The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-15, Page 7euNDAy OHWSTUASOTtf AS WVE.—Acts ' 1-4; ’ 1 HDrmthFafe IS; $-43; ©©iktesi Text.—■&•(■> w aibiS-eoi faife. Sbftpa, . ihrsp fere*; -afe lie greatoft .til tb.ese i- 3tme, 1 t£.<tf±nr liiians 13;. IK, . , • . TORE -IL&SSUN IN ITS SETTING. . .TO1E.-A I'). Ll, bi, ' ”' ’ PIACE.—The <:•■'■' >'»f r.ei'jjnh. in Uhe 3mw«r‘'7»an of '.M- -.Greiek. T’wjat-j ©itMit, . abb tn <;l)'...5 -i'. e imlrs; 'til®, AUh>«ns. I 5 ,3if? ckgutri , i»f ’1.0'. iCnrrTrfii..'".! ltd- lar55tsi spun-! w\'i Sr.i T!,;« eStcejrifUi ■ ffi’ fAfier .these ~ . firtxn. Afe.fey. ’ and ;.'■.' (kra& bad perhaps . fests*® of‘,xny v.'.i as yfe. Tixiiec’',v,ft t ' ; Jfefeiife Txt ....... 1 ■'"A’jjfl *he ’ f Wfltttfi’ a ■(• <ed -Wnitk. a. man Pom’tis by .race.,| tetegy fegnfc;.ir«g FuJ;; wj:’ bls wife | •Ti a ia 3-ew nam- totagy 'ct»Bfc. fiwi itah; wit t ■ fit, fen® be hma; wray’ mtoe^astcfts w®3 me yfey fee feeue wij® be ms» msefl wan me ■Wii-w fin gia.it. and. we jff®- ■ ffiwa when toast whife wm, feat whkih as W; dfene away.'” We — -X - -. Xtitihx' <of’ fash W«$ci«ne' und •driw-r? 'ftmguswd Igri Sax •fffeni&'w'. w.fefeufe Sms •nnsiibsiE fiji , aHe-i^ tJifet beep .tw‘.a tfta'wlfsr®. .rtf xiMy^ fij&nr^ pe«< ©raws nfe .;Si£g» ■ aere. . "wfee '' .-IPtoEPfefti (cease Satr ’feem.y-' Ai3: prsdartanns Phones That Burp Annoy Britishers .snot ptowihed.” !few 4s aat *mhiwifer- ®d by rafefees. whether ■ st^ail iar sup­ posed,. *'Tafefe. iiMJt afioxxmn-<£ff sy®.'"' few idofs •’ fed. ■ sregSsflier , <eyfl. 3tt stfires (Dp no resffemera and • bears' fe .msfe.fi. ■ ■■' ‘ifeyfeeyfe Tfe i« ■ i.h.i i^b.mciitsn<-)ss, Ina. T-ejjMceib fee ifefe*' '(See; psata a: ’ 4, -5.; Hefiea 7: 3 K; ±. Thess • ±j' 12. j) feflffesssfr ■Mfexax has yexy rheaxiiJiih2Sly.. jtiraaafdafed’ iihese waotrds as .tofews'. ‘ILoy* is ®e'W'«,! glad ,'whea 1 (ithK’l; co wrung.; 3<>we 5£ gladdened by goodness” .’•©eaxffe ' this juise&i •afe.insr all from torrs i when. '5fm< , jaewefe all •ffen 1 ri;E<- not. xhast >he sff iirudffef-' ;fe muT t>e tfe ,fe*t L'e.as a'JB ■ thmgs ’ ‘ tLiiiHfeSy- ,g‘ infwns .feat .fewe iis jprfeff jiroi-ofitB <£me r;' q fe mg %T01fhhs * Offer.- feean. •‘•SBe-' ■ Slcn feat a. <Cimis- antofi€‘fl all i.he Jws Td depart' frswE.; SMUe: and he . earoe 'Tnio Uh.eni.'’'l What .•greai sKT'iH-isep. he hai, ito osj in tfe 3E'<nra.flrilA nt.'^ftrcK’/aio-jiiKnt': ■’ Patfl bad rmi. bf‘nr! <n ■.Crcxn'i'i) "k>r:g ■ fefiore if^rna a <teMain Jew. Aguila., hud Ids T’rhj.cnia,' sthc fe3- been ( iftrwfen from Pome by the ed-fei -ofJ Clanfli&s. >• ’ ^And ' bee.