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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-11-12, Page 1
(' £2;0D A ON HWRA TO 01. SS. M. _ ©IMIAIL____ ®r. |R. L Traleavsn * mENmisT ufelO^fH^S (Officers W. ■’’■ Ifesiitenee,^ Jahti W, Pattison Hladio t-SerVtee . WWM owir.. : (Sheds AS U TEiibes lExee ’Batteries, IEMbes, /Accessories. -sale ocff ;ajiples art npynts Warehouse.; (Goxai ZNo- FSgys sat 715p ?a Ihamper, ----------------------------------——— • Wi.»>—l>iwn ■■!■!■ 1 .in-. - — u 1 W£R SjAHE—gte&hzeii SShrpp Riant, mine tehurtks off ipig*b Hhirham cemv mnd rmmifeer. cxff iroek ipUltets. — WdUace IF.wanltey, gl. 7?, Oau^kmiw.' ... W-ANHSII)—cAgoirt ffw ffull Iline off iimplenients, TEcahtoss omd irepairs.l (Commission toasis.—Aj$ly EEtex iKineaiiiing. . ~ - ___. __ . ___ j - ‘" j IEEH& -SAISE—^Mattis tola<& .Alaskan; (dog ffiir (goat, ixaccoon gbllax, <stee R2, ipelffeet otohdition- —1 .$piily—-£. HI- Webster, Htox [2S>4, ^SntYnigfym, (Ont. • .AiNWJiNffi . WANTING ’ tefover tttaa^hed eeaijy, -.-with (htaver Huiller oeommurtieate with Ifcvng? JPitihextop, cQttt. : ■ WE toWE UN SSTOGK, =spebtol oiilj •• i\ . " _ .......... ■'" '-------'--o1 ffor otolfl vweather rxeasonahle. (Call ;a ___ • - :mHaxiB _ I aw®, iFfOm IHOME twanted ffmj Might llittfe ggtoj, '^^2 Rioman (Catholic, Aphly 3tov- BgerHue, ;Su|L totHttenfehf (Ghiliteento Miji Safety,! . . Wdlfeetton. ’'' ' •' ■ I. ,;------i------------------ ------------.---------- i . WEN \W^N3®P iWSOHH-AniELW.; GhtoH tove^y dtoyTMeaiiy moth sdll! con jyonr oswn Riawleigh monte, wihtoh se^ (estsHHtoheii successes tthrn out America. (Ctver t20O cdai^y jneeessi-! rttos rneedeii eeva^r thome. [Steady ire-; ipeates?. t RMMfite; Ikmest iprieea:, toest ’.values, mot meedeii. Rtoe omit osgitteil. Tlitvsvfeiithcs, Utept. . WonteeaL j ffor sstefftoilipg mindmilfe, jguaranteeti - -juration. JBrtoeid s^s tus.—WM- A^IHOEIID (GftUKT (f0E iRTBRSKhX , BJttXEK® OS 1HEBJW tfiEMEK (that ra (Conti twRl '-fee Hielii, umssnanttio tthe (Ontario Waters’ Uiists’. J&et,, lijy OIL iHnnor tike Itofiire oW tite (Conniy (Court . a£f cthe (Courtly off Rlnron, ^t rthe! (Clerkfe (Uffiee, lUi^mjoret. otn rthe inth1 ■ di^y off iNtwenifeer, H9®5,. zstt ^afifetoeki fpimh tto Hrear mil determine eeom ( rptomts off eerrors mH comissions iin rthej Waters’ Hi tot off tthe' ['Mnnieipality ,0T| rtfae TTnwnship off Mstoftoftl aw liitSU. ■’’ Ototoii tthe .‘Sth (itoy off [November HS®6- (C. as. [MhDQNAGH (Gleik off tihe [Municipality ttJT mi* TBawttofijp off TCBANKttRFIERING tB^EflllNG TThe Wictorin Wtosion iBahil .wnuto.l TFhmikoffering meeting mill foe. Ijtokl . iin tire [Presbyterian (Church, tthtoffi’ri- (day» [November [13th rat TiiJrt). lEvery- iboily \whteonee. . (untie taEEsniJNG TFheise mill tfee ra jLtrckno?>y .JjFdirtt (Club ^meeting fin tthe (Orange EHdD- . (Saturday. [Nevenifeer IlRth, rat S rpmi.i .Werribers tJimilly orttend. , J I IHLAW AWII) IDWN.CE TDortft iDatken ?M?r HW,’, ra ceomiedl ceom^y, mill 4?.e^presenteid omiler tthe raugpiees off tthe Hlungannon AVgrkoil- .. ttorcdl^Mitoty.iin tthe .Agrienitirral fHsill iPupgannon, om ffiriiiay. [November [20^ lEhe jlil^y.ife ^sponsored tiby ’the Uees- \4rater {feeling (Clhb. .AitnitoSion : Adiilts ^Se: (Chiton life. UPfae $toy mrill ibe ffhllmweH to^ra dianee. (Gookl (wRhestra. (Etento. Ilailies ffree. (Gard (Qf TTfcn&s n ’.vi«sh tto tthartk mjy rmany ffxrenrh ranjd rrelativ.es wvho Hieipeii rme -so ftoith- ffiiHy tto .vim si [iirize i in ‘the (GeoUAWil 1 (Contest. « ?Mrs. [Lome EDnrrijji (Cot# (Qf TTiiart&s .. 3Mrs- rHenrj- (Carter, vjj^hes rto'thanh liter rmmy.ffiieniJs ffor ftito ^inrreeia.tejtl (sunpott Uhagy igaye Eher iin ’.the lte^ettt^support They gave ’her iii eeorttest (Card (WTEfemfe, Utom.vyeigy tgrntefiil tto TH Those! .who .assisted rme Hnxing tthe (GooB-j Will ’Contest, tond tendftted rme tto Atfm cone of tthe gnizes. Tffemk vyou. MIks. (JEwahst ’ITajHor. (Card (Qf TEhartks ? TTo [those ;5vho ^siRjpwtexl rme-toting tthe RtotoiWill (Contest, „ rand vwho ff thave Hteen nnable tto [personally ‘thank H twtoh tto texptess rnty ssineere- rappre - Piation off tttteir .