The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-02-11, Page 8H,
Greatly Reduced Prices
lunch closed the meeting.
' WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11th, 1953■’
(Continued from page 1)
THAT there’s a little red kiddy
car at Tha Sentinel Office that
was “fished out’’, of the river
. squth of Main Street by young
, . George Gibson. s . .
THAT Mrs. Raymond Snyder of
Waterloo says she is glad to
again see, the “Culross Corn
ers" column in The Sentinel.
THAT R. H. Thompson was taken
r? to Wingham Hospitail pn Mon-,
day with pneumonia. Willard
Thompsonalso haspnqumonia
’ and is confined to bed at jhoxpe.
THAT Dr. and Mrs. Bill Mac-
; Kenzie of'Detroit now have a
family of three boys, and are
catching up on Djr. cousin,
-]>r? Kenneth. Thompson arid
Mr#. Thompson of Chicago,
VHo heave k
boys? ■ ;/■ ?. ’ ‘ ; •'
THAT Mrs, J. L. MacMillan of
- town and Mrs. John MacMillan
r:Zix>f London, have bbtri^
to their homes after undergoing
\ operations -in St. Joseph’s Hps-
■ ' ^pital. ■_' ' ■ ■;
THAT Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kil
patrick and. Miss Verna Kil
patrick of Goderich, have re
turned from a three weeks’ hol-
. iday in Florida. ’ : ?
TIlAT for his btsmdirig in the
Christmas '?examinations at
^Ryersori, Institute of Tech-
; riology, Donald Thompson won
a $25 general proficiency award
1 from the Toronto Typographic
I • Composition Association.
An enjoyable evening- yras
spent at |he home of Mr, and
Mrs? Nbl^ri .^ynayd Wed
nesday' night, when d number of
friends and neighbors gathered to
honor thejri daughter, Ruth, q
recent, bride. ... <
To the ^trains of “Here comes
the bride”, Ruth was escorted by
Miss Caryl Gardner tri q gaily
decorated chair. .W fpRowing
program was enjoyed: a solo by
Mfs.K Jas. Ketchabaw, Miss Susan
GWn, Mrs. Wt G?. Hunter myi
Atfe. Eldon
tel by Miss Wi-
miuntty . singing witti .
ley iRitchie at? the* organ and a
congest by Walter
Then Caryl Gardner .read the
address: ;
Dear Ruth, V / v
i! We, your friends, have gather-
.pd here tonight to honor you on
your recent marriage. To you,
may every happiness come in
this new phase of your life. We
are gladj that Fred hasn’t taken'
you far away from us and we
hope/that. we may see you back
among.Us often. We jiist couldn’t
let an occasion like this pass
without expressing our feelings
in more than good wishes sq Will
you accept these gifts as a token
of our best wishes for your fut-
ture happiness.
Signed on behalf of your many
friends and neighbors^
Caryl and Marlene Hunter as
sisted Ruth iri opening the many
lovely gifts, after which Ruth
expressed heij^ “ thanks ' ^tp‘ all.
Lunch and a social half, hour
brought "a very pleasant evening
to a close.-
Mrs. Wm. G. Hunter spent
Thursday with Mrs; MacKague of-
Mr. and Mrs- Alfred Andrew
of Orillia called on Mr. & Mrs.'
Gordon Kirkland and Mrs. I. An
drew. ■ • ,, •
Little Peggy Button is visiting
for a few days with Miss Caryl
A iiumber from this line attorn
dect the farm meeting held -at
Teeswater at the MacKague Bros,
on Thursday. ?
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Bert Wylie of Wroxeter.
We are . sorry-to report that,
Mrs. I. Andrew, Mrs. Jake Hun
ter and Mrs. Fred Anderson (the
latter of town) are still on the
sick list. Their many friends wish
them a speedy recovery.
The Zion W.MS. meeting will
foe held at Mrs. Will Ritchie’s on
Thursdayaftemoon^ r ?
Mr.. arid Mrs. Russell Irwin en
tertained at a family dinner on
Friday evening in honor of Mr.
arid Mrs; Nelson Raynard’s 24th
wedding anniversary.
