The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-17, Page 4>.• / > SMJL XtWER &&&ES I© MOTC W.ASO u. cza so 32 ay ' ®' =u» %S&* 4- 1 £. ® ■ 53®* «4xy —37 Htoe.stufleote -wto» tow® written am -the JEna ^Eerm lihratotoatirma, Save rreeeiveii ihe :Stonitog inrdicateil "below. 775%-^100%—ZFtost iCtoss HLoumres:; SO%—77M;%—SemEfi Sterns 3tonctnTS“; -K0—IS %r- Third dOass HtonoinsK SO—39%—sDraflits H&tow SO%—IRatome. •■ . ■ : ’ ■ . ( ’ - 14- ' »* - ' 'wrara . .1 I' 3SEW HWimrjlRE | -. OBIWAHY' IE OTnmR. mramwuEw ----------- •^Zux^l sestet - « - XA'NABIA^ - tmammL 1B1£SW?H5 WbOORESS ^SMD WWXH3CCC* ttwnKESfi) ■ —^Winrer—ina:heEbalmy/hw^oisEt- te^xiinmtenfCHnMdasdEvsigTTEnEFhiy- — yromrl -iCnH/'liifctnBrHrlrpg anoLdru^. i jyy«4ttTTOg> tteaniB — _ _ eaqjjoy zmajehic -mountain sscenery—ssbse anDwtotod ggmriarHnm Hi wlcjEHamOEOUte. HimitS anonths. Su^sweissiJ" towE^^int'rTmrtoategpointa.. » WBiSW, , Fte w HStarte ate t$M) H2SEL - '.. MR. HfflfflAMD cmHSBE temflateuEers ’Asad naafaw H&amfsgm- TIte iisafh sOCHunsefl cgpnfee ssadSteSy teafives W-gf TwrnwW, ®sagy— 3331 Mteday xff Hast wtek, <xff Mr, ^-/.-:fi rmunT-L-ji Kiieterd-iDo^siHS, ton hhis 3&aar. 7**Dmnmittes, Hflormefl Aafi feswl iOTn ajouteteey Steg, torru. Tm_. nrrasx— ’tsarr-^zx. 1 -, , •_____lHj3EI3Si . 1 •• . j i mp ;,iwBs 12a ssem 'Mf tote Slate Mr. asud W- .SteweE iJCausiiis aamd vuas QBaar- toted ttoo .TMsrr A3=rnas ■iJtotmstCTn. who -virnvrvRR nlTtm TIWw» tone JflSso ttssw tSEEHS ffira&gy,jFirrriitjrre zmuni.feactiTrers Mhd eem-||; 3d oyees unfit ;^ueenls ®Effik <3sn & Say aas' The ffifest =stgp wto ’reach can l^t! uene tfiao^hfea:,. S0as. Wactrnr agrefmwTTt .'nn wt^eB Miffl •mr^vnlrfur- and' WiaTrffir toiffi Hltchatol, toll -fn, hours zander The hms & The 3m8us- ' ... . ..—Ei.mfa^a T« aStemfar^ Jfct. TDarsnto mamm- ffaetuners naud =sngduye® gnnhicQjah tTWrffntgy oeff 3Kite UJmited cUhurch. to! Tn dfcp •ernffererree. ZA~ ^rrgCTiros toiSp dntermeni WBffis ~nxa.de nip Htopgamign dneludeti toll dhe gmoytooe -Esxrait UkiF- ‘ ■ anito, tohieh web m ffaetpr Up. nnsikmg | tfhe-sagiKemEitt QnnwaiEkaEfe. ” ■ '. gpress despatch “further tototes; ithai mt ^miwdurslfHriJ jowr aeff tffe cecm-' ,„ idifiuEBs -tof aa‘ toew, hSEeement ''wraU Sbe ? dhat EEeCTpracal Mctton itetfen Sni . iguehec so (!®ntaniD zmannffactnEers t —zwili mat. Ueb. cat za, .