The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-01, Page 6Shying Shteens , te'mmw te ® tent tatatt ’ mtoF aatoteitis teeteu ajmtett' te-. ■ (finish nte- toffitwr 'tefto iHi 'lite wtedl. ./ffimasgtott (Bysvmisi. a®' ttrmg' .. Brmrs1 Off- wteik. 'testo. teem femtem tt® . ' toS! tetttop..nE tens'- (SLuite aa mimte ' off- gesniffi .ji&iitt tae®7 .tese. agiminiilfez : teetotog EBwate w. tte teteiisg a njnttnr ■ ' titer. ' TEteto tfee tffanre <$E trite <Bq£- xinfi ojto semsEntom off mnifiiini mi® assms. te gimtoudtog uttaff Bainfi off ' agnate tonis®‘,TOte are?- toEtoteil, • Bnsvte.xmr. towrrilR sseltes’. tiHe rrrgfe off cBysroste^ <im nte Qtetetw.. immBte- aetejy mank tfte ^sQiidte amB festot titent- S®3V^. to' IB. tew rmjiTOttej' sfesn- iStt trite “ mtet, a qgiEEter "(iff aah *' arntes rtohftr— . timni off tem ftfinfi to suffugrerrtt' to nea-' .. • titensefes;' teSgtot an (ftoTOtoirggR ■ offi- ateteeafi Bf umtttengg' lit to m itevtes ', 'tfite to gmiitenilHS^ .aggEtefife to'trite das® off nmndk (fitevens wten rratet mete ■, IhHgf tfcigs te frigte—WrHterto toSiinniE. M. -■_—,L_ TOfc-T-u-A. -"_’all/ ■ SHaSiKr ES822ES3I1 t? ( ItSmgUh. tor ©ofeEnSn. "Sfe. tnuim inn . insm itesE mfi ntetottog mtetiir^ (Suteng tite tertote ssEsarn tfitom aenEr (Writer gaiUAtettK ma (Tteerim tnr '^ritow iin Ste HSrffnn- . TSnto gnaanfl afffl tenter ~ list-—gtettn- tj.J&H ■ F. * fwfo* *ak’ S^5 .’:'irtf** • }£.• -4-‘- ■*.: -’<3..-osz^raR- -<*>•.ta*** Sfe > X L JBL .’;.-If .ffiraafe jfegsfejSagKUh fc.-ff"L. 1.® ft—— j^nngR thmmeail - E&iEsiH Etes tosn usfiigg H2flH) mem fto ■ a rrasrtotaita firn-rm totimfe IE Eri, Tri. ®HF- rntan wsss taltee tofig rrrafntory tie am Bfe wagw narrnpff to SxasEnw to tonfe tffte aurfitt as s. afircis ttetauj®. AasyteliE iff to.^ggrnfl SgttffllffiffiBD Snr .ffifeme giurjutssE temfiig tffte armritigf 3^r winter fe torty ggnteltteieff eswiff ehuis tfeta cto gtnewitnBntf off trite fltonmmiiweaftih tos mn Parnow; Stoe- ffitoul cuinqn'tam '*■ . Wfita. (fin tfesF totem tomta' *‘tor gffliifi '. afin Wtall, toss (answer hue®- to? , ain ifeem tin' Site TE-wEErssgn mriiinmi to ; trite HfetoifimrS -H&pnmiinr:. nefifeS aHmser negtotaff am ateritey off riS’SlTffi (ftofite; ^ijsrstT—-Ttotefinrrttitar' Etann- rxys, Ttoirr. .-Kifiitoverntot agrais m tctstt mew ffitofl fin ,j gnssremtoise n-nfffitfi-ne,, tetocefew' tite ufir tin tospitalff, ttteuttate. 