The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-29, Page 3* INANCIAL LASHES (•if faite arcotiteir itepxMrtttnft' 'is 'talking: pltee 115(5) fe- :sftter.. to.u& peir da®^ ' (Ctashing of dire be- sturtedl tiife week Ito' fill! the bjiaiffi, im pirepanroftiwu: fer startfing ball* imSi Dtetaiter ±6frlin. ,1ft' fe. iy of wuauth ....... __ ___ sEm/vks in* bo.trli dykes andl hr tlhe will litir aljfe tto patowfe mid fed^ j'huiiging and! fobt. 'walls- ZLikaraliz:- atipm.ym osists of .pyrite- amf.e&aiKWfliy- ufte-. ■ . -. • ■ • , J .farittj&fjjtirE. of t&i IbXJMtoinj mi® at/ trite- MuniuES Kiirikiiimd (Gdlkil MTiiaesd^ property Bass' B/sen (aampfefeafi on® tint new emit, yri® gp> ihitaj; opxtratipm with- l inc the: merit week <mi ten days.. Tito I mSl; has beeni" <&sigme<f so, that. wit® lltltin.- cost dt earn IW .stepped mpr to II U» will., mill the:' esriaiared it will! -take- 0)». days weeks up, tiie m®L • Eteults- of w.avk Baiweir levels;’ iimdfcato" the-' ,c'.ti ift-wfe-), presitfepf. Wurk ®® utew pfen-fr wffll lie stkaitedl as suom asj a fisw 'mirnan- re-ma:i:n.mjjf dfetasfe. ■aH®: appirav.edi liy tdiit (G><wOd“ K®r„ ®Euardh«l£ states ,iini malting; tilixi ^MtounscenintEt- Whrfe he: conlkll nnt estiinate the saying tthatt w&alri! j-Eue jrrorie- by tilk.e pctwEautfoni of ttkejar Peuwit poAV,Wp Lt is bdieveil! th-att.' the: lidos# wiiHi Be eensideLtiidy Lower tlknr f triie cost of ipuwer presently cun.- taracted! for.. I1 ■ S-kookn.im (GbJdl !SEteesr secund! dfio- i inomll drill hate gu.tt dkj>wuj an the- 12To- *•& vete lias ■ errcoiuniteretl! ttwo> l&Emparopfiyr® dykes1 separatedi fey 410/ * feet of core ‘ tengtii «T sheared! min- 'ea!tete®di granite,,-, acgtrrdittg toxsa wite I recti-cved!' aft -tiie- company peadi eOteg tw> 153111 trite circuit, and tune: i fbomi JL D>- • Tuamer.p resutenft euginger.. o rn tite | A cunside r able-' wuantitr.; mpany;h ;. ’Wltem yoiji. wu^ae- opt with, a Itead- adie-„ tto this:: li;dfai two>iqjii(£ik-a«:ti-- • iiptelL-ifissciteiiii^ ‘tfiffMEST teiiblfetiy, wii& a Hittite wetter- ■ JB3j} ttBe. ttiiirut JjmiisIietB dfc&ss- 1 shig, nine- wltemces im teu, ykuTB fed nefief ewittiinM. . : ; “JEs-piimte”' . pcwu&s tins cpaicS: . relief fiecppse- lit. is noted airuiinr ttlte ’ quidi-est. taeflto(&. fwr msliiffi swufneer ’has ycft cffister^veredll. ® ^Aspfiriint ” ttulifetts ara& mmte te Chnsafiu *ti^spteuti”,te tite regtehfredi ' t&iudfe-Emiiife. of ttlte- Wyear Gptepany,, ■ EjaniitliaiL-df Wuni|jf««rw®jnithnii'Jji. Iltjrstfc &m titeimm:erBteute^>=^.. ■'.;.* , ■ 5® Slits fiinm wf SB (SEWS.® OHE (gweaw)'ttiihlfet- a much: fiigiteii grade frhaar' formerly' esiammaedL Several! uehte have* Been cuft'ott tiie new deep> tewe-Is-. Between bSl')) amf? ' w&eue- wm is. unffiormuBiy iftwim (fri1 to> EO'Oi per cent ! Jd©tetr ite gtode tritea; on' tite fewels.'< abewd tite TSXJMTitet IteveJL . _ enta ■ suar- ttevetep.m£iEt te ffim mr tite1 I '"'. ' '• I' Jteptetelter■ ' laguna (Sdldl 3Ein.es -prudunltett aanpupfite'lto approximate­ ly zs. compared’ withi. $-'31,.