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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-03, Page 2
1 -v. was written-: urol totelleri-1 first and at Rome, i *jfcw firat defence »» sae toek mywt, tatfc «n 'iteropfc ms^ifc nae b& laid t» account-’’ «X .Acta 7:ffi5.) Pan! tee» refers t» tte preHmmary. trial -<< ,W second im- priaonment which was called fee Brimaaetio. He ksdi spoken hi ina own defense, for, .though he tod had; was ■ .'F^IEJSiPAHto^'CmJNSELSi { TESMSEfijrh'6;'' 'Thnofeyr Ar TStn®.' zJ. •:, PRINTED- 'TEXT 1 Itmofey SiS-W; (^IJ0SN?JTSK35—r-f' have fought ’fee* - good- fsgiitr , ■!■" have- fmifeed'-.'-fee* ? ©rarsj^,; P JiMve". Srejjf fee- feighi 2» ; ■' Tnatfey' ArX ••? THE' LESSOR IN FES SETTING^ ■ iSmfc-—The Fnst Epistle, to Tim- e cfejt and fee-- Rustle- to Titus ,,svere- - written between'- Paul’s 'second'" imprisonments probably AJ>. 6B-S6. The Second Epistle- fei Timofey _ . . ^ . ____,^_ ■ shortly' before^ Paul’s .■ martyrdom. A. .-fnrrtrd. doing* “Without spot, ■ without Tfe . 651 reproach, until the appearing of our Hacei—& > not known from je^ Christ.” The Second Ad- which- city Puu! wrote I Timothy and Chri^ in ati 2-Timothy was written from l tfegg ^sties (2 Tim. Home; ThetEpistfes to Timothy wetst 2^}. The fact that Christ pfeb^^' sent*.to him -at .Ephesus;: enmmg.back again, when truly’. . fee* Epfetle to .IStps to Crete; ., fegHvArt^ is always an incentive tb ..conteiament.! fe- grest' gstni”' Ehnl does- not s^r *. <‘Wfiieh m-'ite- own times he shall feat contentment may be* found nr- s},OWr who fe blessed and onir , one^s sei^ but in', godlmes^ . TfefentzEfe fee King 1 of kings, and “For we* brought nofeing into 'fjjrd- ofTdrds; who only fefe immar- woridi-forineifeer can.we-earr£~sny> -tefft-y; dwelling in .gght unapprouch-- feuHg outT” (See Job I r 21^)' whom no man faafe seen, nori ■■broii^ib nbfemgf .into fee world, we ;.«rtic see.^- to whom be honor "and- on^tt not to :be' ^contented'- wife? -power eternal Amen.” Five feings'- .-’■w&at'feeworidk.h^; given us; if" we^ :sre said here ^sout.-God. He s fee ■ c^'fefe'nofen^’.-’oiit of fee- world,, blesed- One, fee -solitary Euler of 'how- foolfsh it is to spend our time- the universe,, -fee only .possessor tsT ■ ■im amassing: feat whieJ^- wnen we* innn'OTt^ity. The.' Remg who is in-- '’Te®vdriIie''WtnW -must 'be- left behind!!, .fmifady remote firam human srrw<; haring food and ' cohering wee: dweEmg' ' not’ in ace^sfble ' shall be- feeresrife content.’' ’The* light; and fee- invisible; at least to ' . ppor' -mam wirni ig content: wife: fe^ .fee* eye, wfefifer' of sense or of nate ' shelter’'and: f&pdk! * . is i happier -fean'.’