The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-15, Page 7y/EDNESDAY, APRIL 15th, 1953 ♦ •. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ■■ '' ____• * • “ ......................................, DOROTHY DOUGLAS SPOKE 10 WHITECHURCH W.M.S. ■I..... 11........t The Easter Thankoffering was held id the Presbyterian church on Wednesday afternoon with ladies of the United Church as guests. Mrs. Mclhnes opened the Meeting with the /call . to wbr? ship. Mrs.' Newman read the scripture lesson and gave a splen­ did meditation on Mary Magdal­ ene. Mrs. Jack Craig led in pray.- er, Hymn 376 was ■ then sung fol­ lowed 'by the Glad Tidings, prayr . er by Mrs? AlpxT<b|bttrtson. Mrs. Wm. Forster and daughter. Ifma sang ^e dqet ‘The Shepherd of Love”* The roll call w£s. ans­ wered by a’ verisQ contairiing the wofd “Love”. The minutes of the March meeting were read by the new • secretary, Mrs? Gordon McBurney. Offering was taken by Mrs. Caslick and Mrs. Elliott with offertory. prayer by Mrs. W?,J. Coulter.' . The. guest speaker; Miss Dor­ othy Douglas, was'then called on, who gave us a splendid talk on the Island of Formosa and con­ ditions there. She was thanked jby Mrs. Lott Hymn 579 was sung LADY’S BROTHER DROWNED AT KINCARDINE Clarence Blackwell, 59-year-old Kincardine : resident drowned in thejiaribqr there last week; He watsT turning his delivery truck on the north pier at the foot of Harbor street when the left rear ; Wheel dropped^ over the edge. Police believe the driver’s door flew open and forqe of the tilting truck tossed Blackwell into the lake./The body, was recovered in 15feet“Ofwateriafter75“ffiinutes dragging.* '? ? . f Mr. Blackwell -is ’survived by' his? wife,k the former Cejia Vari- Norman; - two brothers, - Chester, Kincardine Township, and Earl, Eastwater; four sisters, Mrs. Ed­ ward Fink, London; Mrs, Melvin Gray, Toronto; Mrs. Frank John­ ston, Holy rood and Mrs. Lloyd Macklem. of Kincardine. and the meeting closed with the Lord’s prayer. Lunch was served and Mrs. James Falconer and Mrs. Dustari Beecrof t th an ked the ladies arid speaker on behalf of. the United Church ladies. HERE S YOUR CHANCE TO WIN WWTf A LFHED INVITING WEDDING BELLS . RIVETT—GIBSON The home.of Mr., and Mrs. M?Pr» shall Giibson of Ashfield was the setting for the niarpiage on Sat­ urday afternoon' at 2.30 p,m. of their daughter, Miargaret. Phyllis and Norman' James Rivett, son of Mr; .and nMrs< John Rivett of Dungannon,. Rey, J. R.. Dickinson of .Ashfield Circuit United church performed the ceremony. Given' in marriage 'by hbr jMherJth e^bride _j$as-3ovely„im a floor length' gowri of white statin, .overdraped with rbouffant net skirt. The upper bolero of Chantilly lace. and. long sleeves met at 'the, neck, with a Peter Pan collar studded with- pearls sind rhinestones. Hen- veil was of illusion net with a halo of se- quinb and pearls. She carried red roses. ' * The bridesmaid, Miss Edna Riv­ ett of . Dungannon, sister of . the groom, was gowned a flodt length dress of. pale. green taf­ feta and carried a Colonial bou­ quet of yellow carnations. Miss Shirley Giibson, sister of the bride; was maid of- honor and chose ^of rhe? frock, a floor length gown with two layers of net over yellow taffeta. Her flowers were a colonial jbouquet of mauve carnations. The groomsman was Earl Riv­ ett of Dungannon, brother of the groom and Miss Norma Sherwood was organist. A reception followed at the bride’s home, with Mrs? Gibson receiving in a navy sheer, dress, assisted by the groom’s mother, who wore light blue nylon' / For a wedding trip to . the Un­ ited States ./he' bride donned a light blue suit with navy and white accessories~aiid~urcursage of—pink -car nations?r . o ?\ ■ ■' ■ ~ Upon their return'Mr.- and Mrs. Rivett will reside at. Dungannon. > ♦ A FRIEND TO COME TO ONTARIO! $400*100 ?qni ----- —MAJOR PRIZES WILL BE IN GOVERNMENT BONbS— CmUsI open tFtll OHtarie Students in Grades IX——XIII inclusive er their equivalent Think of it 53 prizes.. .53 chances for you to win! And, you’ll find it eas^ to write a short lette/ ifnot more than 200 words) to invite a friend to visit Ontario this year. As you know, Ontario is Canada’s All Year Vacation Province. It abounds with interest, enjoyment and relaxation for vaca­ tionists from other parts of Canada and the United States. ■' . _J^prepa_rejLfriendJ^4>e£s^^ visitor will enjoy an Ontariq vacation. It’s as easy as that! •' You know What Ontario has to offer, put it in your letter. - You can mention Ontario’s 52 Vacation Areas, its busy cities, its , shaded streets in countryside towns and villages . . . its resort areas, its sports, the C.N.E., and many, many other attractions^ , IF YOU NEED HELP—If you want information about Ontario, write to Ontario Travel, 67 College Street, Toronto. Illustrated literature will be mailed promptly. . Yqu don’t have to actually mail your letter to a non-resident of Ontario.' You send it to Ontario Travel for judging.. . fill in coupon below./..