(aisadyant^e , _ an 1 , j- L-emriptorpg with sfi® Undatotny .Sin" hhe‘ aneighhafii^ province. [ ' . jgfct HSfutoyfe •etmT-ereiiee, tofter aal • __.. Ta^Sndinasy ^seusston hy egntim? body hif hetogHtes, erjrmrriltteBB <3^.,— ' ■ - • ' - sseven zmenrheis wsene ‘iarUTointed Sby j □both The umani^ctiTFefis mmffl wke&sk- ho fEurfiher Eccmsiiisr tHg nmafer. jsecrinfl zn^eefe^ wife ^st^tor wsrak j&ccnrdng?' Eto aa hdHstto Ussnrai tote torrst uff tote weak thy tote 33^nitocturefto -WffKneiafeni, riff toiiiwmlnBP tororm tohe Thnttpd 36^ ho tTfcrrmda, Trnw ^mfijipwiual d □iff z^ifeEinfint toff JSiaiEuary Itet, 133 hgee JnereaseH 3^D pen- ment, w®5Qi •r*i~nrrT*prl ms H^itTg t3etrrrngrrtd1 too to JSanadiaai tomroianae mdlHatffl. '/The daineral -wOWtpp ®!as .'flmwtaefeaa ton TWedneKflay toEfcenniicm b^y Htov.VW .i 5 ■ 34Alton, EKerte ■ • Burns, .James —; — Campbell, DHeen ____ _ Darrnftete, HSatHhwp - ECa^tet, Thin n$e ■ Dowan, Marian ;______ Look-, Hark ■ ’ QulherttoGerald ______ Curran,, Hlertram - Dahmer. Anmetta ____ Kinlaysan, Donald ___ Fisher. Mary • — Greer, Donise ________ Hunter, ERena ......_.,.... Jamieson, Tsahelle ___ ; .Jewitt, .William —......- ! J ioifh, Sack __________ ; MacDonald, Hess ____ MaeDregar, iGordon __ 5 MteHntash, IRdtert ___ i MaeKienzifi’ EEfhel 1 i ManKenzie, Sack .''/•'■• AR I MacKinnon, tEtatee ___________ MdNall, ERa^to ________ ______35 Atelson; Sean _______ ZNicholsan, EElsahel ___ ■ dteterson, Dean _x__ i ERenrese, cGlapys ____ Steed. Seanne ■ - 1 -Rif r»bte F-liTrm _^___ ■Bandy, Sean ----- ------ Solomon, Marvin _ I iEeaSElUfNES sknpnks spas, iheurthlrra usnd s stfcnt heavy Seeling—-relieves gy.spejisia. SEf , . | ■■ ■yau _<ire :ifnai<l to-eat.,-get'±hi> 'w(’Tidei'tu] | istumach .tpowder ttoday.^ vCAS-LJiOJjOX^^ill ^houaaraifi. -a£t sail tong astares. ' • *fe gastronox _______________ WHYSUffEB^ UaEHJ OSK SlATWJKtT ■ .. WXD fflFK^. UT WHU '■ . j. ■ ' ■ 1 i SJOiMRY ’WEST The Paramount tlLtE.W.^. to tot The home toff Mis. Tas. McDonald OTn Tuesday toftamocm, December .... __________w _ ______ ____________ ^Feind satteni . lEndgy was well aattemted sand hH ebb- -25 Sadies answere Ipprt aa iguofl tonne. THfe Dfiitey — aeinSnE. .- - — . ^. ■ Miss WnmrEred and Kaynard As- ah J® flOmir, aand opened tong ' -aaminsrr, to+wH- wfeiT>_ nnfieting singing one werse tofMr. ERod. Man- Forever, ffoRuwed 3# tohto grnvyer ^pea^^jmanteun; Mbs ^ean .Anderson s$pent tote waek-aenil with her /friend, Miss Ann Dblwell. Wte ffJuhnnnmty jdanos ton tote LalT There was =a S01 ----------- _ ’ ■ ’ " ■“ - — /X LTLs aansweisd too tohe ahB asaJU Lmtoigan, -A. M. _ “An -Exchange toff Oiftetmas JGfEis’U - Mis. Tack DfiBdenson,? hsrrr ssyitI JTmmrprl “£1tp «K.' hl A8 —.38' J69 31 SO S3 rmdefinately. ---------- ------------------------- -------------------- ' 'V KOTLOEJCT' ’'.. Sb '31 34 32 ;gg> 75- '■> '75 5S 382. . ■ ' "° ■ '■■' - to SD SB 34 JI ' ^8 ®5 fft’1 . 