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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-24, Page 4
•L1 -I »’ , ‘J’ ■■, ,'jpl waive CON MHGNiriCfNI OBSESSION PPtA-TTTT?TT . OLDI ? km-.; feOMK xod Christmaii * critter LONDON ONTARIO—riTWihlB5^-rimt£te&tenysjnvi®2nr®te yashtin^'tBnni®'-. - . esajpy’iinqesrKx: nnxraitaitE 3CTmeiy>-j-we\ranjw^clBd FAIRVIEW DAIRY EWART TAYLOR. Prop. O R- ;V£C 3 j •7 V M ,x. *> Theatre WliSBUM Show Starts ad Sriffi KML •1 i THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, ES36- HaccWfrig .- ■ ■_ OP ’ *M ; THrtEIist® wruasec 6® JXXSKE EjrtaKy .- ■ CQEtERED ‘ !’‘EEMER’S pr^PHONT’" ' AND> NEWS? "■■■“'■•" ADMISSniN’——35er mntZftcx John. David Farrisli;, 68;, GaQmrae iwnshin farmer- and farmer resS- nt of Ashfield*,. died at fife hame ttm middy. after a. serious illness: uf - i less than. a. week- Twa years ago> bm ! I suffered & partial! stroke and had t sines been in poor- health;. He was: i ' born. in. Ashfield Township;. s. sum a£ J i Mir. and; Mis. John FArrisfr,, and lived j in. Goderich a short time before nmw- • ing to his- Colhorne Tawuslnpi farm, ; 30, years’ ago. Surviving;,riesfifess fife t vidbw. formerly Mary EUter Eanteg i are £0 children; Three sisters and g ''rodrer also survive,. Anne and Sadie , Fairish. of Goderich.;. Barbara Faa?- fish, of Florida and Kenneth, Ash- 1 held. The funeral! was conducted by Rev. D; X Lane on. Wednesday afL I, ’ernoon, with • interment im Maitland! ■ Ceinetery_ , ,-. ■ ■■ ’ '.■ f fMiAEEEENG NhLWS$>Xnckrnnw fete te& te interme- dfete* temni hr the W_OLHL A- ThiL derision: was reached at a hurriedly esfled meeting hehfe on Thesi&y n^iL Entries: haste to te hi by Chi ®xe and necessary efiiter aas teem arranged fte which & al- wsys. one Big standilnig blhck m nammting spurt, feesd^x Tt has been derided! to do away ifcfc am eseentEKe other than th .ire number required! to carry on th* liifals buHihi^H- Hmwardl Agned "w»a dented! mana jmg, Wes. Hhstam, ■ seeretary-ti’enr rerx SSd trainer and Stew txt Casnerum and Elwood! Siilhnim: . lanspurtatdom Sommittefe- Ifae maknig was'-" comunmced qv; Cuesdsiy' and w<Q3ii the cor-operatini f Jhcfc Etast,. the ‘‘Winter’ Ordtens? s: expected to open, about the Sjte’ ’SeaiBK.__ 3hst af the young.. fellows! -in! He- aainiiig: to uteke the ' tear-. rive Seem working out om the pon<; lowev-ear andi should Be ite c.amhtiio •hem the seasom opens. What grouping we willl get g onrertSDn. WingbanE Hass eigsgfed! tSre-service >f ^n evneriercad triarh and have re tnteiT’f the> Ql-. H- AL». gSier deriifihy to drop: out- ,. r RapTey. as: well! ass Bring represent ed in the,Ws.QLHLA.. has re-argan zsedB «t»MF Rkirad League;, wirichi is a jopnter grunjp im the Brirum village apeai} to teams; ini tennile radiue Mr:, and Mrsu. Harvey Wehh and! dhughterSi. Erie and Rath: of ; EFeTens;, visited at the home rd and Mug.. Thus; Anderson; Sunday. , Mri. and Fra. Ehymund Finnigan, f and fesrily andi Mri. and Mrs; .Eaeki Curran: and Rhhh and! Mri John Mor-; tarn of Crewe, were guests- of Mat. and ’ Mrs;. Hrirft. (Snrrari Sunrfhy.. j < Mass; PteariG Thompson: was home ; from Dungannon. Sunday. Frasik.: Stenn. of Dungannon- and Mrs. Herb, j MhQuillih; and! son Sanr of