- ('JAWJ> in Aligusft,, aceor'dtng' to> JJ„ M Wuifti' TTTrACHF-- .< sfr/Mitr tfusw- agwj on Arixeimuto sei? eaitisr expressed tito wfew' tli&ij ds the pEucwssi &£' diiigesrum talWs bhtof away fidrau tire.- liraiiu uieni slionbt net ent. a ■Searty meaff before (fevatiaig,. their ti&ragriis .to-'tiifs- seBitixni ®£ wei^ty .pcwfj.leiirs:,. Sfre- ffouairil' tikett orifice- wwufe- te*ihwiisd mure.*, alkjrf irii trlie. niornfn^ Eiig&tt hmaadifust. tliani they are Em trips: ttiWihtotnisL pr®wfe® they in- (fiiEg-e Em heavy' IjuneBeons-.. Aa ffijjp sm'fPssfflrB work aft nig&t.. Eft in-.-almiOst. finpws^xbfe uttor ,:e hearty ,dinner.— . /hitirapt 3Se-ws.. Willdami F.. Sfcffixirmtatft,. in. CUeve- llami Mute Dealer,, abeerves' .—: They .say that girls who. wank in a eurttly' factory quickly learn: to hate cundti- E”y anategy„ people who work for ! tewspancBs auuriit. to Buite ntfwspa> •p«B3.. E imagine ppthlng •ucute- foartlter from., the truth.. Err my own .ease,. E fml.that yc of st r,in the- galley ogdy tErease Ma’s fonttateks for newspa­ pers. E km not sp.kalting of respect car atfoi'. ration... Eni. g „ moral.'sy;use. newspapeus ore- ns .different from, pgo.ple^' • Sioirut of them ace tenesti dheent arul. able, and: some are- mat. . Fug' tiie itemeftt. E am tliruklng' of n&Wspnpets tottehed, ■ from, rheir pqB- •tetef?,r tlheift strength dr their weak­ nesses.. E am thinking ef .them dreteiy. iin terms of the alive,' pulsing piece's of ihky caper|( '*011. ptel up> in- the ' morning. Tite- pleasure that E :get eat cliem. is ghys'lcaL. E Else*, the s^’ell-of fresh ink oil paper.. E enjoy .the feel 'of the., 'pages as ,E -'turn. ;them o,ver. ' -E nevriiL te' the- sigm.t; of a newspaper.' that,' aw aits reading;. The. .faster •the- paper that- better., f like a. stole news­ paper Hflri better"' t&xin a stale egg^; sSTewspUipers-Jinust not he massed: uiiil dEsardteretE. by another hand before they get' into:-votes. | A plague, oil these-• people who can teft p.fck' W itowspaper ' without ■nuanp.ling and scrambling Lt' ant., it* is , tit. tor mteiihg • bur tiie 'wa-topaper btefeet.; They have, mi order • in/"their ■njin'ris arid pto-•• revert'me \. in aie-jr 1 souls,. andi 'tii»y are a ctefounted nuisance..' " ■ , MilEners Make ObservTtEon; No One Seems to- -,Kw-w ■./Reason ^&T0!M?ATtt BO.0XiL£T CALGARY — Alberta women have Larger heads- than their sisters in> other-pari .-> of • Canada- '■ This is the . /eport of the general manager-®f an Eastern millinery company- Local milliners confirmed his statement. Young and old women wore' large sized hats, according" to the miiilnery- ■ authorities. The average, fieadsfee' . for. ('''algary’.s fair sex is 22and! a number of orders for size' 24—a size seldom sold in ocher , centres of the, Dominion. ' . - ■ . [Ste one .-'cems.,to know why Alberta women have such large- heads.. Sug­ gested answers are:: It may be tite titude;' perhaps’ they are brainier. 