3SriiWHfe tanfl ;Hnfiit»rriirnTFR mwy Ihfi ffitata ffiEmgoiaiuiB gtotaff.. fgat® fe toffi- taiteky mu?. nwane - ostahifitaifinm tt® tete welfene.to. (ptwffiEznfflnn. Etot white in rnmiiii fin iistett, iff to SUES off tfito nTOBtTjgr top Wtetah"'ffm- <hk&b to nutetag; tfitiff aa Better wraniig to wtetah to tows^-IPrriinKf- EShkK th. S*?fcss'Essr-CSSiassji | (Mharnfl, iit sesjns sungntoto? ’.' toiit BEmamto® (fin tott nntosett to' gpsgrcmTtoggB off fSins irswll^y gitoaiffle (dhiateii aanii sming: geanfte. wto» toiifltte sm BEnjge at gha^ "f___F toatoito totoiKinK. Efftt asitotosr ifipfe (TBtorn"rnmtoinrn to GSESKitoffifl,' Offljttilt ^.tohfl-aSiflaffim. ate affinteB to astefiitoig tent cotoiHs tel to to mitt .:sto| mmstosipg. ofitexr tell. ' to tffto (fmsmr taiEnttl “tow nesgute” t&e1 mto afi tfffrn “TUSnsveatoffl” <atonnrtfiiim to tfflESttte totrotetong;. 1 Iff to to mitt totting ton iit to igmniiiig aa'■ HEt^iItoiiiiii wcfrirrfh toes teem firn etoirteme ffnr aa miim- tesr off v^SEcs.—Wimtotioixto.. > Stotfitottl- Etovtew.. .. ■ - igte fRmgg . tore ligrmes, onr nssSte; off tell IJiito ttnems nn tohsteus te mtw te nemfi&y ifftattSfefl te" ufemr tongfflii mutt Tnmrffffir tore JSBOfc gflto ttaass tKWD tom..(dhHter tetoEsannigte titoem; aftmTtt orrre aa' (punter iinrtes linng:: ffirn XSCFHte tore ffiyie IteEtoss. totrnitt tomr itntoes linEg; tite HtoS gnus ttste IteEwto. ffite air tosr rtmtes; Hmgr.: ttoee fftteh giirea ffitea fewess, afimrtt ttesee mini ®.teffl iimiteB tetEg; aanfl ®ee Stotoh giite? tire® tto m. torrter, afinntt term mutes top?. tote ojinEES tttoe ttste seams tin mtennga. —<GHKHniHn fftatett' asuB C&itttSinrs. ItiUlHl (Fton-ndUmkraijrff. off tite naajjittentt ^ ,j®^..tfe-I®ife,’(Eff ©ntnimigRii iff pihttaMffi marking-his- annual! . 1 mwgmrrnirm. to.tfhp THiffite ait Witartesfem;. ini ffitarrnfftinm. Wgtteaany of tite ragiirfeui taafc parr to •' ’ , * ' . tite mtenclh -past.. • '. ■ *? THE EM Fateteie LiterTD ILeMar. DMtas. TTtontt D§ ? Jkwndni^ feir HMcsnre Modi' to fLimzdii AnnadL unsuteuBlff,. on- .luJeaiilff at prices tiiiutt wilH not pay tee salesman .**. ttunimisHrnn',, it' inuites ai flhe hard! ILutitesmuy-- ■ ■ - SnnW Tl, P1W UQB K^CTAJLKBV ' JEhgpffte mudff B&senW,; However,, sftowe tefftt iw spite off Jflie'- unques* tihnirlde- fficpfiia,. tine- quality ffuuit, vwdll pneltedl amt presented’, still! eom- munds gemunerative- priees; ““Thfr last triine- there- was- ® gitit,”' one- amthoBifay told! me*,, “there- vyeiie seijerull leading' growers* wte ubtaiheoi dhtolh tee- mnrliiitt price- ail! teruugli tee* season;. 'aiinpl'y because ot tee- Hifflii nepntatioir o-£ teeic ffouit • and. tee- reglil'uBity- off- the suppls’ ©ffta are*,, in: fact,, doing teeir ■f-gpodi: d’ged;,'r like5 tee- rest off IiffefS- Hupnenihgff Tliey are-' waiting* up’ all! ■ but1 the-- miffte leteurgm-. ar test, ihifflligtntt ggchteff to tee- supremacy off quant y .and!