The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-03, Page 5'/'“I ^|« -im, f» .. ir^oww^iwww.... ....... & ■ ■ DECEMBER 3, 1036. ®5OK ' KKSr TRUCKS TRACTORS (MfiSrnHKrWCJS: knuetei eras, . henirfflluam and ■that hea.v.y fiettlinu—relieves dj-speftsia. Ef j">u ivre atfinaid . ti>’ eat, set, *!tis-vjomtenfui s'omnch: powder today. <SytS'LTi©SSG)'>X will help' you. to- ixnmedina^ -relief! as ie hues helped, tnousanda. Adali; dsug- stores.” * wrwnx;Wi ? 's •■ LJ ’ V • dll, -TffiE IMftWOW BENTTNEL , J'^5 ' I FPSAE®. EFH® ■ELECTIONS IN ASHWEED AND WAWANOSH, ’MONDAY and litewiyweds Presented With I ' $50^0 ’Ht Reception - ’ The ‘EBhi’ted Church .Sundhy schobE wf® hoUf their Christmas :entertam- ment an Maadhy evening,. Dec. 22isto M®Si. Alfred; Hahefi,,; Fort CcJbome;. spenit week-end with hear pareits- Mm and Mrs- Flrm-igan. ©rests reeaiHy with Mrs. Eliza- teth Rahb wsje Ifc. and Mrs. John. Hmertragi front ESmrandine and Mr;. Jrfrn and Mms. Barbara. "Smeltzmr of Rrver. Afc the annual] me^inig' of the- Mhd- feal Assuchdiiani of Huron,, heldl -Eate-’ efc SgEEExrffl&V. our Ideal doctor^ H.. A • 'Wdtps, was elected viee1- presfdenL. IWfayjjfcivu On Penfland has been ap­ pointed prmcipali of & tsvo>-ruomi school Mateidheraan;, EL. Qut,r with duties- to- cansmsKe immediately. At a prngressivpt- emdme- and danee- sponsored by the Ladies” ©did of SL FhncEs! Church last Friday night "in tfhy Parish haUv Mrs. k Hugh Thmip- sim won the ladies” prize and T1 Yruomani ftnr Hire genii's;. Mosie- for* ■the’ danee was;, supplied by Mr: W- J- Mass- Ddrothy Hd&& Mr- W_ A. Cidhert had! delivered! to> his-- stables,, a pure bred Clydesdafe ■fiHy edBt Mr and Mrs.. George Yundt and family7 of Monktun. visited; at the home of Me. H. J. L-. Hedy on. Sunday Ffriemfa will be pleased to hear spent Friday at Mr. Robert Mc- qf the fevurafife? progress in health (jjjbnatpg af^S&SL Mt Treleaven, who the( ,md 5^,s' ^alad, Helen- and Ei- fetter- pairt: of last week was; seriously j le0IU 3tr peter Cassidy spent Sunday SL JEss; Womlfced MeGhwe is the, afternoon at Mrs. McPherson/s. nimtpc- in attendance. Mirs!. Rajcfael Culbert. who under- “Whiity G5ft ServnreF” w31 be fol- went an bp.eraarion in Kincardine Hos- Ikjsyed out ®t the morning' worship' at , L__' TLX- .^- *’ _ p-trrrnrng Ana offieringr af* “white .gift” progress.. (H®D'®RC1OD NEWS} ' Mr. Graham Pinkney... . spent ■ I week-end* at Mr. Will Eadie^. Mrs. Howard1 . Harris, who has been (home with her mother, Mbs. jamie- isoig. Paramount, this hast eight weeks ' ’ reports improved eondtnicais -with the. rsiek. •■",*■■ Mr.- and Mrs. Albert Thompson, ‘•spent a day recaotliy ait Mr. Day's, ITeeswater. . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Aekert, Miss i Wiunifred Acfcert rand:. Mrs,. Charles (past few weeks, is able to be- around lagain. ... Miss Jean Johnson spent the Vfeek : end with her parents. The community held' a reception in tthfe Township Hall here on Tuesday night of last week, in honor of Mr., land Mars. Harry Jewitt, newlyweds, iof PfetroEa. A very pleasant evening rwas- spent in, dancing.. Lunch whs; ser- iwedi and: Mr. Richard Baker-presented: ’the happy couple with- a purse of :fifty dollars, wishing them every good luck on the journey of life. Mr. Jew- iitt' had assisted' on the farm of Mass r Susie“<Pnrvis this last two yjsars. .Di-.