The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-17, Page 5■i ■ .Cinisteas. GJI4IHS, TEEM WJUL. DASSD (TWHOT WFFE lIHMTWRgAWlIEE HCIH1 IS1.MTOM IIAMDS., '(BTMmiEHWr .FfflWrRE. !WCTW; m»WilWM£D ,. ■' .tgDADmDSSS fflww HSEffir WAKI®®, IKIWDM. ' ww™ WWR?;,. ffifiBMTT , s&ssm* DA-TXmgy. aaurid jAHMTOSR ■ HTIWSfl EESE®?BS, ■ HWSX OW Rmwny, UEWIffi HILSW AW) JEEASW , (JTiTXDW mw; .wr ww. IWUHSR HJ' WEDEL. HEE idSHHP WEffl ESS A®JDHK< 'A4 Wffim _____________ _ TffiW TIHXXX ES THFE fflfflT’WW DMWHS. w mw’i®- IW- GW1T TWEF ' WM. M0RDIE 4 SON fflK EWW ffiWW . ’ ______________0 .____________ SX. EBEEERS #» «* ' . «■ t i Wxh^temr, w& .umterstond;., hs® ~ ’wifctefimEwgSxteE- tote, CL 'HE 4R.' T , *»• *» \ ** ** f ; Etedu of player® to rouand oirt to j Tsttong' teffiite iro tote reaaanr, a® toe; J jCL- !£. A^ raariite have? bteem srimgvfaat: fdM^eris by tote entry -of bato to «gnt- , (bag TOrofc irotermeriSTOfe teamr. i'nr tote MK . •.,■■■ ; •-• • estongr ptagTOmu. Tfite oiSienss of last: year? weret a® re~eleeted£ V bteaaidfiuL mmmai presented^ to gJJakte (Effiniaiehc. by Mfc W5BL. Cbold. h® lofongmemnEy- of Ifor parmits*. .Shmute istkJ SSarahr Gonidamfc hi®toteto^ was?-? piste edc thi® wteefit Tfite mnstediniiig gteii djedroatornL .wiffi tafees pktete nsxt. tomday uti tote morniirEgr. seEviete at e±evmt ottilSoim. Zum.. congtegatinin ltondSy permniiitedii t±te chteigs- inr bzmr of' sEtvi’det. (-IbteEHfedi: Bourr Dasste Wfeefejiii ; MSt - auric' Mist BMiay ShnrSetnm auric fririnte- of Artontr wmrte v-itefcra® ■witor: thte S'Emefc^j. parents*, Mir.'wrfc MSss. Sbrmam. SteeSetonp. tffis? week? y Mis® (X&te SRpatritete of Atwporit.: spente tote- weefcteHfc ate hue fimnte tegte ; Misss Mary- ffii-rtnnr. of Artoter. was* I an, vraifom afi hrazr Worng haste. ■, y&z. JEeiiartfb •fofiuHte-m-Jtei raetevmg J coEgmtofiarin-nss fruiur. Ssh? - Shandte / ton®-, weefc: ami/jEEtosg- Iwwr. gfitetedf ; reesm- af Ashfisfif. i Muss? Ateraa Ertot. retomed: Etet , week! Snisn at visifc witor UmEnTOswi Sjenridi. . t MSste JStet- Anrieesnm was? . Ibtohk^ Sumi: Suriiiugfc: tor® weefeterriE.. i ' _____ - - : ■ Tbidatte thebte is? rarcrimg definite: i *oa. trite matter anzt mi aasrangHneata; (for? to meeting ■•■ yet? mrofci. LI. i'i Dumgagamii. ite roga.m. busy getting rtfete-Tr- rqgwir aim nnte tm. shropg. Am im— r.pnoivete! water: snppfe- -wiSE assist: trinr riote mnfiing thfe- season* route azujther- -.suncesstuili. winter: ite Ibokett. fog . tpa- 3 . v ' *■ • ' ’.'■■■ DupgEnminL. “Eifi’’' a±g. going- tte gMr soing grate hoelseg atevfcfe this* iwircteg fittr ‘D5myr” Gregg has: cog— sestete to curoehr trite Irodte ini. tote rnrii— orrpmTto- of trite gEtroet ait Bisi calfe- irc ',trite viilage>. .