The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-08, Page 8New Spring braperies in the Newest Fabrics and Colors. § . HOMESPUNS—colors, brown and” gpey. stripe, wine arid ..grey. | stripe. ./< .. | "PLAIDi HOMESPUNS—red and blue. .. " 8 MONKS CLOTH—-in beige and grey, | HOMEMAKER HAND PRINT DRAPERIES—in cream, grey, S ’ ■ wirfe ground with assorted colored flowers and sprays. X WIDE SELECTION OF- C,rilNTZ & CRETONNES MK in assorted colors. - . X WRTAIN^ Orlon, tailored edge . . . JMarquisette, tailored edge . , . Nylon, friiled, . \ . Marquisette, frilled . '. . Panel curtains , The .latest in Shir Back Curtains. : Also Many , pieces. Of Curtain Material By The Yard / in white and colored marquisette. THESE ARE NOW ON DISPLAY AT ASHTON’S 1 MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR ANNOUNCING A. .. ChangeoiManagement at the SUPERTEST GARAGE I SEE BY THE SENTINEL (Continued from page 1). THAT Shirley Snell and. Cathar-, ine Ketchabaw i. Of , Lucknow were ■ two of twelve student. } nurses to receive their cap? at [ -a capping ceremony at Wing- '■ ham General Hospital following a five-months’ probationary period. Winnifred McFarlane of Kinlough has received a cer- tificate upon completing a one- ,year course? for undergraduate niirses. ’ ~ - • \- ■ ' •—' Bly th Standard says his rudy, complexion isn’t* necessarily a . sign of good health.'The glow is due to the fact that he re­ cently reported that while the lumber, dealer from that Village was attending a convention in Toronto he also “enjoyed a few. at the Sportsmen’s Show”. Ken hastened to , point out jt was a few “Hours” he enjoyed.” • THAT Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Aitchi- son of HeSpler note the many changes in names in The Sen­ tinel columns, but feel they* still have many friends here and enjoy seeing them at any time. THAT in renewing their Sentinel subscription?; "’Mrs. Sid Plow­ right (Ruby Nixon)) of Osh- awa, says: “No need to say Sid and I get a kick out of the home paper even though it makes us feel old when we read about, the boys and girls that have grown up and are making names for themselves”. THAT in renewing her Sentinel subscription Mrs. Margaret Mc- Kague of Oliver Lodge, Saska­ toon mentions. that her brother, Wm.-Miller,isinthehQspital —with a-heart- condition; — ~ - THAT Mrs. “Bud” Hamilton re- tumed hdme last Wednesday, from Wingham Hospital where she underwent an appendect- • omy the previous Friday night. K’ I ! • • ■ • 4 ■ • ., • • ■ Having taken over the repair department and service station at The Siipertest Garage, I wish to bxpress appreciation to former cust­ omers for their past^patronage and the. hope that I can again be of service to you. JOE WASNEY ; “If You Car Won’t Go Call Qn Joe” THE SUPERTEST STATION / LUCKNOW CIGARETTES,, SOFT DRINKS^ CHOCOLATE RARS, Etc. ALLAN McKINNON of Glamis is $1,200 richer by holding a lucky ticket in the Irish Sweepstakes. But had his longshot, Punches-? town Star been a ' winner, he stood to win as high as $140,000. Mrs. Hugh Graham and daugh­ ter Marlene of Detroit and Miss Mina Graham of Chillicothe, Ohio, are visitinghere with Mrs. Habkirk, who is nOt enjoying good health. . ' BORN BARRETT—Mr. and Mrs. William C. Barrett (nee Marion MacKen- zie) are happy (to announce the birth of their daughter, Charlene Louise, on. March 31st, 1953, at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. ACKERT—in Wingham Hospital, on/Friday, April 3rd to Mr. anid Mrs. Jack Ackert, Holyrood (Bet­ ty Taylor), a son, John Aimer. RIDER—Pauline/ Elaine and Jac- qualine Rider are happy to an- noUnce the arrival> of a baby brother in-Wingham Hospital oh Saturday, April 4th. ' MOWBRAY—0n Sunday, March 29th, to Dr. arid M^s. John Mow­ bray of Stoughton, Sask., (nee Catherine Johnston), a son. : FAMOUS BRANDS FESTIVAL AT YOUR I. G .A. S ■ Velvetta Cheese, lb..; JJ Bee Hive Corn Syrup,, 2 lbs. ..... ■ . St. William Pie' Ready Cherry JJ" Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon,. ’A’s S Aylmer Catsup 21c_ ■ KAM • - 33c ■ Redpath Sugar, ' 7' JJ 5 ,1b. bag.......... 46c f- M SMITH’S <1 X , ■ ■ / 31c * Enter Our Coffee Contest. Coffee is going up ■ > 31c next week, get your supply now of IG A’S *“ 31c Freshly Ground Sunny Morn Coffee, lb. 39c Royal Guest, lb. Food Saver Wax Paper ..... • Monarch White Cake Mix ...... . Golden Ripe Bananas, ,1b. :...... ■JE \ Time To Can Pineapples, 12’s »> I MEN’S WORK CLOTHES New SHIPMENT OF MEN’S CHAMBRAY SHIRTS Moderately priced at, $2.49 arid $2.95. Sizes 14^ to 17. Also Giant Sizes 16 to 19 at $3.