fcnriornw. , were guests- of Mar. and M^s-- feiac 3ranstenr, Sunday ribo; , Mas. Walter Scott of Westfield is- pending a few days with her nargnfe AX\. and Mais;. Norman SfrackTethn.. . Mass Bernice Blake of Stratford!.! vurmal! School! is, home &r the hoE- ’ay season;. ‘ ‘ Mr. and Mrs; Wallaee Twamley nd! three daughters of" Emifenow,. isited at the hmne of Mk. and Mrs.! John Blake;. Sunday.. The beautiful manorial! window 'nesehtsrii bv 33ri Will' Cook 'to- the Hake (Church;, in: memory of his par-^ ■ nte- Max. and Mrs. Samuel Cook., and! ;£• John Cook,, was unvededi Sunday ‘ ■wiBBmg: The impressive dedication: * errire was Bad by Raw. Wmi Patton. nd! Mr: Eimest Blake: At the an- . tfiine . the window, was un- aifed By Mr- Herman: PlnlEps. Two* perihH dhefe were rendered during He service. These was a Ihrge con- . ToyitiniT present,- friends and rela- ives; Earing’ come feomi a dastair e o? attend the- service. Regrm., wm. eltt that Mr; Will! Cook, who is rather . .'rafit was- unafife to be preseit . BE1WE Mar. Ip Mass: Annie MHEraney,. the guest of -hey frnaidL Mine.. Juliii j Itargebu; .- o ‘ -t Mfc Fred! Biishell;. wtri ffor ihei ’astT year Bae Been: as srissman: ’far14 he Fuller Brush: Cri*. m>. Taranto, Bass | ceepted! a pcriihm wfthi the T1 Ea- ( on: Coi- 1 ■ j . ; RriitL Brown, is tee- cm a visit ■ . m hie mother.. Mfesi. R. IL Erowm. EatedfesE Wyiiie, who is enT- Jbyed hr Emcardme;. is- home fee he GT> ci stims- hriiffityg. . > The snappy shnofnig matefc at SF. ; E. Mekeilimdls- farm hsre? <fea» aL ange ayuwefi.. - ’.- I | Max. Harold Rbriirib and Bis- moth- j, je;. Mrs. X HL Bhsheir;, were- recent. teiritors at the- home of Mr., and Mdss-.. t Mrikfife ChHwigL 4th: coni of Huron; j LANGSIE.E Stwrtar '.GTamy arrived dm Shturelny ^asfc nr Iten©Ennnm and was> wrihomed: ay sb Thggpp msDtel uf( Bu^S andi garfe He- was preeEsfei! up* the mrim street ■t» wfeae the Christmas tree standi, TBy s. pqwor, w-Hro set everyenufk feet aearing time iiirthe suffc smiw,. after gun faP cffi£ rirsEgB’ had picked out n few HripoasFt, tfiy dkdffirom fifed piste .ham. 3Eud received Ureiir and candy. ... _____ Mrr. Mfinignmery mnmreai mime cma FrHfi^K, BfeBEMa&ar IStB;, feum allteur- -.fingr Wtetecw^ HkisfitessJ Cbifesm- Ete icxil! tifwift thre HnHifity gutemr with fife; parwitte;,'gnm' iiwtiiimi to> rESUMle his -UjwTFhs;: car January 4thx M5sy MMtfred Andorsom of Strat- ffrrffi ISfarrrradi, w@l sneaufi^herr vassfihim ate Hwwwu. Hfeit; WB^hejE fe home fiur the Cfirik- hTra;< faffiHfegat Hu- WlQi te&wm Gtt the -Mfe of JjHHDtty tb> Tbrnnto;, where he |ix athHiiffiig the Tarnntu) BifiBe Cid- j&®£- . ! T^e WamcnSE Aasmt. hrid Ihtdr- !F^.._cnntaiirimF tte most The naerihtEr wl opened wdh; dtear tamaffi e**u imgg^rl&IIhweafi By the miir- at^ a£ thre preribum meriahgr sndi caffi radii. Tffie ymeriy rripirtas of the <wn-rxtsrry imdi iinmmffr and various; cummShasE. wec& them gpramv AH! of. the yeaEr’k afficer® Vftee tetumred by acrihmsd&m. ILynm Turner san^r ai soire am£ wmse fullirwe1® -By Mh®. RL MhcBfemdffik sreriefe am thfe “Cfirise tnnre dhstam® of EafemEX Dtafine* ffirihafe g^vem. resding;; Mrs.. X. lESrhreafeam rasd ai descriptive •nnwt of the Efeapfe nt Other Lands Kept (□nristmasg”’ Jmm-Rut- ‘iwlgy