- Johnstou, Health ©freer, visit- fed the schools in our township this week, , ' Congram. motored to 'Ethel an Sun­ day. ML and ’Mirs. MeCldvis of Walker- the I (Ceaitissued >^®ju Page V land Thps. J. Andersen. ®qr ' Deputy ■ Keeve . -E.' GL Zinn, 'by'. Rtoht Ritehie ipepiige Lane. 'Sanxuel Sherwood, by ’WSfred! Drennan and John Menary. Alex F. McDonald, by ’Frank 'Ham­ ilton and D. A. .McDonald. . Giilhert Fuayne, by Wm. E. Foster andi Harold .Tigert. For CohnefKors Olbert Frayne, by Thos. Drennan and Geo. G. Dreanaiu . W. Arthur Culfeert, by -Alex Sac­ kett and J. F- Johnston., E. G. Zram, by J. F. Johnston and ;Ahex Hackett. W. Arthur Cuilhert, by E- Gt Zinn i aind Walier Alton. ■’’ ■ i Charles Congram., by MHftan ’1®- patriek, and Efiarwy Anderson. . Wilfred Farrish,. by J. F. Johnston . and Ernest Blake. Lone Johnston, by Win. E. Foster and Harold Johnston. Election .Was 'Sneertafn Following the meeting, just -suffi­ cient' nominees. Gpalffied to form a council and it was hot - until. 'Satur­ day . evening that ’ Richard Johnston, • GSilbert Frayhe and E. G, Zinn quaili- fied assuring an election. - '8 fin Field ®u Wawanosh Clerk Durnin PhSEI^s presided for :the nfeeting in West Wawane^h,, where an eteetion was assured ■with Cquncflloi’ 'McOfoffiUiin and 'Reeve r S-tewart, who have sat rat the Board ! together for sis years, contestiug ;the reeveship. Councillors Ganrmie and Aitekisun, ;&year service men ^®e agaju in the field as well as Brown 'Smyth, who has served for. three years; ’There lafe three other aspirants, ’Thomas •Webster, ex^couneiillor, Henry Leisii- Tnmri and, David Hamilton. Others nominated were James i Lyons, Harold ' Gaunt', Larne Burning Louis'^Weaiheiihead, George 'Emmedy ! E. J' Thom and Gordan ’McBhersan. - 2TN>D CO!H., WNLS0SS Mrs. Rod. Campbell is spending a . few days with Mrs., Harry Lavis. Miss Irene Barkwell is spending ra few weeks at Mel. frwin?s. Mrs. M. Mef'nnes spent the week­ end in Toronto. Misses Dorothy and Evelyn Mac­ Dougall of Seaforth-gnd Miss Freida McDougall spent Sunday at their home here. , Mr. Sandy McCharles has been- spending a few -days at D. A_ Mae- Dbnaldls. ... Mr. Austin Martin spent Bunday lat Jas. Erwinfs. Miss -Edith Hughes of Ripley, ’Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kempton, Catherine and Manion Campbell and ; Mr. Harold« Campbell were visitors ! during the week .at MeL frwinfs. ! A number from tffig community j i attended the funeral of Mrs. Carno- chan an Monday. We extend our sympathy to, the bereaved. ones. 1 __________________ „ _ , pital some time ago. has been; able to the TT-rritorr ©hureli next Sunday j netniin home and is making favorable As Friday evening' is- programi night _____________„ _ a good time is expected as our Corn­ wall fe later packed and sent to the i mittee have been right on the joh. west._______________________________■! Dr; EE. JL. S- Yokes has purchased a new model chev. coach from L- ML- McKenzie^ THry Literary meeting at the pub­ lic school -wag held! on November TZ, . dbuatiuus is ashed' ter and will be collected during- the service. They Mrs. .ramies’ Baiter. who has been confined to her, bed with the* cold the *.$ fl»©M !N%W'$ Mrs. Ewart McPherson was ra week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. I Lee and Mr. Lee in . Toronto. Miss Irene Woods of Kitchener aind Mr. Helmuth SchienkerofBrM , -gor past ^wo ar three Mr. -and Mrs. Viator ^Emerson ..