35 •5»..A2 - -447 SD 39 SO AM 32 377'75 7® ■U9J 31 -27 35 .J5 S5 . ; 31 3E-'dffil j82 .to ■ ' A ■37'’35© ■m .<2 ' 37 \ J 37 ^£2 aab S7 35 3B 34 37 3D 39 ■ ”52 3D sa' ■■aa T8 34 <3E3 E32'-■o':m'to?S7 SD W 3D 3D S4 K2 31 40.3D 2635 k 414 S 31 Si M6 7 3B ___ _ MB H5 _434 S7 40 ___ __ —2® 34 SB 3S6 IBs —SO 37 32 32 » ZE7to' <3 T9 Ml kihsh m ■<’ -us ■ =?? » ■ •qpmetony, wilEnaa t3ai@Se 'I'JITVrhgT <Jt£E ^yimpaiihizTrg; ^irserftts rraKeEe gpr-ftHantJ . Wr . <i&i^ais wyas aa flimmer anfcizep, sjff EEtiii®a2im03i,. aatol aa Sffie^ngg: zebs^ Sent caif -Efiatt ' tKp ranmtK'sRffT73»iri 7-ffitrn^w|y idSie unjg^Jt. BEfeft :ebhbc; ' am - Wgrs' rmrwmBl ShmjMfo cifm SSlEEES^^ ■ ■ srtml; nitt-pm'rlpH idio ffiss t&Edtos' tot cttef i itro-nn' -pprrtoy ffiss SHHW3BC, Stof •prnrrplRtoeR 1;wf. afi gpgto dm QSs' f:^rri.SStmfer-iCSJHHi. j- ■ -WilK’ EM WFE , ■ . 'Wf ' ■is I ATfthWnp, Aytnser _ Alton, Dntdfhy_____ rem Stem. Andrew, H3fen ______ Hums, JIaines ■ Carruthers, EKaHrtepn Gangihell, SEffeen __ _ Udwan, EMa-tirm ■ .Curran. ■ Dertram ___ Dahmer., Arnette ___ EKiriteysqn, Anna —__ iRinhgfecni, Donald __ ___________ EEisher, Ahny ___________________5® EGardner; Dane ...? , ,....?______■ . EGreer, Doiitee 35 "Jamieson. Tsahella ■ ______________39 3D i Johnston, EEfoward “ . ' 4CR 36 Deith 4Iack _______ ■ 7E3TlaeCrostie, Mmh»- .... ' ' —JZ.’ ■ EMacDoiiald, Deien ■......, .. '... Macintosh, 33db ____ ■ MacGr^ar, Dab. __ MacGr^rar, Doiflan _ MacKinnon, Donald . ManKenzie, Doutoffl _ AlaeKenzie, .John SK. - Hteurre __ I mas. iminonaiu uor tme mse an mer (home. The ..JannaTry unseting Us too -held tort tfiie home off SSkrs. '-Grant 3ELg- I TWamiidL ER611 zeall too he snfewenefl iiy oa 3&ew. Tear absolution, attesting JTEte' tEuiunumity^ . was ssauoeneit , ^closed hy -^dnfffeg ~Htp INatianal Sttqndgy tto deafn toff tfhe pausing iff' Mtnfheni. Lmdi was sservth hy tote’ The date 38frs. Sam 3tesbitt. .^rngjiathy t jfe extended too The iherea.ved Joms. ' w ^lex Jttr. aand 2ffrs. QGeitege BElunfley off war-p wjsitois with -Mt. rand 33fe. TWiL Utatnam wisifced over The weekend ham Stanley .on. ^WSedn^day hast, with The Qatteffe nnofher, Jttrs. S^ahtee. | 39^ Taora “MdDohald ^spent Sun- 3Ehs. iStaritey iff ®nicardme is was- ...flawr iatoternoari with JKr. -and Uttrs. Uten fifing with her daughter, IK&s. hno. Ntehdteon ffamlfe zMKFaftan. — - ------------- ~ - IHiss' 3esan Anderson and IMisses . 