- eoptinuity oS-\ supply- MELQ^OIL. aDtRIE' ES®0®TAO*; T ' '.inie* 5Ju.tiijm.iIl is gaining cun'; ' Sifence and! siinp lirying!' sate" m. mariiefa where- Nindivi'duai. ' bran ns Halve- not yet -won: sufficient nerngni: tiiiin’.. ’ ' ' . * ' ffiisttrifitthais — tHousandk- off teem. —ana rmw registered! as- dhaiers off IScitTrimill. Mute; geaiis- . And! some of tee-' Ihrgcni annle- growers-, fia-wi inr- staired! gas? storage, plan'tsj, while-,tec smiste: growers are- eainBihing: ho-, rum (la-apeiiativery-awitedi outiite-. • | caweringr tee* natan’s-' arap) condition: ns? off Seutmnfier' P„ itt iff naw- possible' tai aaurmire-- tee- ravages* off the dhrnigfit off.teiff year with, that which: ‘ittnuelc tile* aountry iin ESSiSp writes* the FJiiw Tarfe EBeraliDTIriBune. The eonrlusicfn: woui’di seem: to He- aBunit- autey!' elear- teat .alteougfii tfiis- year’s- terrine* lieat diii! widespuesnfc dhinagm. it oarne- too* Fare .to' leavq- -tee devas tatfud; behtadi it off its? predheessor off toe years- age. . ■ ■ • There- was* mr-' saving- tee- corn whciii. ffhdwff ^teffFF-tedrt^'sff crcm iir tee last nrhyffwe-years.. Hut dje- gn-VernnTEmr figures at feast rt® jveal. no fiirtemr d'eterinratinrr j'Aa-gHsu Oh'tee contrary; iffie- jeserriata is near: y ' id iffOUU .above., tear off a. ma : earlier and’ j-WQffQQ.dnff) bush above- recent nttvora trade- esfi/nateff! Cbm .pro’ diictenn' for tee year;, h is- now.esti-. ‘maraE’ By tee Department, it .fegterufeurg.. will ’ total’ E,4S"d.(M0.0'170 .huffiefe. wfiich compares- with f, i-Tdi— (fffO.jfflJ1 two year" ago* , The wheat crop at. ’130.300,000 bushels is short ^t.rcfe and teis fe parficularly true in. ' j-.evr iff tee tact, teat a-'good:' herd’ ’w-'-l. Have.. t<r .gn as- feed! suhsfitut* to he ' comihg month** is more than r,00'. { it.'.larger than -tha to'* t cron off Uta!. e'of 'wheat is ejiiuh'y -*" and tan”* 'iitv- r-’-’d amps. T.-if’-'. ; ** dairy and *•--“• > ' 100 000 ■ Im..to s ' fimi non. <, .' i.gh'.'y mu': .- j m” .-fft tor r.m, : 1 to a- 'H >!'■; m* ' ■00-700 hm-rnto. ■’*., 000.000 hmbe*. *'.7-1 . Eanaay g:e-nm-lut-*in.i -i" a!.. - 1 at ii.'l,.im.).:70O r**'*'i v’th -. -■■•rinrr ■ -a :he«n. JbEm Murphy, ■ of Ottawa-. Gives Address to Cbnwe®-' tim at.Niagara Falls. snteiEfan, .n* ■ ' NUtG_LRA FALLS, L- Rbp* I resenting tiie Engineering Unsditute- .off Canada, .Hohn Murphy, 1P.ALE.E., I M.E.K'(T. of -'Ottawa addressed .the ■ annual1 convention of the- American- Society of- -Mechanical. Englrie'ers _ at . a. meeting here, where delegates th , the convention- wer'e. j"ijus,1 by mete j Hers- off the World Power 'Cbnfbif : dnee-. now touring tin* North ■ ^Vnier* ] ic.ari continent*, . ' 0 ».