The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-01, Page 3fi ‘ ’G>« V encie." T '>> S?Pasll tew fife TEHl-1EESSO3S ■H^.. Uts'setwX ’Time"—AJDL Sft, • .•' '. ■ '.■ in'- (the moiftfeaid.- " tqsrm part' .of Macedonia,, feiofe tea mfes 'i’iipna tfe! -c'easL , ’ SIL. Arid tfey ®feX BeBewe am -fc lLoaifl Jesus, anfl ttam sfellt be sawift, uiiSEt "-WFW sfeghtest mails- Y: -i jfU’dAT. — jZe® iFrteces '■ ‘fev. w’:®'&®e"x tn. 3&jrrfe-. r.-r. i.'.'l ■?“«.'rfei fere- .-.mnl .11?^ ®- -■•-i' r-’.n~ -.*i’in± firrare’ ■ W .^ipsr: r-tr . if ‘Itr. .-..aanaB- Hrs... i .reymswn..' wfe maanfeifi ' ■ Henry . JUyngg; Fatsofe. , rreeu stay.. ' ft mirriiise By Fieir &imt2eirB .■ ._!fcs» - Efe&arsw wrens- ® . i-’rartar Btue- -way owes- .iir-re Burtt, ranrryfen tn ' *'*•_* -•- :-<pbfe-.i2TL> aawS ’ gink i-’-veey.ear” ramss. Her mteH qe ’ s . S&i..n2<Try Seymnife ' ® ■•e • hr.tfia.. xvras acWreitj izn. tei- JgSMHE wxh" girffi” • t '.rp’ wftW «bisters efi * 'irate's nirWer. Sirs. * rrey ruz an.i£ tarSetta iwte 'hut. ’is .de-ir ~:i?. on fe.STh'k'j tr-K were' safer •n 3£rsv F? VrpitF. '■ < 1 t 1 ! CUNDAY ■'■ ".- 1 School esson | IB------------------------------------------S_ft--------—-------------............. ..—5 lEiEmMis;^ vmaswLx — Acits1 1<6: H16-H.S); HTiaSE^axaiES 3z 7-1A jpEaNrat)-' TEXT' Ads HiS: XS-iM? > FhMpAtes -tk 7-lA ■ .4aOHJI5iEX ’3’EK.T-’—■’B.elit-w cm We Lew’s! ■..Ttisu?-.. and thua .sfedl he ..' E-An;'A'";V-t5; HG^l ' ' -' Ani the (nafelitade 'a-ase mp tfae- getfe-sr against, Wesnr rafel We mag- felrfees iremt their garments (offf Wten; j afel cammimded','ftSxbea.r Wem xsfefo “* te^dsfeTXu!) Wehfetefeto ' ttfe Wtee ’ tealings- teW- irc^/-.wMW the fed snf- ■ -. Tcrnd ‘tor the .^0naeQ".s. sake ((;2 (Ccsr,. Hl : Ta-i). Tifes^.'.feiwe-teir, is We ..©.tolly' , <ome ttia ffrhicih we fete (df^'fee . nfeq^_ <efee. Hi as rmdoinbtefey Wat the wdhidh. be • meters in fes ' Flrsft EjMslHe to fthe Thessaionians W-'-?j..' 2IL And when lhey fed laid -many stirfees .xypcm teem, ifey -cast .teem into, gmisoif, Wagging We jfeifer .to feejp them safely:: 2A sw te\,. irawg ftieterted sfeh a teraTge, „>rt^sr rtfem r into We infer jad-san; ‘‘Ah 'inner ' ■' jpaWon .feel m® -srindow ar \onltet ex- ©eipt :a- .dotxr heading into 'fthe ©inter', pfesoii,, wrhich, ' '.when ©fesfe, laliaso Hmtidy sfet oat' light and air! AqA- made Weir feet fast in the. stockfe" “TDhe rttiffind heme- iramslated1 '‘s'-^rLT . as Wam a. werfo mkufeg' to smape icjr felane and is used for a thtene ©f wood. wbeWer a (crass g>3- gabber i(A<ets '$=•••30; (Gal '3: 13; UFfe. -±: -w <cur' a Hog -ch- ttrnfer wiilh tfi'x-e titles '(iotL- toft- the ’ fefets aaifl amkles amd -ohe tfe the meek i) ■ <or ttxxxo fot .the feet as here ■- '. ’•■ ’ ' ' ‘ 2a. Hfet abofe. milnagiii ■ ffbiul afe - Silas were • graying . and . singing fcyfens unto (God. Many ftlm.es- lie . ■fere this had the./ feiHar fefers'-med men in this dart fefe but Wr.se two feisefers. -wene <distimgxct,fecl he fed ex’.eir fed under Ids Wagge, for instead of' groaning and ' mxanb’diig in' their fern and Team. Paid ’.and Silas .were heard Talking ■ 2fi. And iadderjy Weg-e was a -great ©ai-fhqirabu, so) ifef the fohndaToa? (fitf.'lhe jtfeozihouse were shaken.; and inime.diatejy- aJ' the coo. y were ■opened; and c-tery cfes rands areji- loosed. 27_ And ‘ Wo jatlcrr.. felng totEtscid oirr of s'.-o.-y and sor ing fthe padson -doixr® cfeen. chew his swea’d and-wa® about to .hill himk posing that- ft hr prisrxne escaped. -('Cf. If . the lands of Tpose 1. vJiy di?. “The anr-y.-cn Is mob ‘would -fe pa:;ic--s!±lcken ©aftthgtefe. • and . ftlfe-t's ' • strange ftfet fh:y did hot .e. 28.-. ®*rt. Fadi --driod will w^xiae., saying.. Bo thyself nd harm;: for we are All here. . The d.-sTpi-Tfefen -&f PanFs persanaliiy is-here„ as fe so many -other 'occasions, plainly ©W (deaf. - . . • ' / -J '' SfiL ' Anfl.fe caUc-cl fto Ji-gihts and sprang' in, and’, ftrrmlling ’ for fear, . feEl (down beffene Pari! and .'Silas. -'3®L and 'fetragiht them, tout and said, S&s, . ysfet mnst I Ao to he'sa-ved? Etew tgriickfe icffinchmstamccs .-•dhhng.e .The unoofls.iof iferi! A fey :tains Ibr-iure tSW fc jjaiiler teas a fcarflrinefl fctep- ©r <of .qrnmirnals, ■ ;:b3'iriril, feenteamed to BooUcEitg lupon '.sriftcra'ing'iwiifhoni The ^figfotest -em'Otion; mow., we find 'him toenrihlimg, jprnterate before two Jews ... ' ‘ w tij 'db£‘ nothing crape,. .11 kiucl GahDorg Jfe^strane Dkiate • OiOl7 Meo'. Be. Executed Fteperfy xp-horm, shtautilly heter©, -he .fesfl s&end festeDfid te> We steaks «.ff fes daWesi gxrSsmaa wiWfei' We gASmsg!’ SIL. Am<H Wey siU^ than am'd toy tanse. answis t© liras ajpesGcua at ©fee- Ef fact, he fatesr nt better tltana amythto'g dlse in The -wchM_ ' It.xwas'The (fine ■qfesijcm ttaft be' fengfe to febe rmem ask hmm. :32. Am.! Wey sapafee the .ww’d ©ft the ILomd so fti-nwi,,- with laHJl ' tfet ■ wane nm hils bs-hsrc 'The -words ©if Peter ait the (comrihmsahli fems semwm .tarn 'the (day- (off- Paritfe (C.&sti (C2:: .‘3S)) sbonllfl be ccaitefinTPy <cj®m» feme 41 w.fi*Ih this paassas©. ' Hl as mESteanegfeg it© m-ote ffeft wfeft The ■ feife te-ii., We wWisBie W ft is (Goff's nuHeaH. .Watt. hAnfa wilfe, aund aUll We (dhiHktaeon smsxiiilii he m ffamfflly together mm (Qhirijstt. Amfl Ibe - ftcooik ft&em itta .sa.-ife IbwEr ©ff? ffi e egai,' and -ro:afhted Wriiir ; stripeS. Theme ©onlfl hardily fe a ■mmoate. sincere <erii tenge <off We rifey mn We §a2karls heart Warn Was Aftfd was tofetoeff, be • -amd .alffl fofe rrm- medteAy.. 