The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-01, Page 8TIMBER TIPS f I . J c Sr ’ TRUCKS 1953-DODGE 14-TON RICK-UP^^Selling at below list 1948 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP ' Brussels Motors _ll.ur.on ;Gojm Used Car Dealers, Cash, Trade, Terms Open Evenings Until 10a Cities Service Dealer 7— Phone I3x, Brussels : PAGE EIGHT. ; O.M.H.A. PRESIDENT j EXTENDS CONGRATULATIONS ' Bjd Thompson has received the following letter from Mike Weichel of Elmira, president of the Ontario Minor Hockey. As- .sociSfion:, ./ . “May I, as president /of the O.M.H.A.,.Tand j on.7behalf of the--L'-•O.M.H^*>-.janq.i.(mj&enaiJi o,i me (Secretary and. executive _ mem-" .7bj0rs,. extend to .you anjd. your chaJmpibns, our sin- ‘ - eejre congratulatipns for» a job ' ../•.welL done. • ;. ... ;• ■ ^It must foe quite gratifying to know that your efforts have been ■rewarded with ^this great honor of an Ontario championship/ Please convey my best wishes to* , - all your boys”. .. -------Ord-O------- - . DONATIONS, GRChW FOR MIDGET JACKET^FUND The ball is rolling for a jacket .fund for the Lucknow Midgets, _ _c_.chamipiQns_7.pf: Onitarib. The first of the week : donations had been received totalling . $64.50, but much more will be needed to make the jacket purchase poss­ ible. The team was sponsored by the Legion but gate receipts were ai- most nil early in the season and didn’t meet operating costs. The boys had a couple of good gate’s' for the finals, but operating costs mounted also. ' 4 7. 7 The jacket fund was started by some enthusiastic fans wpo want­ ed to see the champ^ suitably honored arid no doulbt therb are many more who will want to 7 tossiri"abuckortwoT‘crmore ’f or, the cause.Dohationsriiay-be left at Mason’s Garage, Contributions to date are. as —r-follows^/ Ernie 1 -Crawford $2.00; Chris Shelton 2.00; Harry Nixon 1.00; Tom Anderson 1.00; Cam MacDonald 2.00; Bob Mackenzie 200; Jack Kilpatrick 2.00; Steve Stothers 2.00; J. R; McNab 1.00; Lloyd Bell 1.00; Gordon Fisher 2.00; Russ Button 2.00; Ron For­ ster 1.00; \Murray Couse fO.OO; Bob Andrew 2100; EarT McDon­ ald 5.00; Ken Cameron 2.00; Cliff Crawford L00; George Beaton 1.00; Walter Oakes ,50; Noble Johnston 2.00; Wm. Schmid 2.00; - Austin- Solomon - 1.00 ; John . W. Henderson Lumber Ltd. 10.00; Rae & Porteous 5.00; Cam -Thonipson 2,00. ■ —"0-0-0----- ——Johnston_ Will Be Back - , . If anyone had any doubts as to where Russ Johnston would do his fastball flipping this sum­ mer it was dispelled last week - when the Meaford Athletic Com­ mission announced that Russ hstd informed them he was already getting into shape and was ready to go whenever Meaford gave the word. ' ■ ■■■' ■’ - -7 . V i * /^CONCENTRATE WILLIAM STONE SONS,' LIMITED • INGERSOLL, ’ONTARIO / Fertilize your Crop with PA TI ON Al Well-Cured, Properly-Blended FERTILIZER Mrs. Hammersley. of Winnipeg, i . . sperit the past week with hey; niece, Mm Ira Wali;> . ’ | . Art Gilmore R. R. 3, LUCKNOW , 'Phone. 61-r-13, Dungannon t - 7 7/,- ■ " - : ■ . . D. R. FINLAYSON PHONE 91 ’ ' • ' BOUNDARY WEST * \ • THE J.U0KNQW SENTINEL, L&CKNOW. ^ONTARIO Tinal Playoff: Results Jack Bannister’s Wolverines are the . new bowling champions of the Lucknow-Dungannon ,Indoor Bowling League. Congratulations. to Mr, & Mi’s. Bannister, Mr, and Mrs; Murray Douse; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jack -Gopke,- Mr. and Mrs. ..Jack Fisher and Mr, and Mrs,1. Charlie .Smith who. comprised the team! /’ ‘" The; champs racked up a per­ fect score during the first two nights of the playoff and follow-, ed through by edging the Gophers and splitting with the Beavers to finish iwell out in front.. Meanwhile (the Tilgers outlasted the Coons in a hectic, ding dong .roll-off for the consOlatiori prize, which wasn’t decided until the last men rolled in the final frame, ' Outstanding individual per­ formances were turned in by Wolverines—Couse-and Greer in .the .