ptecteB wSSfc■» reritatiim.. The raor Mr- TiiWBf. Tirruigfit the meete iigy tai, y tdUBee. wiihi para^mx. There- wbs® tSfi. niPwiRnr.it-. prasCTlte TRu- fiinovring- offers- ■wera- ihrisdl- ed Jht the reguiter meeting, of the IL GLH.A, firid Itecffiiifier- Effi. ILK-MU Gi. Uuffieadij; ■ WL MU Sk. E, Pawte. DL M. Enrigam;; Brit iSec^, fSs, EL ShrigNpg Km. Seri & TSbeekl,. Bitar €£- EfeatEffiriU fete EetdU , fSstear NL dkdfesct^; 2nd. Recte, SBster ML. Hhcfekts; DL of GU SEster Qi Cul- iBea±£ Boner Guardi. Btar EL Enrigam;; ■Cfater (Snaaft, Htat W.. Mole;: Sir. 7mm,, Sister ML Eeislmittxi~; Guardian, Star ML (Sdfesdx MtamsL Aoe and (fetahm Smith, hid tfear tanm& raanoved fest Wed nesday at thm Wmghsmi irospiiall Bhtlr nrert returned home the follnw- •ngr dfcy„ and are gfemte their work as ■THlfaT Mtpy R^ieerit Thompson Bad hear appendix: raannved at the Goderich huspital! on Wedhesday Iffih- She is reported to. Be doing: quite nicely. ! . -. ST. HELEMS - - P«EA«R®©KiT " ■* ■' A Merry Christmas to aUL 1 Mats-. Firink FeHbw® fenm Shmfe ■1 spent last werit with .Mix. and ■ Mrs. ! Herb, • Eiisign. . Miss- Phyllis- AXuiDonald,. RLNL, wfia ; has been musing in; the Sick Chilrt- i i-en'Sh Hospital- in MontresB is home • for a few weeks’’ holidays.. " - ! Mr. and ATrs. Wan;. Etenptam w®e : recent visitors in Ripley-' 1 . Mar. Albert Towle left lust week ! for Winnipeg arid Vancou-vsr where . ‘ he will! moke air. extended visit; wiif> ’ members .of Ins' family The Paramount School! . emurem . adeir the Irinfershipi of Mr; Gordon L'ampbellL the teacher;, vris held at the school! on Tiresilay aSernuum. 1 M>- and Mrs;, feaaatr Ehri^c and! Mix and. Mrs. Arthur Gouk write xs&r eenfc visitors- with; fririidsi fir Ranter— rHire.. ,4M niinffier from here atJtenfed the Christinas conert at Crewe scfiuoE an Tuesday afternoon;, whede Jhfim DL Martim is- the teacheax. < Mte Jas- Blue Stem Amfiead^;, speri; last wesk vritffi Max. amd Mrs. Grant MtexUidruiidL town; haeil crowded? FOR! HJJGHI SCHfKML CONCEBT (Gontihned! feme Phgfe TD Calcutta^' bireemEait and the high, board fence that separated the stony mnf inademu^e pfeygruumik. The teschtes of fife; sehodE days ftnm first rubm up> wme;, Miss ArcfiiL Ballfe; Mass Cummings (nnev Mte.. A.. K. Stevmrt): from wfimm Be reteved ins first lickihg-;; Mass BnrgessU wft® ! was her timing quite did and was te- sorthig to* feequeait use of the straps and 3Ess MtdkEb-. wftu> appended to Bum ta> be tom kind: fiesrted to Be ® scfiuaf tetebsr- Efc EEn^r SriroaX Mte. Ewers, wees prinapaX But Max. Andiasuni- believed fig spent more time with pemumrii studies trim® fej, attending te fife teaching duties, finr St Itespnnfe se fact that trig compositibus, and . sinrilmr nrcarabEy got trig fiigfii unndte Max. E£- SL Wfifife fidlhwed os principal;. Tfie speaker compliineutedi trig present j prinrinnE and spoke of trig respect lit wfiicha Mate MixEenm is firidi By pupils. ! and former' pupUs.. | Tberg were no* concerts ar atiiretics ' trieat fig saiffi- ite fie comnnmcEKE pre- * seating trie medals to Mary McRaim and Anna Finlaysnm who we tied ffnr trig Seaunr cfiampibnsfiipci. Dbrotfiy Gtahant & Haldte Emre wexre fiigfik But were preyinns, winners,, sre passed trie