- ■ j f . : bate- beeni transferete tos 3£rs*- JSogiet gmug-SJot . T HE.tfite.di.EE- gite wife ■ Wrn^Enro wffefirasving. groug nut EE [weSE how amsisfc af KhmeaantniE; dwepi 'Sorcnri£. Dtefesm. ante WariEertog ’■' ■ ’ *= . **■■ . #» •, *»• Rfgfog- iss tat. firovte to Juuriorc aside "InSisMEeEfiE^te teanr im fete WE (J- HL tfiriro .s®SHg. with:.. ShrirE Efowerro asm® Eugmte- WErtyrg. twoi veterans-. >fijf Isronw- .sttE tfite triefe? of trite graroeti Ijm. (-Hfomte of fee iegriTst • ! Thirteen: ladies. attended; the am- nual- meeting of the WCWSL held, at the home of Mm. EL X Woods on We&Bsday. Trite dte/otionaJ. leaflet, ‘tlesusi ig the VIHages.T was read: by Mm. John: Garneronr and parts. of the chagter Sw toe Study EEtofc “Mgr amt' Women:, aS Bar Eforiznns#^ were- reset by Mrs-;. Qi Phillips;,. Mrs-. E_ Wbodg arret Mrst W. A_ MBIer.' The gatches*' Q-om. toe travelling apron were*. removed: and: it. was: found* to. contain $L2L...Afc toe eieetjon’ aS offi­ cers? that, followed:. the <d® officers? were all re-eleeteft for toe Mew- Tear. ■’. - - -' . Trite regular meeting of toe T. JR IT w®s? held: oto. Sunday evening with ffiss. IsobeE • Miller presiding The scripture lesson: wate-readt by Marie Swaa® Kid e (Tiristmas; article;- “Thoughts oto toe Seasong was-' resat '' by Mbsi. EL - W Rice, The topic-. “Wto Christinas- mean® to' toe IfodividuaL” .' was? taken by 3J&. Eg. WE Rice Mbs. I Rice an-d Jfis-s DorotJiy MiEfer fawjredn with eh duefc . ? ' I' Wednesday December Wh/ is-- th®- 'Hy lasr’ ^ito president, Mrs- (Jeorge- dato sex'tor top- short, glays- “•[terry’>. fTi'ntet-,, presiding Devotional, period: WaaWrd&r- Wife!’' and “Raseai Bat’r 'va« opened by singing hymrr ,aaid b.ehcg pirepTOred: by members, of toe L^le' repetition of toer Dords-'ptayev KB.tr " - • -. — . . • .Sehool. the- day. held toi®, bear IfTth, and S R 22hdt JXEr. Alfred:- Ritchie. wh® is-engaged: .vich yEi~. Ackert, Holyrood,. spent Sunday at his hom& 'AErs. Bic hard., Gardner atrcE 3®s® da Webster were visitors on Sun- ’ay with, Mrs. X Barkley- and: Mbs. I." Fitzgerald; Dungannon, Young7 and; old are . busy practising for- the Sunday school concert to be held- op Dec. 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. R. E5. Andrew and .■Jleri visited, with Mf ami 3&s-, Bert. <Laminig Wawanosh, on. Sunday. The T. B SF. held: their weekly meete mg ar the- .hornier ,o£ Mr and Mrs. Wesley Ritchie, last weete Following? die thaw' last week,'pro-f troimerE’ John' Ritchie and -Jacob Idmnteb-.'nrod toe remaining- banks on • ihe 1 or day mg cp-rr 11 hills sho vel led; put;, allowing mor- troroffie to be resumed: on Srotur- roltlro £her majority are still: us- the horse ante cutter modte ot! eyanee. ’ ■• ' . The regular monthly- meeting bf the- W. J£. S*.. was- held, rot tote home1 <Vf Sirs.-' Garcton' Karhiaaite on Thprs- ________„„ j„„ _______ , . . ”'" —; —- in.--unis-ont The- >:enpture lesson* wros-i-r.'.... ? concerts are the order- of 2fcs_ W. Q. Hfcnter rond the, that? of Fordyce- is:' being. I,ew study book and: Women of I Thursdgsr evening. Deeeatrc-',’jL?air-' HorisQ.ns,r, ' was introduced:., ■ by 1 while the- date of Kfe X ! ®’s- U Garndner: A. solo.