9ir„ perhaps,-they are Just ■ proud of AB-., berta.' ' . • . Thii- uii-w (ileytrie tofri/eratoir was tarnetil | <ott after fwe-yeair^iJiil .Jfewu® Jtott was-, id bed., fytfx: mxMtnlMg whew kte eaatte‘dbiaremstoirs site keairdi- tite Egtnrteerator'■ utottor- running and! wiitfii at perplexed teefe gazed! arouttd! tite iitMKtt.. Fteally. kite spied) tiie. re-frig- easEEtoar and! tecoted!- tite- se nate!.. ■ uW®titeir,7’ site e.'tetemedt .‘“tite rcew/' BeffirigejcaetHe likes us sen we® it’s pttrr&rg..”' B think that „('tet wil/newr .send A ...gift so previous' as. a friend— A fuierid! write', always ■ anderstaniia . Anq; fills, each need, as 'it demands. Wltese loyalty wifi, stand the test, .When, skies are bright or overcast; W~h.O' . sees the faults that merit. blame,. ’ ,’ 1 ■ . ’•, ' But, keeps on loving- jMt the same;: Wka does far' mote than gregds .cool'd (te ' . To- m-alte us' Jtgod,.' to. make 'us’ true, Earth’s .gifts'a sweet, contentmeht Lendl Etet only G.o,d can give a'friend! —J .. Ete.see'd.are- the p<3or.. -wTltey don’t feel muiih qf-a bump when- they hit the bottom.. ■ ‘ . ■ Letter fn. Toronto* Mikl teftdi -■ ■ Empire:., ’••• ■ •C. 20- iff ®f prssii'iteiit,, wlto lias /st tmiMif fhtjmr t&c property. (fpaisili(ri."&dl . satisfactory ill tt&c fact; that., duariirigr Sripteinheir' ttfre-' larger, part cuff mill ifeedl earner ftrami I tiie <iEti.mpr wEnk-ft lias.- am . estiim/f®!! grade-. consiiLaraMy Dess ciiarr. tlier maire.- mrerosje-.. Tfr® Ixtrge.- 'anKi-umt e?f-.ore;, is mow beamy dintw-n, fro.mTB,'tlie mitre i ami & ls (Especfe<!fl tliat ffliEfieadSf. will, sho.w nupkaicenrenf.. S&aft sinking;; is ion.’ lias, lieem Jet. leai-t. omr peared! up mn- t. ■Tims, tew A loafer tern main? that Ere- lias: a wolf,. hu:t nte dltet to. Iievp> him away froum. . . ■, ' ■' ■ L.U, liT. i'sltew itepU 'prwee<fdte<' uudl. a. stat: leu-ftyaft ®7.T-fawt teve-E. ‘more- hiyeli ik toe be- ..medtetdy aft E.fflft ft___ ; titer are- beiing epeneif feet, and! dUXJkfwdft te (•ratio m " ef bgiing' so: .than.' rile-Jifttnis,' it I T---(J*— [ -'.tedei* JJitte:'i.. Ltd eigu.ii .'idiiiitiwffiil uJaiins. ■are- Ideated! to>- titer swath, ami tw<j; tiie-.awirtlit «f the- mtett -tiire.- - ■ •"aretu •aqruage- gives Atne-L. a total df S®®.' acres. ;i-m£ if .is- unde ' cw.'in.pany - - may- . act-yiire' eeteitns- 'whixte will! .yini’-fliwin,. wf t.'h-'d acres.. » Sunday Schoo! TeauFier — And why did ETwolii Coke- -two of each kind of animal.' in to, the" ark'.”. Wight .(Chrid—■■ Bjerdi believe the story about the _ We- have- noticed that a ^wlio coils his wife “the* old usually ■ is a I seldom VL itopeff • feXjD- . The--.