungannon Young People at­ tended the Y.P.S. service and fireside hour at . Hacketts church on Sunday evening. WALKERTON DOGS will be tied up or kept on a leash during the months of May and June for the protection of gardners and ho.r- ticulturists. \ __...............................* - - ■■■ / - - ---- ----- BRUCE COUNTY HIGH FOR NEW FARM FORUMS Farm Foj&irFarm Fojnim annual meeting was“held_iir^orbht<t 6n^l>rn^ with an attendance of 355 dele­ gates. Bruce County was highest in the province for the highest -number—of—newyforumsrAtotal of 27 new forums were organized in Bruce last season. Lambton was; second with 21. Grey county has the most forums of the pro­ vince with total of 98. Bruce has 89. The National Conference will •be held in Niagara Falls on May • 21 arid 22 at Which time the I topics for the coming season will I be chosen.; PAGE SEVENTHE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .1. WOLF CUBS V Another/ week brings ...more Cub' news and. of, course another meeting. From the interest shown in. these meetings by each Cub sind from the standpoint of at­ tendance, it appears that they are eagerly looked for each week. Although a goodly portion of each meeting is given over to con­ structive games and relays, much time is spent on instruction and testing on such things as knots, hygiene, signalling and first aid. Cubs are required to know the composition of the Union Jack: the Highway Code of the, province sis itaffects pedestrians andcycl- ists; how to clean and polish shoes and fold clothes neatly; and how to use a compas. These sure only a few activities of the Cubb­ ing program by which your lead­ ers are striving to make these boys better citizens for today and tomorrow. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 30, May 1, 2’ GOING TO THE CORONATION? Well, save money and time and bring the family to , The Playhouse and see our lovely Queen and her Consort, in their triumphant four of Canada in glorious color, in “THE WyAL TQU^’ /Plus GENE AUTRY in a thrilling Canadian picture “BLUE CANADIAN RQCKIES” SATURDAY MATINEE At 2.15 p^m.—-Doors open at 2 p.m. I Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 4, 5, 6 llie book—that See the „ “My Six Convicts with JOHN BEAL, GILBERT. ROLAND. tickled a .million, now on our screen— human side of a jailbird’s life:— 0 ■■ 1 . (^1 ■■ ; ;r The . highlight, . of. . ,1^ meeting was of course what we thought would be the final games of the Floor Hockey. By Tawny’s 7-6 win over the league leading Whites, and Reds 2-0 victory over the Greys, the schedule ended , with. Reds and Whites tied for top berth at 3 wins, 1 tie and 2 losses each for a total of 7 points. Tawnys- pulled in next with six points and Greys 4. nA sudden death game will ibe held at this week's meeting to decide the champs. Start Your Chicks ‘ - with OWW ■’ Ren O Sal Tablets in Solution Jamesway Feeders and Waterers ....... v ■•"frbni'- Crawford’s Feed Store andHatchery - X ’Phone 165 ORDER your 1953 CHICKS NOW ! ! —---------7— . .. -------- Four Cubs ^qualified for their First Star with, ’ several more Teady to do so on completion of their Growing Test. ' ‘ The Pack is offering for sale 9x12-inch full color reproduction of the official painting of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as done by Miss M. L. Williams, the well known court painter. These are. plastic laminated front and back with gold metal corners and hanging cord. You may see this picture o'ri display at Umbach’s Drug Store where you may leave your order for same. FORMER PARAMOUNT RESIDENTPASSESATGALT Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Taylor at­ tended the funeral of Mrs. Carm Hamill in Galt on Tuesday, April 21st. Mrs. Hamill was formerly Jean Taylor and was born, at the former G. S., Robertson farm near Lucknow, moving, when a child, with her parents to Galt. • i PROUD OF LUCKNOW BOYS IN , WINNING AT NOBLETON In a recent letter from WilsbnJ Armstrong of Nobleton ahd a former Lucknowite,^he says he Was in a “ticklish position” when Lucknow and Nobleton clashed for the Ontario championship and • ~whfte“Re^got~iri~a“few shouts for i both sides, he was proud, of the I Lucknow; boys. jHe also enjoyed meeting Luck-’ now fans attending the game His brdther J. C. was among, them and he and Isabel returned to Nobleton later.to spend Easter week-end there. ' Wilson extends his sympathy to ?Mr. and Mrs. Graham and fam­ ily in the death of Mr. and- Mrs. Hawkes Robinson. The tragedy happened just a few miles east of Nobleton, and Wilson was par­ ticularly saddened as he had gone to school with Anna and Rennie/ I , Advertising doesn’t cost pays! . it ZION Mr' and Mrs.. Elgin Thompson and Gordon and Mrs. Pepper of | Bruceheid visited. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland recently. Mr. and Mrs, James McNain of Amberley visited Saturday ev­ ening with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie* \ ' '/’ .■ - ; Mr. Elmer4 Umbach of Luckr now spoke at Sunday School on Sunday. ■./ „ ■ _,/ ■ ' (There will be no Sunday School iiext^Sundaya as it at Hacketts at li a.m. Mrs. Frank Ritchie, Mrs. Wes Ritchie and Mrs., Jack; McDonagh were at Goderich last Tuesday attending the Presbyterial meet­ ing held in the United Church? Mrs. Margaret Gardner & Mrs. Jenny Fitzgerald of Dungannon and Mrs. Bill • Webster and, Hel­ en dfrEuckhow ‘virifecF. one day ' last week with Mrs. Gardner and Mr. and Mrs., Bill Hunter. :. —-......i> ( * Lucknow Certified Seed Potatoes COBBLERS SEBAGO KATAHD1NS Full Line In Stock; Of > CLOVER & GRASS SEEDS Mixed Origin ALFALFA SEED in sealed bushel bags. Treated With Arason for the control of wilt. Grade No. 1 — $18.50 per Bus. D. R. Finlayson PHONE 91, LUCKNOW V I TRINIDAD MISSIONARY SPOKE TO VV.M.S. GROUP A joint meeting of the. Evening- and Afternoon Auxiliaries of the W.M;S. was held in the United Church on Tuesday, April 21st. Mrs. K. C. Murdie and Mrs. R. ■ “Robertson presided'. Hymn 1047 was followed) by scripture by Miss Margaret Sheridan, prayer by Mrs. O. Richards. The progrsun consisted of the following very enjoyable numbers: quartette by Donna Johristph; Marilyn Kilpat­ rick, Bessie Reavie, AnnevCraw- ford"; reading by Mrs.1 Lloyd Hall; : piano instrumental by Mrs? Meiklejohn and vocal solo by Miss Norma Sherwood* The guest speaker, was Mrs. Jack Tkombsonj-- formerly Telia Reid of Wingham, Who with her husband, is home on furlough from the Mission, field in Trinidad? She gave a very inspiring talk cn their work? and efforts there/' and described most interestingly the p&bpie a<nd customs of that country.- Mrs. L. C. Thompson-thanked the speaker and thbse taking part. A social half "hour followed^I." . 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