- was ! Trestery pgr i eonttrifiutjete' by M5sa Erimro Hscfett j • • ' • " I p-t'ter which, eleetioni of' officers for- j the ensuing yeror was- proceeded: with i i Rev, W.. X Rattan: taleing tire chair.: I ' Pr^s.,' 3Ers; fen.’ Hunter; Vice*-pres;, I' ",lfrs. .Tack. Gardner; Reet-Seey 3Ess , Erlmdi ■' Elteckdtt; AsfctoSeeg ' ife- Ernest GurdnEr; Trerosg Mas. Chas. . MR Do nagh; Mower Eunte: . Tress.; •J^ss- SEyrtle* Rig hie; Organist, 5fc: ; El is ar Ritchie; Asfctr jE:st‘. Kirk- land;. ■' Supt? ■Christian. Stewardship. W. T Grcrdnrer;' Siipt; Mite. | Boxes.. 5&®( Erect Anteersmr-; Supt. Ehe AmtmL branch of tote Wonreits i Associate Llelpe-rs, TEte Xarohi Hunt®* j Lnstitatte mete om IBondgy evening- of ! S-upt. Eight Bearers, ■ 5Ers=. (jL, Rirk- , triiite weefe ate tote home: of ’tote presi—! Irond.;,. Wss'. 3/Forrthig See:,. Mist Wes- .i.—to TOsi_ ■ rm tx_._to., ' jg^r Ritchie;' Eunchi Cong. Sfct. E TEte PreshyteriEux: W. 33tS. meete-j drew rotrdr 33&s.. W. CL. Hunter. After' tais* Wednesday gt-araaoni dF TErs; D i jurrch: was* served; Rev: W: X Patton IXEacHontoTh,,. KintaiE ., 5fc Bl SErccEebdc of CEntani visited: : his? sister;3&s< Roy SEaeBay- this weeMendt 3fossrs-,Hu^E. SEroeiEtozite.TOrdi: JEroefe JEfoDmiraag hnwe retmmed; from* to} two: weete: vifetb im. Chteagos rorite while * taere* attended! trite Rat: Stacfe Sriow.. . i ■ •■- Sevet-ai ne$w r!torhs^ hrcvte~bee(m...-iitei staliEraE ife; our- towimui^F vsfcriri.ni tatei last'weeju or-twou | | ■ ERerythirig- seetnss for riSfe- baste ■ to [. normal, astern after tfite- mumfcpmf Helens-. ite ■ .:■■■ ,-.-•. '-nail Mr.'' Toronto. . ,__ ...___ MbSi MacKenzie^. who: hag been in the ■ .city for- somte time amfer the doc. toitsir carte. The school. cinldrcni were roll pleas- edr to celebrate our new Rings birth-, day orc Monday ... . • ’ The EiifedK branch .of tire Wbmresis i stitutte met om Mom Lav* TO-crrinTO iif IIE t‘ I / '■dismissed^ tfe meeting .by yrs^ejr ' CMW ISSEgg- GSHnggte VSEL (iteghtenj'^Eay- . rafaix- hteg Shear gtradii toe JEaense; things^ that: aaret iEtegtol .. TFfee QLERWv.jCEL meetomg itotno bee ''ddz&HB? oat to&K- buargg.. ___ _ • TFnv mayor saidc thar he hade i EfefiB anm TBtesHa®’ aSt toteImnnr ofc Mbs®-Way Wehr ofc WFimtoy rad,; fctr togw nrrndrmw*. (teZZ '',.4-pBmteg-tia few/Weefis- hteg-afc tfft&lLtt1 ^EaarML « nres® mroemn^ w^e fca^Mfe.ffiCTfcEEjijteseniJof’ TO^^^to^.fonxiTODi^^^. SfeHJESuTOfi) wtete wee&.eHriil visfcbi&. our I3B^t 4 . . ' r ,Kk.’t.ra t^EaS1’ hastes- gaufe- tai-feedctoE toteSnErtoh Jr?’ <jar&- ano reppun rfte (ieattol feauiliy -. GbumniiEair J&KiersonL.. efiabr- SHr. ffiateam H4mfcfoTO1 ofc TBanmtta. T* nm®? ofc tfe- (fommitei stated; vuitoh Mfa-janid ,^oafc nann1cSeHi..yeaai. and iw® wseS thug if dec wa® gbtem. toet-su^Krat of ' tffe'cpuamilL hfe- weroSBHaasgr tog maefe- irm«g- .removvefit, ' -. '®n tunifouL of Sboto mfit Sharnnng ‘ . tite twei- . le^fi mHHrinaEg of tote caute- eifi. tote folfowmgr nmtosm wa^ ppssteb: .