'They ‘toefe as naaimh. sawifl 'that mranfsnft • as (Christ ©onlM ®wht saxfee ftferm tom Was ©amW. ',’3A And he feought Wema mp tW© has bo-nag, .rund sett.ffiofe■ lhefene fr'iw-. «md tofefeid greater., '■' yriiW ■ felil bls house, fewiimg hfeewed mm, <gfeL ff(CT Acts 8- •'2®))„ The means afe fey Wat bane am /bteiewHing (uanmot fe ©gfetoH by laa^ftfeng ftfeft tffe wfekd ‘Can ott <oSfer ms.' ’ . - • ■ .- ■ • 7.. ®Efehf5tt xtWait Wings xwene gain to me.' ■ HAtenalDy,' “‘gains'” “ias -'HE, unaseHEfe, be fed iratrnrt'.e.a Jhiis fey-.' ©f 'ffarKasoire.”’—ffl_ ' C. W M-tete. ;. Tfe' linings ■wteW fed been'' gain to fem betote fes '.<3iMitersy®n fe ' tmfente-Hy; ntfteis to in We jpnecieffimg ters£$~ by ferW -sain HteteEte ©E’ We ttzriihe ■ <tT IBenfemtoyfoy ftteinimg smd (cofendaair. a IgfeuriisBe ......................... hfemWsvs. ft® fete' Hae- ft© aferastt. (exrery 'kisEtfi (sS. amustaacEany wteW (excites We (tefess amid Ikfmfes rife- a-sgafeaWms ■ .©ff mnso..”’ —Tfete fexne H (n®xEHtecfi-'.ff<®r (Cfeftfe. HSie itfctew 11130 itfese Wrroys igra^ifeiarrd Watt fe iniigfe? fey© Tfefet. 8. Yea -tenEy., ,H meumiit silffl tthfegs to be Ikcsss, torr We esmelkemy (off fc ibn’o'vTeflg'e iaff Ourist Jesus' any HjbW. Tfe feand ■ Jesus, mnauny .yedrs betonre Was, fed ima'de We jateEoWl me- mnaWr “This iis life teamalL, Watt W?y sferald km®w Wee,, We >ndly tone (EfeL aunfi fem teham Wma fefet hshA ©tern , Jesus (CfefetT Far xw&nm H snJ-feife Wm Hb^ ©ff aJE Wings/■ arad <S® gamfe Wem hnft ‘ tetrose,, -Wait' I rmay ;gaW Oiirfet, Jitett- as mft We te®’intet-'xsWH!a. wxe liite sated, w«e feast g5te mg) ®mr ' (Kwna sWeme fef sateny nsrjirtekgs, azfe ©rair cEFsrm feyes ©f sWi-jnstnfeaWEL, amj aaxcHjft (Cfeiistt ©snr' ©fey fete, off w Hffimg- to arflwarxne Him' irtsxmyfete ■!2z US; fe8. See ai3s® Wfl.., Hr 2H“£H Hfet; ■ Jzk HS; i HA)) JB-Wtrencmg xteffgafesfl ©into fee (ScaW.. Ptel. 'tois fetely -tTsiimijfey - -iBieagfe'W(Stv^)"\-gigfejs- -fhn^3ii aswranterfl nfe .-ftaBate ®*i Like OwimaW IPtirw >itt. KBaEninW, Will,, fe tt.’be mnnn «yff ■ TfeB-t<ok. salmmim .srimted . ©ai wray si® inteir (ismfedfey nfefBetifl'' with” 'fee ji>y„ ainfl '.giiiai.% amfi jMsnar. ', SL And be Eoted-A its fem., Yift ©mll^ ffffiunmd mm him as1' mnr Satewnst fett fffsmfe in Him as LieiS in HE® jpstam, in HHas j®y„ in EEijs gxo®riir„ iim slffl We fjnl&rjiss .gff EEs gtary. Yfe fewing a irfehtoHOSteJS. ®ff mninffi ®?sra. sy-fai Waft teaiiW. is ©ft We few„ ife Wait teiiiW ;is WrsKEgh■ ffaiih im'-OmriH#.; Wk'nfehtt-- (ttesn^s tenW is feusm (Gunfl By ffaiiW. Ei’fea® fes ffisziiteaWm, PaisD feS a fep.htetBitenfss <©ff bis WcntW .rtt was feterjy,. inafleEfstate ff-oc Bras sail-' tefem, We n-fefeatesitfs® ®E (E® fl xWtW he Bns agxpiwsnratiif-d By ffaiiW. H©_ Tifet H may ferirw fen?., amifl We jwteir ©ff -Ihas ksothWe.. WJMit .gHi-xvifir ©ff’ (Ghirfet’s ireisintedjiim fur be3fe.ty.ns in Wins • gHRsenc, Hiite, Sid, <e.g^ Eiram. J: Sfe (£; 4- HS“ (CW. i':: Bf- amd (fiStecfelDy ithmse xysmb-rfiL ywHtfls '<cE fflamlF's yrayer in feh. Hr .HX UfL And We EkE®wtWip ©H <?tr ings.; .