The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-17, Page 2r 7 "i ’ ' ‘ ‘ ' ................... ..' .....-„ ,-feu..,-*. ’■ .-»»■'»*. .> " 1* ( Utf I-f!,/ *. ,< .L.S-. j“d. d I <*- •'■>*' 1 * .0 WATCH FOR THE OPENING INSTALLMENT OF OUJt NEW SERIAL NEXT WEEK STAR RUBY By Louise Jerrold ’A Hashing Story <ct IjRre «n& Loot B^-ond Praoe1 Marriage Not Cure for Sin ■*'■"''qO' Personal Charm I '. Valuable Asset • Pithy Anecdotes Of The Famo«& I ■ •/ I J Solved & the “firamtr for- she 'wBgSasy ins tfflffi- Rationing of Food Starts In Germany fcoiEJmsfey and soft. velvet eam&inied to MM ■By Mor ML MoegM Good -eiothes are mot enoEEgh for tfee-Esjodera womarm-Se- mu^ -be-sir-' •effifeaEEee--^&--^hb -®fcd"Cbl!EBr"«fiff-tfiie- Ottawa To Advance $480,COO To Alberta As an iMaisttjation off Sarah Berrt- hardfs “^ndestmctible hugsar.’*’ Mr. (Jenthe says Daniel Frohman tells off a telegram she sent—aJter -the am- .potation of her leg—to tome Barn-. .bnat-Iffifce shownfia® M the . PSanama- Phefffir Exposition in San' Francisco who had cabled an offer off $l,O0O.OffiQ- iff she' wcndd exhibit her leg. It con­ tained jnst two-words: “Which one?* 'Tfeen.. there ,is this' story . Efogen® Tsaye, ■ <™n) imenitt' Belgian. vioEniist, toM Ar®oM Gerathe: • .»“0n©e .Whem 1 was walking .width ' ntsj accbmpaiiiifst through the streets off ’ Brussels,”" said Tsaye, *“ W pas­ sed a Hted main' pteyteg o® a sepealky vioEn a tone that one eouiM scarcely Ee^gnize. ; Wy ' . atsedmpaxnst’ said* "Even ■ you, . Master',. ©®®M -. .not ptey. ffin that instrnimenV ■ . “fi ashed the Mind' span ..to. leOSe..; "’. .. have his fiddle and I proceeded, to play the same Wire ’ & .ffitfite better than he had- - As we ammed to go» ej friend, sard to the bfcd mam* "Dtp y@< krmisr that is the great tsaye who has jjiaist played .or yosur vioEhn? “A wee;l£ Later I passed that way agdmp The blind/ ■ mam.* was' there praying the same ttnme ' 'emb better' • than -he had- Ibefore.. Bint, automid.' his math was a-large s'gn — •“‘Pmpd off' .'. Eugene Tsaye. AtuHwugf Arnold ' <G'enthers friends Was -Madame Erlnestine:' SC®uimaniEt- fffejnnilk* beloved opera' singer* wh®. ■ passed .on' the other day. .' ■ “At ■ ©me off., her concerts, in New ’■ T<a®h not so Bong ago.’’ he tominis- ces* .““she came on th** stage attired in- a .ffashEomaMe affterruodn. gown and the latest Pb^-b,- Pt njnodeO in the way off a hat. II said to-4be friend who . was .with me, “Fill .bet that hat won't stay on very long-’' "'The aceominanist started the pre- Itaidfe. SMrnmwCTiiniiicBffffiinilk Eave her head ? ,,- _ _n- n, _~ .ni- a ' „ il___-" ''' an ' lameoirfoE table . jerh and seizingsattm froclE beneath- A .most Inajxwiwais . ., Bctah off deep saltern btae.with'its ™ ste . -. soft coBacffiff 'rich brown hoteEy i56 .ST? ^an®-' _ ’ ' ' f» tefc® at*, tie Ik^H^ts irf tlte > ’ ** wamt. ■ Ece-Mie saftSm darned frrrafffe. .TH?rp> fFimiHt ; nsEe ■ shttyffishl- ... POISONED :ui 6 b EDMOXTOX.'