award am to trie meset twu;. Hfefar Mtedfenald ^nd MSmy Salkeld were Junior- Chamnions.. Semur thysT s medals went to: George Jfaynt and i EEteuid T^oanpsom with Jack Gch& and Jbfim jEL Mscffimzie trig Jinrium ; winners. George Jh^nt teffihd suife i able am behalf af the wxmresse I A efiffi 'swinging exercise by nme » grids wa® interesting, fijilbwed by ®t j amusing reading by RfeE&td Gsttasr- ! deax. The fifed nnmbmr Befiire the play I was e chorus by IS hoys wdri EteE I Wainwright; Harold Thompson;. Urire rgg Jhynt and Gordan Mallear trikihg solo parted.I. The play “The Gixre-AIF” wees at» . onriecto force presented nr .sat inter— ; esting way fay air all-ruund strong cast of efeasetms; Gbrdita MrilerL ’ Doris Ritehie Muriel Sbfoninn;. Jack. McF.eod, Mary McStet mad Btfe Mac- Efemdfe I I ^Jioy to' the- WarEf*- A SEegcy Christ— msm, and every other espressHur that could wish yow happiness & pfeasuce TIn&-is our greeting to everyone m the Cbm tiiuudly- th* SfflEJL LCWEB FMffiES IO F^OTC COAOT r CANADIAN NATIONAL WHY SUFFER? ■ YQH , WU LIKE. EH WtL _______ ______________• tab CJASTRONOX 0Ni 3AjL^ AT — McEIMS- DRUG STORK (.XteTItoixiiX imaess-’ sn««.- iwistt-burrr sntfc that ' teftvy Whe ' reiievi^ ' If’ ytni utr .if-aui !"» eat. gw "His '■v^rni^r-fVi stomach •wrtWift?- today. GASTUONOX vwlt tB4SU y*w '.« itnnttsiiiite oMtet «s it h'SwlMaetfc thousands; At ail druRr stafra-. I 't W F. Marr.tritll. Prfmnpsi W. x Rosdhtritae. H.Ga*m • Vice-Ehdncipwl OS ' FRKU BKEEKTlL' OF COKHSRSSENT (iw REOTJKST The- Emjgside .school held their piicst last Tlrirsday evening; when: riHt Max. Foster- MriEst as^ chairinaa„ he funhwing; mrisa^airinmit was- gte^- m—reritatinnS;. ElIeen Stewart. John vfacEnnes,. Billie MridEhnnm,.. Geor^ Mridnne^- Eennrih. Qrr,. Murray Mfe- FEhtnon, -Winnie Donaldson, George VEariSinnnn;. and! Duruthy Chsliineitey 'horns- by the schuoL. “Santa duns •Tspress7’;; carols- by the school and riisie by the Jurinr- classes ware ougs- taught fiy the muriir tesicher, ’■Tr- CL. Tr-rirmri-: driUk— Wrifeome hristmas drill .and Primapt dr3E;- ■ inTngnies—Mother Goose plhy in cte, Santria Efelpers.. A practical! EL«_ or Pedlars; a 2-act play “Mass)- Wtriferi was givmi By Masses Fkn?-j :nce and Pearl Hbckfey., Eririd- Hanna. I higene Conley.. ATisq Osborne,? Mrs. , larold Currie;. Parish. Moffat, Reba 'EuxshuIL Between acts Jessie and tiehardi Orr gasfe a dhet Gnu Monday evening S. S. _ No. 9- iridi their Christmas entertsurnmart in. the. evening when: with Mix. James t ■ Mefirtash jes- chrirmcair the pupils of! he school, numbering; 1^, put an. a. vmy intferesting riitridarimeut of i liulhgues, drills, recitatiunSi, chorus^1 is, solos and diiets,- under, tire- dirtc- Jon; of their teacher, Mri Tom Wil- son;. Some of the ufifer folks? ric the -action, a&or helped &- the eaitesriain*- arent, namely Masses Msngaret Mac- tirtyrik. Kathfeen MhEeurie- Mrs. X van. Coniey,. Erasrir Purris;, Jupies Mhfotosh and Mriu. Victor Emerson. At the dose of the cuncmt,. Max Wil- on thanked all for thritr heQj in any ay it had been contributed. Santa, appeared then and delivered the gifts I «> all. Everyone wap then treated to I j omemadg candy. Ete was also annoria*- i ed the annual meeting of the