-: Ji tite ,sh pretty., decent; . some other vets me whan my sister the pier.. i-rowd tiliat the fiiirrlier a total.' sue of wlLieii on property iin 1 'Eli e- “ nexw.' ' Builow.ng- repot-.' ••,r .tfnlincmg by New Tone • rBteun Wotitins,. president of f~mtp- cun 3Eji.esr search.. K ptograaix iaiready ■ ingr cantnurts ore: ben idifrgrw.und! and surfac’ paigns on both prtJspe.J.'ty and! the- ; which lito lag" was 'avaiHabfe;.' a' statemdat Srmn Stc Turfe &' expected shortly.. j ; XarundiE. MEnes will shomtEy eonn-^ jmeneg: canstruxriiibn of-a. hydito, /er- tiric. power- plant; of h.p:. SefesEEEe e&naxittf aft ae east of fon —1 iites ®wdb use^ acettrdnrg to arc ®r- - ;nau.ttitmi(hift.inaife -by .James T. JHuar- Hu-tiler' inrerestSjJ r stated, triiat. "jEnlng: Efee| ■ orp„ huwe Bait qnt' m. ■ large' of deve&pment. which, has- 'ommenced. Diamond! drill-1 ig,Let for urn-; ?• drilBiigr cam/ the (Cunfptauji. Aliixo. property. I ey recently scrpuirwlL Whil'e wmtttniTatiiini’.- ®ff the.- new ffnanc>; • ■ Wpr F...JL: Bates . ' (Ontarior -Eth', tar an extended! rour ef die Fmined and ( amida, Waror Bines is a, ©ij’emor of .tilth; c. iniaudi White Star fine and m-bi other of Sir Pwvy Bdres.. (fh;iirm:im ef tire- Board of the same '»■ onipany. , , WJ^EEE^G/TQ^ — Discovery of a. process for keeping tnilfe feeslr- four Long- perin.cfe was amrnunced! by the iLnitedi States ^Xxg/cnilture Eteparfc-- nrentt. 'Hire: Bhream oif 0airEy l&rdiis- ■ .toy eaUjetfl tire- rfisewery “*a snnpfe prrwress of - ewm'entratfngr aartfi fireec- iirgf’' the- millL. ■ . ’ I Ara arOTOumremenf tty 'tire Sitreaii J saidl tire new process will afford! a 1 jjrafltixnU: ineiirnis pt pvowtffipg good quality milfe for use (nn’boartfi. ships ami iim. distant places where a. supy pfy of fresh milfe is unobtainabLe-. "Ehe Blweuw sard! it; ha<E found that; by canxrentratirigi- the nriiTfe to «rre-“; half our wne-tlxiiidi its origihaE size it cam he fruren. without ihjjirihg its properties., ©irdinaaril y . when! mH it is ■ frozen the emulsinn: is (Cestrnycdi anm the thawed: prmiiict faEfe short of ■the- original; properties.. • "THie fitbzem millf’','. the Bureau; safif ‘■'Pray be skipped! long- distances and! Pel'ct for yeefts untijl' ready foir use By tire (ronsuriTer,'. when it; is per­ mitted! tor> thaw and? (prougfii water ' is adifedl to- brfngr it bark to> ms or- ignria!!, w>hunel7 . ' > iise he didn’t j. stork-. h-ushaniii woniani^ Imp arid: tite Mail, 'and- Empirec &inr just read, yoar leading- edi- the-’issue, ef Septi 4;' te J which- you- stare -tite-t tee*- many of tite “‘(Seed'■ common, sense in political ■leadership, is- what we nee® row.”’. . —Augusf FEeckscheiy Editor —E have j torial in !t- 4 • S-ALLE&MA.V WONTED f ^ scores, of 'tteusamfe .of ..persons on relief today ;te Canada will not ae- . [cept. wsT'k'when'.it is offered?to- them i and that, during the depression they | have- fearued all' too- thoreugilTy that j they cam 'Bye with, ease on the hard- I pressed' taxpayers. • '. I E,note'that'you, qualified this state- i menft. with.' die- fotevriiigr. .Eese.rvati.enu. ! “We ..tealge that other thousands."of people. on. relief dislike ,' their pesi- us:y and; will aceept- dhy our.” E and my wife be- I long ’ to this latter class. I aui a • veteran of the B’per War and.' of the I Great War. E: held the- military rank h of lieutenant. Prior : to .tite depres- :l sion E was safes manager of an im- | p'ortant. commercial enterprise , with j headquarters' in ifontreal. with other' .I salesmen under■■ mel E was paid! up.