— The EfeminioHi C^vommemt wdB advance $48®^d© to Alberta . ffor a w@zh-a&-wagE3 scheme for the unemployed, -it .'was anEtonoeed recently by Hon- W. W> Gress.- Mnifster off Labor. St w® pro­ vide wesrh £gs L£O nam. Tfee' Federal GoverEEzent wS® gjnast for the project end Sena ABerta a fifee snsn-j The ras^ey' w23 be a^ent cm jpah&r w©rhs, Esastliy highways* with wages at 2®" an htar. - iEelsafed in the program will be aBEapEetfiffiEB off the .Edssa - Jasper hsghjsray throccgh the A etm- nectiiig rond wiH be arndt between the Kardegg rood, and- the Jasper- Labe Lsmsse route. Third bigfeway project wiSl be a road to penetate the Pteoce BSveir cfetrhit* nrmong ei­ ther ' ffrara 'Whitecerart or, Barrhead to Stargepn-L . UfidJer. the scheme* the. DdmEnarn? will supply et'pdpnzera.'t from see off ? fits'. mSStory camjs. ■ AfE&erta w®y p^y admmistraufaw .rosts. U Elcm. CSaorfes DunuEfeg;, Federal F&- ■tEEmre Mmfe-ter* advised AE&erta the 1 utoise-y. wSE, txof &e adaunred uasffl ,the agreement hr dgrted- EdSeff-Ctas- s ErfedoneEr. A_ A. Machenzfe is era imute' to OGtasa Parti Of Refsefi’ PEini j - OtXlwa — The Efeminfejra Go-vem- 9meats gr^tot of S“^4©*»;."to Alberta j-snppfemented by a Lean eff a .Elbe j amecCTt t® PtovinoL-xj; Govemmeraft? ■ s» part off a puMP. negotiated With , . tamas p-rovi-ru/es. ff i tr ’“aAn-g up the .,dads .of s&igrie. homeless*.unertipta-y- . ,, e-h .The -caira, project -mmsi&ted, o-ff tarpE pte.ee me rate which <ii<i asvny with reaef esttrps h rJte' pruEirte iarovince.*?- , '.These amd-'uited to E5JI<W& tnenu Sute-e^iently. the .different Gov- were ashed t®. suggest on a; -'. ci*&-®pi£csE£ive haste* wpirhs which, ■vauid ateitoth the men not placed bn Sarttts. British Cclixmnfai CftneCmJed a pten fcjr c®ar-£ w®rfe_ 'AEbeita tx®w Fra-js 'done' the same and ae!tottette.ns with . p -ithers. are preie-^^Wn.^.. , [ -----L—_ - ti “ " All Men Use Them | end Save Dollars jK»w 11 i.tugtiggBr mbb* tti> UrcmcCtnitt rprfr-w^, Slimeg ©b ILuaae ffisaur nrnrftoa —■ Kew Ptacwasi Zs&ssS. Ouhue StgE — Stal­ est- Saniottasu CtzEtta^ E®®®—UG»ne fitofis SsTSffir — fftin 4Hl BSeae anrS C&E nTtirfnrm ', Etfl®* Htoira -ffinsfl ~ effi am retfiresc —' (if! gaamirg; arriE an, KEBTL W.E. Post She Craved to ttefB stories against herse-If.' Here's .one .— fn> her men®- . ®nrs: . ■ ' . “Tbfs is how ■ I, was -greeted rarae day ;test Sommer 'by a regmteir ohte thner (tebacw-chewiiig. off “"Say* matem* ainft yrao that big^, , iatt„ famous ffemhfe singer whose J ffhee weTe a-seefnf all the time inr I tthe newspapers?” - j ■ “‘'"We-HL’’ I answered* Tn® 'a rn.gr I fat* female* Ehm sorry to soy* and r Ihn a*. singer—-Tm sure ahrnzt that . I Bat afto-at . being s® ffamotxs "way attt here— “"Oh* yes/ he .interrupted* yes yaw are! I hnow you — fcrara-w ad J aho-rat gam. TGrafire the ra-rre w'e’re &ri- ■ i Ways at-readSnf ahraat. Why we. gta f ! X’ 0 . t z. The .Crystal Pbtece* ■i ■-: ■ Writes tBe* Detroft Fte.e Pte®*!