The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-25, Page 2i HI rtMVCUHMM EV E BY of be PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO OBITUARY ROBERT TAYLOR DOUGLAS . A lifelong resident and a mem­ ber Of one of Lucknow’s pioneer families, Robert Taylor Douglas, passed away on Sunday morning in Winghani General Hospital. In failing health for a time, pneu* monia proved fatal after a brief period pf hospitalization. • “Bob’1 as he was popularly, known to everyone in the com­ munity, was iri his 79th year. He was a sOn of George Douglas and Dorothy Haigh and was bom in Lucknow on December 13th, 1874, HO was one of a family of eight. . As a young man Mr. Douglas learned the tailoring with Alex Campbell and in 1904 went into business for himself. In 1913 he and his’brother Will bought out the livery business fi^om Jack Blake, and: continued to operate that business until the' motor car finally arid completely ended the need for such a service. In the meantime the two brothers took over mail routes out of Lucknow and Robert drove mail for thirty, vears, concluding his service on R.R. 1 in 1948. < : For over thirty years he was assessor in the Village and for upwards of fifty years has been a member of the Fire Company. Of late years he has been an the ’honorary list of members, but there was rarely a meeting or a fire call that “R. T,” was -not present at. . Mr. Douglas was always kind and obliging arid his genial, soci­ able nature "won him many friends.-. ' ~; ■ ■ ’,>•■; The furieral service was held at his late residence on Tuesday afternoon conducted by his pas­ tor, Rev. C. A. Winn of Lucknow Presbyterian Chur^ assisted by a nephew, Rev. George L^ Doug- Iris of Woodstock. Mr. Douglas was a member of the Board of Mrinagers of the church. . j Interment was in South Kin- ; loss Cemetery, the pallbearers be­ ing S. E. Robertson. Cameron Mc­ Donald, Kenneth Mundie, Donald J. McCharles, Morgan Henderson and H. S. Lav^y. - Mr. Douglas is survived by his widow, the .former May MacDon­ ald: three daughters, Mrs. A. W. McCartney (Marjorie) of Ajax; Mrs, George D, Fowler (Winni- fred) and Mrs. Gordon Davidson (Donalda) of Wingham: one bro­ ther, William of Lucknow’’ two sisters, Mrs* T. Clarke (Jessie) Of Lucknow and Jean H. Douglas at present in Wingham Hospital. There are nine grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Two brothers and two sisters predeceased Mr. DOuglas. They were, -Walter in 1880, George BL ir 1941, Mrs.-G. Fj .Richardson (Anna) in 1944 and Edith Isabel Douglas in 1948. ' NATIVE OF BELFAST DIED IN CALIFORNIA The death of Mrs. John Miller, age 88 years, occurred on Thurs­ day at Bakersfield, California. - She was born at Belfast, and was the former Elizabeth Irwin. She had resided in California for many years. Her husband died in 1928. For number of years fol-! ' lowing th&ir marriage, Mr* and j ..Mrs? Miller made their home on f. < Elliott' 22.^8: Township of -Kin- -Lot 6, Con.. 5, Kinloss Township, loss 62.83. ''/ f Sunriving 'are' two> daughters. • ■ ' Yearly: debenture' payments 4re- ■ 'Mrs.- ■ '•■ Paul. Lorentzen, Bakers- ;-'ducad in lieu ■ of^^cash-an^refimd^fi^dt-MF&r-C-Kaufm-anr-Tayistock- ‘on debenture No.;l paid' in 195*2 j and one brother,. Thomas Irwin, •taxes: John McFarlan' $11:42; Win. j Port 'Elgin., Burt.'U;81;.DOn Bushel! 8.25: John j The-funeral was held Saturday Bushell 5.73: Miss. Margaret Mai-1 afternoon, and interment made in colm '18.48.' |Forest Lawn Cemetery.-Glendale, E. BL Agnew;, premium 'collect-1 California. or's\..bond, $15.00,; E.' H. Agnew, j '• ' ■■ • :1 premium treasure's bond, • 8.00; ’ George Gear, grant Cron . Imp, I Ass'n., 15.00: ■ Municipal World. '_-_ g f 7 daughter, Sir, Tnat's'all right' tty. siarri^'^,/rxS97: fast, enough ■ ...... Refund Scott ^Tiffin levy:- Robt?| ' McNall $7.14: Charles Taylor. 5.SS: ’ ' Doctor-: The .pain' in your right.. ;HL•Pettj*pied^L5-^25 i:. Conh-4:62;;leg may ba- due to old rige.