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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-15, Page 6
u 's •»f-aj’ apnlwv fi Qhk't tirt ‘.IL wpt„n ,.C ijiduw^ <-f Sd.6 per p.f-r ,rr-ri*. -in' fmanrinp i-. f• f' d ,5 3'i ng A agri.-1 1 t^' r ft ft.*, 0U , ( • J'^ ^ '■ 4i».’ er,u-.;el of ‘ " Or.ce a pour ?, :\U tn Jet bo a Is .and rente- ■■s-od r ref-s trap c_ «i strartkg^. -And use G.J< ftn sol □tier,*' .rtear/.'.r Lu,-' ■ .you hard w.- to ■ rnnj,t i art gn t-n egp«-'rik£y, if .V'&d ha'1 .perienri in trjing to 'i ypu hart' Wnfeth f cort’k- J tys-. a cot,v The ol.i d N'i/body." ha? listen’ to a tkwi To " rhe - jdea-r-that J certax itcite to txk. yufe bffcctivriy. YOST ;W2iT< . i if you' T-rt re ancoi' D r es ®- teiacri vc.y. t without ' TEdirIriL. pass o;t ’ 1! . RP d- J!|| put youg foot up w- that chair and ■ | let me- have a look at your knee.”, ^'j Loia- obeyed,- introduring. herself .as I I ■ she, rolled down,■ the term „ stocking- ■ .,! "’Miss Brewster,- eh J : well Tm . .', glad, to .know you. Come in here and. i test any time you feel like it.” jg’1 . When Lola left, • she had-, promised ■ ’. j the nurse a return visit. Already, -jJ she felt more at home ‘at Lakeside.' By midnight;' the park had. com- ; Ice and. followed. Seer num- : damage. A cheery voice cabled to ^he reaped her room chase stooh ;ha>. . ’ " ' , j in use intervening doorway, lounging f let me dab a 1^: cm^rtably in' his■ bathrobe. dTibdSue- on 'that spot, girEe.” ■ ’ "What are. you. eouag m my room ? ' ;ft "'Eola lonfrod i?pr,, 'surprised, and. gjpsJ s^e demanded coldly- ... K the' white, door. lahpjed "What would any husband be do—tede was a smaJt roo^rato-f te^e’*s j • Chase. plEte and ^icient. A 'broad,., motha-! ,' •. . , ." TV nurse, with graying hahll smiled' With a movement =>o. ,<juacu, the' ■>rf- ''. . . . ' i surprised Chase had no. opporturuty sprawling to the' fiqhr in , the; toot be yond, .4 , ■ • . ' ' Lola slamui.ed the. |ioor and locked it. -She Could ‘hear him pick himself, pgjj^ nn mr • ' • - i_ ’. . . z 1 vd’ s' !•?«■'' of' c gri :>-mch ' ; Cores ut Sea Fcari ’, . r & hire* jacked h rf> ;. Once ■ you have tasted Christie's SULTANAS y&-uTl approbate why cctoLy everybody Ekes their tosh fcsrit flavor' so rafcicti. T Ury are packed f diLU of pl'urap, XKSjcmrsJbed Suit ap as somS balrr-d to a delicious, -delicate crispness. That's-whythryVe ■ so. extra. good. '■ ; cup fine'eoctcmiut, 1 cup milk, 2 ■' eggs, 1 cup sugar, .1 tal.lesp.oon hui> ter, 1 teaspoon vanilla, ' pTmdh of 'salt ,pastry. . One a-pe piste' winji pastry; soak the coconut in milk for half an hour; add the.ye&s .of eggs; sugar, melted butter, 'waniilia and salt; pour m®o pastry and .bake until . custard is' set. The oven- should not be too ’'hot. —' 'Mrs..Clayton■ Schlueter. B. IL ,lw. 2, Palmerstom -Out. Autumn" luncheons may-'' gp; 'in'_ for smart ■ color -schemes; The .tabife dec- onattons- may ; be CTysantheraums in 'russet shades or rich autumn- leaves in rich colorings of ref, gold, "and brown. '• ‘ A coconut EteviTs Food Cafce '— dark 'Wow® bind .fluffy white is pic turesque , with any ' table ' color' scheme,'-but certainly■ adds the right note. to' an autumn • or early' Winter menu. It -is a cembiunrien e,f a^poth richness and light flavorsome .shred ded . coconut. -You , will bee me ra- mbus for cakes .'with; your guest', if: you serye fins at any prrtyft, , . The rest bf the luncheon, may &e , very siimule - because , a dessert such' .as coconut Devil’s. Food ' Cake that ■ combines so many nourishing A good relteh w?j add a ipiQuaht