3£dna jnril Jttay Spyle were fSunday, L ’■visitors with 3®tr. sand 3ttrs. ’Orland ERiuhards, Hiaranrount. j Sir. mnfl JBta. Wm. HTinnell .smdji ffdmily toff ’DdirOHs have rmovefl ire-, toertfly too The home of Jttr. Jas. Hnhn-J stone. TRfe welcome tohese mew-cumersr' to ou!r -midst. ■ L JMrs. Charlie Gillespie, Don mnd ■Betty were week-end .visitops with' Mr. and Mrs. 5as. Dodgins. Wiss Nellie ’Malcolm -returned home after spending The past Tew weseks with friends in St. Thomas. attr.^ZDan McDonald iff ^Kincardine is at visitor at TVm. iPercy’«. > Messrs. "Wes. and fNoble Guest Were 'Spndgy visitors jat Mr. JJoe . Guest’s, Cutross. Mr. and.Mrs. ;Wm. Jackson, “Sylvia and JEdna were visitors Sunday ht Mr. Thus. Hockley’s. '8th con. . Mr. -and Mrs. A. Irwin of Lucknow . "visited .'Sunday wifh Mr. and Mrs? -Alex ipercy. , , ! The annual Christmas Tree andf ' concert of the iTesbyterian Sunday. School was held, on Monday "night. A splendid program and social time ■ was an joyed. Wu<h credit is due too Miss Heap Anderson,- who had, The . ’School children -so well trained; . 1 0n Dridiay Cto-morrow) ^evening the ' Christmias concert of “the Anglican Sunday school will be held. -Everyone ,5s cordially invited. Monday being 'the birthday <ff our new King, George AH,' dur -school children enjoyed tone holiday land spent/part <rf the day practising for Their Christmas -concert, which will' be held on Tuesday afternoon next. , (Intended For -Last "Week) ,, Mr. Frank Currie- who spent The past month at his home has returnezi to Mipley. ■ to 3 The village chopping mill has again been started . Tor the winter; months, 'Mr. and. Mrs,' Bert Mcl>ean, Mr',' t- Geo. Haldenhy, Mrs. tM. MdLeirh add Miss May Boyle were. M London on .. , Tuesday of last. week. A number from here attended the mission services at Kinloss during the past week, under the leadership of Captain Gibson <ff Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham spent ■Sunday at Harold Thompson's, Kin- * /IcJ&iS. ’ j . , Mr. Milton ’Walsh who has 'Iheen ebiifined to the house fdf some time fe able to be out again. Wiss^ H. Bell is not as well her .many • 3BCT. ’ I / SI McNall, Tteteon, ;--------------- -Nicholson, Hsatelle ____ >;) Tenrose, Gladys _______ $ -'Paterson, Drtenil ' ’) McNall, ^gy____________ Dat-ersan, Muriel ______ ? EReid, jbmwi '_____• ! 