■ \ t ALL ENTRIES MUST GIVE THE NAME OF A^ NON-RESIDENT TO * WHOM ONTARIO TRAVEL CAN SEND FREE MAF AND ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE ABOUT ONTARIO. THIS WILL BE . SENT WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE CONTESTANT. lung now ... rov mm submit ns manv «rras as you wish ' CONTEST CLOSES MIDNIGHT MAY 15, 1953 ~ AW Ontario students enrolled in . Grade IX, X, XI, XII or XIII or their equivalent are eligible to enter this Invite Them to ONTARIO ’ Contest. _?*ftetters jnusLnocexceed-200words • PodX matter and may be written in either English or French. Letters will oe judged for originality o’f thought. ?• (a) All letters must be accompanied ?y the name and address of,a non­ resident of Ontario to whom the Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity may send a map of Ontario and illustrated literature with thecom* pliments of the entrant. All entries must be certified by the... student s form teacher , as being the original work of the entrant, <• Contestants may submit more tban^ CONTEST RULES' one entry, provided requirements of Earagraph 3 are complied with. , • . Contest closes at midnight May ' 15, L953 and entries postmarked later will not qualify. Winners will be -notified by regisrered-mail——-... C. All letters submitted become the property of the4 Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity and fmay be published in advertising or literature of The Department. .a7. The decision of the - Board of judges will be final. , S. A Student whose either parent is employed by the Government of the Province of Ontario or-by. any Pro- .’vincial Board ..or .Coihmissipn _or. by any of tbe Government s advertising^ agencies ’ is not eligible . for this Contest?’ . WHITECHURCH Mr. ■> arid Mrs. Carman Farrier and family spent a few-days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Miss. Barbara Parker of near London spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs- B. D. Mc- Clenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy visited with his mother, Mrs. D. Kennedy on their return trip from Floridia?. The W’M.S, of the United Church, are having as their guest speaker at the Easter Thankof­ fering meeting on Friday even­ ing, April 17th at 8.30 p.m., Mrs. Thompson—fromTrin4dad.“Thei-e will <be pictures shown also. Mrs. Thompson was the former Miss Tena Reid from Wingham. . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Heiffer of Tiirnberry spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. E. Welwodd. Mr., and Mrs. Malcolm Ross of Galt visited on Sunday With Mrs. M. Ross arid Mary Ellen. Ian and Janet who have been holi- daying here, returned home with them. . Rev. and Mrs. Robt. Watt and family of Mitchell visited one day last week with. his parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt. Mr. and Mrs. V. Emerson spent Sunday at Bly.th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Haggitt. . Any member of the W.A. of the United Church wishing to do-, hate clothing .for the overseas bale is to bring, it to the meeting .• r-- ----- i. i u i b.. - • ONTARIO TRAVEL CONTEST, 67 College Street, Toronto, Ontario t flwe enter the ' .. ----- « _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _“INVITE THEM\T0 ONTARIO,r Contest. You may send >, map |r io'and iiiustfated;litefaTurd with iny cdmp1imenTs.to: (Pleaseprint). ^^ ' i.---.. •, i.t ■■ . - *- . ■ -----;------- I.. ■■ i j City ot Town ■I My Name hr...-..,,,,, »■ | AddretL.. . h . •' i' •' .■ WMJowh;^ I On,arI° 0«PartmMM •! Travel and FvblkHy ■ . ■ . ’ ■*. ■. ■ ■■ iiimiiiiuiMiiiiiudiniim<r • I — I . . .1 I I a * I _____ I . « UH—111111 lllll<,<<**nll‘Tt^.‘********> ’ /*' • , . Han. Louis P* CtcHt> O.C. Mlnlatav ,ori Friday evening! . Miss Margaret Taylor returned, home after spending the Easter holidays at her niece, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walden of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Walter'James & family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs.^E. Wade! at Blue­ vale. . ■'* ■ . Mrs. Harry Tichborne of God­ erich is spending a few days with, her. mother, Mrs. D. Ken- We are. sorry to report that Mr. Ezra Schqltz is at present in Wingham Hospital. Miss ?Tancy Simmons returned to London on Sunday after spending the holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas? Martin. . - Mr, . Herbert Pettipiece Vlas taken to Wingharh Hospital on Saturday suffering from a stroke. The Mission Band will* be held '.•'H ' . . —X- sr s. co 8 in the United Church on Sun­ day, April 19th at 2.00 p.m. Mrs. Cornelius Passes The community was shocked to learn of the death of Mrs. Amos Cornelius which occurred in Wingham on Monday. She had recently undergone an operation and since returning‘ home was taken ill with the ’flu. She was 64 years of age and was formerly Mary Jane (Min) Barker, daugh- PAGE SEVEN . ....'-:r:...■. ter of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Barker of Colborn^ Township, Besides her husband she is sur- 'yived by two sisters, Mrs. Hues- ton of Gpderich and Mrs. West- lake of Bayfield. The funeral ser- vice was, held on Wednesday at the Currie funeral home in Wing- ham, " Mrs, W;, R. Chapman tand son Gary spent the week-end at Tor- onto and Auburn. •» Q Q y• ri > 22 o z m ■ac » 2 TO < C X m -q G> GO* (£> X ■om -4 w X ... -4 X CO X r/> 5 3 co co CT>