housewife is -already’ 'beginning .to '•test to the simplest meal and the : accumulate ‘these in .her storeroom.' With cucumbers" nleaotifdL half ■ pedi’ • of small cucumbers might 'be pask^ ed ' in a stone ■ -crock or - enamelled- kettle, aftet washing and covered . with a weak brine. Make this', in the . proportion . of .one-', cub ‘ of ..salt . and • two .quarts, -^f ‘bailing water. After 'several days pour off the brine, bring to hofl and pour'-'t back, of. "the cu cumbers, ... -. At. the . end of the ' wee* ’ remove the- cucum'bftTS, pack in glass' . jars and cover with a pickling Lquidmade by boiling a gallon ’ of; pure vinegar with a--cup sugar, and an ounce black mustard and ‘ : seeds., A .’small, red | in each jar, adds, .to the- appoaranef ■ given, is g, , pickles. ,. in-, gradients'- is"'-' so delicious, ■•'J1 it'■ wiS ' moke a- -real' imp* csston. . * ,' \ "t , C&^essA. .Devil’s Fcoj.:' Cafce -' 2 . cups, sifted take flour, 1 tea spoon soda, %’ cup butter or ether shortening. cups, irrmly' packed brown'’ sugar, 1 cup milk, 2 eggs or 3 egg yolks,, unbeaten', 3 sonarri1' un sweetened chpco.late, ‘ rr.f’krd, ,1 tea< ^>oon vanilla. ‘ , ' ■ fg Sift flour once, mens.-rg, add soda and ’..sjft together, three times. CrasTD butter thoroughly, pdd sugar grad ually. and cream tr.gether unril.light and-fluffy. Add 'egg® . n'-e at-a time beating', well after ^ach-:' then a5d chocolate and blend, Add. rio.Ug., al-': terttately • with- milk,- a s-maia amonsrr at a time, besting arter each' addY toon ,-iintiT sm-ooti:, ' Arid vanilla. .Bake in two' deep greased' ^-inch s or three greased 'Sdnch layer . pahs in moderate c'gn ■ •fteg. -Fl) 25 minutes. Spread Gqc.p- ,nut Sea Foam frosting, between- layers' cr i r-n top Dr>uhri r-'.-yp go part’ enter of dark brown each'. of,'- celery, white. mustard pqpper or two 5aror apd. •tie just More Auto Sales Financed in Azsgnst OTTA'S cant,' ;2<i'.’ of . motor compared mmakh Bures rt-ttiy ' Mo- ©ialle.a "Sri an/ 1 . IBAmWlWP Z?«^£di /rtd-^du ftswt-?if ZXsZs^ ',.■<■!,! iOlb’S St.iA a -f” m a ., cite. ■ JS'EC', - :r,;;y JMt \j o; .vary1 ite Jiit-'W J ri ’,.('"ri.:si- rtrtKfta Harris st.yh”' ripi ... .... I mp <a i ■iJEt! ft' ie’ttK’t ,’,nahi:' ri fiian !*wT frftir 1/E- Al fiTfSt A ■’Igh.'! T); " s'esttFE Tri®rh cbaw'r.-to itM.1- >rrwirrr M'frtrt#" s l‘'! •el u>’is eth. ilt.iT ,T:< ' .' ••' i.stores ’‘As 'i;sti..'.i,,’ri.e'"im.rt’ove-’ I in-’.a ’ >-' ©• ‘ rift-1’ ' ■' ’ i'Qri'-i'S are inytoriart 9.’ a'fr •l-ri-.'t l,ri‘ fours v ■ ‘ with sTrinc finger, rtf' mdpTS ccmiTig j-xarth '’* iteirc1' vs an;! s; gjykrt ri-”1 ■■ ft? febri"? firt ’ x'-t-rt-rt.'-'- ' ril-a -ff ■ ' T is- Sjafilsw’d fyff P OTS' gH-oye ar^ s te-e-k ■''-.• The edrtrr ' k ri. For; of dir t y gpOrt ' , ..juh. An'fi • 1 • ft'i S.'ri’OKl rH’ntorrri r. ; l, -. es .ria’ ft :• Tjbc 1 ■’'° '' ■" -. "’*'7' ..i y. "‘' 4' '' .- :i> ft'G<n£UPEL, ONT..—-Freshrci'en at” thsy lOntario Agriicuuturail Coil'lege .here are ( jtorbudden. to speak to TE-r-mbers qf ihe ] opposite sfex under pain >oif -dire penal ties, as part. of tjirir -iahrtt ion rites this term.'- They, are' nrt allow $d. to smoke and ' mnrst .carry . fheir sdhr'' books' in p fmti .basket.; They, also ‘■■‘Sag” ‘for their superiors. ' . . • 'irt-C i’ rt- K, i' palm ti x v>-. ' ' y; , ‘<£'2rid' h^csLrt',,-T’.-j BlS© " ‘ , . . ■E-rs> an.£i Tbfig . ' -.-shades ._i.hav.fr ' i„bn-Avns. ta-is ' •moTfl^' •' .in. at":< I iriWh mote ' <■.'.■•‘i’ija’ft1' tri-y ■:■ rr, yf sJ-V-ovpr d •,, ■ :«» of • '&!< J; •‘rtiv Tftr t tt * {.’bc..**a>FriT, ir •SC. a Recti U <%i. >rv ■ *