-assistance. ' gtobert ?3I.offat.j ttuwte Jam T© few | lEteld SSeetetW' (Ganaila iBifile tooCiety iHreaxtoed lln Qtoiited (Ghuveh toiroday, Evening. I Tffhy 'Congregations off iRha -fflrespy- Rwiad:, Anglican ,-ahd Hhiited tehm4htee Jumed on .'Sunday (evening’, rmeetipg iin •the iCnited 'Chu-teb, tto Hiear Rtew. SF 1P. .AHnttot, <seyrgta^’<;^ir tthe lipper < Camila EBilite SWteij#., liti* sermon [preceeited tfite ornnudl itegal - ilyive .-for ffhnife .tto. rassfett ,iih cear^yipy on Rhe avmto tof Rhe ^hdtefer.' fl-he address avas mot aa Mggati? | one, ihowever, -but to -straight ffowardi I gospel migssage, iih' -vmieh -.the' ^pgakc i | I tippeateiffy eemphasitedd tthe iimpoxt- .auce off treading, totedy mfe iandf&Hlmv r mg. rthe AYord off (God- ‘*TffteM(Chttetianj A-orii mud (Christian pjgppte Mn tolon<,: save rthis ',wotli|;” -Hie iXcmarlteU, iinj •tenching ,on -the rturmhil tthat oaxistg iin certain {European ceountrtes. I .As.*® corifHusion .tto Ibis raHHress fltev, Alinutt toijtefly itevtemd ssomg off I the outstanding raccompfehmynts mfj •the ■.•Society iin -trarssiatmg toiid rpro ;' .vidiiig -bibles Throughout tthe Avotfld Rn pppedling, ffor otsshtaneo, ’rhe <dh3l -mt .gtress micreaseil (giviggs . ffrop.i • those '.viho:tohva,ys 'lend .Their import tto tthe-.'-eaBse, tout mrgeii tthe -help, m'T jttoigjc Mho Hia.ve iheen .tgivhig moth trig 'Woiii- (first (duty, tooweevsev, iis ttm- WPtert off jyour .ghurbh;” toe Mid- ‘4 W<- Avoxiid Ihave [been ;pp Hast iff s411 teoninwnittes toad (given HM iLwHmW' and iDungainion/’;fe'added- TEhe [purpose ,-xff tthe [Bible [Sxtetety in . i Tto' -send tthe -.vvord. tto eev- mywhere:’’ Htev; 'Alhmtt ttmd How tthe ©ible .’has been Translated imho TBxailh in languages rand tohtottbueheH con.! Their Avotto tomong 'The ’dfeeff tond iinnib- ' - '. • ' . .-”:.. ' "■ , i . Hhirmg tthe 1131 ^yea-ys off iits. toistorj : the rSwie^y [has teireiHated tog(hi^(i1@®< \ mdtes..jeff The rSeriptrn'es. omd iin':' m-1- tess. Than -iSfe:-JlhhguageS. v ■' [' ■ Tits Regular .outottt torches ttoe tol ’ most imereHillte' rmrnib.er • off m^rly! !U00O$0(Veqpies tnwmtiffy and CfifiVr tog IfeGoutput lis ssdlH Htetew /?pst.. Hn tth-. * ilToniiriion oihme, Rhe BBiftte iss neeguired) m over il'0() languages tto rnieet Rhe. needs -gf tthe tomadian ypeppte. xwhteii; in 1 recent jyeat¥ have i-restilted iin .'30. • 000 copies ’-Wing ifesuefi (e-ve^y imorttb., | A.t tthe ^Sunday evening Mrvtee tth' -i ,1 resident urtmister^, Htey. S5. TT- TEwtoe-r.!.' liter.--ET. ill- (Geoghegnn .-and Htevi (C-BB'' ' [iRaePomild, assisted- ‘ • i ilhe tohoh’_ »"w Ttopr^entati'fe. off Rhei • three <bhlurches rand aw rheard- jin can . jnlhcn k as w4!1 w to Thunder by Rhe milk-' quartette, eoniposeU rrff (G. EH- rftottg&s, Ate-x [®<*Nay, gfenfee.Attehi- Mn rand fEhion iHenderson- • (CWWAIKS' AVIRXXASSnBR ) i0f ?Nanton, \Wh<> < C^tebratejJ TEhe inQl’^t Anniveftseix.v GW III is ffiirth ILmt! \WeHnesday.' .S^nvenifeer. RtH. .. r-2 ’• A'■ mmit Awnwmjs 4 ; , (mNtllSim'.iW IPAWCE mall 'flfeseii Ato Hto^wwv nptot(Gbto ttotoment EEvertto® j iEitoltojg oive^ ttwto sanil cewew off tthe Tihwi rHiill, om fifari&iy toj^ht, cth* ’ ’.totgwu oihiitonw ffor otow^, rmapy. months. (orowUtoi iin rtp Iteear tthe $h>y . 'I14ave lit TTn jAtrW.” orre^entoil to-J’ n fl'ees4V.ator <'**s.L .‘A c’danee ffpltoweil .tftith comothw c«|j?a<;tty (WowiJ, £Rtov- [ ine the ipipnihGit,?- .iff tthe ■‘hill ffrti- in ; <erttertaintnent oihiter lLn.4k-. j oiow .{Joint (Gtob ;ahs|jiyess: '(Xhtjlitoy .-,yo«s :a imusi^l cepme^ | that iirtoveil rflhito •mtMtototo&.mil. 1 .was oreneWHy aW (■^oiived.' "Ufhe a.5t toetoileil Uttank Rhmwtoh, (Ghailto vleyw. ajhhn /Crohto»;^ir!s. IL- SSmtt, .Halen <Q?Math, Mrs. 0E/(Ct»coW 3®fes. iii. IV. iBmjto. dtfhom Rih; IJih^fS, aa r?e- ‘ onilai’ rtonilayv ■h0steni|wg efir ilhe /aho t»h! Rhe ........................j.,.,,-- anti .Warts were sshtotofc? wc®$cw, jfflwr,, 'mmmv. jwswsee cwk, w® Ju Miwrar RRRRimRGS mtp (CAiraHiE to ssnMffiEs iiitaii Us Ifcateto A^ Dm^mtw JlhiWCIblh rr rim^ie.41 rPofc- Ripomnns lEnr (Oite” (Enter- - J*** RiuMtem ute .4 - ^.-1 — • teita,tess Hwmn Ilmtowntn, Itiplk?? onto I Runtsminie Hltetmt RReeii.c-bs .A f&t$v aMM ^gn ;.we teapo-Hto tlta* •sd&off 'tested i- RMUteto osattte M iEtoo,J n.teito<rtspjj' tto ai'Mjyxrr iin tthe RtoiteH Ritates..,. Ilhm'ng September auto dto' oott|y nontt- off GhttoW' mmre tthan'd5Jto pme rnred Ihjdhtteto ccaltte certosteH tthe limiter. ■ . .. ~:. ■ ■■ -ffihe ' iptwMser aw. <C: -45. . HSNi <!