3tae, Margaret " ) Kiehariis, ERaymonil ___ Salkeld, Alargaret ' -( Stewart, Htewsie ' TwamL^E, lEiva ______ - Whitley, Darriet J_____ f Struthers, Many ’I Steward, f^ylda'________ to Twaml®j, Dhesfcer ■. .....to If’ Tlunter, /-Rena __ Garter, Msny _ 8 SETZfc> . _ *5 ^ '■a®..® '■ $ 22 “' 4aJ J * » 3 3 ''to?' S '' 3D - - ' ■' 36 <7 3D I...-—------:.toff. _■ •to -3D ■'. ffi3 '-.■ ®9 , ^E9 <7 35 ®7 ' «D ^9 X ®) <D ’ '3B . ®4 . ■ ^SD * ■'.,.. SO 3D 34 25 '•■■' ® 32 ® S4 • ® .=m ay..□p ism ■*' □o ■ -SC -k—SSUi®- .— SR M7 .. _____M 39 MO -^,...-4^7 ~" —. Ma '.-^ 449 7M6 «2 3 JZ2 38 31 W 37 —32 teb J3*X!mITQ ......,.34 ASREQ ... ; utTD ET7Q i..... i .<u«rwO SB <7 31 35 33 TO 34 34 SB 35 31 Kl «9 445 TH -JE2. 42 •■•- _2S 3KbV -u. 3D 3D 'tlito totnnffi -'fiapiiign sto ^Kareety 3a- Shut sfimt tfe uftee 5Mlutoi>ki afiE ~rrnp Warmer 5to zHbs iilistr-ict 5 wQffige sfiffi Mgrrcfemw rswsfiaEejmr 'rweaa aKrnnfifl. .reecardfiip too ^fite d?fa*n ua-iffi Mved wjfii smy gparente W8<a -atoos 1 -'- \ . 33 2H) 4® ®5 34 ,S9 ®7 ®7 22 S '® 27 3® EEL <'.®D. '. . SI SB SB T2 S3 W 31 75 32 3D a® > S2 3D 3D Ml SB sicb Sil 778 IK 33 ®7 33 FpFBHhyWrri^n <3§a®hl, TBte GSriWl rrnmdfmHg non TMorntegy fiSV- 'wmr Wtes iv^uaiZEBe usf tfflte UllluAViH TOHwnwtew*. Wr ban fte toha.hr. AS. Bfeymur! was ,. . CT ;-Ffe»rffWrwrm rretoiH tTfte ^ClWfltiaBfi ;: Jffssrm. Tffte itoopic wE8s t±afean ^y Wc ■ISintett ffiufafittHsm. fflitedsal. ztoEmffite^ ■ ffTTPlrniefl ra tihOrf, CC0HBfi± EEUffl ttSMUH- ‘ oune. ifey 3&r. W- QjofiStiart aamB SEL ; Dtp; aa woeal (Bow 5fe- Wanimn S&h- ■; -mtam aasifl Wra-tram ’CMaeUrnrafld, atefflaa ' -nwltn ofttef Qfez ®r. <L. IMaEDuuSH aaiffl EBr. FlnitfJfi. SEss. GHhaRmiit ^ave as. 1: -wWcfrmg :twrriri tfiae rnTteeiiiny; thtepffl vAillfih ;, tehfemui, sairid gm^iffir (HSsstnl.I^y JSBfc. ■I -AhteJdnnaild. ■•■'.■■ 34 SB W. S SB 31 MD. as 30 -EEL S4 ”7 T3 “ ^37' EES. 295 772 & M2 333 .. 384 SB 31 S7 ■37 « Tffi 773 3® I®6 <7 ! SB Mb S2 38 iJhl . MO 3J5 hr sown wav ton tote wunE!. "EBomEs totncerely, HEratl Hiaytei:, Afcruteia, Sa ACTIO A MDLKSIHBSEb EDhe 3>eeen&er sKSSsian iEo* jDanrt «ff dthe Daan$y rdf EEfcnran, rwzas ■--—■ ■ '■ --.