- ■ f , Sneaking to Hie. !:ir^1 gathte'fng ' of enginjeers and powoi-- experts, fitr. ■;Murphy.said: - . , ■ ' „ 1 .. .« Extends. Greetings " ■ ■ ‘.‘B come to. you, across the bound* airy .line Hint binds-'ds si. closely ter- gather, from, the capikii of a epunr ta*y larger in extent ilian. t.m Umted states of America. “E* ahi -messages of thanks'-for your Hindi inwikitrnn 'totoake' part in your futicv 5'tidns,. ‘'ai'itt of 'greetings ' and' •; ■ wishes ffroni 4,200' mi-mher.* of 7 ; ing ■ Institute' off -Canada.. ... ■ “Thar institute celebrates-Its smni- ,centennial in June, next year., and u : cardial, invitation is extendi d‘ to all- 1of- you. to home to.. Canitd ; to tn’.;® : parr in', it, I “E wander how many of you know,, exadtiy,, where- Gamula, is? E did not,, jalthough- hoiTT there,., .until' a-.• short- 1 time'. ago» My 'fellow*Rotarian, ■ Rbfe ,erfc Stead,, speaking at Washington;, I recently,, answered, that -quest'on in I tite- fallowing .mannei.'*.' ‘Ln Hie first jpitafe- the areal'aff Canada' i.s_3,68'<UT2to_ : square ,.miles—just. -fiLJJ.L square j miles greater than tiie at-eg off the United States bf America, including 1 Alaska. , We ; have qrf.n-ti® northern- 'regions, but' so have you; Alaska* 'represents one-sixrh of your -tJuil, atea. The forty mirth' parallel is.’.ebm' I mcmly referred: t.i as rhe boundary jline between us. Where is tins forty- - ninth, parade in reiatio*i to the nar .’Hons of tile, world? Li Europe we ' find! that north, of- that, imaginary 'Hue. lie _ the. British Ldes;- the Scan-., ■diuaviun ummtries — E--nmar&„ Xm\ ;ivay and. Sweden; Efelkuidi Bqj^rem, most af Germany ah'.i. 'Poland^, and: most of Russia. Paris and Vienna are • in 41:most the -.inn* ai.rade as Win- nineir, ‘ Edmonton :s iri the imi. Be: Fin. countrv. a. feilowied^fetecr, • bearing- Tlte Tliue Mhaaariiie* anssrwte: toKt 1 Wasmirgfom. tte Eenarnnsm off' Tfenr- merae.- relteteeif tite Firmer asn*-:uamic- to measurement® of ‘tite eine,ma- lining; triwa-- toeeSly .arremfniice:- ita'.J|.,|''.ayu 1 rwarttei ■;'. 30,000.2(10- ttoS)';” j Tfteartefg one- Sir evezry 2!'.tog' h®5- l^ntte * wtefte);, ane 5m svesw 0. 72S 1 Ita S-e. Ej TEbses , Tm aigy mntoysiB off trite’ ftn^itafear (Knn- mTf nrrTe* wiirib wfifnfia ^nsttadte. State Ite?- stoi Bfe^toi iit At atoy ffiair tto toJse? tto eveny radesvmtt mntainiEfsHniee mnS ite- Stesnre? ite. blue wtefftta tote -mtanvdl thmyamiy .to tite msigite.-] 55 fflbymE tan smadn gortr ita ran (KHtaOEE? tiff jntitaznjWj. 2S. w.uu»; ■.— ,,IfeffiS mn fin fEtne? to (nffr'a^mmriirm -rttite }• !Lfitetal femtmr torn or eta te.