# ase he \. *as, f d • saine |l trade, he abode wiih’thf<m. and They? ,,wwoght; for’ by .their tirade, they wftre fendmafeji'S.'No birrbet enamrjde rtan; be ifiimd eiff the jiossfbjLty, of com- btniing d'fllgexrt labor rffh ~h<- ssytirjliiabity of mind.? ' ■ , ■“And he reasoned ’ tn,, iff n\-n: ®wery Saidiafh imlpd persuaded 2End (Greeks.’’*' Pam! Toifttl1 ,y31h‘ his hands , as ' b fc If ills' hs in ’i ®. that, be •m.ibbt 'hw - be ? bt the ‘Christians' wjrh wh/nn he 1 ®d. i/tit his w-^oVs • ed him f;ypj the are life—zfirn C a rm i n c Cterfsi.. - 1 ■ ■■’T‘ .,<‘:'.:1;-:.....l’Ji J TDXin Ui 3 iii A ’.and luxs ”.0 rhfnr?.<y shoiM feawiaaiy ‘W ' wiillite&Iy r himsolf 10 .he ■ •fnipost’d hjiffli. iii).ou3d df^ndyfe himse®!} Hihd j^d^rrtfirt so liuttj .......... 4 i-sily dened^'ed,'; | huT""x tfx 'Re id-fjwiy«a by his eJanciuess fed pentleiMW^ cf heart -than to iniJure fesf ’brfflUbf-r- ■ by moftrai 'flnreih an.-rifegst/’' •mpinfeis days | years wifefe hfee' is’ grows1 n.M ' V'tcajy under fee ;off ■ ‘ jntfdniiseb delay, ii brilfls/-fast hopes fe, ’tafeely pffeei'w^, ’ :' u1Lf«’-e mey-fir faflefe.: hist whether feAre-be prophecies, they fefe] .he dfee ftiway; whffett'fetsrE hefenfees. feet rbt.Il ; rh-ffeer feere \be SlWgiiXDBIL Clfe-i IPMfHKt.1 ey«n'. tin and long,- 3ra©4 \dfffpfTfefl., W^C' me® ', feesy fin pan.. is perfect as an part. fefe tdo tnttt Efeow aJD feer* as, fe fcnow j fefet fee axmvmSe., ibi t as feawBsdgej bseianes unoate amd-j snore • ptaS-ert, ■ giaff- ttnaB feowdedge’ gfes&s awa?. ' ■ J * ■'"‘Whem U was a feiSfi.. $. -sgjfee as a' feSId, E feh as a <ehud.i 3 feoajfet as a xxWdi;’ now fean: 2 arc hecaone a man, 3 few gnu away *MhiBdiife fedngsT A masTs. feoMiedge is sbd much greater nhxsn a <(Md'si, .fed, «an- eaQuemtly, - ■when refeifeg nfeferiily,, ' rhfld ish ‘C.anbegRd-fms fee jntf. away, now we see tjn a mirrwn, fen^- 2y.'” The. I'ittJ? ■cftnjjur.'ttijfm >fi:' fefeifi lifft fe ifiass'd. Sy : 31 ■ crmfirms fee "irenefe^, 3®nsTrfek®’l .-iffe ’hs. *feild- hfind ts m/fThoMd, • so .this ,3&fee to fee life to wtine-. •■‘-Bin. ibex Sane it® fffee.’t j&iir Imiwh’dse .or’ aflftry wjfj &>.e 3m- mediafe, SnM.-jiiiw.. wjfeMirt 'nrg>.ertef.- Idfes. '“Wow. 3 fea-w m put!. but fee® 'ff fully ewfm as few> ‘U was Tid3y tewwn.’*'’ <.i‘*?fe ‘HpfejhiW' Jfen Xi: -SLaauL 1 Jhhn '*?. i.!'