&. (Co- off .mtoiltetnwn, Uto,', wtom J Md jtw^-Miiwwente off RPfr ptoinolk. j l- ommiig' \v&iteh .woig- rtrnss? ptor^hatefd ‘ ffrom tthe .fftotewtog diUHtet ’torMters.j1 1 toton tol. Rteiii, nitons1; (Ciffton ffteiiM j 1 RipiteM; rnto(g. OUted], Hv meatome ?amJ Him’ (Ghditej, I&ihtei'- Ntext toiggg^tJmyer yw R’. IL- HteU- ! tman Sato-off (Gtemoi, (Pa. ^itu pure- j «4hatefH thd toead, iiiteUdteH iin tthe lbw Hteitte todktehss ffrom tth? Thwi£s .off! !'• ftltoon 'Rtettoeyson, iLutonmy.;;.,- rhome j ’ RJ. Rteto/ Riipiy?' onto lH.(C. IQm)bp.>.| ’ TNittearnhee- •' •' : \ •\ r c-hnhw® amnw # (fWffg- - K> • • ; .^..r IOS feriifc &dh , ijPn^ Car Exatr. iiui*fei®»'A-®b fit .• *[* ''t!,’:ili:T'iii B~tc>V|O <»r(.Wa«i NNo ^to^flhm Gff (Cteed1 (Qr (Crtim Rrn - rlWeii Ihito ftitotijHutthrti llh XXeeff? . H&ttili&s \V\Iho Htave It hid [Np ((rwtn Ht’w :3 W<or?b .And Aenyy Riiltto Him, . Hww •■■7 ■'.•' s ' '. . .-Ahrneoiiib' •$»<•■ t:■....'•' ‘ ■ -Noy. .Aiih- 11’ >A AJh'LlL OU-Rtess,-'' r . _ • rlMJttuw. •■' H-tew Wt- Iltoss., ’ • . ■ II otni twA lit hip - wi Mfelff off tthe Ww iffitttee tetg«teiJ]Ehey.y off .-Ahtm^to 1 iwsteome ffm tihe cutovwn$wmi|Off teteji Xw <iff tv^ftetohhss atwiJ.fftdit shwtt ttop ;i ots- ffrrnn tthe Utoto ffdHss’ahl Elui4?tmiw.| 1 I lit ramvetl Mve om RtoUittovy' inmit’..j; i W^Uptet .■■£ttot. Tffhe A^seeitt liodheii atffuffj" lit m'i ShMdhjy M^tojEg ratoe jstbhg-' -iin. •; ffhe ><ar, aanji tthmi (joir. WKmihjy Rj?' ir , imojti A\e Htojd ttifee center-ffvmten.to sfcfto . :.iy iin'tthe lhmi! (Lunnmmitff;1 tttote.-^tovk. .atto (iit'irii-p- tto.1- tfcfee ffuniitoss rteefcHipg Mfp ihtb I i tlh’tee ..A—RtoMhrfcs omiJ rhsw ' '. iheil .cto.uitos-s -without chfiihirw-j- Rte-jp-j tto Rive ito 01 ffanfffy. (I—rto-tge fLrniiie.e ■'l\ ■' _/j :i 'L.w_„. rts> rpfessihh- tthe bonttepb- off'^tito c(te A ’huMJb.ofojitotosipito'aatttooff Wiplh .- ,... . -A?hpi> AVete ttehw-i tto rnjy Mlhrr ito tih- -^V- xffaieto- onto Avili Ihe iue^to ffar owoi Pto fftohs- tomrh.tg tthe teittteb SxwKy teibig-ort'tiveto ito‘^te*to sstejpe. amto ip iff', 'touger (puantithss tihan jkqu .itryoit^to ' ■[•Evtos^hMjy •jrthe atffiiliieii onto rte^d&to! 5.*^ Rteto vwas fg’twi itt- [Ng <Tpmlion to- r.J!r' - o -- 7 - -- - '' .ewto >w etotor w notltoioliHy eettteetoll jLk'L. ,,.. .". - L, (toto tthe RifctPdhtttbm. • omsiff"’-'*Iww ito ^Ihffnrtawitohllhs oliikv- lit mas 01 -s^lfemilh:‘i-t'? ■ ... ... Su. wkf1 'rtohat itt inteupss tto -tow- rpjepilto tferto!1''' . lJtottT^fSS. [N.x! I" / ffo.-r ttfrtee otnrl Awy-Hitto’: ’ ’Sih 'pb‘: 7- Wv tow cw^p off ptoto-.’ [bifflite. ,W. *tote . ^iSi- iiwii ■ ,5hpi«rv> .mto .toT'- L-l/r' rth-tewir. .a fWodtoffemi«tosMi. man w.g.e-. ?4te->> IW .,0^ Hoto -^Wi1 ttheir ffitth ^teHdnmj<?in,,(J;p ’.gmtote.:. Rwwne Mil putt ttteto miter .and wtoesnshi!, 'those or ce^-uanhiversonA. SShe \wo^;a toaiighte off;| itl •>];.. toi.., ''■ ....... 1 mm- O' iiOito [Pitot tteffgta. ’.with .-4jiv«rhthe Rate W.-.outo Wte. .Aldtehm AM-- L " ’ '’ ' ' ” ' raccessttee.-. and -corsage -tff jltMrma TQomUil,Hter.rmatoen >B8W;-:ihpiKRteani ill ill--.mses'. Air. Ryrato< iK.ing. off Tfw- lAla-CRondto. onto- -vocx gfroom^noin ‘anil Alisff.Reap'>, Riw-rmany yvea-Ks tthey ffatoheff AteGrdgw ^and’ -Wlr. ..Ate? .WMfteozte tthe SSeconil off IKirttess.. livtHntg . Ct* ’J »ff ITor<ntt<,». r»eteyvitetesses.’ R'Aibiw- .ppttotixte off tthe -village ’piworrtL' rug 4h<‘ .ceremony-;« \wedHhigjHrtmWi|t-tn rthitty ?yea-te tagg. sSmte-rthe <iteathi ’ ■ffm\<ferr<oLat,WWte^ (Gate- (CxM-h-tR' i.tff Air. (Gitites- W*s- (tillites ’fca?- xffwi1' •at teiphi*thirty. ' Atfs- WaclBpmlfti.•!??- <gprto dteto off fe’ ritote ’.with M’'; rthe brute'<s ..mother, -.wore to iittem off'. mlly<Ha«fHttet-» W«s- Wkte-tof RMhner-i •■AV»<4n nOf 4UJ4--/fC- -4-2., t^.... . ..f1-.‘X. ■ ■ ,.- • -r ~-, r,. x*. -< - LW»lt5T r;.; • . ».! I pit*'.the-valley .and -manv<>..ortogfis. TUhe -floten ito sve^Vxpmor PhesUth onto lher’ [g-teonis imhtheiW igawn '.was ■-i-jmssM ^vhs rout'."■ I.chiffon ■,-velvet vwith to teimsage• tof tial- j Ai-rs. (GIHtes \was tthe rmotiw .tff| •g-pioto treses.■*•.' -■ ' . ' 1 tetevw Ghitoten. £&ig- off vwnom s$w-! .A trgte??Urm Avas Hteld <on 1i'uesHa?-’,hvive. Airs. Ahtete. 'omH fiftve offlf .evening.-at [Lbiiannnm'ffHhlh-.wittoiWto.’. i'.xe.hdhig ito Wtestwn CSanaito onto tlhe| ■himkiwi iinvited -gimte-, omwmg Athom [RHates. .j -.wete ethos? [present ffrom [Lonitem.