The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-02-18, Page 8I"'- ' 1 . '***■1 if P • -i t t f ' PAGE EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO * ' • " * 4 \ 9 • ■ WEDNESDAY, FEBTlSth, 1953 * V 7 *»'■ k h- r > T > V w f'.,r y. y »■ » i, : Final Clearance : < l«l Final Clearance ••• of<«« r. •l *.»i ► Winter Wearing Apparel ■ • ■ .•.....j.... ,{l •. CHILDEN’S WEAR; All Coat Sets — boys’ or girls’ in sizes 1, 2, 3. To Lclear at . $9.95 7.Sizes 3x to 6x at $14.95 Station Wagon Coats from 2 to 6x/ $6.95 & $9.95 . >. .SCRCOATS. Men’s winterized Surcoats ’ with fur ‘ collars, sizes 40, L ► ► ► * ^—42r44-only.—Priced-to~clear— $16#5 , Without fur collar, size 38 only* To Clear at 7,,^ $12.^5 *< < < * .JI . I, SEE BY THE SENTINEL (Continued from page 1) THAT Messrs. Roy Alton and Kelso McNay were irivested ag elders at the morning service in the United Church. THAT Mrs. Joseph Weiler is con­ valescing at her home after un­ dergoing an Operation in Wing­ ham Hospital. A • 1, ' r ■ Don’t. Miss The Clansmen’s AND PRIZE DRAW $2.i i ‘f < .<r .*■ STATION-WAGONS A few full collar Station ’ Wagon Coats in sizes 38 to ----------- «_■_ ► 44 in grey and navy. Reg. $29195, f Clearance Price $24.95► ► ► ► 7 Youth Station Waggon Coats and Bomber Jackets. To clear at ..................$9.95 Others at Special Discount PARKAS, ETC. Youth’s Parkas, wool inier- - lined, Sizes 12 to 18 only. ... Priced ............... $8.95 ► ► ► ► ► 9 ► ► ► *■ ► ► ► ► > LADIES! •. Station Wagon Coats at . clearance price of $14.95, $19,95, $22.95. I I i S ■ $le •’4/- i , I I SNOWSUITS,COATS, Etc, Nylon snow suits $6.95 & tin da * - '•< < .< '• < < < . < $10.95 Girls’ Coats, full length, ’ sizes 8 to 14. Station Wagon Coats great­ ly reduced for this week’s Clearance. ;.V. PARKAS Red, blue- and brown, 3 to 6xu....... $7.95 A few All-Wool plaid trim 3-pieCe Snow Suits, sizes 3 to 6x; only , ......; $7.95 JACK SHIRTS . Boys’, and girls’ Wool Plaid Jack Shirts sizes 8-16. While they last ........ $3.95 & $4.95 . .’J . ■ . • • . ~ ASHTON’S ■ < ■■ < . < < . < ■■ 4 THAT Steve Stothers will be __guest„speaker at the Ripley Junior Farmers and Junior In- stj^te banquet at ^Reid’s Coi*-. 7 hers On Friday night. ; THAT soinO municipalities halv£ already declared a public holi­ day for Coronation Day, June 2nd,- and some are planning special programs for that day, THAT to keep the record straight, ’ the low temperature for Jan­ uary was one above zero, not , one below ‘as we reported a couple of weeks ago. . \ •— THAT Willard Thompson won a lovely trilight lamp in a prize, draw staged by the Goderich; Softball Club. The draw was made at a banquet on Friday night., The; lucky ticket was sold by Barry Attridige. THAT baby chicks from Craw­ ford’s Hatchery, on display in 5the K. and D, Co-op window ih Kincardine, have been at­ tracting much interest; with the small fry . in particular keeping j a close eye on them. / MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR " : . Piece Goods'and Woollens United Church Women’s Ass’n. Group 1 of the W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Alex MacNay for their February meeting with Mrs. Orville Jones presiding. Scripture was read by Mrs. . Scott Who also gave the report of the Cheerio Committee. Mrs. ZR, Johnstone and Mrs. Alvin Ir- / win were appointed as the sew-? ing committee for the year, and members were asked to make a flannelette quilt block to bring to the next meeting. Committees — were appointed, to be in charge of anevening of entertainment to be held during the week of St. Patrick’s Day. Announcement was made of the World’s Day of Prayer to be February 20th, Mrs. Breckles took the chair for a program