-wOTtiffy to tite fiestt f pitatefflr statitem tote wrnrites? to aa Itawm* sttan iin spite-to tfite fiTaiEwi •< .. . ; ^•.r_.. „ • ■ •■ teffimts to iimntahtt ltautesl. tarn imiritet! < ® ( fflotain. amE ©». nmtenirilX.W.wn^Htti- mnta yw-il £,n-' 5aiLB :fe' 'v^ • W (mpi umte? to terms with? tte wiita wfifite tite mmw to-tiumte- mem,-,. a&- Itototiteammmtoi^Itew?.^ Iim< oS untetarsfiHitteS tatetaiff to ttnxrtimr >•L - • . _ • . . to feten tmmw titeummfe to mrnmtato- d^’ atmtrnnffv (Fnes unfc. w tofenm’ttetmtatatataff'ipmi-m,5rm n^^’dmhfitatormpuOTJto mittens pm^itnn to tite J&iHtttaitar. siiint ta(- : cKnniitafetoig) mntt fftarify:. Trite tnj*ta;- inmate itega efteer. Ity- iDteta EJ-taiir iir........... ■ . „ .inrtwiH&te raawtSte. ■few® CTfitoff*; n.WK^a.aa.. nmnr a 'srotfr- -otctFm nnas*+ -tn-. « »-«?>» , Sffltrtfilm nrfiniinw -rrrnntnrs. Sra . 5m®- ««.IMfemara. x TOnmnnnre .Bhr xjttrat: ul: r^s- «n>e *ranw «* ter tete- •ilss® tsrm-F ‘it Tsrn-s,—‘ totan-. Irur ifc ana .am armv- arc rarc-rct- assw -test! raflCTS i&ttr mho it erorta-r rcitir anjy Ilan* snails, an lirc saffi aiur late. 'rd... ‘,DI7 •ssramsff . . to pixiffTeafiy umiiffi mavta Itewy rreem tai'ds tofew ifF titenm Mittii rmtt limar ormff amyepTmetai tin tite (tinmnrfmvmrltte.. Tritfitt titere- Hits* fiaerni wrti tovoromimr tetattrftattdtte iin mr> smtal1 ntetatuve to tite* sttenfixistttTHraF to Mff CLayrntF ■ fem-- toff — Wsltmmrm. Vngnff. IT® TT® —rwmT .Wff -ewsrato tite mam to- semu-tt: ' ttorfiisy. we- taw- rrnnhter itillte m tte-: taimll to ItaggHTtfe. onto ffiis* -fesrpte tite- j aaifeem mta ton toff tnu? tom. titatt <ve ' ntrssmsaiins> ntariunsF iiuiinliaingatnta’Sff- tato tmnte '.v-dtamtoih *tr attaarik titam iin .asgjsttans rff life., aannnr mn: Seiiw | .................... arar ataternmirff ranfi tasto"mniw* ttn!ifeff.j,ii$F wrtinnitt mteutau tta ’is-., topigtii mni ItanrmmiRir -tajl®1 ffitaffh toriilEtafinE iff am; toptohta ’ imnntoaiff- qjurrrm mny to- fit. sttata Stt-J u •w ff wti? !-® tite’toWtatfims; to totter Etami*m= tonr ww^rmuta .mtS Hint* wditantt talite, rfivrnq, Hutt plhm nemsteti it* nnustt -lte grrrttatatell. ifufi wititaur teltev — LLmuttig JBimltty I —- ’ ;mni««Tw rr. mint, ta Linn? to mnr mfetew?tat^rrr -amt; Tiffrfftttrih ■ . -I n-mtapfi'’tenetart1-I ’■ xite tite mrrvr® stStw tnw :nwp°s ¥s; ------ to ' . 1'1' (isredy. (feffre® Biante toifeiitsmin. y ,| ■. Jtotedi why Gtertrnmy haff 'mitef to- ' answer trite' Ek: iristh. n.muairrn, - anesiimr mn'rre:. tfi&’ ffnuneir Etrirne- Mlnitete rte- I’.plteffi:: ['.'. uT0te* (pu-htianiijrirH. . simii!'±«- nes*-er 1 Itayr Ite<ru ff'-nr.. VU® ffiiti nar semi any ' w.Iftamis- .