The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-29, Page 5FOURTH concession Mrs. Allan G^ah^h has return­ ed .home’ after spending two weeks with her parents at Dray- ton. . * ’ ’ . *•? Mrs. L. Severance and Mrs. > Minford of Lapeer,. Mach., visited last week with the former’s sif­ ter, Mrs. L. MacI ver. . T Mr. John A, MacDonald has been in poor health for the last few, weeks. , Mrs. Allan MacDonald and in­ fant daughter .are/ spending a short time! with fc. and, Mrs. R. G. Martin? ‘. r Don’t neglect . renewing your Sentine.l subscription prpniptiy:; • - *-----------• s [?.’ ■ •** '■ xTXi.' X £ *. • ” t:: ■%. wpRX ■LA. z ’• w■Ml pl J® SERVE CANADA Soldiers like those of the airborne infantry ar? helping* to guard Canada, ready to drop into action wherever danger threatens. The young man who joins the Army and has com­ pleted his Infantry training may then.volunteer to start training for the proud wings of.Canada's ’’Soldiers of the Sky.” AND YOURSELF X SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO KINLOUGH Mrs. J. . W* CQlwell visited on Tuesday with Mrs. D. Richards, Paramount, •• . ’ Miss Ngncy Needham enter­ tained the Vita-Gals on Monday, April 13th’. • ? Members froiyi tbe ,W??M’^ at­ tended the Syriodical meeting at St.. Andrew’s Presbyterian church, Wingham, on Wednsed^y; •'; . Mrs. J. W, Colwell,, accompan­ ied' by other members ? of her family,; attended a shower oil $atprday at the home of? Mrs, F., Colwell in honor of Miss Flor­ ence Colwell, ‘bride-elect.. . We are pleased .to report that Mr., J. R. Lane is aible. to be out again after being .confined to bed with pneumonia. • ; Mr. and Mrs.? Cliff Wall •of Winnipeg visited during, the week with Mr. and ?Mrs. Archie ?Mc- Farlane and Spence. This was Mr. Wall’s first return visit to Ontario <since leaving here 51 years ago for the West when a young lad- ■ ,?. ■ • The Anglicanservice’ will i change on Sunday next from the winter. schedule: of mornibg or evening to the afternoon at 2.30 with Sunday School beginning Sunday next following the reg­ ular service. Mrs. Tom Hodgins entertained the Evening Guild at her'j honie on TuesdayC evening?? 7 7,; • • ’ » Miss Norma Burt and Mr. Bob Burt of Toronto visited, recently with Mr, and Mrs. ?Bill Burt - We extend sympathy to Mrs. John - Johnstone -inthepassing of her sister, the late Mrs. Robert Durnin of Guelph., " Mrs: Harvey 'Hodgins is visit­ ing with relatives at Detroit. .Mr.andMrs.WmT-WalFspent" the week-end-With- Mr. and -Mrs. Allan Wall at London. Paramount District Girls > The seventh meeting of the Kitchen Cut-Ups was held at the | home of Wilda Reid with every- I one present? Nancy Johnston read ‘ the minutes and the roll call con­ sisted of bridging 3 labels off •canned (Vegetables. The record books .are* to be up to date by next Saturday. The girls were divided into four groups and had to select what they considered was the best school lunch, and the best menu for a farmer and his wife and two children: Lunch was served by Mr?. Reid at close of the, meeting. ,??: the WHITECHURCH How does a man choose a job ? He examines:the pay; the working conditions; the opportunities for advancement; the financial security. From every one of’these aspects ah Army ' career is excellent. And mpre-*-no monotony of being stuck , for'years in one place; pension plans after 20 years {.efvice; medical and dental care, whenever needed-^- without regard for cost of time. Opportunities for training and advancement in the Army today are truly outstanding. ‘ . r «• Marshall of Toronto at- . Soldiering is a man’s life I There are challenges and dangers. But whereyer you go, in the. Army, you know you can rely on your comrades, trained fighting men who share with you the action of military life. If you think ah Army career is for you, • enquire about the opportunities for service with the Infantry . > -— the most important men in the Canadian Army. . '• ’■*’ • ' i ‘l . • s * •IhiMt^ipi^thj^rm are - l? to ^0 ^ge • .; •. ?