. ,J® . fee yfece wlxere all >emr iC’nesfenifi are xsofeg -to be 'yms^ered.. and.. a® ■ «hjt* ’ d r-Etfife and chferajges feet. | 3M)W .hlfideiih faife.. thngifx, 'feveJ is 5s wtrcfe fe «ay, fefel feSfe wnfl hopp’ wt0’ haw ri& jgtefe‘1 ■in fefeem". afe 4«<s rJ£tt ®tiy| :tods. . fey fail >hT fee fenee./.3ew iis. il* nrifeert., 1)0w hf^ifx'fts aid. ibiings. am 3 hipes gs/ j?urfef am Hr?,. iaMh ’ nmd 5’ "I" ship 3b"e S;agiffan,fp«; 5s a fe -jue. aibe <&e»3 >(1 *Qfe ■.. i Iciim 4: fi, iHPk K >. A® -Wai ’to Tfe* Mjasfc Sote'/Ctais ! —' ILfesgJItftamtft feBe- fe SferfenE feuwt nusr fert* g&ucnt raXi &Aubf.m ,■ ' a fiaircay a&u&uEki- &gr itmiu^n*..' , \.Ew;y dihrtttt .{tt^nssHS^'. uh> m^JEStr Suw- stbWff 'Swift! gniftt-S!? cttEpxesrsnjE’ smr. Wil. • Infiisf a smfi&a iESOTug*, Warn ■ fiimr SetbSsy ■ rnics^.' ^tty- , W^C’' $®' life: . .• \ i'*". .,» ■UT^ / . ■ ' ; u? ITE Wa.'fe. Ife* •^Eh ti'ftrsy ” ■ ’w'fe; ?"*’ •' •, • zfere&s a .wsek'- gaSitfi »——-tJTiE., E.. 4J*- tJ& smt- ■ ■ y’.a?.Cr——5. .•■fefe' th' 'sa®i'' «1»ISKR'' E' -fetlf--- ‘•‘■tCX xiaey" ,Yax‘ise-‘. tesil' ’■ &iiiS:-.." Sayj' ’’ , . ‘ ■ . , - iSiJih XvKWTitij; fife' tiy-v fid'u X. 'xj.nmixi.tiir wxwfejg’ as®- Sttgr.Lr.na; rrS:® fin-ryr- ■ | Sy ••r3Etl.«<£. sn». .■ ' ^:. ►i y ex' ?.' ' ' :', ■ ' '■’ ■' ' ’W ‘“Oaoce of tfce EartK* Pau’1 ittfs njEtt any; ■/, toeP says iliatt ueiIE feree < apfl'lyWf- alb ide, in# tfifet. .ail, feiings fejK' .mayife ■sn33 fe he btmmn xir' fe wine yfet/je. fee fex aptactor ■ <xff |f !(!>g fJdSsw SeSt? j ; ■• ’ .-I- „ 'vJ ^ri'ies the tCifeago Trfenv- Eng-J fends: ra'ils, h' has;harm l.earme.’C im| ym-hnj»en.fe»'»ih. li.ufeifSlfi'-’i1. fem* I i to Wirrii by feeusamds- fe’ "fe | 'it'iim fartor’vs So <says Mt?. Axma | Stoase ^ixfeijrflsrm- m Tfe <’r£rnam‘'«s •®mne C'.rrnjtaT.j uh. WMan SteitoiitJ fetfe .m trht. ■jui’we*. wl?..' i’hfc''diito 'he unrxre ’ lihan : jiriJcm- <y iff 3w2" m,..irriixj.ifns: a WEeigfe fefeerto uniin jcfekmeS it i-sgjbisjA.e juw.iott’-, 4'jf' ©riiisi! siXs. 'wJ3' ac.tm' xhr w.fc04- Enitm wr31 ..iribUj xr.". Biwram^r ScWftt ■'tiftgx’.Trkr .^tjc jmqiie sns 1 s.tenp&. ..IHMr irinTn'itf' xiM. Thuy wjjl riist 31.. imwme ; m r>l' gr.mxwhajf’.G •B < ‘ rfe fee, fjufe- wane ,__ ____ _ h, Ijs hmmKfeferL. <’■■• ," -’., 4 ' ' y- ■■’ '4. ’ ■**’ -JW ■«.. -..’. .... :• xixw miCirhmfnKS'. .-.rn amnrri .xatwm fe yet j®'. de^rfefiefi' fe fernn.. ■ inn . g-'Tu’jnu fttfer?' ahnferin- a' dfrssrc*; sre’se-’.d m a femiHS tfe. hl fee tCrt.rV 'i! jng mETne.. 'iSx 1 .• ctei Ffeex-my„ ..t~rn\ ' ■ „: ■ I- . Tfefefens ' sart , 5y ■ fee rfefes Fl&ggfej, |fetes ut. Wfes tuc am H5ng-j ynssji^ aMmc “fr*- ■ AHImt-. feft mui wjm baw- ,a®aswx fee7-fe ■ UtSEii!fehiije uff tabuing* feas®s.- glint fett1 fee?, rmtife- ft ftrnussuiue, fefm, wife ton. at Engftsx ©ai& • wtutic ■ ftnAa.gx^ei-. fe®. nstriiEac1 jff wStft" ~wr<- , IfeS® . femgftE . sfeneHfe^ .’