^OHspent -tte ^eefcend■ «t the ' ■ spes't Sanday ^th Jto.te-.Mrs. Beo. ; former’s home here. ’ Xw ... 'Harkness^ >Mr. Neely Todd was home from ,. . ,, .• . n. , . jfX • ;-SttatM.-fcr the week-end fe the mierests of smaller lorn*-, Th,s Aaday evening, the Langside ™ 1 .tj a„„u , ' a 61®5 leai?“e eontiimes to bar_any iButal Club will meet, sshen there swill I * o'E’A:‘be^^^^e‘i by ±he ITcnn Todd rand Hugh Rutherford -are . f ; K 'Framsh Moffat55 Fra0^^' S°el£igli k _ _ 44,^ * taamsh. Moffat, Fraser Rutihs rand — _____________________, Wtoter wX &X this' week. , whooettok is -oot Atart ’ *»■ A-- ^etsan. The program be-' WHUI^pHIHKIfi 1 : ‘160x60 feet, must be prepared to tans -at-8.30 shgip^ , H ■ , Prior to thn ranmual , wsit of _ playoff .games rinks com- The WL M^S' of the' Hrrited .Church ’ Mrs... Annetta -Knight ,of Linwood, J Rectors for thj Btble Bocaely,.Ret. standard if the-execu- ‘ Whitechprch, rare .holding ra bazaar ’«Pent the weekend, with Ker ffafffer, Itt.’M. W^.ddrvered .m^MreSs,Wve.B0 OHieTS . . m Xe:XX >' Wm.lJ.'IHsher, deaimg '.Witt >e-Tgreat woA^bang . ... '. !Hal). . : I ‘AH the eBUdreo of the'Presb^er- Xtog' 6 | ' The /final 'date'fdr-reeetotog entries This victoity well represented I jf” 'Sm^- '^1. ^re ^e- ' • _ •■., • . ' was set for December ;24th ;and play-rat'S±--Andrew’s Ball in iueknaw dast Q ont 'Saturday , Miss todbel MWr, the new presi-, ei_- cerr^eates .^jn oot be accepted Friday -night. Weather conditions T~30 o eioci< ‘for -pracidee ?ft>r their :deh± ,of the <r.P,U presided -at the ;alte, pebtmary 1st. ' for •motoring -was very ‘unfavorable 1 C'h,lTEtmas COIleert- ■ ‘r^fcr eneeta^of that sow held; . .. . and many ,Hl have vivid anemones1 ' W/3i' ?liarlier *•'-*■* <M>»- Hoekby-here is se&eelyaa-suHeet of «t. -Andrew's of >986, ..and it s' and^er’.Mrs.SSamffieid Th! "! conversation, det alone arousm- ‘lonlali. ' : of 3>on, rWed^st-.toteek iwttttaeir .'the Bible character on “Adam”. The . ’ ■ . " . . coasm, Mrs. -Robert 'FWJFHpq . nf.■ main featwe of the meeting «ae the.'^g^1 B,terest *» resnit » . Vorot^ SBeat- | G6deiieh. ’ ’ rinteresttng illustrated leeture on-“So-‘ ' ' -■«* , ' * •rial worir fa ’TOHb”,.Tead by, Rev. H. - ••••.•■ : Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ‘Smith. 'M. Wright j The sport-gemns to be an the’way j________ ____________■ - An enjoyable,'time -was spent at1 °« here 'Ptotpeets -are that it t-h ©nwnffiinatv Wall n Fridav p” ' vciSTrZ season before Luck- • X„ when members, "of the again he as 'feared to the '■■ -r^,' tejj 1 hoekey firaiment ..as m the days of ,e team . cmnpesed of.'the 'Agnew,metos Insatate. held their first At ' •“eypsV" ' . . Home” of the season. Mrs. Wrmn *J. - ' . ... ... '.Jack 'Jotasion, "Cass” Kalian Bar- and^ ««.-'• :^P“b7«stev^ ’The Idays Len the MdCoys .and heaven and ^Hasten. ter rand > Mr. M-ochme. ,du^ E^S‘^d 'J^S^ LDOTothy and’ . Gordon 'Mffler .and .MacDonalds,, Brown Maffough, Ernie According-to ourweekly raxchanges • ’ X- ’ , ' T '. .’ 1 , — _i_.—Il- ’ Tti I W> *4 .« -----—.i. ■-----_ . a 1Hugh ^nd Gcant EkUinerford; recital . tians; 'by ■Marie 'Swan, Helen, rand Mae (McDonald; piano solo by Mrs. Will . 'Rutherford rand ra violin solo by! Mr. ■vf'irh Mrs. SStuart .and Mrs. Taylor rat j* unost eertainlyddid. George 'Stuart, -with ’ Mrs. 