Misses Marlene Hunter & Carol
Helm spent the week-end with
Mrs. L. Jqhnston of Lucknow.
THAT the wiriners ’ at t^e (Mon-
day night Shoot party were
Mrs. Orville Elliott arid Earl
Harris; There' were 12 tables.
They’ll hold a Valentine party
"next week. 'u.?. .■ '
’’ • ■’ *“ ?•: ■ ?. ’’ .* ’ /. J • * . 9 . ' : ■ ’
Goldie Ernerson, teacher of the
Kdnlough schqol, had charge of
.the worship service for bpth
days, for the Ehill-time. Christian
Service Fellowship, held in Mel
ville United Churfch, Fergus, and
iby the Hamiltbn Con-
ference Y.P.U. of the United
Church of Canada. Rev. A. B. B.
Moore, B.A., B.D., D.D., was the
" theme speaker. A gbbd represen-
—tation of Young People from
Bruce Presbytery was present.
MacKENZIE—iq Detroit Osteo-
. pathic Hospital on Sunday, Jan
uary 11th to Dr. and Mrs. Wm.
K. MacKenzie, St. Clair Shores,
Mich., a s6n, William Thomas.
Take A Vacation from Housekeeping During . ... JI
IGA Wife Week I
with Added Savings on Quick-Meal Foods and Household Items! ■>
SMITH’S IGA Food Market,
Listen for I.G.A. Spot Announcements on CFPL, London, ;
Thursday, Friday, Saturday ■
Nylon Substandards 79c pr.; 3 pr. for $2.25
Ribbed Hose___98c pr.; 2 ph for
A^mmster And Wilton Mats/reg* $4.50 Now $3.49
w~6ftwX80w Floral CtoftonHD^
semibled a January blizzard”.
High for the month was 56. de
grees arid the. low 8 above. The
_ ... _ temperature range last month
- : «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■»■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■£ Was. 48 above .and 1 IbeloW zero.
The Assembly ?
George Webster was the chair
man for this program prepared
by. the Grade 10 reps. The first
hymn, “Safe in the Arms of
Jesus’’ was sung; .the Lord’s pray
er was repeated, After the hymn,
“Breathe on me Breath of God”
was sung, Dale Halderiby read
the scripture. \
, We were.’ favored with a solo
by Dbn Mdgay, “The Dance qf
Laurine MacNain sang a duet,
accompanied by Ruth J^hi^ton;
George Richmds gaye a humors
bus reading. The school song was
; sung and the national anthem
bk>jsqd the meeting.
The Ripley D.H^. has extends
ed an invitation .to us to a “hard
time” dance on Friday, February
13th. The students attending will
wear suitable7 costumes' or pay a
penalty? The big red poster at
the school informs us that the
admission is 40c arid, a red but
ton. '
.Recently My... _Marippnald re-^
ceived this ominous bill.
Feb. 4/1953.
To Mr. MacDonald,
% Mental Institution,
LJXH.S., Lucknow, Ont
z 'Re: Postage of one letter.
Cost of shoe leather .0087
Coat of extra wt. in pocket .0015
C<^t of lost time
of responsibility .0012
of miscellaneous ........ .0016
Total Cost 1.3 c.
Pjease pay this debt by Feb.
2, 19§?.
. ■—By order; 7
ed the 1.3c as ordefeck
If, to prove nothing else, Mr*
MacDonald is a conscientious
Find out what your temptations
are, and you will find out largely
what you are yourself.; ■---
Henry Ward Beecher.
There are times when it would
seem as if God fished with a
line, and the. devil with a net.
1 . —Mme. Swetchirie.
An honest heart is not to "be
trusted with itself iri bad com
A >rief 0ssay •
*~*In a school essay, writes Edna
Reid, “We: get our parents when
they are so old, it is Mery hqr<
to chdnge, their jaaibits”.
—In a school essay,'writes Rus
sell Barr, “Men are born free anc
equal—however, most qf 'them
'marry,. ' . •' ■
r—In a school essay, writes Geo.