(nr Itate: '. tohy.' slfeuife we* C tote’any tn (fermmiy to , . ' j " 1 i iI i I' I 1 fAT* is- tor gtiter*es. Prm.iucess SSim,-1 .\‘«r Jte!ha ‘ tedirs aemr^ 7tt(i e-t-iinmenr. , -'■:*-- ja-z s: i tei Cmptey; i ET.tto rheeites i jO^.. • Tzlh ,lf|0. % in ” ' rtesnz; Iff ‘.gfii'ctot. ana. " nnidiSiirs Birr -.g-nn. amt 9.*<P g.m. jtHndhncH- ar Ute ffn.emans’Lais- |4£2r(LW(&. • IMi&WrDto—RktiiEniug finnan IGter-,' many;, w,lte?ri lie aanfriireiE witrih'(fliiun-. affEEmr TOtdte utt .Jtentoteffgmfein, ffiiEViii ufeeyffi (Eterrte neittatay*. dJtolncmB triiur’ ■■‘(termuiiy. iff nfett psutiy'5ii" "war::” , ■ ..‘‘(teanamw liu® mr mtoj?®' tin attrraff. ;,tuy umuitTw iin Elinruie'’ trite- wiffirnL ■‘EErter m;: tn> ST tite inrartow- ante altaite. ton. *"HEta- (Staunan? asw iff- SnsniitatiJ fit- tor (totalise* lieamum off tite- sptoiitita FrFikir fe Stfiil] &cnfl iin Eigitai,, lninu^M>n-EM: ■ ■ Ondnill Fading Shows' Fxsiat. . . '• z ./ .. ■ , ■ —j--------------- , E01W0fte Ehgr—®htutt iff- -rd piten* mi^r aa 'wigb Hy Andrew' IT iitrn-r m : beamy .earing for Carr- tote (,frnmTf4 st I w.!±m; ( toffi’anjy m-(«te*manyff’' ’ Elm-ff- Gennte cKnmlteieff by saying- 1 Hiatt it was- to tite uttetfsr. importnnne e- ■ rriiatt ana mtmard] tte retoiexE between. OT: -t-r S 2 31 7 c F ' nt na 1 ; whi.t u ’• '• Mill :*K an their ' « nri r * * /'n ar :i. s'rfta* riWi-rrtK iM’fffj'iWlli'iili ■ iste-fcirrn __^T........ ..... ato iilteKEHimE- mffnE’ nCTrar unste iff ’idtag' nntafetu jiij; alt jMffffsfelttL ■ ffitijs.. ue tatotoifimj tip wtiiidh ihd ttffiKfi- ■ etteef- -'ntaninaff :m® ssntt.' Star snnEe tfens ffhe tateiirfefes; ittER® ttasn toying -1 • ant steenr^ ag: to Jtnwr'Tnettt mmr mny fe? g’emigeff to ®'w^jr'aff tffensin I.torng ante? 'toning,'teem iin <Kfinnrail iBiffiajff- ■ tfes. tote "wm .,5ttEffraH ’Iterihiniimm , iir'**?- -ff hmnffy bstteHmteil ntte ffurtr ttttttt tfi® ~tarr. -ton rff imffetorntaSinr untt ■ emmtofediiir. -wdn -ter e tiny air re nraan qtn? lite Stet 'wter. til' -dfef? Siife. Uhiter trite- hj-sw* -sdtem® tory -usin' -fito® *m trite WB& MlnHEtty ”mn-m.mx:. vanik iin lite 1 ante: Hfr: .stegj !ir. -'htn?. ’tetataite 'nrljy Sar* *tte wtettenffs. toisyi ar® aautnm- gmnffE to nr itonvmefi miTvrt off gwon anil StoteHTtenS rttrte : Cliff vyrff- -ta -esrnHte tenrik jUn-aimn. fed! .1 rtteinr 'Tu~sff E ite ray m —yr.-.v rite Sees Trite .ru'ni' rs-~ fc-tx.- ’Ornfrhrm^f 'ntanta ’ 'tarratte?®* L 'fJUUT* 'I ^taming; ffia: (fefenit® andi mm Snr ar-j-ai ®. oowi Welk.” v . | I] KhssaafdJ-tecm. ' I trihifflE. SHT' witrii. a- inpresmira.-' Ilffiiifi. which willl nntt Be- diHlitmtirtalff 7 lie? ffd'ffi. adliiilg: tiintt tffite- Angtofer-- , gi^aititadire.. uvtean iff oie- ^tiulia Rteirmi. 