-, to Sd.flOfi. a year far- several years. e XL'ES;M!aCST W.-yUTED—EZNAC^CIAX.' HoHse i / desires- the services of a. high' class- rtf-rm ■ to- represent them,'in this lbcailty. We havfe a mining' :ssixe ue real merit. We; handle nothing 1 . , 11 | else. —,<>qr. last two issues were both, winndrsr'. CUi'.lUii} _ . - | ■.viHi -the properties- in;, productioncommission ' dfecenr Way OU-/ I Slid »r j'o.-isis. Appii- Box ftp Wiisrln. P'ibiir!iing> Co.. IV ■■■•'•■’ t •' ' / r " ‘I r.j. Adelaide'st. w.. Torunrh.. | xong to tins- Latter class. T.. ' L . / then. , PEESQNAX. d^-BEYElG, EXSTANTET; Darkened. , Wo. dje. SaTe. 50c'. Trial' .size. 25e. An.- nette, 2110 MfeDermot. Winnipeg. 1 . ' <s> . INVENTORS! ■■' ! - ' . „ BLaxfitt, '■—— ,L driu't like-'’ self-made' Bjfft. ve,iy .much, dear.. . (SeEtie—X'o,. dartfep-t f’d. rairiier howe -one .rhaue to wrd/\ . ' —-p-—, ■ . Ef. the onion .veijd ] use perfume it might | up' to the greenhouse, only [earil to work J ts way suggests Bi|I|L | ‘ • IF/eni/—What, m'd your -son /urn t college’.’. .. ■ . .Toronto 'Man —Weil-. ■ sir. fie can. sk for money;' in. sucli a. way it isee-ms like an honor to' give it. to him. . . ■ ' . ' OWES. TO -EVERT EWBNTQR; List1 Jn!!c ffoi:T5ri°'’'• The onset of the depresSten. diepiri.vedi — .......-'' ' — _ . _. . | p1Jg c>lj5 employment- T am stHi- in vigorous health- but. have' beat •able thus far to- obtain no* remuner­ ative emnloiymeht.. This in spite of the fact that I and my wife have- a<f- and tramped s'-, daily in search of weak- We have sold, our belongings' in oir- -der to* escape the humiliation of ge- rng on relief.. We have nevbr been cn® relief ami. ar.e*!still intent' on mate-.- relf-tespect. . En the second paragraph of your editorial you state that housewives in Toronto, and elsewhere,, in spite of. the fact that there- are .tens-' of rho.iisa.nih of women on reEefi, ■ find it impossible , to • obtain adequate or sufficient domestic Servants.’. Kpay E relate the e.vaperiences which, my wife and I have undergone in bter effort to enter domestic service1".ite- this city? .. ... 5fot long ago niy wife and E r&r . ^ponded to an advertisement effer- i ing STS a month .and free quarters? , in -return for dnhie&tic service- . We ; found that we ' were ..expected to • r do. all, tiie work in a 20-rqomed room­ ing house. The landlady,, moreover,. suggested that we- go on relief in • order to ger. a rent' allowance from, the. civ-J' authorities. En this- way -we were supposed* to' obtain ’ the ^Tff. a ■ month pronrsed in- the adivertise- menf.. , - • . ' We replied to an advertisemetlt for a.eoup.e to take, care of an elder­ ly ;Iady. We found that we would have to pay a rent of $2.0 peg montfii for. .tite'rar.ers offered ite- perform ail tile domeitic work <jf a Targe abuse ami look after rhe elderly lady. The follow'ng advertisement ap- pmn’d :i,a-n- afternoon newspapers ■ '“Relined couple, no children, can. ■ . have turn.shed home, rent free, with. (‘are '(if eider'.y gentleman.'