^5.' Men’s Leather Work Gloves with the High Gauntlet, un- ; lined, only .............................. $149. 'v % k. ► ►' t ■ ►. ► ► ► - • ■V ■ < M f J ■ < •• 1 <■ * < ■ 4 '■ ■ ’ ’ ■c: ADMISSION 75e ' < ■< .< . $3.00 Prize—Prettiest Ready-made Cotton Dress J ’ Kairshea Women’s Institute annual Calico Ball town HALL, LUCKNQ)^ Friday, April 17th ► ; n ► , ► ..... _ , ' $3.00 Prize—Prettiest Cotton Dress ► ► ► ■ . *■ ► WILBEES ORCHJSJRA J-' Lunch Counter 4- Home Made Pjes . • 1 . • ; • « - DRESS PARADE AT ll.dO P.M. REFRIGERATOR BARGAINS ift, A . New 1953 Models: Well Known Makes 9.5 cubic feet—Regular $369.95 - \ Now — $339-95 ■ 'y .' 11.5 cubic feet—Regular $429.95 HOME FREEZER 14 cubic feet—Regular $559.95 . Now — $499.95 , “ 7“ .......*/”• ’ * ’-"‘V/........... ♦••• •••’•-'............. LIMITED QUANTITY GREER RADIO and ELECTRIC ’Phone 110 — Lucknow V •*> ST. HELENS< . Mrs. Gordon McIntyre & Don-. aid of Bracebridge were week­ end visitors , with Mr. and Mrs. W; I. Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller, Donna and Douglas of Strathroy were visitors with relatives here on Good Friday. • Mr. ^d"Mf^Mel/^Browh~and_ Bob' Murdie of Waterloo were. Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods and Mrs. Murdie. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller & Larry of London spent the holi­ day week-end with relatives here. -Larry is remaining for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Humphrey of Hespeler-were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Humphrey. Mr, Charles McCjuillin of Zur­ ich is spending the vacation at his home here. Sixteen ladies were in attend- a ancO at the April meeting of the aaa. VW' _ _ ■ ’ - 9 .• • - . . . X . *■ I Women’s institute held in the qq'. ■ church■; on Thursday afternoon ■ with Mrs. E. Barbour, the presir 34c 33c 19c 29c ■ ■ dent, in the chair. The roll call was responded to by the paying of fees and by stating “What I am willing to do towards the year’s program”. A donation of $5.00 wasvvoted to thO Easter Seal fund. The members were urged to^attend“a tneeting at Dungan-~ non on April 22nd when the sub­ ject will be “What makes a good. officer’. • Mention was alsb made of the conference to be held at Guelph on May 7th and 8th.. In the absence of Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Fred McQuillin read the report, of- the secretary-treasurer, show­ ing a balance On hand of $161.70; The/ reports of the standing com- mittees were given as follows: that of community activities and public relations %y Mrs. Ernest Gaunt;l?itizenship”andeducatipn read by MissMary Murray for Mrs. Lome Woods;; agriculture & Canadian industries by Miss Murray; home economics arid- healthi by Mrs. Harvey'Webb; his- , torical reasearch and current' events by Miss W. D. Rutherford; a piano solo by Mrs. Chester Tay­ lor and a vocal solo by Mrs. An­ drew Gaunt were much enjoyed. At the conclusion, a social hour was enjoyed with Miss Annie Durnin and Mrs. McNeil as host­ esses. ‘ ' • ’Visitors at the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew. "Gaunt were • Mr. and Mrs. James Bar­ bour of London. Kir. and Mrs. Gordon Dontier of Toronto. Plan to attend the Community Night in the Hall bn Friday, un­ der auspices of the Women’s In­ stitute. - I wish I were a kuhgaroo, Despite his funny stances, I’d have a place to put the junk My girl brings to dan£eri. X. BOYS! .. Ask Dad or Mum. io buy you one of .our new . FISHING RODS Really Slick and Only 890 and 98c each. ^LADIESf-'---"— SEE OUR NEW SHIPMENT OF CURTAINS BEAUTIFUL RAYON PANELS, a bargain at only $2.98 pair COTTAGE SETS from .... ........ $1.69 <o $3.39 pair PLASTIC DRAPES & COTTAGE SETS from $1.39 pair f-4. <•1 4- $ ■