consisting b^nThFstbry of St. Valentine”, by Mrs. W. Eadie; a vocal solo, Mrs. J. Arm- - strong; piano duet, Miss Boyle and Miss Malcolm; harp-and vio­ lin duet, Mrs. Jas. Webster and . Mirs? Blake Alton; piano solo,' Mrs. Jessie Allin. Following a contest, refreshments were serv­ ed and op behalf of the group, Mrs. E. Taylor tendered a vote Of thanks to the hostesses, the com­ mittee, and all who assisted with the program. Group n of The W. A,-. . Group H met Wednesday after­ noon, February 11th, at the home of Mrs. Meiklejohn. The opening hymn was followed by prayer by Mrs. Kenneth Cameron. The scripture lesson was read and an explanation of it given by Mrs. R. Struthers. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the sec­ retary, Mrs. Leonard Ritchie. The roll call was answered by the baying of fees by 22 ladies bemg~ present. Arrangements were made for the hostess tea. Decor- ”a_tihi0^mmittee7"MrsrJoy<ntpMrs.“ R.p. Robertson, Mrs. R. Rae; pro­ gram committee, Mrs. K. Camer­ on, Mrs. Hoag, Mrs. H. Treleaven; kitchen committee, Mrs. Steve Stothers, Mrs. Sproul,< Mrs. H. Struthers, Mrs. B. Roach. Mrs. R. Robertson then took over for the. .......... — •,.'. ..• .... THAT in the^O years ago column in the Free Press on Saturday —appearedanitemtotheeffect tha^ a new Roman Catholic church was to be built , at Kingsbridge at 4 post of more than $20,000. An expenditure of that amount half a century- ago was really-big news. THAT Rev. Wm. A. Henderson of Walkerton has an interesting group picture of .a Lucknow Presbyterian church picnic held some thirty-five years ago. The picture .was given him by Mrs? Ewen Mackenzie of town and "Bill” has the group pretty well named-now and is record- . ing their names b^numbers on the back of the picture. • ■ 1 ■ .........■ < ■ ■ program. A piano solo wa$ play­ ed by Mrs. Meiklejohn and a trio, by Mrs. Joynt, Mrs. Hoag andMrs. H.Treleaven.Dr.Helen Salkeld-gave a very interesting talk and showed slides on her trip of England, Ireland and Scotland and what she had seen there. Mrs. R. Rae conducted a contest and a dainty lunch7 was served. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■*■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 ■' ■ SHOP AND SAVE'. ., Shop Where Your Dollar Goes The Farthest. ■ WE INVITE A COMPARISON OF PRICES — SEE FOR YOURSELF. ■ " Everyday—Low Prices—Everyday CHECK OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY■ ' ' »• : f’ ■- ■ ■■ ' ...... ■ ..................' ...... ...... Watch For IGA Advt. in London Free Press—All Prices Apply -At 1/ I > •« In The Recreational. Centre, LUCKNOW T Admission 50c r li ■ .. • ‘ ■ •». . if . • * ‘ Everybody’s Going — Remember It’s This Friday Night. •• , ■ ' i."- i■ . . ■ DUNGANNON The: United Church Women’s Hospital and we are glad to re­ port that his condition is very good -and he is now with rela­ tives "in London.Assistingwith his care is his sister, Mrs. Gor- • don Congram, 4th Con., Ashfield, with whom he makes his home. ; ’ Visitors with Misses Nettie and Reibina Sproul on Sunday^ were Miss Clara Sproul, Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Hesson, Stratford and Mrs. Ada Wilson and Mr. and Mrs; Albert Freeman, Goderich. Mr; and Mrs. Lome McKenzie, Toronto, accompanied by their mother, •- Mrs. , R. McKenzie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Popp, Mrs. McKenzie, whose home is in Wingham, but spend­ ingthe winter with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Popp, returned after a month with her son and wife at Toronto. - ■/. BORN—on February 12 th, at Goderich Hospital, tp Mr. and ' Mrs. Fred Young, a son. Congrat­ ulations!.. _ ■■ Missionary’-meeting was held on February 6th at the home of Mrfs. Cecil Blake; Mrs. John Finnigan led the worship service with the theme ‘‘The Sacrament of (the Lord’s Supper”, Mrs. J. Ryan read the. scripture. • Prayer was offered By Mrs. Finnigan. Mrs. M. Shackleton continued with the study book on ‘‘The Church of Christ in Angola?’ with Mrs. A. Elliott asking the questions. Fifteen members answered the roll -call with a scripture verse after which the minutes pf the last meeting were read and ad- ^pted.^The-J¥orld_Dayi_crf_Praj^ will ;be held in the Anglican church with all churches assist* ing. The March meeting will be at Mrs. J. Finnigan’s with Mrs. Otto Popp taking the study Shook. Mrs. Aihur Elliott read a tem­ perance reading, “A Challenge to the Church” which was fol­ lowed by a discussion on the subject, Mrs. G. Hodges read a Christian Stewardship reading. Mrs. Finnigan closed with prayer. The-Mission Band met Febru­ ary 8th during the church ser- vice. Wayne Brown, president, opened the meeting with the Call to Worship, The Friendship Trail was renewed with several little girls acting as sign posts. “Tell me the Stories of Jesus” was sung with ' Jimmy Blake as pianist. Sandra Finnigan read the story of The Good Samaritan”. Carpi Pentland read the prayer - for kindness. After the -offering and prayer hymn, the minutes were read by the secretary, Keith Fin­ nigan. Next meeting is to be on TMarch 8th. Mrs. Robt. Irvin igave the story. World Friends were distributed and^all repeated7 the member’s purpose. Thirty - six children were present. , ' . Mr. Richard Park, Sr., who suf­ fered a broken hip/and had it set a week ago Monday at Wing* ham Hospital, was able to be removed to his home on Satur­ day, but will have to remain in bed for possibly six weeks. Mr. Ken McAllister, Stratford Normal student;, spent the week- end at home with his'parents, • Wk-. j Mr. and Mrs. Mason McAllister. • ■ ■ - - - .. . i : -Mr. Maurice lyers; who -had been recuperating and under ob- ^ervation_at-_Godeficlu_H’ospital- following an operation at 'Vic- _ toria Hospital, London, was rush-. ■ ed again two weeks ago for an ■ ' ■ >*/ OFFICIAL BOARD DISCUSSES PASTORAL BOUNDARIES The Official Board of Dungan­ non pastoral charge met on Mon­ day afternoon at 2.00 ^p.m. for their quarterly meeting. Rev. Hugh Wilson and Mr. Nelson Tre­ wartha of Clinton and Rev. An­ drew Lane of Brussels, were the delegates from' Presbytery who: were present. A survey of the ; activities of the pastoral charge . revealed it was in good condign/ and all reports Were very satis- factoryiChangesin thepastoral—/ boundary were discussed at length and recommendations were made to be put before the various con­ gregations of the charge. These changes Were considered to meet the challenge of the expanding deipands of the Uniited Church . at large in Canada. After the Presbytery visitors had. retired,, the regular business of the Of­ ficial Board was conducted. A report was presented showing the missionary objective was ex­ ceeded; A substantial increase in the travelling expense for the: minister was voted. Word of ap­ preciation from the Rev. G. D. Watt expressed his gratitude not ing but also for the excellent ' , support—of the various officers - - in the church’and to alb for their -attendance-at-church^-Anjnvitax.— tioh to the - minister to coritinue serving the pa^oral Charge for ' 1953-54 was extended, prior , toemergency operation at Victoria the"adjournment. -F.» •’ ’ ,.v #■ •’ r • > '• .. 1 ' I (: gariiza church [■. vice. /' Kabert of the i McLeoi . Person Church and M Angli^ Pray .Stewar Alberti / Jack P .The oi Mrs. H Alex IV Mrs. I Aspirin trfPray, .L^.her I aecomp _ Meiklej V’ j ■ ■ a • 5 ■ : '<s . ■ j.;v '/<■■ '/1 1 ■- '