-— Ttie raff the 4- I FREE! BOOK ON HOCKEY stterch. Ei teaspiara =ai* gEgsr; $ cups s£2e - ©“tesperatedl mh-x and -Ire tETiiS, B teSSpOiS. ’ZWffJffiA Aid chrachteite softer- .&ra.d •,ea£. c 3l-:t.'C.r-Vr-rs . j-u,. Hcr-ws ' t - ~»~r EtirTAHss—-s jlzt:. 3*jj;;;ls«8ib ZJExir-.au-sx- , 3rc ’Ica-H; , Sii® i&irrts!® Baits? Srwit XttnBia: • «zri Eieearjr i J.^T.-n-J-OrSr-aa -IpTTI-lfc gjnyl«WI»- ■ 'V.f'_€»te JEfsrsj B-sesSb I . Sjsr iLerS-sKa- ; _• • -j Far a Eshel feosa a tea ’cf 1 - SaLLSaF’ or "“111.1 . 'i Csro St?rwL—-Write' '! co- she &52£3t yozr SEzmse sod .' - SkSdtess— -.pfe^H-Ty—'st®d the whris “"EheJfeey car . ssteste’C^' atSfeg i ’%« bseKot pwhrre fcr eaeSa '' fahfeS1-- M±3 #bfe hM to tfe ’ ' EDWAQOSBURe ' CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP US FAMOUS.Bmw FOOD j© g3?aKz®cSi -ISjf ( fa-ana __ ffirtEsco.. -__ SsicEi^&xasEa. fmxas AtBMOinSiCBi* feaimi ' X-WW; s& tasBig® ffirtim. f&u& g.t^ ‘friz- S^txt. 3BiCp XaUfiKHi •. ' <5GSrur/r.. SStte Ftfrwtff ei-isr tfigSsft? .LOWEST PS*5CES S^£& PEATE MUSICAL CO. LTD. ■ # ... -aipfettwwajft- sm-, ' vfaHgtfwarxa. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- “First Bottle IU*1 homeless* anempta-y- HdgBOO nH®r' ■. -The main % project -maste-ted, o-ff . vozffes iWm. . f $29 LsZSsa Stezet, Qa£. •Toot ¥e^tob£» .'CswaaLl . sae vtfraa^exffibW- SSaKRB 1 '■ atostod ta&zbig I hafre tto jaaore ' - pxgEEs cai- ^scsy' sgcffiiu I Ml wdi 3tt< sgtois® stoiiw* I cat: iiiBi2;amd W2 aistal I dai Ara£l d^^catdlMiWoBKalte. , peart Bas^C. Cet a feaCtfie fiaaa paper rant here most, every ®ee& and, there^ was a picture- in the last one Csohs.-jest, She yo.a- Oh. ycraTre the one. I mean- mnt mc» mistafc-" about that Tbufre &er*“»aH right!?’ ”■ “Such is fame—aitd the sa-eal'fed “top> raff the tree/”9 added Scfcamam- iSfeink-' ’ LYDIA E. PI-OHAWS VEGETABLE COMPOUND ’ 'teigBrts” of -London's-. teat EteBfbt - ttem' off' JIS>i E* wa-ii eiie af the teugcst' 'mrffiferga ail cba TOj.rftt as the, EififeJi Tower* erected a» arte off the '.‘'sfgfi&s* off the Paris Ekpcsiftwitt of I9SSP* was’ ^nd stEL fe-.tme dff Sue teffijst stroxn “iiEes ct the vxql&L h h P[5 Old Saying To Be Brauers By Cordles _ E3i€3iDfEv. Ore. -— Ejetermi-n;<^ to • pirove ea-opera.tive the cM say4.r^" . “‘Hw® Cara i£we ass cheaply as o-ae."’ ' married staferito at' -the tTrCHersity 'of Oregon w® ffomm sB T.CJLA.C.AL • ■; Steward Eessfer, a' bridegroom of a wteefc. aamoffiMfeed' re-cen tly The mf- ; stand ffmfr *two cam Eve. as cheaply asso'cfattiorm^ The e-Jb6> wteB pramote sockuU gfffa&s ' far , yoiaing married ctotEpfes, appoint cwmr.niurees’ to study individual prufilems and' to ■ wiirfe mxft pfiEUs for cd*-operatime p;u:T-~