The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-01, Page 2WEDNESDAY, APRIL |st? 1953 SnESDAY, APRIL 1st, 1953 8 be X STUDENTS’ RECITAL r THE VOICE QF TEMPERANCE •t/? X Toronto, Ontario r H GOOD SHOE BUYS TO FEATURE WIND-UP transferred to staff at Delhi, sold his Para- THINKS CONDITION OF MAIL BOXES A DISGRACE of $325. entertainment committee I.O.OT. social was com- PAIRYEOODS ■ gr, 409 Hurdn Street . From the original oil * painting by the well-known Canadian artist Jt Hallam. ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,.ONTARIO 9 I Ireland, of Teeswiater; fieldman tMO«MHKM>U «M II MB U MH II I> MM II Wil U —IIMPII Mfi II ^MII — II— LQOKM4G BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES Ten Years Ago The deaths ‘ occurred of Mrs. Wm. E. Henderson of town, and Mrs. Brian Buckingham of Ash­ field. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Lucknow, Ontario ^Authorizld as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Subscription Rate $2.50 A Year in Advance—-To U.S.A. $3,50 omp^on, Publisher and Proprietor. John "Hanna,Huron-Bruce’s . veteran member of the Legislat- , ure believes Ontario’s rural mail boxes are “a disgrace”. ' ? He said during .discussion • of travel and publicity estimates that they weren’t up* to the stan­ dard of the rest bf our beautiful country. Perhaps it Wais a matter the Federal Government should handle as it was concerned with " mails. Opposition, Leader Farquhar Oliver , said in his riding of Grey ; South the Women’s Institute and other organizations had cam­ paigns which took care of such things and. lie thought they could safely.be “left to Ideal pride”. HONORED FOR SERVICE WITH B.-A. COMPANY After seeing the British Amer- icam Oil Company, thrpugk thirty- , two years of’progress, Flora Web­ ster closed her desk at the head office of the Dividend and Pay­ roll office in Toronto on retire^ inent. Flo’s long service with the Company and- her own personal­ ity had inade her many friends riot only in the head office but throughout the organization. H<er own department held ’ a dinner -andpresentedherwithanAnsco Speedex camera. A farewell din- iiier was also held at the Prince Arthur House and here she was 4>resented-wlth-a^goldlwrist_watciL by Mr. Cadman, manager of the Industrial Relations Department. Flo, with her sister Olive, have ‘In .this issue we carry a full, page wind-up saje: advertisement for S. C. Rathwell & Son who will soon conclude a shoe sale that' has been without precedent here? For the wind-iip this store is offering shoes for men, women and children at prices as low ’as $1.00. If your size is among these ydu’-re in for sdme final bargains at give-away prices. . . HOLIDAY HOURS AT THE POST OFFICE . The wicket at the Post Office will be open on Good Friday from 12.3Q to <2,30 p.m. The lobby will be open until , 8.00 p.m. There will be no rural mail, service that day.' . On Easter Monday the wickets will bg . open from 10.30 to 2.30 and- -1he lobby wilf be open- un ti 1 6.00. Rural mail service will as usual. I * ■■ X II —»H Xu — II MH II M ll.fB II ■■ I.I.M" » The Department of Finance was calling on Canadians to) fill 9Ut their first ^income, tax <forms,. Dan ’’Graham arrived home from the West after halving his feet badly frozen. . —Tom Pritchard^—formerly j~pf- Murdoch, and Cameron Co., took a position with the Gordon- MaC'-. kay Co. ■: . ■ - The St. Helens Dramatic Club presented “Professor Pepp” in the Town Hall. The cast included. Durniri Phillips at the professor; Miss Chris Miller, Elliott Miller, Jos, D.. Anderson, Lillian Long- m'an, Myrtle Little, Norman Gar­ rett, McKenzie Webb, Elwell Webster, Harvey Webb, Wallace Miller, Ethel Anderson, Mary Murray, Ethel McPherson, Mar­ garet Webb Winn if red Woods. Between acts solos were sung by Miss Nellie Brooks and Miss Myrtle Little and a “recitation by Elliott Miller. Rory MacGregor of Kintail was pinned down by both feet for hours after’ a log had rolled and trapped him in the biish. His brother Fred