-j L.,.„a,_ /• ffwontto Tiverton. (Godwteii fftetih’tt.. niRttGlE Al. IP- iWfTENTT I ■lioenester'- (Ghi-eaggvarto fStmtfwd- : - —— --------- -- - - .Atter.-g Ateiidihg -trip tto EEaStew ! > GhtteHo, Air. omd^W^. iSamtewm avR ., ■ rr, .11 rmtofeettheir[homeiat'TSJfffVaitohanHto.-« ^’.‘ ^htoinssotj. AM- II?, ffte i TToronw; • 1W Miiteto ^hl^^y ttil*’il ■ IL; i oomiJ -1 r • • 1 * i-rvw -V?- 1 taimw? JW. rH# ibep ; ll I !lj I ...... ....._____....„,r .iin] t:4 urn tthe ilHay mteng uffiiJ jgWhgl awuienve m»my Haughs. TIfhftte.Aw •to supporting ’bevy "off temge^j .ihm-etes-. .jJOhn MlaH-K inn on chanced-' 5Ba Hoc’s iHxmiPh^. '$!*?• ifinmiij ©WIWLW smK5.««WK(ff <«riruH5s Within to rnmnth off. 1-hef rhmetteto! iii-irthdw. (.death .cCamc tto- .Vfl-ss. (ttetmte (Gillies om Rsatut&iy iin. H^ihreemton tot rthe -Ihomc off her rdagghter, 3$lrs. Ignore.- '®fee ffnnera,l .sservnte Aw Hteld tot lher Hate r^esflteitee iin iLu^rmAA- 'Ijhtot rtwrtth off (C-ZN.JE. cfeiwrt om MFhm-i {hay, cednfiucted toy Htec- (C- Iff- ?3fe<-| ■ y,;WUEKRQN-^VIa<liHhNWLll» ., k A pnrti,y :Ci(|.l .vtotliltog -<ff omGh ih\- t-erv'' id th<- community Avas -shtom? oi-mi (j'oietly Fht tthe .AsiillJlfcl hytethm shiit-R intonse on SSaUtetoy I veiling mt'-C3(i <<Wto44>. '.vHten .-Anne,'}; ,b<ne>;ii .wLeLoiiiLii. .daughter <fff IMr.l ind Wi;s. .{James WaffltouiUiJ iff rL*Rh- iMh became - tto- <nmle, oOMt. Wwyn>.|RtomUii. Ihttemtot rwim'Stouth.fKto- * • ‘ • > •* -•—»' ^A’-T’ TV«-■ »£*y**-i 'hl. _ -L. - j. _ . . I ■ <'ff w AlTf-thande^mi.-•• ---•7.......- . mohy vms .pe-:io-rmeiJ my FK-ev 'jla fCltlivi Ay.. 1 «ith ’mtmiL TThe -wito -rras , mg- ;in ;a [Alii+;y off-^rottond coronation 1 ' ' velvet , | a »•♦»•**?• a-» v ? r•en,e.RsamterAirt> <ff Tfo'rtntto. fewy. Noss ccen«*teijy. im: i.G': ■Pandersmi .and tthe.. Hate j’ . Airs-. (Gilites xrw Sanders-mi ;.ff'G<toeri-m.<ce^-:’RiHton. ra-nd.ecame vivttB Iferr' pto>eenb-jL HG-rmed toy FReV; Jtf. fK- k.as’to'liittte OiHLtto (GPiteRi^i..-s41oKtb-!- l^i,tt ;it rmeans rto omr before Hfe [fi-tefditee ^et: :Tfftei- ^ttlmg iin ttoe itwgcd’ .(JtoeedM’ |^’> .0^ toteWom tthe L w ecnarnv R^sh mear Wtotte^ufefe Iff Ayftohl’fe-i •^rt>1, ff^. tteteee xtetotts. tom . .. ______ .. . _ .. rcoronatton seventy .jJtea-fe metet .Hanmi-kX < wesiito. Air owwx r&> ■red brmmdc’d.-satin gowt Axitofetoiiffoii 4fee-. rtea-irttefcl (George. (GRites ■ Olgr, ■ ,■ -XzUIazz*.. ..-r.-ti,! .'I* -.1 • • --I ‘ . (m v^iiiiw Am> mgfttiffto (Mitti motto Wl^nwffe’<or fellit RiHKHlAIbS Ring nimi WRRRLR^D) SHlIffAWRRRRV TOlffUSS ., RUNfe RttHBfe (GHmTEfe jmiiiA ftaiHLR j« IKAHHtWiW UWtftS HUNtW ’I - WAHIH-: WWlTMTir UA^BKh -. .a«h .a itonv [hmtok (iff „ CHtMitg/ ILATim AXXiii caHMRIIlAff® (LA&ESh THPA (QtiK sW RHMxX IlRS^pi. UH Ilh I1RIUCHHLSS- iif-i W M (8IMO11W BAKEKir ffWmxcM' -. . • ilabliasw' . . (H. RJ.-.A. RiiltLTlffiP (tpRWRR^ <fe\ .w^nnw ■ iL.'G RJ ..A teefeton,(iff oltoterh infe wi Hlite-dto:.' ifa the llwtH (iirtn.tte- Hhi.l egoiibd! <fe -.•dlhiAisf’.: Wwrhy. ^iiitl-hss'-^Siblte!' Mferrbm ’ fer:: • HteJUty?' 5Jifctt€fes^---Sii!tte- ■\J1ogr.gor Alllte’i.;;. fffezptoim—-Stetig -iiofe Rtewt-; HtectoHngr Stec-fe-SiM.te-' ■'■.•lifetf. ibnnAg iPmmtetol' Stete~cHster :|.iAhr5i . . jSteten H>' t’- SiMte <ff (G lUhU! few^tenf Waves .Wm RHR< W&W (ff[NTLA. A (Ur VllAWEKn1 ufittMiAWN&w row ikhk lf«’ 1 ■.Ante ■®ir' -atoi j] (.vahnpt 'ihtgjto tto ttel). lyw • ’ • * ■ * -’• -r ■ 1 *' vj^TQiftn if C.. j*.-;; ■Hte'wWpgr ■ibjin—r* I- i-r^t e Ttr-asmw —Sitote' Amirpsv-y itot hv ('OLtPp-,; ttopKit‘5?' itoctutf- Ahyiofaj. Gto'dhe-rjy- Uh-pty-. •Arnone®—-Sitoesi’ Atoy?' Wii- ’' (trorri-i—[gjfctPri Ssamh MbssS:: jriiri: xRte.-. R^rtt \V\hte|;'(Jorti!4’ [mittte*- Rifctpr' -2N*Hite tHsvpns.^. Sitote' .'. SiMPr Ato-??' (Gtok?;, Sitoto-' Awhwv-,'. RrW- Tl'oni WUhP;: ’•Rte-;- JhWn:''NHltor;: AtoHj rteste-:' Rteeb. Ptowsshh. Swte Ac-’l'o.. iSMtei' Wtitgxi'teC'Wy- R'rawt'- Ala-tgirte’. AYf . -whe rtGnutiAW .jmisrIlh/ne-tmwite HyteaH. tVOfe. etl-;... Nov ’„ istri ; iiiffj:. tat ’4i4fi i ff.'rtj) • Fbrtjjixjy to mp .l.f eiftz 1 _,, ------------j,<„t, it>-r»r-THw>»; rxi'feiw. yrm??;. tC.l |',in’’.J.,-,-. tp' i'W. ;j«al Jgftt terwagiii lhato Rite ifeangx- HtollJ. Sbunikyy. [$ itte <c,rr-\? 0,,. 'ffite Ikrtge tiw off tomte? ’ i.'^r ' ’ah'' ■••*’ o’-fa. w~*.