-mnunr sffiftfegifefe" ■ am feEWfS. to fee anfftfes. ,®d‘ a ' Sufenuxffftfe&s (ad nFnt. Twii>T^.'rFi ’jcsefi • m' afefs- ' ■IfeD.fe 1 ffan irmgfeg; ^n^e -. aSjKtfi -.gym. Sene, BSj. 'scstefeig imurifesT . 3nh»- aiicfermiSs: ■BeStortaEs rna®® ' ■ ’- . .' y ” j. fei-tr. wojri ’&y a anuftrm? sguc oaff / ' ' > '.•' ,’•'■.■'' jto .a feum irn’SffioesS .xsdfe 'gfeftrt^. “fSxfetnne amsums tu>vot, 5ms. scusiine. sfenihu nm,7tt-r, ^JEmnto exrfe rrenr- fes girfem mi- irim^oecmtoim, fe> wxhnm ®cs„ ’1 fejym ’as - 'feanftseesH^.’’’ ice- fest gusfeesr stnoilE he ‘fecmcssefi afefi' ih’jfefe inu;gmfet assnse-fete snut. ■ to wilts.emS- ft sjfeftlE a® xseEL’’’’ ' life .unnto 5-ifeft ’am£ Sirfe, jcmBscfeg' ■- S^r X. EJfemes ~'WT. .' • ' ®. Site wfem'fee tager iis. ‘ ’• . ? few'drixinS T5is thmjctE hS' a fSsrasc "tciifefe getiferes h,serBss. nf wjggfe^, . ' -suiroe Knti.’~ infer j^seb. .yng .fts- to-mr.? ‘ feriteE, 3y Mreunxfe3y me ■ Qurrwgtim fee • .vx-' >V.'? Tbess.- 3:1 de.i, lol ‘■mJ Treier <hven-j hfbW r>f l.xs H.'. ryn- j vj i 7’jnwt KT-u32 JtW s’n&- mur< ih.invx. fe aiiiife , 4. tnunft fej- .. btshaw in an, " ™ _• ‘Sobfe- hnto rf-frn ms trnin < rf.^neriirirtn ■msifler^tbfn kfirwinmur am 2 the b-mt rtr*’'T'fTTw- <Twhrnr iiruhurs j'rapiwd Ju< ■ Mf'Mie sailing. X •' " , ' 'hnifevmfus syfe Uirsw ■■pruc'.y Tr’iyfvOjrr ly ixjwsgagwcsiShe ihuib ijrbaum&k. 3TKH:- . ®j?x- . V-h’" !, +t s“ 1 T-d ■’ tn lx-1 inn'A, flinrat ■fh.'‘"^ ^0f bn ji.-'-ifu ’. r> Hi-’tii. f rT.'jjf’ ,i‘hf «Vf (.'7 •••‘1 Wh'-trr- itadnr-ss n1 3J.'rt,hP bn««df?d of. ®oi..” Tinvy j? fbr 7»n.rf<TH iEiffl" JU ■ will. 'Tmv' ra't '%s?eU. &th3 Is doi Tm'ffefl <)n« nnt h irii’i r. triiih fWEtf’eniirf^t, ■ . •*""F»f>tih mn' 'Wbav-r "i-wX The ■phrase Tneans TOunasm.«rTy nr way ®£h Wt, its own,” '____ (drauBcnfttn^ yirneHfifpcp UPjflause.; 4«iem - 1’hf WhtirSh Tuirlrt ri-fb*?r fir >zrpnrt'ir‘fl. ‘Ts ”■ ”■ S:. "&«■ '■p« S?> ’ lifers qfe- :.f‘.fl ©urn,"” ' 3-fesr' 'j*. ■■„ " ’■ -W\.ft ’ is <flfeSjy • asr ■fexsnni'■ femfe. 7f "W-iSS ‘ fe.’ir S ■--.’t-r a. $ Jft ,^w8 |||L^ r ...3' _2______ 71_____ . / , ', " " hns saileu t.r take tg? hW iejftuhntiBfm. .in N-iw- qpp Oinlpnjafctitni. Wsjjiir ^toxths jrfEfexr io rife __ ________ _______ . 1L "tens jrirture shows Major Murray ■wM/this anti two y^.'D'femAlnmi i-nti Arm, ,. T'.. GuifeUrtm Miimiyt •nss&tspi:. ianttrnlJcr , ^;i'.i.;fn? th l-iif J’.JRX-.'■ ----- ... hmh«! a? manager .of'fee tffehadfen Jhnah Murray., win is 4R. w rgguiinlefi jihblk I P,.J'..C-. anti dirertoT of fts jiuhbrat.ifxn?; in -3P2 ■ AiiE fii’ nv.n zhnifc' J , ' awiigs. h Wnugi ’“itirvc ’>tsnT .uHilgr /iflhse <•;; dliww'ESi ii'i - •1 ’■■ -s'1 • mv -.fi'n.i»«, j5.t»- ars xiurrci jt^nt Sir Jiiggy