finally discovered his plight, A 15-months’-oid calf from the Todd herd sold* in Chicago for $7,00. Cash donations locally to .the Aid to Russia fund totalled $1,200 apart from several boxes of used clothings , Mrs. Roderick MoCharles, * age 84, wais recovering from a major operation which she< underwent • in Toronto. ’ > ; Mr. and -Mrs. W.. J. Spindler ' observed their 40th wedding an^ nivefsary. “ __. Alex MacLehnan of Ldchalsh suffered a fractured hip in a fall at his home. Stan Brest was chairman .at the. High School concert when medals were presented to the . following champions and runriers-up on/ Field Day: Stan Brest, Jim Pur- ves; Bill A. Johnston, Albert Chin; Catherine . Prest, Almti Solomon; Mary Marshall, Helen Mowbray. t LUC-TEE-WIN CLUB SPONSORS FILMS The Luc-Tee-Win Conservation Club has its annual membership campaign in full swing now and inconnection with/their—spring­ activities sponsored a couple of motion picture shows at' Luck­ now and Teeswater last Thursday and Friday nights .r^spectiyely. The shows were well attended. A colored picture of Newfound- ___ ___ _ ___ _____ _____ land and other appropriate cOri- purchased their childhood home j servation and, wild life filrns siip- at the southerly outskirts of plefnented’ the regular double Lucknow:, and Which they expect being run by Bill Bappas at to occupy in the near future.} The Blayhouse. ; . Numerous other fareweir pres­ entations have been given them In Toronto. { Sixty Years Ago Aev. W, J/Connor was rector of the English Church arid Wm. S. Holmes was Sunday School superintendent, . —Pupilsat-S. S.No.-5,-Kinloss, Were: 4th class, Av Sutherland, A. Valens; N. McCaul, r J. A, McDon­ ald, L. Fraser; 3rd class, A,; Val­ ens, B. McLeod, B. Bain, D. Mc­ Kinnon, Ji Fraser; 2nd class, N; Piefee, A’. Sutherland, N. Browns- combe, J. McLeod, J. Smith. Cameron, Murdoch & Co. were clearing their winter overcoats at prices from $4 to $12. James Gaunt of West Wawa- nosh was president of . the Huron County Association of the Pat­ rons of Industry. J. H. Gardner of . Ashfield Was secretary-treas- urer. W. U. Little'sold his large stock of furniture to G. W. Berry, The cost of . taking the census in Bruce ‘County amounted to $4284.58. _:JThe Oddfellows ordered new regalia for their degree team at a. cost The for an prised of,: Dr. Gordon,' Harry- Pierce, George Lawrence, A. Mc- KenzieL and D. C. Taylor. _ ' The death of Duncan MacPher- son, 32-year-old son of Capt. John MacPherson of Kincardine and formerly of Lucknowj occurred at New Orleans. He had gone south for his health. Duncan passed away 36 hours before his father reached New Orleans. The re­ mains were-brought .to Kincard-: ine. ?' D. Campbell opened a grocery - store in the shop formerly oc­ cupied by A. S. Campbell, mer­ chant tailor. ' r FORM FEDERATION UNIT IN KIN LOSS One can take for granted that alcoholic beverages have jn them the likelihood. of creating a nuis­ ance in any environment and un/ der any- law. There is no evidence’ that the nuisance is greater, under the Canada Temperance Act than under the Liquor Control Act. There is bootlegging under the one act and there is bootlegging under the other act. Minors are getting liqudr under both acts. If does not make sense at all to cry down our Huron. .County arid its Temperance Act and clamour for the.. Ontario Liquor Control Act with its multiplying Outlets. There is not the slightest promise or hope that suchra change would improve conditions in Huron; No­ thing could be . more incredible than' that more outlets would mean less drinking or less nuis­ ance caused by liquor. The Huron Temperance Federation' believes in the Canada Temperance/Act. —Advt. ' ■ ■ : The Registered Music Teachers Association, Huron Co. Branch, held their annual Students Re- 'cital in Memorial Hall, Blyth, Monday evening of this week. Students of A. E. Cook’ who as­ sisted were Marguerite Lyon and Barbara Wilson, Auburn;; Carylz Gardner, Lucknow; Donald Mc- Doriald arid Lome McKenzie, of Ripley. A movie star was declaring 'his love to his prospective sixth wife. ‘ But I’ve heard some awful stor­ ies about you, dear”, said the girl. “Don’t worry about that’1, he replied. “They’re just old wives’ tales’-’. ■. ' Thirty-Five Years Ago The Village opened a dumping ground west of Treleaveri’s’ Mill, As a war measure* morning and night passenger train-service was. cut off. Rev, S, J. Bridgette performed the marriage of Ellen Woods and Bruce Gaminie. • ' ' ■' \ ) . »■ , ‘ ■ ' . _ . .