“A” Series iwhile Tigers San­ derson and Jeari Rutherford came through iwiith the big ones in the Tiger-Coon roll-off? Seasonal Highlights The strong showing of yester- year’s thundering Beavers who led the league most^of the Sseason.r Cubs’ team accomplishments— 4op roliinlg flats. Gophers and Chipmunks occas­ ional spurts as they scored high game totals,. "~;Mbre" stellar bowling by Tiger Mike Sanderson and Chipmunk Anna Johnstone. a High triples" by Cubs Frank Eedy, and Donna Young, "“liighr singles- ;by-Lion—Lloyd Hodges., and Pole Cat Ken Mow-- bray. Wolverines’ photo finish for the last playoff berth followed by their upset victory for . top hon­ ors. ■' ' . Tigers’ recovery in time to grab that consolation prize. And last but not least, the true sportsmanship and gameness dis­ played by losing players who al­ ways lose with a smile! Grand Finale Consisted of a delicious turkey dinner served by the Women’s Institute at the Recreational Cen­ tre followed by dancing to Car-; ruther’s orchestra. Floyd Wilson made an excellent master of cere? nlpnies.. After calling upon Go­ pher Button to present prizes, representatives of all teams paid tribute to the Wolverines. ~^is^^eneTai--Tule~the-shoFtest- after-dinner speeches are too long and too dull but we are Of the opinion that the Pole Cat samples are-—well, different. Last year a certain Cat made himself unpop­ ular with a member of the fair sex on his own .team-iby divulging a “secret”. He was. outdone this year by another Cat, the captain himself, who saiw fit to confess what everyone has known for a long, long time! -The holiday break is most welcome after that. one. Seb you in the Fall! , ’ 0-OrOr—5 POSSIBLE HUGHIE HALL MAY PITCH AGAIN FOR LUCKNOW w ■ ' With an Ontario hockey cham­ pionship tucked; away, sport faps can now turn their attention sole­ ly to fastball and ask what’s cook­ ing. ; ■/ ' " ' Could "be a m ighty interesting- ^ummer, Seems certain that the jCrosset Mercurys, won’t operate this year, and that Lucknow and Wingham will join forces toTfield a teain. The. neighboring town has several diamond-wise guys that could round out quite a squad.. • Mark Gardner’s all for it, He’d like to see such a sqt-up "which no douibt would include a couple of: Lucknow-lborn lads, Doug Ait- chison and Lome Gardner. But, the big question yet to be settled is. whb; the 1953 Legion­ naire battery will be. Hurlers that can hold their own in this -loop - don’t come _a_iime a dozen. Could be that Hughie Half might yet be back here, and the Big Fellow withy the powerful whip was always ■ popular with local (fans, and a Ibig. drawing card everywhere on the circuit. But" Hall-has a y good job now/- and that folding stuff isn’t as en­ ticing as it was in ‘collegiate days. Nonetheless Hughie always liked it here,, and if he performs this season in the W.O.A.A. fast­ ball loop, teri chances to one' it will be in the Sepoy Town,’where they’ll whoop up again that old familiar cry “Come On Hugh”. ' . : -^—-0-0-0-^-- - <' ■ Missing From^i^tute^- - Ron Graham was missing from the picture of the Midget champ­ ions in our last, week’s issue. Ill? ness kept him out of that game. But, on the other hand, ’ there were some others “missing” so far as facial expression was con­ cerned. It was a Free Press pic­ ture,. and unfortunately a poor one—and it ebst us nearly five bucks to make matters worse. <—0-0-0— -Meaford/fastball dub will this year be known a£ Knights of Meaford. Their previous sponsor was Peter’s Lunch, operated by Kong Seto. ’ F.....I-.— . Congratulations to Mr. & . Mrs. E. Hackett and Mr; and Mrs, C. McQuillin. ? Mrs. A. Ketchabaw spent a couple .of days; ip Winghani Hos­ pital receiving treatment on her ■foot.” . Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Henderson spent a few days with his par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Henderson. Mr.