-> - J a--Piffi’HiiPPto tto-Hite'ihrigt‘ffrmiHw,i-.‘-'Tl',,- 4« ■ ■ .' iR^imHdiw.th'.esr'WjjlWiv. ATifilfe'- xwevi j'!lte-s> LLfeiteto .Aiii'. '■ ..... 'I ta <e<rt^tUmt srwttrte off'ttp tHh'i g ’cetrrw th’jf 'feilteteib toud.II dtedff mim’d tHliiite swF.. wwwaw>.wv...j] (<ni.te.ved to ff«w TliiihftO1 «Aeeet' i h w ttell teVerfeiHly \vtfe hfeih^h’te tlte 1 .^ilkRlrtigmteilbtoHiisgoffRite'teirr Alito ■ fto teimffott [hud Hteip [ft liw rthttrttt tt > ms. Ra^th’te?s sat ^ItJiSb to Htog AVete to-1- rWRt imfpPSfihte tto femilites tetoe^ppl rtite ftew Atho ‘■tolil Stove to rseeew lte'ff , ( 1 Hatedmxw ceertahify <fihi thew&dff' rrmmb ’.' I rnnti-tthe iXfe ffaniiites A'ltomn iff Htef[te.< j I irgfpterRate ffgl}y tHteir Wiiaihew torai’l- 1 egeuei-js^tty-. Amur <gffjs ltosvee .given m _ ■ ■ ritew Ihpite toi$ teburage- totgl v«ee Aid !j; vavxy on i Rid ’ better timw ctemee th• uss' • With toff sgxwd Aitefes gmd msrrtv Hhatkfe tto e&YS^JlWh’. ■■■.:'■ T'irtwm ssmwteiy.'' j Htey- HL A'- Th'mWrite ..Ahtmeda.’ SSsteHs... [Nov- mtfe iff®/ . I'sThbkriRhip A’Hjfeh the ijs.sawto’idmg'ttotl^lT- wd Aliy-. Iliiwd^JX. .'|to [pqpi! 'Atho Aiill Hye tehosen nionf [Ihtedwww. ' Ltomong- iLfeRimw ssituitenfe. ffUte;.Ifetemiis, ' LfehOkfiRhip will ttslite Rhe ffnvm off mi' H li^er rtewi asw igutet Halt iinterestiigt Ateiirimg \ybjit ito HHtewa.'Tor tthe ftwrUmatei .p’ solemriiveid tot tthe, rrecto^’ off ?St.- jpMffHJ. w The jguest off Mir. tond'Mlfef Ihox /vff sse^P- Tffhe ixw an'arw ssiwy j. . . ■ [ ;jAtilh tth<‘ teortitertfe im -sdhnpff tpefteff. -------- ,.. v,^v ;wee jmdewWte wW Id dihfpo^il off. amd i- Tth. Abheh- Mlfes (Giaiiys Amto Rtree- fmraite (ea-ti?- im -tthe. [Nxa.- Atea-v. 'topHi{Hhetie vge m«ojy Ihonw numte- thgifflyll . Rteg. [Nte mtf lRunjtonmw, (daughter off Rhe sstudent rteferiing tthe vmphrrff-. ^ty tthe Himihw? off ga»i Ila^ttowfe Mirs. liK-ree iffnd tthe Hate (George 05«ee, m»ent -^ill'he Elected ffwmi vmeoffttife^dtei. Mly Aifte ijs-tor oihl JIiMfemmfe. «W .united ;in tthe iboniis ctff tfadjy muff* iRiighte' fiwmis. R»y to rmaffmtv wote .<ffWH)- Ilteft tHmtetwyerrtfirt^yj^m^iawph rtmimjy rto' .’Noi.1' Ibester MHPomHd -iff Rhe AYith <tianiimg ite (Oh-?te- lirmiiitem nriame aw H&iker. Wtej Tlssitbueslirte. TfPh<‘ Itrfilrte- *vsx rsiitoniri- ------------ - . s to ffw ffamlites m-rmmd Hyery;thi|^. tl ,*Jfe 1 .Trt-yhrOfldlte-' , .. • •" .,,.........’ ’ ‘ ■T,./ -r ”>• jiHWm'.U'?; twwec-iJ? '>’ •■ •wmiSw.Pfe'f- -^hm.-lffor ^rme tttete Mips- (Gilltes Hw| Rrhtm SS£?ff (Ji»- , Mlrttee A^poiirttafeWLfe Bbriff r&ww RuRnffg: Wisgtham Grrtl R&nran&snre Sfe# L JtentftaS [floeair Cter^rtsfew (fowtftott SerRitee Rptortswr^ji Ry WWretoss Iliistiitoto—- Ilhn.Glewgiiegm Siitote:. I'mtomw onto (cxmmmiitff' ra»w»- |:n>-rtvd tttoste vtfthn gartettrteto lives> ito ji tfte.Gteott Won- ton o< fftttM' Hte»teoto __• | Lramete- D&yy. sswftitee ito ttheHnW- Ilblli, ,. m • WteMsdifeyy ommi ngr ^tt Uffllg -ohjto • i Hott \w»s- fortih^ted M' tthe prthtengf off .vreoths Ott tthe CermtOffto- Tffiee terv(>e.-. sporfTsyrtet1 ornmallj? top’ W-’W'-wnetoto Ibstitutfee. ywxtss ott'emited x'- m lorgte gsttteGntg onto, ass'-eon-- isretted M' Ihesllrftegx^wewj- xwtto.Rtey. ff. PIL'Cte.hHegOrt.r ttfe- spe^oicte;- onto yttoste otoH-festo woss an grthpihgt owee Hott stirred! Hi'to Iito-teasr^ tto ttte twue tp^rtihgrofftlhtoMtemrioitoasrfhrt}. ■ . Leyollingr tthe' ssteifltess titejy modi?,. ’ lie speoWprr stoto tM&'Walto theitoyoiin twltes> Ave Hovte go. gHofc^te off fteatl- teVto iH-te litter onfbltoeff ’ito tthe Ibtte- to Goto - onto ihvtorgt owfee omrtther. Tfffee?' 1 m-wcterted ttite call! ttfectffirescve migtttt , 1. roxv- 'oott offfifeateec- ssrtto thy ttfeito esx?- < jufhh-off‘Grte-tote‘llotte-j.ffiag ?Ng Xthto' Hp-vy oite mitoffereto orwtrto tlhe-tthtoite /ff Goto" IbokHrtgr tetth sjitoitttoll tete^onto fhxpipgr ferrffee^.'HAte'niim-- jot tes>' hiitewte' viii-Os< ttfew obbterxteto. 1 iitev- Jl-Ri- Rottter- vwte etimrmam. teth: ftte-ss. Si. Tf. TEhtoteV. (£. HL Wsto- 'Aboolto and! R?- ffi • Ri«“karii.; oss^etintg !i p tlto -. swytote ■ TEfee ■ Hhrtto ulhyeto ojr- ■ propriatp' oumHeess auto Wit Rerf- Whiig in militttryr uwiffoTto- Atess ffe^g beater.. ■ ' ■ . .■ ' ’ -, Wteattte Aterte ritoteto tthe Ceno-; thph lAy MIHt Glsrhte- Mfrft. Sfc (L’ Rteth- •teto and; .A gm er' Midiigewj ■UFhe ‘'Tlsst: P.tet‘,7' aw«s- gxnmdteti -M TS’Ompettes- '• .J-HIHN Ji. .