• •,a”’e to meet Army test requirentehts. Applicants should Bring • certificates or other proof o'f;age when reporting for interview, For full information apply right away to: ' ^^&rso'nne^ Popof, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts;, Ottawa, Ont. Can'flJ* ° Perscinnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot St., Kingston, Ont. ti P’aa Army Recruiting Centre; 90 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. 7 Personnel. Depot? Wolseley Bafracksi, 1 u & Elizabeth Sts.; London; Ont. J . • Arn»V R«cruifi^tenhe; 230 Main St'W;;-North Bdy> prib^ -...; — f .. ’ , ■ Army Recruiting Centre, JOrneii. ;Armoury, 200 James St. North, Hamilton,, Ont. ajoos-o Mr. arid Mrs. Roddy Inglis arid family of. Forest spent Sunday at the home of his parents; Mr, and Mrs. T. Ingles. . , Mr. and Mrs; W. James /and sons spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff at Brussels. I The Chalmers Presbyterian church held their preparatory service on Friday evening when . Rev. Duhcansori of Cromarty was guest , speaker. Rev. Duncanson baptized Margaret Jessie, daugh­ ter of Rev. and Mrs. R. D. A. Currie. A good crowd was pres­ ent. Mrs. tended the baptism of her grand­ daughter, Margaret Jessie Cur­ rie. , •'; ' 7. . . .. - Mrs. Jas. Purves of ’Lucknow and daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Bplt . -and—An nie-spen t—Wednesday^at the home of Mrs. D. Kennedy. Quite a number around here attended the .Synodical in Wing­ ham. .: '■ ■ ■ ‘ ‘ Rev. and Mrs. Robt. Watt of Mitchell visited ^recently with Rev. and Mrs. J. Watt. ■ M We are sorry, to' hear that Rev; John Pollock is back in- Victoria Hospital, Londdn. Mr* and Mrs. W7 James are having their , (house wired this "week.- :-•••••-^7 - - ■; ■' ry.- . Mrs. ,E; Scholtz, Mrs. G. Gil­ lespie, Mrs. M.’ Moore, Mrs. Robt. Laidlaw,- Mrs. R. ' Purdon, Mrs. Jas. Falconer and daughter Lois and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft all at­ tended the Presbyterial held in the North St. United Church, Goderich, last Tuesday. ,, • We are sorry, to /hear that ftev, George? Watf of Ddngafmori. Un­ derwent an appendix operation in Goderich Hospital on Monday. . * / j Wi"!’ Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out, ex­ hausted solely Because body, lacks iron. For new vim, vitalKy.try Ostr^cTonic Tablets. Supplies iron, you,, too,, may nled fpr pep; -Suppletnen- tary doses Vitamin Bj. Introductory-or “get- acquainted” size only 6Q^, ’At all druggists. & P«52 c/>x MOVE TO HAMILTON ’ Nace Martin of Kingsbridge has sold his farm to Boudin Cap* tein. Mr..and Mrs*. Captein and family have* been living south of London but came from Hol­ land about-five years ago, They take possession at once. Mr. and Mrs. Martin arid three children hajve left forHamiltonVhere Mr. Martin will work With his bro­ ther at carpentry work, '“'r wJV'* vph fW 1 ’7/ Hell hath no music like a wp- man ^playing second fiddle.;, Jj! * m -I c/> ■*. < x x 3 m 2 5p=jg O _j 2E g\ 0 3 mo *V (/> m o 2m 3x> £>-nZ v> m mO gcnjw (£> I (£> * Crxr^ (£> — *T> m m 3= 5 2 c/>2 5 m sao *•2p o® 4 c/> CD -x ■ <■