- and. Mrs, Jack Henderson attended the baptismal service at North St. Church, Goderich when Mr. and Mrs., George Wraithj’s. daughter was ’baptized. . : Mr? and Mrs. H. Ensign re­ ceived word from Wingham that. Mrs. Charles Smith is in poop health/ v . ., v , Mrs. E. Smith of Detroit visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. . Mr.'and Mrs/Donald MacKen- zie of Hamilton visited with his brother, Kenneth MacKenzie. Mr. and. Mrs. Roy, Gibson of Lucknow visited with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Hamilton on Sunday. Mr. Robt. McIntosh spent Sun­ day in Detroit. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st, 1953 Service 'and* Satisfaction in Plumbing and. ’ Heating . Automatic Oil Furnaces In- - stalled—See The Oil Ranges. FURNACE REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs 5 Eavetroughing, - Air Conditioning. District Agent For BEATTY PUMPS & REPAIRS 25 Years Married Mr. and Mrs, Walter Roulston recently observed their 25th wed­ ding anniversary, an occasion that was marked by a surprise gather­ ing of neighbors; who presented Mr. and Mrs. Roulston with / a lovely mirror, - BI6E66S ~ BI«ERpR0FrIB Take To The Highway This Spring In Any One Of These 1952 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, fully equipped. 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN 1952 PONTIAC COACH 1952CHEV.STYLELINrSEDAN ——-----_ 1952 CHEV. DELUXE COACH, fully equipped. 1951 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN. 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN. ; 1951 1951 1949 1948 1948 1941_____ _______ 1941 'CpEV. SEDAN, completely reconditioned 1938 CHEV; SEDAN . - 7 PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH DODGE DELUXE SEDAN? CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH. CHEV. SEDAN. CHEV. COACH. ~—O-o-O— Port Elgin Council has approv­ ed the appointment of Guy Spar­ row “as life guard at the Lakeside Beach during July and August, if the fastball hurler wishes to accept the post. 4 ' WHITECHURCH A miscellaneous 'shower was held for Miss* Marilyn Newman at the Community Memorial Hall in Whitechurch on Wednesday evening? Jean Gaunt was chair­ lady and the program started with community singing. There" were sixty ladies present. Mrs. Lance Grain gave two readings. Mrs. Dari Tiffin played a piano solo and Mrs. Tiffin and Mrs. Garnet Farrier sang a duet. Jean Gaunt conducted two contests? Then, Betty . Jane Newman and Marjorie Coultes assisted the bride in Opening the many love­ ly gifts. Marilyn thanked the lad? ies and all joined in singing “For she’s a. jolly good fellow”. Lunch was served by" The~ladtes^iri charge. ' Mrs. James Mcllrath arrived home from the hospital on Thurs­ day. ■ Cars Collide On Bridge - Mr. and, Mrs. Jack Craig and Mt; and Mrs. Dawson Craig and two sons narrowly escaped seri­ ous injury Friday evening when their car and one driven by Mr. Reed of. Listowel met head-on on -the_.Z,etland - bridge. Due' to the snowstorm visibility was so poor each, thought the other, car had stopped and proceeded across~the •bridge at. the (same time. , Mr. Dawson’ Craig had to have 'switches put in a-cut across his’ hose. The rest got off with bruises arid a bad shaking up.' Jack is confined to the house, with a very sore-chest; and side, - 0) For the first 8 weeks, feed a eefresh-mix Chick Starter made with National Chick Mix Concentrate supplying essential animal pro- teins, vitamins and minerals. (2) For the next four months, feed a tasty *?fresh-mix” growing mdsh made with National 34% Developing Concentrate. This h^ a growth-promoting /meat-meal base and health-building vitamins and minerals. , / ‘ Remember, bigger birds mean bigger eggs—and bigger profits. So groin your ivay, PaV°iNtHife. See Your NATIONAL Dealer foc/ay—- ■ • • . ■» <F ■ ' Look for the bright Orange and Black Sigh - LUCKNOW, ONT- ■ • ’W ' , » • * .• ,, J I,.* , ,.?■ , ’*