- Conn 4.4h R. Henderson .42 J • Aged Patient: Rot. .Old, age'. ■ ■ ■ Relief S70.M; Mrs. Smith.,care- truthin',- T'other leg,'he's the same * ■ 'i.,- • — '*■ A- ■ ' • • _ j i. : *'•>■ ~r ’’■ i COUNCIL MINUTES KINLOSS TOWNSHIP Council met in the Hall March *th» 1953, as jper adjournment, I Councillor McKinnon absent. The minutes of the , February 2nd meeting as read were, approved and signed. The ins the Township Jtmiidings was|. renewed- in the Culross Insurance Corppany, ; was re­ appointed ’ representative on the Wingham High School Board* » The auditors report for 1952 . was receiyed and .accepted show * ? ing' a: surplus of $5898.91 oh - the .year’s operations, 4 , Mr. Edward Thompson was ap- pointed warble fly inspector,. Mr. Orville Elliott, tractor man and Mr. John Downey, spray operat- 1 : ’’hr- ’ • ‘ i u f or^ . Three tenders were received for the gravel contract, with H. H. Bannerman’s being the lowest tender, accepted at 70 cents per yard delivered on the roads. The collector s ume for the re- 1 turn of the tax roll was extended to April 6th. as final extension. , ‘ The Clerk was instructed to call for tenders, for the construc­ tion of the Moffat-Thomson, .Em­ erson, Conley : and / MacIntyre drains. ■ 1 . -The government - grant on .. the McDougall and McFarlan muni­ cipal drains was distributed to the parties entitled thereto. ■ A refund of levy on those, en- titled/.thereto* on the Scott-Tiffin repair, paid in taxes of 1952, was paid and the amount assumed by Coin. Road 3-4. : Mr. Ernest Casemore, repres- __enting S^. No. 10, interviewed Council; intimating that the sec­ tion was prepared to accept their share of the construction of the New Wingham High School, / to which Cbuhcil gave their consent. The Clerk was instructed to • notify all parties assessed on the’ Guest Drain, , that their share of the repair done in 1952, was now due and payable on or before -April 6th, 1953. - The report of the Engineer on the "Dore Municipal Drain will be read on Monday, March 23, 1953 at 2.00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Township HalL .Council adjourned to meet again in regular session on Mon­ day, April 6th, 1953; Cheques issued: Roy Huffman, fox bounty, $2.00; Ken Chester, fox bounty, 2.00; Ted Howev’ 5 toy bounties, 10.00; Thos.: McFar- lan, fox? bounty. 2.00; Howard Harris, 2 fox bounties, 4.00; P. A Murray,; road convention expens­ es, 25.00; Farish Moffat, road con­ vention expenses, 25.00; Dan T. McKinnon, road convention ex­ penses, 25.00; W. B. Ard,* auditor’s fee, 125.00. _ ' ■■■•; Share Govt grantz McDougall Drain: Jack Ackert, .56; John Mc­ Kinnon, 29.02;'C. N* Railways, .56; Rod McDougalL JO.Sd; Archie Mc- , Intyre, 42.13; Mrs. John MacLeod. .,..27.91: Fraser' MacKinnon, .56; Archie McKinnon, 1L51; Lloyd McDougall; 61.40; Miss Jennie Pierce, 1.12: Treas* Co. of Bruce, ; 11.70: Townshipof Kinloss, 7.26. . Share Govt , grant .. McFarlan Drain: Morley .Bushell $4.96; ■Donald McFarla^ 63.83; Richard I •taking 7.05.'age and• he‘S all right ■ Highway cheques: Pay Roll No. i —t A.. Hamilton’ snow-; Motors, 48.10c‘' Dan z Th p:6w.v S2;50;.Lome feeckitigj, show-; ‘ohohe.', 1.60;'.EL Forster, ‘ HrecxlesT bafte j. IUL.ANE. Clerk 3. ■ S109.90 ■ 82,50;.Lome feeckirig; snow l:46'.50TX''Hi''HerideHcui Cd. ■ spikes.' 6.50: Armco 'Drainage Co: ’•culvert Montgomery’ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1953 '.. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Lays calf club plans .....'..\ A well attended meeting of the directors of the Lucknow Agri­ cultural Society, was held last week with President Fred Mc- Quillin presiding. Alex T. McNay, a delegate to the Fairs Associa-, tion convention, gave a report of this meeting. It is planned to again sponsor a calf' club at the Fall Fair and those planning to enter are re* quested to do so promptly. Good calves are available for prospec­ tive ■ entrants who might require ■one. /' t ; ■. ‘ •' , • *■ 4y . , ,’t * I. ’ . . I' ‘ , JP " ' — KAIRSHEA KITCHEN KAPERS The: second meeting of the Kairshea. Kitchen Kapers was held at the home of Mrs. Tom MacKenzie. There were 10 girls and the two leaders present. While the early afrivers were waiting, they prepared soirie the vegetables which were to cooked at this meeting* ...The meeting was. opened...The meeting was. opened by the singing of the vegetable theme song and the roll call was answered by the name of a veg­ etable. Betty and Joan Hamilton invited the group to their home for the next meeting on March 25th. The next- roll} call is “A vegetable garnish that is differ­ ent” and the home assignment is: 1, cook cabbage, carrots and onions and serve in three ways; 2; L work on your record books. To dose this meeting, vegetable plates were prepared from the previously cooked vegetables and served as the lunch. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' Dawson at­ tended the funeral of the form­ er’s uncle, the late Mr. Harry. Gregg at St. George near Brant­ ford on Monday. t Kathleen Fisher got ba$k to school last week after’ being un­ dar the doctor’s care fcr nephritis the past five weeks. Mr. Fred Newman has disposed of his general store in White­ church to Mr. Burnett of Tralee,, and .will vacate by April 15 th. - Douglas Newman- second eld; est son ’ of Jfr. and Mrs. Fred Newman, Whitechurch, has,been accepted in the. Navy and'will report to Moncton, New Bruns­ wick in the near ' future, .. « The Whitechurch Women’s Missionary Society met in .the basement of the Presbyterian church on Wednesday p.ih. Mrs. Mclnnes was in the chair and everted the meeting with the call to worship after which hymn 797 was sung. Mrs. Gordon Rintoul led in responsive scripture read­ ing & gave the meditation Re­ bekahs Current events from the Glad Tidings were given by Mrs. Fisher followed by the Glad Tid­ ings prayer by Mrs. E. Wei wood. The roll call was answered by over twenty by a verse contain­ ing the word wife. The chapter on the study book of Africa was taken by Mrs. Hugh Simpsqn, “Africa, yesterday and today”. Hymn 637 was sung and the busi­ ness dealt with. Mrs. F. Newman resigned as secretary of the Soc­ iety and Mrs. Gordon McBurney was appointed to fill the vacancy until the end' of the year. Mrs. Jack Craig led in prayer. Mrs. r-'Tv. J'*? Letters To The Editor Please Stop and Think It Oyer Here we ask, “Why do parents and teachers allow the young youth of this-town to be allowed to’ go around with shot and sling shooting down the innocent .birds which , have just returned from ’ the Sunny South after being away for the whiter?” .. U If these youth don’t appreciate the welcome notes of cheer, others do. Why foe allowed to shoot clown the inocent birds? Parents , and teachers should , try *’ and make these youth realize the cruel and selfish deeds they are taking, pleasure out of—and let it be soon stopped. •• ' , “BIRD LOVER”. ZION Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Mac Lane of. KinloUgh, Mr. and Mrs* Don Straughan & Lynda and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freeman and Beryl, Mr. and Mrs. Harivey Ritchie and .Donna visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLean of Wroxeter. Mr. John Ritchie has the hydro turned on. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie and/ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wall visited Sunday in Goderich with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Papemick. Gordon' McBurney gave™ the of- T fertory prayer. The meeting dos- *■ ed with hymn 7()1 and the Lord’s prayer in unison. The April meet­ ing will be held on April 8th, one week earlier than usual. Miss ’ Dorothy Douglas will be present as guest speaker and the meet­ ing will be the Easter one. FOR GOOD! / You can save a lot of precious time by hitching up i tractor instead of your horses . . ♦ and we can likely help you buy that tractor — now! , . Tractors come .under ’farm improvements’, and a temporary lack of ready cash is a poor reason to hold up any farm improve- . oienc-That-goes —for--most-alLfaFm—implements—that—make^-for--— increased1 production and —— thereby — increased income. '»■ . -" • ' ■' . ¥. If you've made up your mind to get a traadr some time, why w’ait any longer? Come in and talk over a B of M Farm ’ ' Improvement Loan with us just as soon as you find it con- ' Aou 11 be surprised -how little.it costs and what easy repayment terms can be arranged. Lucknow Brands': MURRAY COUSE. Manager