school F s to be held December 30th- at -2130 , h , >gn- 3D'- John Purvis, when called;, i »n. fur A few' remarks very ably re- j j plied and moved a vote- of thanks to ! fteacher and piipilk. Ail then joined, rt God Save the -King. ! Hire Whitechui'ch United Wome-ris' Hssionary Society held, their annual ( nesting . last Wednesday afternoon. , ne theme bf the meeting “Jesus; • n. the Village” was fellofcred. Script1 we reutiings were’ given by ' Mfer-- 1 apson Gillespie, Miss Agnes Gilles- - ue. Miss C- Laiiflaw, Mirs. X. BL Mor- | :son; Mrs. Fox reaii the .Study' - ook.. Prayers were given by Mrs.' J., iiiiesp-ie and Mrs. X Tiffin. The re-1 .urts for .the year were then asked I u- rurthday - money captains. Mrs. ' Martin M.U, Mrk Farrier SiLal. i fess—UaHies of Whitechurch and ‘ icirity SlLfJ.nfi-; Ladies of 2nd and i .th around. Mrs, V. Emerson xia pmsiriaiit &ir the past 3 years nen resigned and. ealliri fer a chair- ' .ally, 'Mrs.. G-mkon (Jillespie was ap- ' jWJirtted and 5fh® ■ Muriel Watt as : •'■"Wstarv .-ate Mj'M. Victor jEmersung.-lst'vicje, Laidlaw-; 2nd vircg Mrs. Gih- - bn Gdhjspre; -recording ser'y., Mrs ' A’ Lott; vfjrresponrfing sv’-’y., Mr-*.. (j- Beerroft, ■ ‘retosiiror, Mis« Munri- .L’ari..; Siwotersw 'JJriangrrs, Mr's. , Holme*, .ipply. Mrs. D Re'etgnft; "drie Hhdgiiri. t»eram», W.w* ' fumfiaw •»fp<*rtn- Miss Lizzie Thompson spent an endrnfe Bam/ Rand Mr* W Lott, fternnon recently with Mrw. J«<» Mwcawin liihrwl. »£r M. ami M.ri. Innnah. ( R . A. «/ntx<r-< Mr ■- Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred' ThumpBOn mpenr «D* Le”»« F .z ttu/iy liook, Mrii ! -tunffiiy with- Mrs. Walter Hmigimt I Mm’*’-.-.con, Prayers, MW. ' Fox, ; Mr; Rubort Seott spent an evening i pumc»t Mr Mart’.n :m»t Mth Far .... F.»»w«r T trul . Mri-. J Tiffin, H-pegstd mtiHir, Mrt J Tiffin.. Mr® G, . Gilliripm''f aptosnu -for tw.rt'hday m»HP by?. Mira. .MrJirtan, Wfi J . Hrihre.'s. ' Mbs. , Emerson 4nXr»d oil u» answer I "the- roll call tn Jianonry hy th«* nonm | of the lariy trad hrnugin u* thgi meeting and r!m<«d by eepretUng' the » ' Mizpah bemviictmn. tent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jnn. war. •' ■ ■ - MSsw Alice Wall spent Sunday un der the parental, ruof. BOHN—Tb Mr. and Mrc Taris Brow December 2Iat, ’as daughter. BORN—Th Mr. and Mrs. Jhme* Tdgir; Derateber Z&t. a. daughter Mr. and SEte Earle Hhdginr afpenT -unday with. Hfc. and Mrir. Gen. F<i» er of (Surrne Miss Margaret Fairtfer of G/irnc. ’ > J . not % few tfegfi with Mr ami Mr^ »D Mri; Fog. Tern arie Hhdgins. Mr. Robert Statt spent am ewferrt* j puunM itii Max and- Mrs; Hwrrv Finnell re- >f xiih Mix and: Mrs; EEsrry Finnell m- -entfy . Mr and Mrs. Geo. Bril visited1 Mr and Mrs. Cox of Encxrdine <inp day ^<rcrH 'tP-pualfr ‘ Miss Brile Rolw visited Mfe. Alhx i Whytack one dsy last week.' ‘ A Meaty (□mstmna and! A Happy » New YriKt | ; -r .. • To dur customers and friends, we especially say “Thank yon" for your patronage during the year_ TO’ OLlt many friends ami' those who have favored us with much gmid-wiil all thru the year, we send our thnmfea. and Greetings. MAT THE Christmas Season tiring you joy and the NeJ' Year a new measure of pro gress and prosperity. Another ed And m REFRAIN '0 < 1