‘‘Tteti aifflE am^tetorsa of pSES®-. of lifaHweste tm wipnfe' slate nraehiuHte as& Itegtt: Ijte.infoprmeg. byr EiateE pnlikpEtoag., starting next: weekr ailL sfite inaatoinES! wiSL bte semedr: azaE gmugsrieten^ cf parearoisefii wfateet fSuxttt wd®.: bte gtuste- dnteEfc, sBi> gBupriteaite- wfclL gpwraiE Disfajwte i tote heRn mIb towoati odf tofe w®- • ■ •• , maad D lowee. ' . ‘“And □ waarfu yauc tSffj I&mow i) torotr; tote- (tdeisionr Dhhsef mnde? n ■ hctes iieeni. rnirrte-'aamiri ttrinte adSipKi. TB&w- waa-j- aa tbdcgr E hhdi to* ipnfet- fiMB ray^eHE. ■ TEhi otoeer f ppesetn ctmceenBdiJhhs? ttredSu^too- ' totec I’dstt too ppBSHadit rne» ta< - tafia- i nw dffifeend cords®. □ Haag mEEdfe ■ , toite deeiskiig. tfete- umsht seeiapsE? • ofc rar trppnr tftte- sHU^fe-- 3 tontudto osKi wtad wsruicE iur. tfe?’ - emic bte hesp: totrr ai’IL- 1 - “ffttte -WttfiSssf- BBiesHigiT j ••Tffirv tieeismra hde- beear raaafis ! _ !tiss>. dffl&tdlk tut- rate by tfcd stnzte tonwiedgS' tote m® hnutohEr witor HtoiteEX- eifc aaramv-Wim htes mmvee istoid. to mi Idng. toaiawunr'inr tftte pnidfin sreiflT i-irrnnoRrffl pgriffie of uxui tnridfciiiite of tfcte- cotnriiEy amic witfii . J UW3_ ._,, numl'itRl hiis- frinte pauifeies? wiSL. bet abler- to> j nrosfc have* inten-rihrir: maarifimfr- to ^Hta.xanBtairim, ofiTH* rfMeesLf'. XS? ' ™ ' oom jHteeruppiatu om ua®iny to tote- |wmbibi etefidd wrii&aa wiey einpiiaiiiac, ,UM^ progress?’ of ttae empiret. , _ ‘■‘iSBittl SSroee Tfite Khigf • bun rsiifiiil Aiufe.bin hn® anm rnulithlriss:' bless® ( [baiminHs® Whory eroasesi i wnorrrrfote. fom-ra mrmromn staadti shbBB^ inmbrafoygfc by SO< nnuiKT ()f yjm — ™r------ ’iteit nrifct btetowedc our itDK<—at fahmafci uaiid sgpecFiiftes$. , J - hanp7W bonne, .witot tri® wife auric' Hui,titenpup£i3TO[n^ ,‘iTOHsieuu '' ,-. fifennm tSimn SneeteM, wufiri sppafc: ' “Dinring tfiss® hinrtfc dfcgs? E rtrywm . ' . rite® bhem.teJnrfoidedribyhter nm»- ' Jy* . ' . ..t . . i™;?- • '8sty . my rrmtote aun&liny* Srite- HEg^y,,a®;ffiferoMHf^riSHi^^*SHuirint to) amlt; rte pafcbriuizhr’ Mfc Wfibatom, <»trtrtrtnKl hiss emriteduBs. was® dunrreErdr!,/ toje- pvnmit nrimHtffite' wtSBi ffids tmrt&Er rofct ha® suite-' by totes MHiwi^wiBR. ffin&hffl^r nrio ot®HE' arite rffirnR^ rnrmhteriifl uriiStogriteSte'-'to SBUpitei hh&s csset hhean sup buppEsskr® auric! su<«| iqBupKCTTfrRy gghwryo s® tfifee ffiHBwring wanteis sgjttEun 6fey tfife.nnww “fEtofcof WSurSunf.’