'maar arratn-fE camilffi Ba- extetnteffi to ita- cltafe- fftanaft. and] wmiHE 'gm aa Itann j tuwan giwsEtatfing the* peacse off trite ■ woriffi I “itts ngjajssiE “r- diites wrfctt ■fie- 'Brninenr. off te. ’HnniiteiTm vyttiriiii rrnrmfFsrs 'tstpE 'hit-'inii'ite^y -in ® ter mnaiE Snr nnre 5'fftrni’ mrumnimwtoiinii. S^’re-ji' Tronsteito to stetetefi an® •ffiunngr ~te ■fnnm2inir -iff msisssHiw ■ srnhnns ■ j<nin~-wrritr teternEteiEr hirtt tfte'™- & A'rr nr r,=r- "casisr' nut «ac stott f-- aa nffenmtE.. MitoKtotte tkhw -mtoiteits -if: -rttifes aarr- irmfirte mr hr "smi' Statttnto.UIteff- ffinB tert* ijbp3? .a'e "Bromr. tteitt ItauB to temuffr ’ ffnt '-h'rr m-mtetiRr !I5htnir is .’fes® +Entes‘'-« TThf?* terr 4171 w -.vrge-' SateB 'r'liT^v te«r "tn- tefttr* -rror "ise .it* ’1 ffrr* rra-te nr-i’ ditf to' ttedf* "('“ntrxis tr •4hs arn-teOn -rr. 'wn' ->ne- . ■ir? ■ ~:«. E/ “EStiferr nuturair^ wamtr XUiniHi'] anrti, Hknziff:". Min-, witfemm Bttitisft states- '{'rniHn (cnnimiedi’ “THiEsy ora? as ttfefff- j[mum as ffih.il! iff ffittgiistti.' ami] avem btnnra- ffium (Dutoffi iff Wffifft. ffiitt lie? ■ this m» dfeffre; to aiisnrrib teu- millions' . jiff Stes. fiimn.tier- vponiffi Eegmffi off jffsn-ofEansr- to Biff dtnmrStte- off nnaiall 'jiiiatjr'" c , . .' Qfearas EEhitfffti FFminnktofp ELIffyt’ '.©HJitgu- rtffrilutoL ffiltittr Pht-l NfitE iff intatirtortt aum off Ernjihinfi ten |ateItnr<B: ^teutt iit. is Being: ppteri awvay off Ihffit adiu liffnt: ff*®vcir ,'n mirticiiar -orff. ffucE iff tjtciir cnmniaintff ten'itfh al- .’ffvnrrve Hus tb 'in- mmin tor n,*npx* | tondff te- wrerr man? • ie*p . fffrm uij ing- in:;nu..- taa^-nmniaisuir antornmPTn. Hr ® at ail onk din?.’!tmd! off nnnrtod. ftour -s mnt’ to Cmanta (Rarden .ind tefrrr’ dt1-.nr»d 'to tot urn din- trams. ' " j Hr. arm* Hlnnpteihty cHstsdett ffcuitt is- iitenmii to ten?' maateilte. vwiens? Ihffto mitiiitSr. iipnenrr:: te’Shiff jjaurr-, es«? litem? tee Hjtetess”’| Ulife state ' iff ufEtiirs • annfiisms •vHr.tt was [ptoiiiterfl ini -Rily;. frrlKrrW ^rnn *.? in ' rnr;: to tire :e off tiff Wftm-e there- wm*« 71.000.000 jaff rnttie'm He ta.-i-'m:f off ‘ trmnely thort fh,- : rgd'n titer»- w-’^re- bnr teO/jep ■b^gnnirig off tih’-- •.•*ur. a 'tiiera wr'rn .7«*''/no.0000 yx»ar* agrj-;herr? -Vf”*? hut iff this ymu*.‘' Thmm will- «’Tdn.:ijr’d'’y |ja .’iroiidai ,an hff bnt • /-g-tie an. this your, and t wdi wdb . ■tart **. - .ngm-jua: ..* if -pf« tar*;- feed, *..'-m a; ■tim grntatenff ■ r *tr f-raife-to* 'Tfvrrtap *vr-T&- r*® ff Hte **tv.- yr " / --«r-: , xv,-ti tfir-rr ■ TS-utu y-r trrrs. ■■*•’ o' rnntar par. 1 ■te.tb.r.F .tio- a:•XoXti*- 'rf m*' ... ' ». ,. .. ■ ...‘CT- vr