* Envesti-' gatibn at the house named .disclosed. ■ rhe fact that we . were, expected to buy a’..l 'the fuel for' the. house and provide r:y gentleman with h:s teod. We ar ' lind fluin; ;•! ,':a'. rcom-ift I Parent. AtTonieyg; 273 Eariir Street, Gtrawa, lUanaxin. ' ' i 1 ’ .STA'.Sfp crn.r.Firrrgr, I — Also .Stiri;tn, Sijmoliland. j TlRerstamps. 'Eogoland, Caribbean/ A^eri/ . r- _ • tpnl-T^. .an. Central' Americans. • British. .'C-'l.inlals. veitJSA,a. petr,l~uffllUiy ■Ttiis Mitgnicirricfnns' .aollenrinn free' Cor 5c..[the S-tl’CSC- ■ postage. ' CttAY STAttB Co.. Dept. PC., To-| mnti>. ■ .Stirhin,' Somaliland. i F.teteEJU. Kir.n.- -.II the. man who goes about with, a chip «n , ite. shoulder,, opines Eoruce-,. .sooner (n* ■ lat",*.'tetovoIrins a knot on. ('■iris' bead. ' ' . * ■ I - Eocror—H"m!' Y-Our efierfh & bit weak. ritou m;;,vc avoid draughts;. ■■..■■, i Patient^—(5h!’ Arid 1’iow about my Tesns OcDrr . darts match next- terteday? , ---a------- ’ . ■ !' — G------ I . TTioteaiiils 'of children: leave A. man; never knows. Isckool tiiis year. Their entrance- into 'iars there are In this , w&rteiiig. life- will be accompanied by Itite- flismaE" elibrus- J say that, a ehilxl's f i grow fewer and ! ’Parents slteuld ai*c I for. what it ite ofc vl ftet. are leaterig- of tire* new existed when young; i~ANIS1X,G Minn Kine Champion. B%trm-| • . . 4111 “ ers sa.y best mode, mine Comparrj’. m ‘ taming GUI' Etnprnj;s <1 „-s:. Toronto. •' | '■ Trihrioi* jmsE . | • ■■ ■ ' ■ 'I ------------ -------------L— ........... ...., rrAIEDRESSE'F.S not doing1 Permanent Wav—: LL!ti", wo tench and equip :yZ1u. free. 'Fiir-' then particulars, write Box & ListoWel, Ont­ ario. ■ .------------",-----------------,.....'.........................i i I 1 mS-THMA. — A. missionary' fi-pm India com- ■ ■ plotsl'v relieved, "f- .isrhma| 15 year, ago will gladly wsend valuable lnfnrma.M->n ri anv' fnUtjjrer. Serrd name and address. 'jlniTvs Riiherts, 5<12SV Avenye Road. Torrinto. Ont. how many ynnritry,'. cay5 Sir office. ■ ■ .of moaner.? who riigneris of - success' fewer every year: rept this nonsense bstinwte- pessimism Tlie children ichboL should', be industries which their parents Aeroplanes;.' • riicrtor- trasrspurt;: these Itiirgr. new wfitl'd, The manutiae- sale-' of these j enviable- heritage I F like out- ('ten nil'll*.. */ ,n. 0 s MW15 PlfilEETag ed there seeinis no occasion tor toed- ing sfofte hior is- titer :' any adyanraae n cooking- ordinal';- "<!‘ s-rirf#', round or chopped, ■ steed, or pulped, keS'kindly' rd dry which enters the Step mtt of the «h&d<rws if you want to enjoy tite intent things, tn Straight whiskey’ will make those UEirie when wait tonight for my guests., spi' I ■ anything. ma'am'" [ modern Ate you- x awwiw tic. £ C’R t ay’j • Toronto. etiWiveiy . yi ,m. n- pte. 4;vt«:> absnintPlv fit »phiran- •Aprrsent- esent wnirlng far he- drudgery -ent.i.Ted. keeping email a 12- absolately without 'pt'for the slocpcngt) w,e' occupy: We. pro­ mt ;rhsa mar iincwir tor days., the Inndi- ' red of. nri of/salesF- n,vseif —- ', pa rot­ is ae* r." .