* Cameron Geddes returned from overseas alter contracting pneu­ monia. / Bill Moise was the Molsons Bank ■ • ■ ■■ •/ D. G. McKenzie mount farm' to Alex McDiarririd. Twenty Years Ago James E. Ritchie died in Ash­ field arid: Leroy Horne, in. Luck-, now? '' * Ro$ K« Finlayson, a native of Locliaish, was named as private secretary to the Hon, R. B. Ben­ nett.. •' . ■" . The death occurred of Mike Hsiandr———.— Ashfield Council set the? hourly ratekjf pay at/20c; man and/team 40c and road superintendent""30cr - Mr. and Mrs. Robert . Mullin were58.years.married./ The marriage was solemnized of Clarence Murdie and Gladys Sparks. ’ Ari i.O.O.F. degree team from Wingham conferred the; third de­ gree on Tom Henry and Mel Hac­ kett. James Brown, former Huron Township .reeve, .died at Amber­ ley. iri his 86th year. John. McDougall, 78, who claimed tp be the discoverer iof the Klondike, died at Quesrijel, B.C. He was a brother, of Rod McDougall, ,Gon, 4,^Kinloss.. ' **There were 80 members in the -newty-^TOTgsnriz^ Society. 9. C. Rathwell: was presi­ dent and A. W. Hamilton, secret­ ary-treasurer. The Township of Kinloss elecU ed» their first Federation of Agri­ culture board at an organization meeting held in Holyrood Hall bn Tuesday of last week. Chairman was Reeve DaVid Carruthers. Guest speakers were Bruce County; president Donah? “ ; County Jirri 'Powers of Chep­ stow, and untario Federation dir- ectbr Lloyd Jasper of Mildmay. They explained the work of the Federation. on current problem* confronting? agriculture. < Officers Elected to boards were: Kinloss Federation of Agricul­ ture board, president P. A. Mur­ ray; secretary-treasurer Frank Thompson; directors, David Car­ ruthers,. Ted Burt, Frank Maul- den. Township Cream producers, presiderit Ronald Thacker; secre­ tary-treasurer Allan MacIntyre/ directors, Gordon Wall, Jim Mc­ Ewan, Dougald Campbell. ‘ Township Hog Producers, i>res- i ident Rayhard Ackert; secret’ary- .treasurer, Donald MacIntyre; di­ rectors, Jim MacEWan, John Me- Innes, Carmen McQuillin? . Township Beef Producers, pres­ ident, Ernie Ackert; secretary- treasurer JDuncan Campbell; dir­ ectors Lloyd Irwin, Frank Maul- den, Bert Moffat. Farm< Forum directors, Tom. MacDonald, Farish Moffat and r Allan. MacIntyre. Following the elections presi­ dent Murray and Mr. Ackert ad­ dressed the meeting. United Church Evg. Auxiliary _^iThe^gulaiLm^ ening Auxiliary of the United . Church was held at .the home of Mj;s. Leonard Ritchie- with 27 members and 3. visitors present. The president* Mrs: K. C^MUr- die; conducted devotional exer­ cises. and- business. The theme, , Community of< Grace, was: dealt With iri prayer. The scripture Was read by Mrs. E. Crawford? Busi­ ness. Was dealt with. Miss’ Mar­ garet Rae then . took charge • of lh.e_.program._A_w.exy.._.suitable: reading “A Smile’’ Was given .by Mr.s. Roy ', Havens, A \ trio - com­ posed of E. Websterj P. Thomp- son* J. Crawford,' favored /With two • numbers which Were .milch enjoyed. Mrs. 0, Jones finished the study book, in' a very inter- . esting manner. Following; the benediction, Mrs. J. Kreutsweizer ^ conducted- a ‘Bible •contest- and lunch was served. r ’ ■/ T^WelirCathy, it’s out in the kitchen, and I’ll get it before wfe have our story.* Folks my age, iieed to. drink, imilk too, jiish as much as you . young ’uhs. 4 wise old doctor, who knows a lotK about it, says milk, keeps my bones strong and Straight... just like it’s helping yoiirs to grow.’’ SERVICEBUREAU 'SXl ' ' ' ' " ? 1? ■ w ■//SO