. ‘“Attldujg Itestet D aaaoatelte to say ’’ aiBfeswweptefeofc my o^^TBitonte EL^ohuS s^Esdci. “S Ktotep nmraBr wato- tofi too- wwiiiHihBiri aayrijnug ; tnrifcil rinw, iih hh® unta bhenn eoite- ppssiblte1) fom mg t^Wggfi^ Mfew friimtoagri<'iri 'ifiy- ' d^ggriri my Jrisht drily ran- Wtet icmfi empHEtor anted nnwv tfiiiln B ' htato biaeun suuecedridd by ary bw® tfthBi, tote* Dtefep of YSrifek, my fiust: • wHghnridsnteHfcfcfeetoidriehisffieniy'afi- I'dgynrmrK' trio harim. TBist □ wrii&i idttl nay hhastb. ‘“T&ud aOl l&nsw tote' rsuusint wfrihh Itecacse iinppiriida mne to ree- nnname? tote toinuiBE. 0Birt t3 want)', ysup trio uuririEstrftoiil tohtrt iur nrnrir® irigjr upptoy’ nriririri. n.dffiriif ? foogpf. tftte<mmririy ourtSte<mEppite ratiinte suss PHimw- of Waiter anted (airitey a® %Kriig- E S'*107- 23t> ytsusr tfcedd to , sfflEswee. HBiri jpauu nnrafei btefeve? rrre» written EltriSH yunu totet O hhsto fd amid iirl irixppssuSlte trio eatey tote , ** HiSWLTW- SEHW1WS CTF5- TW^c2^«.mw^MfiaxKEag wsmgxxKwucrKir. ww«gr: uuTte: raHSHH»Nisrte: axRwwwniHES . INfe CTNl)M33tsS ' * _■ L nexwn. waBffiSE*. Sbmeente hate said: thafc tote Gbeater _____L_____________ZL- _____,LL_ weiiry toss- gaatnialfey everybody dues: sei;. butt: simin to staririmenir teqpges: | to< be* exmniuedG WBnry" causes: ure- Wuury causes* imfogstmm. W&cry ' causes' nrenfcrii. upsetss. ' Wbury' nmy i esuste coinpiette breaicdnwig amfc fon* GteHtegniEStr note be± EnafilErraspnrrsibEte Hr. hate- .beem ssirir afipi thatr. worry is? to she. Bbi ttate aro ite mag, worry ( ig ojxe* trim greatest: gptmrgjs? j. fiinwm tot nuwXinriu Cfc dries* note clarion itro raang Irivesr 'ate- cancer; bate ite ate- I taefete rrnmy monte .pfispitK. Efc is? tte [ great: unseettr piagte*. UrdiSte' trig iite- ------- ■,.—v~w».----- ,u- ■? foe-tfous? diseases* we* cattrinte aseriBte >. 'GiiB tdiiiuwto null duKeBCTgT^ u&tew&eHT I itr., (itite tftt <xn§n tatr ran* .-nJititbetm. »nr heriweein mm-amfri > dfeeosfe onrii. ite emn bte mrcdb pniriiiimHidE. T watebpedc ii» tns?- -. mnj (jdwm systems somro drisrinan conptotattriutiaii1 ttrodrii&in? infesting overwmdg ^gstrrofot.- mufi* frontier’ .-inrir F shnuirit nterar raise; [ roiigpatmomr. im occnproriring. <xtr uttsrote- . itlttjwdr . ggrin im issue* toi aroraes , .hniTre< conriitions^-tfeese*. anffi 5®SneJ U hrieaanrif B-nwey 11Tra33g otftrir* (-rouses: rung Hiring rofitiute ->f Wittes-i-oniii. Iroter* om wheur. E to stato of uimiHtv; a^amt wirv; odcuniedr' tote tKrtreme* E haste beem - tteafedt: wife, trig gratesfr fernri&- tbss‘ bfc rotD chis'sete- of fete people*, wh&ferer* Ibra* fomfc .omh jpuimBjra- edr fewugrioufc fete' empmes ffiacr fegr T ;mn very' gfefiil ■ , •<%*: feiste trite Sugf . “T rmw qcfcir afiogeterihg pnblih' ifcforinS’ aiiTft log driwro mg httEddfli. IS- may? he* srittite ttine* befocteE' r iratmtg m< mg nutivra laririp iiuttEl ton® aiwroyjt-* foifow tori* foirtteteg of the* Btofehi raae» aa.dr- empfoe* wife • pwfountfc interest- amR' ifc" iriraug ttate rm fete foteiKK. Team hte founrit of ;mg serviue* tor his' ■ ranraftKy; I® ra ppivsta* gtatforn. E -itaiilJ note foriii - ““.Writ rrnw iw ;d® have* g ntew . F Wteht hfon ante, yttiit