Andersori, “The new automobiles
1 do what some people can’t—shift
for themselves”. •
of the late Mr*. R. J. Cameron
Terms Cash
. All Sales Final
~7 IriTTlast week’s column we
omitted mentioning that Mr,
Hoag and Miss Sheridan also
helped ia the direction of, the
plays. . ■.
The regular meeting of the
Women’s Institute will be held
in the Town Hall on Friday, Feb
ruary 13th at 2.30. Hostesses, Mrs.
Sarah Collyer, Mrs. R. V. Mac-
Kenzie, Miss Mary MacLeod. Pro
gram, Miss Margaret Rae.l Miss
Helen Salkeld will show' slides
of her trip to Europe.
86 OUT OF 100POINTS ““
The February meeting of the
Kintail W. I. was held at the
home of Mrs. Pete Farrish with
24 members, five visitors and 3
children present. The roll call
was “a use for left-overs”. A let
ter from the Department showed
that tiie Branch received 86 out
of a possible 100 for our Salada
Tea quilt, tickets for which will
be on sale soon. Delegates were
invited to—go to Canada Day to
be held on August 21st in Tor
onto at the Maple Leaf Gardens.
The health convener, was ap
pointed to look after the penny
bags sent but for the benefit, of
the mental health program. Mrs.
Rena McGregor is to look into
the possibility of starting a hobk-
ed. rug to be made for a Salada
Tea competition, The Queen and
Young and Old are saying they
“never saw a winter like it", as
far <as mildness and. ’absence of
snow are concerned. But mem
ories are short. January 1937, had
the past month beaten..
N. E. Bushell showed us a Sen
tinel this week of February 4th,#
1937, which he came across at
the home of the/late Mrs. R. J.
Cameron. An article in it stated
that January 1937 had set a re
cord of light snowfall. There
were less than four inches in the
31 days. This year we had 15
inches in .-..January,.—'-—? ....
In ’37 January Was “extremely
mild with nothing1 that even re-
Newland’s Kiltie Yarn, 3 ply. Ball 25c
Men’s Dress Shirts $2.95 each, 2 for. $5.50
- Men’s Hunting Jacket*, reg. $16.95. Now ..;1.. , $
—Men’s HeavyWTOl Pamts7^^
i ■' .'. jAifflES SCOTT'
The death of James Scott oc- >
curred iq Chatham Hospital on
Thursday. The funeral serivice
was held at. the McLennan-Mac-
Kenzie Memorial Chapel on Sat
urday afternoon conducted by .
Rev.! R. D. A. Currie of Langside
Presbyterian ' Church. Interment
was in Tiffin’s Cemetery, the
pallbearers being Wesley. Geo.,
iCharles-. aiid_ Fred Tiffin, John
Crowston and Russ Ritchie.
Jim was in his 45th year. He
was a son of • Walter Scott and
Alice Wraith and? was born at
Langside in August of 1908,
where - he grew to young man
hood, He was employed at Tor
onto for a time and enlisted early
in the war, serving overseas with,
He is survived by five broth
ers, George of Wingham, Dave
of Toronto, Whitfield bf Canning*
ton, Gordon of Ripley and Wil
liam of Langside; Another bro
ther, Harvey, died in January
Jim’s mother passed away
1942 arid ^his father iri 1948.
Through the courtesy of Fred
Bisset of Saltford, members of
the Thompson family held an
other (Sunday conversation with
Bob Thompson at Arctic Bay..
Reception was fairly good al
though the “bands were jammed”
with “hams” who were staging a
contact contest; Fred had spent
all. morning talking to operators
in the British Isles and Europe.
Bob had nothing new to report.
He said it was a beautiful day,
the irioreso because they had
seen the sun briefly at noonday
and were able to turn off their
.lights for a.^spell. The tempera
ture was 30 beloWi Bob said they
expected an: aircraft to larid .in
April with fuel oil and could get
mail arid pictures out then.
Speaking on’ Sunday to him
were Mrs. R. H. Thompson, Mri
arid Mrs. ‘ Campbell Thompson,
Donald and Patricia.
MITCHELL—in Kincardme Hos-~
pita! on Thursday, January 29th
to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell,
R. 6, Lucknow, a daughter,- Lynda
Marie. j ‘