[VFIILlIHftf - Higgwurtb;. li^eL-havg. amr AKGsIk-onto ...... ....... , r-— • to Wsr Wwwawto. Atoi.W^- (toto Rtote M JKwjg-eerd^to ttheIfouto white Hterg AH- -ffonUmsw’^P/^ WW vtel’Wwment’ Gff AHterm’ Ifate<fiMrte • ■ •-, . .............................. ffind! .gff»ngc<r [iopil.ff off the ' priWie te'-Mto. attemteto tihh- llffh mmiver- sory- >fff the- .A-wtetlce iw- au ’ RRAtoll! (W MRfh-RAURRW j Ate; ff.' .A. Hhrtier off fffrillitwa-k,. . - •riff. ,to ‘T’Rortite”’- Rbrher. etotfrr off *lp» ('HiUiwocfo: FP-Ofsrtesy died' then? Srirtdhy ff-nm-flrtetwwftrtio. She wg-- , uV. of: raje, Aff, H&rber ijt ,im- j rtjietotoe poet* ptesidterr off the ffoos- ji.hop Weekly [N^Axspaper A^swerotlw, . Rte' aw etoplhyeto iin tWee Eute- Serrtlrtet teirty in the- »\W¥« a rtathte of'" ^V'imyL... 7T*Gj. in' ..... te ■W wf Rhe Rih-; i .ATT URGAL RffttimiLj rtnaMttheffihome'tot'J^AtoughanlDll.., 'Hhniihsson. MI. $?. ffm-l costume aw megwHmuvn ntobbit- Jteealrmmitectond mign ^sRht^l-TlPhe iMir- Ihteiir5W04I (tires?. ffuw^tb iin iHnifeon' . jra pHfrHl' vstho vs-Rjl ! ^wito^s? • _ OiM^ww ss®H, Avith jpaddy .(green toecessoxtes. -A G- AWsShl’ L ffteteEs .Anglican (Ghufeh. [IriteltnmY. TT-omimsof). ott d2tWX) [pim. -on [Saturday, [Notemiher j. ^^j-t / rw.* , \ II ’.teye Hew. toktefi tfeo Arfite -tto yfrw <rttr ffifte [gff t (tff- ;il 1 (W ssfbHy. bf whs united ’an tthe ’bonds off Htojy rtuat- Itoighte' fftntms. to?.- .a -rwjejffrtt^' xvme SA»d rtiniony rtn' Ntefr rle^5tw ['M^fenP^ ttbo -s4h-Mk»*<f. AVtth ^iwidimg ito iLaptoriite-TThe ibfiite. Atho -.was totteud- -rimas owotoiinattons .temsdfered. , .> ed M lher -siffwtifeteAv, 3Kts. GMilte'' t------ ” Rtete. off iDunghhnon. Atas xvmsyctoarm- [Ro tthe ffourth rroo. , •ing i-to'to tgoivn xvtetet tehiffw irto^ rUwtw toi 01 . ret. SJfae ccarii-ted .-a trff Jfe— -- , n«v J H»«JUS¥V OU J < UHDUI iiiill rrosesL Tlhe ferbietrrmnn av«s toiento^’-Rrw^^mre. 'S.iW»«.»<vrt*4‘l U«V l-J-iic I-k-wit-gwr tlX.'JIJ. ,i ■f Gteff aamii jhvihjg owte smrtlfe.. [pxHHte sSRhrte^ {Trti-j |H’1--- -------■'•■■•, " "A .iL'T ‘‘‘ '■’’•■” '" ' ’-1 vv«.-rtteswipmg itnra fempite- rmaww (limittefe ARwPoru .Aid! Hitete-wtomrbouguet col .ROhan- .-ttheTThwe reff fComnHW mnd rttoiba-i 1’tf1 H^* Hilimg off Rhe [gift rear Ww( ,r- 7- . .r-t'u te •• iimiwtfHwe.'WneCm^supported !hy tips [brother, WiHiami •__ __________ _ ’■ - iiAHmt iffmteai^.th>;ws.--------- -------—-----------------------------------7 AteffomilH. Htev. .U.HJ, (fiebgh^gan,Aw, • '”•.- ternd mwty ttiwikss. . Ahanss temevteiy. ltctMt ___g _ u_____ tthe ofiiCiatnte iHlet,^..__ _ .X,. .-..te. 4in§. MKDmtold ltert- ’tey rmotor iim^i imediateiy tofter tthe ccecemopy ten to 4iior.t iiume.vmwon. Rhe ferijfc dinnrimg. •'f<rr R-mvOlling to ssesll teoat. ssilvrethmci ’. • jfeat ;umd-fftiack ^accessories, (fin ttfeai-g' •gnjonik t’fnmt ,-at iLahgiiiie. '---------------•■ ■ - i- •■ j 'itom-Hi Ate- toilbtechtte -Hteh" tefitotte. ten teiwd imany , A’mirs ssmceteb;. <» - n.»u-II ••' .- Htev. IE. A:. TEtn<e. mCKWWSShttm ■ —i -...-•Jhe j&wlbttfe Iknsdllw1Tg3MBIIiaiW iMisntpeaft L stiw iW k ..................... ■•■■’!• litot cwdlHW' tofftjy [«s«fi ite cpmdimg nigomtem Wtoh; JW Hhtte Rterte^^j retu-rn Rhyy will rwifcteoin Rhe Hntote- (Hfat HmWttetmwt rfe FH.fe -ffhmilitem&***: Rte^s. Aih<'litv^s“Rto^^, Lr-r<,Nrt»Y^ ffo ><i: „-i+ TT.^WMir<i.IrU, rn, rfe _ Rli rl rll_., Il’ W HtehtWd [Hp.- (v-TN Hr'fepOtt ■ Mfft< J ' [piteJ. Ilomihm-Alirna'rtlhw TIfetoPe ‘bitte toftHte Hm.ig xwtoJk ffwr toe1 I Hrwn Rteath As Rlhnd 1 n?Mog) Hind' J’howee. <Hmw ttew. th • fher 'Rhipffi^ HUerces Rtedy \XarvmVff Misssimgi t.smd.!«. togdin. A ff-meurpdri tteo n-. | nion iii dsjttict Ttuvms ivegaiYHiig ■the'. • . ■ . • . ji-jipi;.. -^1. now. ssipr i'wi _... ................— ...... , j regodalimi.tff Tint rma-dtmes. fLu^icmw’ Btrom <St. tRferpitfe !Hp^itol.,lL-on- -jmmt mithmlt to rWt Miss Rtess ite ttei -'nsa' -a ’Wi’a? tire rTtotowionr Grtn I’Haa-rges,a Hteen^e ffeeoff^Sm;: Wdlk- -Hm^teomes .em-oatogteg .rpgterfe offii-.tyomthuitefete totehhMr.fffth^lh^i^’.erPm--* -mm-toltte ine- sfte-1 kertbn ■■’SSgu Hlwen SSoimH ffian- imtprwtemetttiinHhe■'ww^htiwtof’Wcs*!{(Thtonge AsPtetotteg .rand ttoew R»rG <T«i .-arr.oee-mem- Ai,ttr- Ritofteito over omd MfeaTovd .and (Gr«rt«<e-.Jhty’IIhdd.