- - ■ . f -.' - . MHUHto: S£^HMIL--3i'aiHGS 'IHI & W . dSeasoxiJs Greet®^ ^tn aHl & special "service was iield in She initeti Church on Sunday ^Sternoon J .zhen Mrs-. Wott. “conducted ^he sto-j, vice -and TVtrs. Si. IF. ®rown mead d<h£» cTiptur-e lesson. Stev. X. S'., -Mutt: nreached' a. She sermon, amd ^appro- .priate Tor The occasion. r • JieTvie Triends <$f . "Miss Florence Idhnston were ’ very jswnaiy cto toarn . h her sudden death dp Xucknow son' Saturday .evening last. The "late 30tss; Johnston was well-known here arnd art SKinioss, where "she was, Tor 4sev~. .•ral years, a ^resident with her gsar-;; ents. the late ®r. -and <SIrs. ^teve Jdhnston. . «■ , . The W.’A.- hT St. John-s Church,’ met on Thursday -at Wis-s Jennie Xto-ji dsay’s home. “ ’ ' Lionel (larter has ’returned home ■rom Chicago where he -spent n .dou- nle erf weeks visiting his sisters. Friends of Hrs."2D. 3P. Laptlphell, •on. 6i, art- Sorry ’to k. learn of iher ■ Ilness. Tliss JVlargaret Jiobinson “of, h. 9, is assisting at. this hdme. 3)r. e'erguson is in httendance> Toung People aiet to the United . hurdh Friday -evening. . fl 'Service was held , to 3Rnox Church. Last ■Sunday., this 'church haying ■re­ mained closed' durtog the previous two 'Sundays. Alvin Thompson had the rnisffort- tne to cut his font badly while ht ,vor;k in the Greenoalc ‘swamp, Mnd »viU lie” laid off for some "time. This ts the second accident to local hoys tt tyoih- in "the woods, within a "Shaft .imd; Howard Geddes off IMHlAtton Covered the cords of his heel and was. irihdtted to •Kincardine llosprtol* Mrs. flenr.X' Arnold -suffered a third stroke on Wednesday of tost week, and is in. 41 critical condition. . ^■oung Wonran -Dies Friends df ’Mrs. •Samuel' Mefrbitt4 South Line, regret hto early death on Monday. Mrs. Nesbitt -was to her '3th 'year, and passed • aiway at The hotoe of her pai’edts, JMx. had’Wrs. Guest, near Teeswdter, from whose •liom'c the fuperal will take Jitote mi Wednesday tp ’Kineardtoe cerndtery. .K»v .«» wlSil MS Her husband land.dtoall son have the ---------... -- -Would .like Tdtoetsj 'WtoP'dthy of 'the hntith''redto* ■ . as I " gmurtity in t'hcix’loss. Aitehtson, A. __ Alton, D. ______ Alton, -J.....' ■ Andrew; IE. . Slake, M. ' ■ ■■'. Q&esar, M. ____ Carter, M. ■ - Collyer, J.. /____ Cook, lEdna ___; Cocik, SEliza ____ Carrigan, A.. M. sRiniaysan, A. j_ iForSt-ex, /3. ____ Gardner, L. ___ Gilmore^ 3H. __l_ Graham, D. __ Hamilton. M. __ Hamilton, X ___ Henderson, fJ. _ Jewitt, ■ W. ___ _ Johnstone, Bl. — Joyrtt, jG. to. .- ' ■ Lane, .HI. ____ _____ MacCrostie, 3L u________ AlacDonald. aE. M, ............38 MacDonald, M. m. -63 MacDonald, M. D MacDonald, iJ. ....