iris1- nririptte. hanpirtets ante prosper*- ibv> ’.Wtoi Mil rag hnairtx “Gate Ws» vmui ari? (,&te s-sve*' fete SuteRf"' , ax stuto of unfoHty fteror ronrir worry: ! •TEte'tatg'to rite issthisr Birrstffibrii out: hy ptopet aibrii:- fternugtn etsmirni® tironc if any phyterii. oar otgEnte: dote- dftfoni is? tote cause! If so; every ef^ i foit: shnuirir bte tnari&E to pntt tfilxfc: - right’- BSiir. if tote causa® ite mate tor be? footer' im • tote bodily f&rrctfonsx them ! suit enrieasrwtQr steuffil be* randte tor reteoin otter, to® .situu.toqm. M&ny pniv- sow wW testofiy tfefc wotiry wfenifc bring over- tteim TSe® grtefc oppres-- stete riburis? .hug vsnisiredt itrfe- tfifarr aut-by being, looked! afcanrii Iteh^ferii rtte H&lto-upT ytagprnte fout-.yBm weEte horn: fo< lite happy tout*, pjiu iiaw ® rigirir to< eyidjr Iiite that yptu wife fote , yiuir s-htete of tote birite- w-irife tote 1 siveefc: If adfautoateit^ aa® tequiredr . ,itn wonfeu etwiwnirieirir oit horn®.. .life. ' raiity tohtni out.: Rrnctoadlly nut ppttfte ' Is’ tom- higiri (to pay ta< rmh oneself T of worry.' Worry cam be‘ cured! Dorrit* . • Worry ' . WUNQXIK'CES! THE. ■ --WBOEBT^ ! ^jariis^ Jhnuary^ ESB7T ApulicatioTr mat, now )»>• rrrarie- foy , admission to. tlie- follownirg; courses^ — . fftrsiKESs; iaaHNisTteasnoN--. • CTarEEEaE&HIMC oeeigee traevine;, M5GOinmN€t -STEN-OGRAETOV Tb> .date? this, yena^ enrpioymernr oppor^- tnnirieac fbr~ -graduates' have increased 23SS- over- the?- same- periods, of - TSSo- beHeves- this:- inpn-ovement: -wi'lL eetrrtirnie- snd: titer there-' is. every, encoarh-gemeqr fftr- yunngr people to prepare- for busi- /' UESS& cafeCS!S5x ' '■•''' daEraKK s^fiirnMKlj-tfae: aesci: ffirtte unnua jaririeR stHafentte " ■ ■ 5KMI The umrog meenng of to& WE ME.- SI was- held aar Hie home- of Mrs; Matt. ShaeMetpn;. Thursday, Decanter" 3rdr Iro. toe-' absence- of tfe president;, 5D"®. H McV^uroey;, 1S&®. Mteary. ist vxSa president; terete tog chroiri T&et meet ing opened with, singing of hynm. ______489p after- which' tog Eordfs* prayer I eleetiom- Tfe eondfcien. of tod toads-: 'was repeated; in unisort. -Tte scrip:-' oafc ' L 2 ■ ~ ' _ ■________■ in? unispw.. _ Minutes werg resat snr of TEvertibm .wag’ held erm Mbnctey Turner- presided, during toe- Deeeanbear Tto- whfc interment te, deetiom of officer^ which, resulted as. ! Kintail! esnetery. SEc Drcteo-n had' follows; Rresident/ Mrsl. WE B 'Gtoz:-' been a& resrdenteof Ashfeldi: tfEE twen- • jei'; 1st Vice,: Mbsl X Menary; Co.r ty-fete'years?, ago;, what fe- moved too and Bress- see... Mrs?-WE Drenrrarr; " Sec:. Jibs. 5E ShacMeton; Treas; Wm. 5EcComre0!; ■ Tendpetoncfr Tfite machinery inz trite JSieeritetJ madte- it: very difficult: to. gegthte votes*' tore- lesson, tag 23rR psaing wTOsl rg fuiirnltoKte faetoty ‘ irro Siuthromptorg, ante. , cited ih urcispn'. 