>...A^iltete TEwroRhir ffatnw-j jig. toll (RfrmRb ipamite'’-tot^i1 (Gwig Tmmjgw'iv tbe A.'u j vide , Tte'Pd’py jfffet xwtett .gr riowito.lHj. Ath< - t.wgife-. iff tot ton cwmverttertf. "•. te^fefe--nwevr •.yhvtfmtto’’' hr’ the RtoA « Hn Rgtte o'f The ffee. tthvee<np- tterffhiy iinmtcd -in ,-a f&nw .totRfel ■. ■ - - ■ - ■, ■ ,i- ,o’ Mfenteto tofrpwrdd: in w 'terto1* . r. w [*L... __ _ _ __'•l-’-i ■ ________ rf-LA-f- j * .- -ir ''“e .wt' -rif» .afmtesrxi- m tfffeisstse..eex- _ • --*fT«Or| <,7* , w-'to •* *1 ‘ ’a L Mff’-1 Hhbb-,was-.w-frtJimg tottoHteigh’ flj&SSttFf&Sto’ gharmw -try iw Kwe ' ?t ,.z r , • ' ’■ . |- th H’orf ffitenrRhe -xomrntll Hw -iff totemt ttstelve ffee.t.'rigtto.rfhig Rh- ' ?<>:!snr- c\ , - ■’ , , -Mirs. A. Htedgins Of ’Concession lit), r’f«***Mi R*» Ihwtee Rhe imaRhirw .anti on ff-mmeweTk '<ff Hite mpcimRU.WRw. Hie-i uuu' sixmctp. _ _ jpgv Heetony aevtoff TKiritass aw-- Rhe toictrm ■ fff Rhe rtnahk. 'Htefbam ■ Rite >mihfetextol-ras^teMten-. [phrtkk. rtn Affitek lhe -aw <$fcmHmg.!j - ' ‘ •' tofe -Ip. . ,r' c to Riff rntortte tte " ■• •’ v«tos.toH*ed t'tib’<c«i>Mp<ril Rhstt, iff itt i,to '‘htehe. rite Hntrllcd Hwatdofig's^trfiiirte R’f yttepRteife- Rte- Iteter’ fir Mfaffe.•’WvrerR. aH^ top jirpHtoW; th rw»ke t ixeotiireH [jp^tete. These »ma^mes. Hte'iMtereil tthe’^Wltimm ?r^i<mittep(-rffRhr'wrtjd- MV*aT.<ai#>:rk-(Tiwx-<tokY.5Sittfe.RiTfirrt- reitoir-.wo«k’WoBe*'H,tefssH‘<md--vtep? ttetkeri ?tn rriH Rfe? infill [pnnp^ vetoitei-.' tojeixteiti Rig ’Wiv. TTw owp FHa^-. rrementae* th’ ^-?We rrder.. .- ■' ^tettn rff fthem. i - —................ - - ’’ ‘--•- -- ■ -* ■ that tthe jfour ■ tn'es .and • the ^te <mi gHlimdl(4h ^tni®lMC8E / Hinting Hhe (GocBAWiH (Cmtteto iiiied'tt ‘I '■ Tfee. HartblM**Rtenthtel toe added Work <ff reiUiring Rhe other ffonr '*2^ R,rres.AW‘ an glfetey Job. To rput.Hhe . rtnAibgg Ul, few tthe ear iin runniiijg order sn/that .it erndd _ cohrmuriily Rhe ’fddmvmg >dhy. “ ’ **£ I tHwrroftgh iwvemge im tHfis dfcs- , ttttehjWrllejt ifeofpw.ttoHhe im- touectbni off ton? [prosfpecttve .-ad- vyertister tot tony Time. ' W<* 'flvCfemu- rt«rr me*' rreaders. .ahd t HaartJi tod tthni&e Atim-isa#;' fft (Ro ymgport to ('caimhtete Ihy stofastefih- iirg. rteimimg ttitetr siihscrifllion <or ihy [Paying mrrears. Wte irnVite >ahd i in f fact ingre !mrr rreaders. .and toll tolhe^ttotoenri-'ilHbnn’nrrrlJnjng tony, iprws 'i i Iws tin Hh.<s (OgRy, iand rm’Hhfe xtttay wsiiff im mafehgg ’ Vesteb iiswe rfeiore iifttev^th^/ Ms’7 ^TPSykas nd itetekto'" ito to tterto!' ifeis MlkilW » ©ji ittafewffan VHrs. A. Himtoins Gif iKiritoss. Wicttm ; (Qf Wean TEHrtok. tVVfiith TRiiinejJ (4>ne titre AnH <<tocia4wmeW VR«<Ri Worth fin fltoptfft* Iltatnajie trot miahirn® h®bs Waw lifJhr WnwcitfI Ri? fUtodss AW (tor-- 1 MlerSawt ^cgs^tfes (GnmwUtH** Rk A\Xfi**irrtt-dci .Tito fftoo- mH* iH&aa Ito TW toiwnmrity. T^re o.>«r i.^enu^peenetoty un' IrwkJ, Hhtt gam -Rite >'«*r <&• ttfacentra toft' :«»r ,.w trMlttt « -, - While HMUmveten «eemed -to.[pass off gtiiet ly in This vicinity., it ^afforded; 1 the ppportori ity ffm* ippllhtg off tot I ! least one ■ mighty ■mean jirick on a I Hviriloss Avidmv. ithe -affair ’-has -been j u»‘ TV'”-.lue.^wv. uev.rwrceeop'1- •’«"■' rwmi wv.-i-h- ------■....—.................... ■ ,>• .reported ton:the[Mitee.toad ^nspteions >emtoKs un lllumiw ihave eea^i [paid. 'Went ron pretoto?.- toWtt nmn, ' i‘ f vrr ^r. toTe jhxiid as tto Atfho. [performed Rhe -levy. - - - . Mix. Rtofeb aw wotiimg tot toliteigh’ frihrto-,-wi>a<^t’ serious offence. , • • P tto H’orf RHgin-jthe .ymmtfl Hw rw .tff ;atemt rtwalw (fern. tok. :Tt' -Airs. A.!Hodgins ■Itett onined emc •’^twtehite”tt-S<to«H Rhe ovmnell (that, iff itt i> -damaged ffour others.,‘that c ............... to (great dettl <ff rep4tt -.wot' [put ;in running order. ; . r .'Sunday .morning it ewdisenyered.- • sn\»- *.