'Stuart - as iaccompanist. Music for .the dance :that followed was provided by 'Mr. iRang. ] 'Stuart rand "Mass Vera Taylor and' ing being held fn I Mr. Chester Taylor on the voilin t Thursday f. .. . . ............... —■’■■'-.-.-j-'"'-"-'"' The annual meeting -of the' W. 0. , *“*’ Veima and Ebner-Scott H.A. ^was held in Lietowel with to-'6? ?n'' C1Urt'“' ««■* 'Sunday - ereaeed enthusiaom and interest to X h<™e ' “ Mr- 4* this loop whieh :has been successfully 1 E son‘ ‘ operating for the past two or three of rat TRI-LAX _ 'HAS RELIEVED Thousands .of -Biifferers r frorm "■Stomach, IBowd, Tiver amid 'Kidney trouble. TrF-Lax -wall cleanse The i Blood .land 4gi^e ’you -relief. < Get the Combined Treatment 4at ■yonr DruggiEi. ‘50c -each. \McKIBI«5 DREG 'STORE TrLJLax Remedy ! limited, Toronto, ■ Ont. a nee Casktoette^apent SSundaj- -with ‘ ■ m,. -James Tnreter Tm,rnjd rSaturday-: from • the west, ..raiter ■■idsit- I’ing -a few weeks wd^ ffis/bridhpr/.Mr ■ hWjn. Forster and 'other ^relatives there. Mr..and Mrs/ Green - spent the'-week end at'the home of her parents,IMr. Miss Unia Huniphzpy pf S&t.: H^ens t.tzawo, G .visiting with -her -aunt, :*Mrs. 5Fnxlor rand by Mr. Mochne. .duets by : ,anlSeeds,^ 'AThns^-and a __ ___ m. the wiHage. . . Mffison, Lee Horne land such like -'many ponds were eexpectmg to be be heJ(j on ’Thnrsdaj’ December 17- ; were m them prone. skating in their .arenas if .coid ^ea- :Everybody ^come * ’ ■I :—:---------------------------------------^_ rther field out oyer •:the week-end, mX j L■ ........... . . ’ roe sad'news wasweceiyedUiere of i the ideath of MSfr. 3Bob IMgEead 4ff the. piano. , ' *. . * *• (Chicago J He was-a;nephew- gBItfessris. Tf youL^e .a member of the Beef, Wingham and ■'Kincardine rare en- {David rand ’Jahn -dtpnnprh,- --and l*Mrs. l~'“ please ateend the -annual 'meet-1 tering O. H.-A. teams -and rare -"going j James Ttarves.'Be wall ’he’MWHwnW the Hal] tonight,1 through some hmbering rup exercises ed by -many .as .a hoy wafting wvrth -anticipating early dee practises. has -grandmother, ’ Mrs -A tRnrrngfiy ______ ih Junior circles, the last: squad to id in' the ma^e a name for themselves was 1 . wemmbs • E&s. Waiter McKenzie spent last week -with friends in Toronto. i Mr. and Mrs. Buektoniandidaugh- ; ters ■ of; Toronto, visited: recently -with 'Mr. Herbert Bucktan. . ' I Miss Margaret MacIntyre spent I the week-end in Toronto. j ■ ’ Mass Annie McKay took in the' Royal Winter ' Hair. , ’ j Mrs. Wm. Mackenzie attended the, • 'funeral of her father, the late Mt.; Howe. . | We are sorry this week to report the- death, of Sirs. S. Carncchran, who • | passed away at her home on Friday ‘ | morning. The funeral -was held an ' Monday, from the Lucknow Presby­ terian Church, to Sinless Cemetery, and was largely attended. The sym­ pathy of the eomnamrity is extended I. has im- . We wish to extend eongrttuiations TUITK The- presfdent Laverne Gulbert | to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Arthur, Mr. oeuapitHf iffie chair. The meeting was land Mrs, John Skin and Mr. and opmimf with the business peririd. It Mrs. Hany Towne, ail of Turnberry was: demdrafi to- hold’ ttar next meeting i on the arrival of three fine baby' Hip. last: ^sy of school before Christ-1 daughters horn last week. I mas. The committee chosen for it. Mr. I.oime Gardner visited last were Anetta. Stewart, Lenore Patter- i week-ewl. with his cousin Roy Hav- , gon, Raymond Currie and Ette Belle ( enH at Lucknow. j Webster. The minutes of' the last are sorry to hear of the illness meeting: were read ami adopted- A of Mr. Pocoek- Mse ‘ hope for his. _ ....r-rrv -c , , J nerin 31 for some time, is muchpigno solo was given by Etta tseue speedy rednvery. i „ ri Webster, song by Doreen Rutledge ’ tMr. and Mrs. Mervin Deeves and p. 1,6 ’ ■ .