1 has* been, aside swxS ai. buyer focr trite TEte fenei’roL of trite Irotg Johm Diete-; rond adnptei. followed: by roll calT. properly'''ite being sought -C=’TR’- -- - . . tx,„. -wro tc„ j>_j, , •i W. Hil'arshall^Brrticipai W.'JJ Ho®3Jrouse. 3;G»nx. Vice--BrnrcipsC ., • a> 9 FREEKUIiEETiyr OF COITRSES-SENT" ' PV- StSgTEST* ' .- ■', .^B3i t ‘ ~Zx”. ' j ■ .tma&te tri®, home; TEveaetom. , ! AL (fommumdiyr Clteisburros? tree: to-- Tliji-children:in: thtediflferent’sehwls- i tom® ouir vriJagte- street anric rerninite^j busy preparing fm?- totem CTfris- ,usi that: CIteistma® fennte very fer oft., turasi-cpncmts; arordc tesd for- th® CTony- □ot yiur. thliUG you: havei deem pvtety tmas- service: hr thro Eresbyteruirc gupdL bo vs? amt grrfc tots; yerorf Comte CBanrcfau ' \ out dm SStteiri^-roffiemDptfc Dee; EStot. rot 3’X0( piiroc to state OTdc Siintr roteid givte -hinE'. to gpodi wtecoipj - WWWfoi M&: amESE XFeec ran DeeembEsr !Bfc rot .ATtemnfom. Rec? 3J5:s. rorrd; Gtrrorrgey.s Seeg. Sirs;. R.^5Eaiz&; Organist. Etronscs; Crosbey . J5ktos® BTof’-ver- Stnrdr JSg. St- Sfreanvoodg SErsc ■ EE Treleyeix.' _ WoTueir’s As®oeiahiom — President, Mrs. MTenary; Vice; 5Efe; MicConntel; .Seeg Mrs. DrennaTO; Treros;,. >M5ut Shacideton; Ebsrsoiragte Comg- 5Ers. Treleaveni. ifeWhinirey; Alirt Mifef orrntell The- meeting cipsefc with Hra'ixWrtrpw f TnTTOynvrrunnnn®- . ~ ””cg.—?-------w - —c— ' pEteyte*" by Rev. Turner: Qurcfc. was „hT W^Trcxr- °T Deeranw TZriR. . some*, secvtet by Df Dtance® Ctoziter ^^,1m-.^raitIE^ time* between: ’HR gme anfc midnigfct ate 5Er® Drenpag . h^r Driteirit MSs® MfeSte Kcwfen Caahadro. if tire* weather- is? fair; < - ----------------- - ■ ------;---—. • . Tfite regriaar greeting of thg Dime-- wg wiH see* ite fmte ate to copper- coi— astroppmicrol advice arc . the* subject: gmmnrr JunioiT EiMtiliuLte tooic piaa-’ts1« The- reason i® tot “PpyuTse;r of we* gather' that tirp moon: TOxd:. pni Thursday pfeEnnonj. Deg E0fog rots thte mpop aurdr am appulse i® tite pass thing else- for that matter- musts be* t hte hinhe; (f ife? Vtemte. Anrierssui- sage- of tote moorc throughout: tte- irr perfect position to ^Tttarc tote i0Sste- Eamne® Grozte wag eEeetefc: penumbm., cur outer- rrirg of' trig, pulse,: irc -other words- itr i® to real fetg- gemrimriti frilling tfite vueircniy caimedEi egrth?® sirrodow. Bromi m trongfe* of of cfelestiaJ shaafoshootiig: }y tote rpAjgmPnhrn of MSsg Btemice*: .B&aEh?. arcdcyesidEdt felEgdE-v!^ ute' ~’ usmriiy interesting.. im ifc Being sari esteaigte of G&fcstfna® gjfe Names* ' werte cfihEwm. By tote niemb erg ate. tote* ■ prosoni nritoste naate was? dhrowrir rte cefieddTOgf^.feinn tote otck whoi drey her' rraaute MSssr- Jenhr fohnstoTE gtste TOresmnte of ■ Current: Events:. amf M&g. DawidsonE gawte am intetesLiug ' frarib otf tote “tAhdfinririam of tote toncum”, of tote-British: Emptate by Kirar Eds-- , waarcK VDTT report: of tote Wartpir ■." - jirterc cranyentfoni wag given: ini pafit By tfite deLegut^-- tote resf: of tote-' repput.; ■ vifll fay iriven- at? to later datte . •". Gruupi E of tote Dunganrmit Woe- rnefc®- Institateg consisting of Wfo-.. G.: ■ Wi ALtonp Sfc. G. (T Rrownt Wst EL- M. WRwfo* Mro X X Wrote romio KEfer*. Dawidsorg. rog? eontteueg rourani-^ gfEffr trit hnhfc tote foist social, evening: rot thte hnmrn of TErs^ ER Au SEacKen:- irig- wirinhr event: foote piaeg ott, XEotto day evening: Tfite Diingrrniorc E&ckey Clute wross rp^rymkgfk. .witot .Tames- 3foritgonB-■■ ery as? guurager and: write Mian: Rgdi trprir Attfinar ffirowrr ®f tote eveeutryp- tte worfe ite conjttnctiom witot tote' orifo- ccrs? of tote Arinroteair ^ithletrc: 'Ate- sociatronL. , ? • 1| TBte ihrte hate hEufcaiT tote wm?te done- ote ite that is* possiBlet Ww> it is- up - . tp5 tote wentoernnnr to- givte urn ieet v BJDISSP^-Dfc S&nritey. Dgembeg IX. at -Mesaiiiiztra ~ !S^tenp; amt General HEospirifob. Goderich;, to Mfc .amt 5Ers. E_ H StingeX- m dangfiriet SSdvtTO./ :Ea®' - '•"•■ jffomer ISssiftfentr Dm®?' Words wag received: herte pre Satur­ day ariteranon: of tote deaifr of flblim Anritowg of Unity;. Srosfe. TEte' deceased: was? to former- restdenii ot West Wrowmios&- being borrr mt tote' TTtfc of Qbtobpg rS-TBL tote seetjnrir sotv . of 3& WrEGante Attrite™- amt Xniret RfefeUmter: EKte birtopiaEg wap fori ■ frirmr nnw owned? by* HL Efomigatr orc i tote bto connession- aS West' Wrowmr- oslri. Hte lerifc home* at tori* agte of’ twentyteitof going' to T'Ernitobm amt' after years; removed’1 to -tote Bht- ■ tfefordr ifeteict.:. Sask;, where- hte wok ng as ho nrestead;'being ante [of. toe, ' pipneerte. of that panto. He- never maip ried; hittr wmt teirowm .to bp* dtrte, of thte best?, housekeepers ifc toat; section; aritfe Irite- (fowerg werte trig ttriSri-of tote” cnrartfiEysidet. HEte leave®, two sistfer; FHlpaheth;., ilrsr; Wi lli Uamilforr,, of IfRhel ? ami .Timet; Wg W Bercjamen;. of Tfoiriy: Saskg awl? < >ne*. brother: Wilk liata of UuttgSEttnnn; HE health: prevent tiedt hip’ brother rorrdr sister ftoiYr at- tendihg trite funeral which: took; place- > mr Uiriig BWFASW'’. it Erort Wb~ WWS^ HW T® fiffirr KRB? According .to TOtrorroniers? tfaeimoon: Mat ’ Melvin Mbnisom 'of Tiictenow spent tog- week-end. with his - grand- pareite;. Mr? and Mbs. H KI Alton. Mg Jack Irwin "of Sudbury is visit, ing hris> niotoer; Mrs. Win; fowin. Mb. K A. Gamearair had tog riris- forttOTe .to fall off tog sleigh'"and in- jured his' back; causing-him th- be; eon- '> fined to bed for" a few' ddyg;' Mb: sard M&s. Gilbert. Vint and Eisite visited with Mr. Thomas Taylor of St. Helens, Igst Wednesday; Mr and: 3Irsu James Drennan: spent a. day last week, with Mix. and j Mrs. Wnt Sherwood. ' I ( 511 MT! r Tl7c - LAiP THIS WtEK A l>J <y si fi­ fe Eb i»7CRIFS xi-SO u v»CNH?E.*u ,nrt 'CRCNTG SEH2E yWaCWiW.- AND: msmiBUTOHS'Oy JANfESW^ WIIBSEE^OT.-^KIIWSbFfiO^J