„■.._______* Mac Greg oi', ER, ■ . ■ 3y Mael-rttesh. A. ______. Macintosh, HC. _______ •MadKinnon, D. ___— ’MacLeod. M T... . :.--,■ McLeod. J. _______L Miller, 'G; _ _______4~ Morrisoh., M.' - ........., "Nelson, X _.-..........■■ .... GstnandOr, iR. _™i^_ Batetson, w. _______ _ Iteterson, . 0. ...: - Patterson, A. ■. ‘........ Pearhnrm, M. ■ ■■ ■. litchardU, K. Ritchie, D., ...J... -Solomon,' W. ........ ,„• 'Steward,, X;______ __ Htl'Ufhers; j. '...,...■■....L -Struthei^s, M. ■ -:........., Thom, K. ..............■..........;...tod Thompson, H. __ Twamley,’. C. ....... ' J^i' 39 -35 '735 JCT» ■•iUb J57 -SB MO 33 38 36 MB I iT * 4 $ 132 322 367 34 so *•£2» 8 J. i ® S' 4; sC 2 3k 2fe 35 TEL . ■•■ ■ SB sa • srer . zoo■mUO • mSIo' —M77 34 —37 34 —30 — 30 —30 '-.SB _^M5 <6 — SO. —SO so 36 39 S8 teb 36 ®L J46 ;?44 <3 <1 SB <7 35 776 39 1 EEinatda ( Charith W. SB- SB.. . ■•..■,... . . . ‘ I TEhe bffftnastumfc sHuntol off thhe HE. L S. WE® nTnsr^wa lifer <ro.'s^pentol rneetfiing j ion TDtoesday togght. with Ffemfiffi EBar- : ier. ti&e iidsuniaanal ppehida, j Shmee EfeeEbyteyy; eauHSniE£ri3aa gEB- •rrefliiinnal gienirifl. Hfe dfeficnfafiS Sjeuv 32 3& 435 & 451 <9 ■' oBB •S7 M2 ' 32 M3 320 ^2 450 M2 SB 32 35 446 5® ®D 31 75 .<7 563 32 to 39 ■39 T4 33 EEL 34 ^2 IE9 772 39 37 30 SB M2 32 SO M9 773 So 32 :■■ 32 38' M2 ST M2 MB 136 32. - ■34 31 ■40 35 35 38 <2 ' W 4B‘ 773 <6 Stoirijgj^ ■ERfee WinnEEs ' .^ . 'Un .m zEfiEBrit yjHlze s-fitiicl toantefitaal Saamals, UHhss Wary ELm ®.oihs2D wa-t cboHen zto nniafe tShe dihmew icff . ^npnnp Hrhe Z3r5 .•■wtaiiess JStorner; 'A. Walson, TS^itertonriih; GG.ffl- 3E- I’liott, SR. EL, dinfiknerav nnni WSto- IiJ — — ■ . i . . ..... i’ jury ceases weEe ion tohte idonlBBt ^htose DsStelldfe ^irnHifle&aiacm. UDhe aatditoii 3xy SBSeb. IKE SMafchesan idf -Pefrrnrfol aqgritowl S^tpatitok EEegaiSiiK'ja idf SSOO. rrhggrmafedrl ito 3ser Siy '^toe Hate 12Bhss ^gtTHnk-letrm, ^sseas Ja^gairnntfl ■gnrtefrR- .dto]y. TEhe 'mote to» states SMarch, ZME26 j saaoffl was ssigihefl 'dsy ^Wesley .TEMzaantoj'. •□to axdflitittn Hostile Seleriiiaini. | THhp ..wldffflTw aiiaimeij A was ShareeH ZEtoEedn, □jnfekntMr. • ilgy tike ^statue 34 38 .455 '. 773 35 31& ' • m ■35 ®7 30 35 SO «B . 32. . ®r 34 32 772 “ysiio ■*ao <to*o 739 450 . .' 