■r',v, w. H-. ; , si- s» . • A'lPh •t.<-ii/icvi! arc? .'*:,ggo*l ■ ’lit*'-- .her my •■ng,-(he hiadtlpr' is? n-ritatwt *-■ “lien passage ■ • ‘’(•ant'ir and smars and bums - sleep ' « ' ’ 's-tlers' .and rrigHt'.y •.-;>■ ? bathroi m ii'b’. chr sain li.ir'nlt’ ■di’ti Hits trouble ' ■ ant gg-.- ’ i o)-' . unrtrb'm (lie ,‘atjsu.es ..■ u -von" m> disanpo *Bnt (bt* 'sure irrd; g« • '.ip.'-ii.-e : IJaqr it'.muwni i .-vyApt, ! . The iftiai wk® toaO’y does fids best* ', ik os swccess. wltetfteir tite worddl thiirfe < sup or not* Heft every aceasrdiT. be sft grea|t occasion for you. (itenrofr fe® . wfrem Eato .mu-v. Ite tak-iirg ymir measure for* a teller priteie., ■ REA-L SES.CHJNE. nlfettv With untterfps ,t vxirr si'rnon.. tt» ptfeirntv. re$. iwwcks Slmplv. •■•prt<t wHI mail -«.il .>no ■m? SIUvp.. wllirll EJvbrv llrirmo nwtis >tny.<r, romit Sll. ui. Xfhelumv at rrtiHfkiar. ;iv< LEIA for. wliat ft is. with, no basis, o who.' to,id never were carst radid are part of -tite ,exc which, accepts titeni. tare-.. control, and tilings form' the FTmmte .'nriti.l' lie ’’uns . T > iu ■ Pr<mn»’“tivp FmnhrTe •’cirk. wntoher” ■ .-Xupli'ciint"—N"o„ sir'!’ door, work: r'gimvy you. wo ii Iff ''all me a whi.'-fle, Inor. L_|.n — Mrt’i* 'lotto . -that makw the. woifftr go tomind: hut it's limmr > that, muhoq tiff rp.-i’uu'. !*. ' EEu.fiby.— P'm half dehd ■ with tifik infernal eriTtf.. ■ • • Wifey—-Don’t you >mnp*isft. T ennld5 , .- .‘’teleet haff yu.ur '. immruifi'e . money ? of youth tt^itey. — .Wanrhester Sfcnfey Chronicle.. . ., ___ . ...... -----------------.-------’ « . . who'hek it up walk ('rooked. C©882? WWfelig’ -r a ’ - 7<’“ 1. B y-’ ■•- I Jinrs— Yeo were no spfpg ' * OOFSME ehidten when T married "you-, I,',. Mkx. drinks—Vo, E was a littfe '■ gt.oto. : , 1 . . j ‘Che cow {jiving a huge lib w ot'-nullt 1 : is working ris Bard, as rhe horse. Any I I grain, given the- cow should Be' ground J ior crushed if not otherwise easy of I |mrisriration and (Ugestinn,. (Jraiii feeds] j should, always be w | and roots should be ;■ Because- the cow •. feed and et'eryrhi , paunch is q.uickly soaked-arid .soften- SEstress—t oh. the tabfe please- don’t Sfitikl? —Don’t never talk 1 /c PF E. ifebfog’S'L ! ZX AfeFa-dd SL W,, Ii Grunin EXPERT List winter w.us one of the most severe . ever knowrr. Weeks of sub'tero- weather tested fuels to- the utnrost —and. found manv wanting One fuel <-rime' through that testing mutnphanrlv. Thar waS' D.L \A. Scranton ‘ Anthracite which is trade- . marked—coloured, blue ro protect vpu against mixing „ or substitution. Tire ‘blue coal* dealer wdl n?!T more about this uri Q’td&r a inn.rodav. ” myrpriw'-jp, r<>re Irenithv 'i> jjet from to! Xted:;, s direr'pH