•;* ’iCOSffiXW (CCttllWTNG. j While. Avefre mo ouithmrtty om Hwnstei . aand toiiggy court4bips> Rhetois. itm (timibt Mt (that tthey Averse [Cheaper, tthe pneisertt diay rmotpr -eax, rto- ithonhh ttfee ^Twiiiss, off ceoiimhft tgo =s» ' • ;•« TTherefe ome tohhP ito tthe rdhttfietH Atho ’.will rbear tUs. tout non tthe ■vp^tly' rangJe off [ptesertt toay ’emitting rmeth- toiils ff-dr toe iredlly Tgbt «ctoceil. life ■.was -visiting Riis ltei^y Attend ‘‘down1 (the vmintry’’ irecently rand Aithfte ram-i 1 bling dlongtthe tojjthrray ttodk too rmtan- iipiimtmg Shis imotor rear AVith mue [hand. iLove its tolinii, tthgy- =say, xw-iHI ;mniy.wa.y (this .:-<toap ihiissed Meing>;'ai toatfd Ihbited climb off tthe ;®A*’ Avith j .... . ,_ .. ‘the1 rttot toesiilt ‘■that- tthe attentive ifHodgin? -wi-Hf-to -tfernk ffftends voimg rmati Avas Shaded imto ccoutC neighbor - -- • _ ... [fined $ti£Lo]0 and toad tots Hmtose sSB^^.lanH./evvptestoms <ff svmpathy ott Rhe [penitel. ’ '-'•-. ntmte of ;ihgiT rcecmtf bereavement. the car bad .'had .a Hibenll ^gppjy mails driven into -them, .and -a’ (five [iwjth sshfeh .put, in otre tof ’them AtfiiCh ■ rniipedt . r'” .. . ... . .............. ‘trWgwas an glLKtey job. To tput.'RM • te*»i uhvim-ci a?»> isuKK iii <,. ■' ' ;,..'.v'"''------The used Ro (attend-a funeral fe.Hhc ... ,w^y s1^1*. ;53^«*- IWUNX W’AD?SON—TTn Vdr- ;«md Mfffe: Rtae jWateori feEHtte MlcGarveyl, jLondon.. > .: ;ai l&t. .0tes<tohs iHospiteli. SfetunHs.t^, j (October 117tn. -a”Mm. Htee ,0adfc. ■’ Land HFf fffcsto&s ’ _ -TTix- ffaniil?7 off ‘the Itoto Wts.-.. To;. tto- nmny ..htorl mW na-cfe SMSrtt. -Htoteri^ tih? wiy Tteto- d®^tLAlAN?£. tedTO to<me.Hhe rteff eehmjted ‘ihimtei'-. Riis Mcg tototte Rhe <WwwHihr- :hteife.. «■ . itomated/omd <wswdfed :m tths? iw- tW. iit aw Rhe tihJk vff Ah'. TIFiwmw ■ ffNKmmeHy fff Hiifem TfvAWihn?, 01 fte1 • tow Avnttomr,. *t<> rvenww Sm. Hitoh , ff-ivmi toh--tommin-Tph- . ' ■ . ffidljy (Voosrttoms rsmd / ffxmteiitoin. Rhe itoinred mum nwhiMl Hhetortml! -fff.mteRa-tffl toid ffatem tobti ' ■TLmMnwA’. owdi nipdgy. onto .-ffflw -re- (terHmg Rpeatnenr -Avas mGhed th; ’Lmatony lit aw ott flmt ftearvd tltej* •’the irnttemem’ toad pnm-tteMI ' Hh ;hmg. Hmt (this itohJ-K?’ -aw •' ites-mped miad Mrrthig yh? .Mtehrnmeto - (fff tohe • Rihbily5 rteenve^y “ite Itetobeji ffblH,. ■ • Tit iisra ceae.- <vff .Mstoh'-ttwRto fhr: A'l-ts. RteM;. xj’tor Hw «?ltetot -rmmyy rsm- tothW Fhmrrs -Pmve RM fteh’ffhL onRl fitertt. .feten o-. ’ littfe muw -Wp' "Hwv wce&fes Oisto -RM1 aw '^shd-Jy ’lhereawiij t “toy Hite -sutoten dtealh .fff Rte’- tmrtthw ■ *s ■Wto * be xW.VWS. ....■ -mmon-rm-m’-; ■, th ’ thHr [VwmiK owp rpeptepb^' tth T1ft<p< pton ht^- ttw Rsrtkrlhrty. of ...— .^* rf-rtvww-.™.AxxfM? .Aiatltv. A-hturiet." -w i«-ttto Imt' in-, „ .................—- ‘ , ttetef rhti*. ,nd :tp» cPbprfth'p slwwc :-rri Asme- n mthfiijStemn?;-' ' ,’■ ’m1 Am Warns. (lb o ^i'0. ffw eccartspl^ ■ thff. [«¥«{, -'Mil Hmwnr Ap» htOTMimi-■ ;a* W •I’’-, ven; Ttn» R'>rrmwy vwll • tevet»« -Rtf.,;?■ rand ts'ill rW#y- '■• mwitov < r -.btf. jw* ..yi ><■ wffj rvM‘ rteftiirp '.tny <r<)Ljitrri -eteAttt in the '.WK* >f y i-nmtbAig" «r ■.b’-n Tffp» oipuHrnn) fflh top fbrdh, thp ' m'orx wj-rt »wmos? . n UW- . • —T.^,. „,.,,.. ff thp AppHi-hm; j‘ffllt? (HiRAtrfRStli ffttiMU .. ip fi-r rtetvffi-neJ • '<r“ w w t ?f rthrmhine. 'vmt.Ihr;. ■ _ ~.‘ 'T.rto,«bm^: .en:thmwf onp I bat hirst artmasmiw iWrrW tthe i»»to wre4d>. v»v* Hsaw rtwmtejrl fWtr jwilijpjir 1te$! W#1 tthe Ihonitoriis rtff rsWtiowtr- nW rwrrxeeth«s«. sW «tito tlfe mtto orff f toe etfesiinsr liwn^s off tto*- cfton- p^iisnj. ittwVhdfti toe diitifajit-tto • toawito • t this \«vrrto w>tt tilmtt ppatoiHto • orriw, cor orstwsiWs cr«*p»W ito W* tjtrcge mhh «wfewftotr tto ctwTtftoJh rttoto tto< (toito /’W.'-tto’C . Stoe&W* off ortrer tto rtJrtt tX? f tito toWw stf nwv( UV*- sl&¥> rfkhK tto off W- totowss ciimjpw;. tto sTt***W W^dto- ' liiveH? off ttihe TW rWflMth^c- hljy tfilW ito aflrt:- rrevtrs vonttes twp piJet<Stoy dhrftop flip’ eWWXiiOT.. TTtone otto•.seoift*' htfffl ito mvftrfc;. tooowm- mW fit t iis i topwrr teto 11 lito < t IhL twtotl-rr rt* - o?hiv*’ jywtr iwnWMiikiP totikrtlton ’Wi(.-•ri twrhanjrfe: /n :lw» .-wiir p’srvh »>t WthlhitL-r HWTU b-fr' ;im.7 Im iW^H- TC hr. • ■‘W i‘i> urtj! ip '"Wt - ’phjpj V jv»rrbwii J A Hi « k»-J irfetofe - - • . ; ------- ff ' rhprtg'toc’* tontolmg ; ITiJ -n iV ■nfer' rbF :.lwu - m’wmvwfef ■ygtetM oTito WW htUgg n cvllr Jvr ■m-rmttbe 4 ,k«toig I’.e . • h’K »ro ' Jill '4 fe-s vr I . I > .z’.l - •■» \ • IN" TfttR WGRTIH1Why Ato« -r cwtotPhttet" ■» p.nu Srmdaxy Nowphfer iFhh. NVrtwifti t’,oAW. Speaker RHW STOW , || ri.in.. Wx'xinteidwjy. 'N-m-^wher R". •u tVilhww-omi Hnpkwf, ■ Rm-- re. toxenkete. .ii WH1XM PRWHlTs’' X'OQTT . P'iitoty. Ngw'wher ' IT'I • toTco I'iAWpy(,' Rtiewkw ' ■;• ■_ 4 ' ' ■