■ , and! Eymi Tinnier. Readings of paper fomiiy moved their household effects y™™ by Anette Stewart,, swugrby June Rut- j t0 Hanover last Friday. Mervin has, miWMi wmdJhUY necitatjan by Fred Wmg;, A r rented a t position* in the Hanover i ably and effieiently rorried was given named: «T^6ng; Furniture Faetm^. ota the duties oi7 medical health offi- ■Hamfs.. Toota”. The meeting- was* uhe Christmas concert at Turn- cer fioderieh Township ter a c&jsEHi By singing the National An-' herrv S. S. No. II wBl be held on J continuous years. Dr. J. B, Whitely ttac.-' ■ 'the ™»« "f Dumber 22nd. The1 ’««»" GtoiBriBh practifioner wa3 endeavoring * bobiidy honored , at the Township concert a grand sue-! nominhtion meeting at Hdmesvffie j on' Friday. ’W. G, MGHOLSO-N RE-ELECTED | . . PRESIDENT OF L. F. ML j W, G. Nicholson of Bruce County jwas re-elected president of the I>ni- l ted Farmers : terin ‘at their annua i copventiDn Toronto last, week ■ \yas re-elected 'Along, with -R. : the three were i tn approach the . mission regarding a. further aitjnkt- ■ ment Mr. •ector. to the bereaved. Sihss Elizabeth. Robinson, who : The “Hffnm andi Stefauoi1 Club” meet-' teacher* and pupils are ■ teg* far- Decmnfec' was held Tuesday I to make this at 41T5’ pom at t&e school, opening. cess. with riirigirig' © Gsnadu, and repeat-1 Mr. Dave Gibbs of East Wawanosh^ ing tffre Lordlg prayer. The minutes spent- ^nnda:; with Mr. and l^frs. of thfejgist TneEttmgr was given and Arthur Law. <rtmresptaderace rearil After a spin1! ' ■ by Lynn Tunner; it was moved by Mrs. ihmner and seconded by Sfrs. Alton that Mrs. F. Jiones; he convener; FACES LEG .-WUTATON 'Mr. John McIntosh. of Ripley, who of the “Health Committee”.. Mr.! has been in' Kincardine Hospital for weeks, faxjes the possibility that another operatior. r. ..r^xnewe his remaining leg may be necessary to prevent the spread of, the Tangerine infection, avcwdfrur to the Ripley, Express. His dster-in-law. Mrs. Wil­ liam McIntosh. formerly .roan Baird, was buried in Flaxvomne. Sask., cm Larire McKenzie donated some plate several glass to -be put on the,inside of the windows for * better ventilaimn. It was moved! By State. Alton and' seentid- eff By Mate-. Tinnier Hist they send' to Toruntn for the “Review” magazine. ' ‘[SEtek Turner read from the' book. “Angteo Phtril” The meeting dosed with; the National Antiiem. ’. November loth. of Ontario for a steerind tn JEL & Hannan seerrthry^treasurer. J.‘ Scotr oiBelgrave named a^mmm’rtttee Ontario Hydro Grim- of rural hydro rates. Johja Jamieson, local riding dir- attended the convention. i ,1 i Qxrting tPbM ^AFE! ®OE -SltllE- / /X X v I'M) FORGET THE TDBA rmvr WW . -EXTRA PHICED WR \Q oiwk -startim;. 11 : to Sine ''Sunoco und voiill ohamge' vonr• imind. -Riiae* Siinocospiils tJie'«ecoiids < even • <jh coldest d H- .‘Allows through with ’1 htning-iikr • ■acceieratimi: ^power-yiaoked. Tor-oekless laetion .atiM ioxtg