- fee* rich man: Bring fntespaiasg; eating fe©*'richest -viands: ■ imported* from every- country on- esrfe,- who; stiS enawes rarger: home;-more-elegant, e-ofees, a* tagEf yashtr affiJWgreater stable- of norsesr feanilte- .emt afford- •. ■ ’ ’‘Ent ' feat are-, rmnned to be rife,”- Paul does not find fault wife - nen f»r‘"h*emg riehi -^&ny rich men accept feerr rieslfe -ass -s. trust from God, vi even’ as* a- bnr a> n lain upon feem by '(^d; and devote themselves- copseieritsiuriy' to- its careful 'ami:: wise^ erpeudife-e; What Ke--says'- is. feuL- for those to desire riches,, to. ' whom God ' frss ' not given them,. is to open the doer .to' serious- tempts^ tSan. • E F. Brown ; “Fall ■ mw n . teum^tion and g snare.”' The tirtt word' refers to . fee inducement ro savrifue duty and conscience to- fee pursuit of. wealth-; fee second, to 'fee- ' ensnaring power of those- rormeetions whi h wealth ■ necessitates. marv foofch aird hurtful, lusts- such as c?rowp rren' in destruction and ., per.!?tion.” Probably “destrcetron” refers 1 to the effert« of sum pursuits;-' c& ■ r.«''n in this wor’-d. and “perd?-- t*on” to fee uTtfeaate results in fee world -to come, '■■•,' .^Fot the love sf money is & root- of all ~iniis of evil.” Jlost cornmes- t'Xtors agree .-that the change in fee- Re-rise* Version ffom “the root’”’to “a root” is not justified. Tke< phrase • "iov ? of fflou'ey” is fee translation of 1 <me word hi the Greek, a word' used' in referrim* to-t*.e Pharisees fLuke- s :l 4»* Which. some- ■ reaching after have been led'astray from to J — L (see also Slark- ISriSK pierc-ed J themselves many sorrows,”' . . riarty a rome ''tarj to. -fee tragedy ■ Paul feat " hen a fafeily. ,,2te cTrcumstgjsces, becomes, .through one cause or another, wealthy, its weroterg are greatiy tempted to be- csane careless m their ^reBgioss life,, to «-3fe3d rhe lord’s; day in enjoying ©♦Tings <>r entertataing friends, but fee ’esa>t ri it all is t-hat sorrow ro t oTes. .e-ries-aess deepens, and fee ■ -y -f rhe former ntore simple , fas* -' re ' godly-v ;fe has gone. "Hwt feoj. q man of God.” A man cf -''os :a r.ne wfco ha* yiehjen ms G©a. m ^ho& God' w;-r£s out his rinrposes. wfc©' ’jves whoKy for the gory of God. Safe men are few. b&t". they are the ‘‘most .prerirras d»- e^-er.ea da ‘fee , world. ''"T^ee feete - fens.” That is. '. agantri wfefe. Paui has been wsrafe ins nrrisfiaas. ' the ' preceding- vetees. "^md fol row after rigutepus^- ftes®. Emdliness. faith, love, .patience, jneeKne®.”. The first 'two cere refer to tre'atr-tehip ‘0 God. The a“v- c-nd two, ate. the r'Utstand."Kg vtrtees cf a Crr-,*r-,as; max-—faith toward Oa-i apd '>-,-,--e toward .ow fetlow-gjgp. The ,ast group of two refers . to ©tie's •♦-ro-duri <xsrrog oays of trouble end crifiepity. ■ • . fHsfet. the good fight of-fee faith," ’Thss might be paraphrased ^contend. earog?fiy for fee faith”, Le., do not weaken or retreat m fee gr&at battle into which year life of faith in God Will lead yo^ ‘Eay feoM ' on the life et&rgtsV We should seem . ‘tee to- hate .'^rifee voice- of fee 'e®m- etC friend standing at & errtienj cor- • Zffig of fee course ' and roaring Timr to renewed 'energy. “Wtefepiito ■ tftoa west calied,- and -'didst confess fee good confession in- the sight of many wftres-as.’’ Where feis'eantes- ' ston 'was jgtede and. under - vfeat cir- . . ctmtttejces, we do not tow. *T charge thee in fee sight of God; uS and nave through ■ wife hear testimony •'here depict.