3^- .34 / ‘ it“*e irSLiWlif? StlL ^ItijUlJ4*HuItHxS -12RIXU hlH,TF-* hher ddmt IMr. HStpatriak toad isigned ® —. ---- „ ------- — Ihjonlyms Jmiiendoraer.The cnotew-ith 3ask nmcme guesiioBs tffium wsed rrvxxrr^ ,»fWfcn i.oiTXU.AXJm^7 Mr. HI—Do Tau Skriow "That Soph - ■<44 33 *■310 36 455 ■®L .31 39 38 alb 32 M7 MO a 30 ' ■ .ASHFHd/,1).2gHETO ' ITte ARffiflffl EEresferteiami Cffitairnh iS&bfaath ^hhool toted ccungrggsiian wifflll iihaldtohBir jamnral Ghlridfahmas;.sheh uifil jjgattenhjg oun 73iissHdsEy taenites, Decfirirter 222iffl, wciiSh ttohe uosniil ■ ■ M-E W ' 32 . ^^taysan^ Garmeroii _ “^HSaoteitnn, Hsabe] _— Hferidersan, -Jessie _— Tfaimstane, iEaieen ___ Tpynt, Soarge ------- . Tume, Hilda ■.' ...■- WacDaimfill, Waiy _— MacUi’ofitie, Htugh----- Macintosh,. ASex ----- ’MaefartOsh, -Kathleen /MacDonald. .Tack____ WaiDonald. Mary ....i_ MadIDanald. Marian _ Mackenzie, Clatheraiie MatHtenzie, 3£itel , MacKunzie, Thank AlaQtenzie, IRobert Madkeod, /Leonard ■ Mclvini. 7Ma?y_______ fMcLepd, i&tUk ■'■...--4... Miller, ..Gordon l.— ! M-otiiison,. Melvin ~2_ Dsttaander, Jtexfor.d 'Tiatterson, Agnes —- '/Ritchie, Dotis ..-L....— Jtitchie, •Vtioldt, ——-----Jt8 Tlhotaimau, Harold ----- j Twamley, Hilda ..... i Wsttewnigttt. *Fred -iM , I Weatiierhead, 'Norniu -'—30 32 Wr J66 S9 .30 46 M5 S4 .,' . t“66 *22 ' ’*XD ar.zaj a>. 2b $ =p ■.. SE -3?tsv tax. m> '33 or X__ au □c UP =4>. 20 sw □55 SFMtxt"K JLx 772 36 32 3J .*73 33 *7-8 39 39 34 33 ,419 35 30 *7J 3F> f62L 30 p63 30 .-to jS8 3T>‘ 35 ufR 30 35 ‘228 w r€H>33 38 •M0 ■35 31 (37 7W)31 sd' 39 «4D *40 132 TO 30 66b 1,35 HID 38 inn ~72 ‘36 448 1 ■®T4 31 3ii ■ :32 35 32 ■ Tt>777 773- A4 ■31 33 i. 36 38 35.36 ■35 i ■ f Ml 30 3fi 433 EEyejjabriay wtolname tio cnonte asriri sbh- <igy dthBmaehfies aaiffl onrae aanbfezr. ‘Ofai ^Staxtrisy mmnrmiTrp;, mpprrrhnpr iSOHi. airt rU Siiiiokk, tdHwye ^xvSH ate-on ■caiiiihiied “EBhr ^AiTTpel t*fftShn?y ■to (Sori um tSa® ESi^hefiiir’ ^vtoh special aangjs i^cpinigpriitte fetotifee aceBHHiun. LShe iHuldEun -aff titoe tonhpol aaze nee- tjneKtdil fito nmefet afit QEOJBO snhsnp tibiifct rrrtrnnHup tsko StoriiHiaiiEe tbhniRBfefegs toiih tifoe ssappps ion Hhfa> ppirgg'aMh. SWa ffiBK SEHHHSSB 38 3r> « 3ii ■ '■ 36 , m i«o ■3b .'■ • ' JBlt •30 33 ■ 37 a;r 532 tote amniter .idf Shugg aateffife hBy tohe raeaffit fifey fifem. t&e . inuihter irif .rdgndbhnnlfrhjrgc; amfijamtateES. '. SuhtEact 3003mi ., I3h.eEiihaiH]<idld tot. ■'/ '“SKaWr’ ssiud tohe mtoter wtflShrm enun- nrigg iHiidle. ,4<EBhe tog^shi uhnrid tffjffiripp will bbe tohe tnnnhter odf ridfaftSfas tote umdffietoigto®e tohe nninhher odf liHtnpp >BiteE£B timid‘totefet’tthmid tojgnse tote UHnnhET pff lihuipp SroOStteTrfy * hebmd. IJ ■ 3U ffi. -MaclaEhUK. 'JffiamcO .ktenhiit wi b i