-— once in jnoder- A*—— Ynu’II Stag> Well iff You Ute ■ Thsss Ex-erass anniversary .of signing of "the armistice which. ended hostilities in iate w-orid war. throng turned ost'feroisg turnedwgwg>| i * Regardnig Pacific 'Cieesh skip strike' i« voiced above f® fceit^d-. fgfifccai «-fcry. key ztr'en at •rneetfcij*' of striker^ and shtp-owuers in’ Los Ang&iea. Left to xi-ghti as they aired feeir opinions, are : Fred Harper df AOT^e&nvHawaiian $hip Ccmqpaaffiy; Efeter Kruce, chamnan <sf ..jornt strike 'committee assd Winter ’ ’ ■Spragtte.cf Giwtet'Hhfeor Associstidxi. Omsor ItaSan DsaOedl Vets . «...J flee • fee .things CROSS ROADS. by Austin cross £ Southam Press. Sfontreal) '- is the worh . ' a wandering Cana dian jfmrauJist-. consumed with a» passion for trains- As - a boy °f , -weivej Austin F. Cross ' would. “THIO- WE DID." te Gregory Clark. iliust ste» by James Prise "~. J. Reginald Saunders, Toronto). ?2..<ri- brings us closer to haute. • Here ve have the complete cbHee-- tfos eg Mr Clark's material, some are'reprints from ‘The Star Week ly" and others are published tor .the first .ies. These who are ac- ■ guaiuted •with this writer's whimsi cal sty} -2i .need, no urging to rush cut and obtain a copy of this delightful coHertion-. Induct New Rector At meeting"of American. Hierarchy of Catholic Church, Rev. Joseph Corrigan (right) was inducted as head of Catholic' Cwiversity^ in Washington, ,D.C, ■ Hd’s seen with Justice Butter, who recanted degree , on occasion. (Left). ' " . . , ■ . ' On' occasion of the Rsth anniversary of the Cemeteri^ Were . <®3ESI OMH8 Difference tof Opinion :.pi2Emed tagrownsy.” Tpsrisig the . eariy paefchnatfang fearacteristies of ■: the weas^eaffsg primitive men. 'tanad w-orega.. "Hr. 'taro- dis explained that '•the '’estaSSsh- issMast of' fixed abodes ■ .gnadsiaSy ' Jef t the procurement of food satsEe isxid rswrte to -.tire xaaie. Oceup’-ed "with xesfcriigg. their ydwsng arid wife their -men often on 'tosg-deiayed ifewftiSwg ^expeditions, it is logical, he -aasd, "to -brieeve that wfenen first *exp£riiaedt- .®d with the posraMe foods xsf fee ’ Sdssfit world, berries, waSa, seeds asid $$axts. The • fesnsde ynohyajy ;Mid<spfed 'Such wg^MM nSet 'Joazg fefeue fee psaie, sand by TjieeeswtSy .'•Esther*" than efoaree, ‘"'But 0o root .assume that ffefct '.33 ifee full' expiaraatjon of the ' w-c?tr I beefsteak amd the sOTcsrity” ysfedT ssaid Dr. Lsmdis, ’^Exaansine .cSosely >■ Wy comprehensive' treatise on wyfe- ' • ■oio^y onid yen ’wfi] finted ^desses W sgifelture in plenty, fgw, •g-ods. . Attend 5®y garden cfeb meeting today . and look for fee wate.’* . ''t ,' ^conetaded Dr. Lan^s thaq feafe xocsre to ’harm agri&fltSEe' than • :a0 fee drsnaghts, severe wasteEs amd :pesfeeKces of natere. ' ^The ^-poii- ' ::fe32Hi has upset gm P^jricSdfeial -fek- :«nee ufed brought abwit j, feran. piroBtep < fer mwe eerioBg ■n^.- fere- has «ver fcsfijcted' he safid. ......... ,f / WHAT PRICE BEAUTY? BOST05^— Masaachssetta -beauty reported re'eeKp.ta<r<f $7^5. _ WO ih ms or SlMW mere thzi I in 12133, says The Transcript, dSiating j»®n the "persnanesst Wave wave”- 33 ■ J'tefiasferi df recovery. y$