((Ste Hot .-Rrnixe ©f. (Cfeistfe snS’- te-fefe, aside,, fmftm ttfe iccsis® Xofe HH: Mate. 2S; T7; fee dfe HHfei. fosSjjr be TnpffteinnriTg ru& his iiEarri.yflf&iii®,, Wun was .©te ffer • bs„ bitt, to' Wte, ttfei Oiriisii tefftitefl' tetea nfeia> WunW, Hie. xwfe telFfey eteibto feie Wan Wks' mniWtt ,fe mafeemted fenam sfe, s© ffamU' im wifer®] to fe araaifetfl ■ tenh Cnristt anifl (feud isfflto fen in fes' cnxinn He, imjnj.il. accinaHDw„ te ' fc&.3 (flik’tl wiiWi OafejL '■.■■' HH„ if by any uteiuns I may annain tEdt® We mesfetecrihm ffiwn ■ ttfe ifefe. i&jcfte Writ 'ffiaffifl (dies fet1 syeak eS We rieswrrerWiiT (if life feud,, fed fffisxm Wje- (iietel. ;.. Ely Wk FasB rtWers tor 'Ws Stet teswwintfen,, We rfsnr- ne-ir-i^iL aff betfetes.. ufeitt gariau. tewana m -xv.feib Wise-tebXato-.in (Qfeife,, teffl.' fe nufejJ^iraBE-atHHEg nfe? (feadL . HA 3xfe Waft H fete afeary (Ettr ill.fefe ■Ja'na airnaiy. mate gtefectr 'fed H- TRjtos ®ni. Hu S3)' fe tffett H imay fey -h;.3fl sxn .ftfen. fwar tefeW iafe I was ’ feifl Sffun nn; By (Cfeii?ft Jtesns.. Tte wwiii fe-r© wife tt-mnte ■taftdiii ”'fey feflifl t?m"’ os’a wr-riL feitefr i’M»iaa® “tii® miaW ajin amtfl gna®®.’” “to . by feufl ee -to as; to nnaia- mine's ®'-vti..” s-iae aronfe” "to naBto ip(s.sisiia?m ®A"fe“iii5'- ’nnrSfcfeiauc..'’' m » fe™ MH M4 M « «8&® r ’WSJ 1 ■ - „ ' ■ „ . „ „ .. ■ n - -n . , Trrrcmi (HEfeSSES. THrt? ufeXilKie1 (fiat iK2Hgetttiimg We- maiimgs .’wft&b ■ sehe; > • _ , .. , r. ■„ tC '. -A n ••. , k _T3 ,,, ,,r- 1 cazWfi cgOTH! genius szii aaase. (te^ess, fcgs wWW ime-ha^ Tffis gm.v ■ & Be j£s= We feW We ]W»e -. Wes- imxL dlaW Was M has .j^f <S5^-ag!Q£Efe' u&eraJhs M Hit. ' WK- ', WiWfi ®IE Tbaft- as axqanlteBfe ffinr &W1- wfe® fedteaatfi it® te3I We WzW mu JJesjE-(LmaWt; Hiuuu. be fe (fe&efnHtiiziedl|J-^gjr su ~gWe~b=-r- tfh=g' h$we.E® kiss sWhb ,Ws onsmesHL soa. tto jWrges W® W'ESife . TSsae are sW^e'.W . WWgS wifafti. $ue . ftefiioW—WsWkes.. Wa tiWniEg' <sT are gsW eses2es fiacnkWe^, has slims, his- WnsWW&S ■ gma-;', W gJfflt ' '' ' Biases BW feaggaiwirepms^ -We exW() ffi®W We EWfe remjj .We emW .WrcniMI W.ihggs tfet. gecste fee ■ sasafl aWswti«Tesgeefc. smtS. ’®?StE£ssesB .BaW, Wxhb Ssi?.' WuBEgzhg SuISiSS-^o^ig&K u® fan gt* prawSinwin W tigfe' ffltag ■ es. .naiiti W esreny KBt ®s life; saW ee ,sek& h, way SeW Wey Wrn» snreiBgW utm.-We nmse gWmhns WW^s.’ seegerc- BcW TOWy gammfa g® wfeaz^ji ace yett better brim?, ' ..!£§' Wey' fey® ft® kfei -We e®tsrs' sT a HA T sxn ■•tiwWtfl 'We gg’al- (Wry, WfeWWte^ BWfe_ Tfey WuwBfi miiW We ggfee ®T Wg, few . ff^TTrry W Least 5e> gWeuu ,fe sfeuree ft® nmism ®ff (Sad! fim Cfeife Jesos.. '^Tfe 'wWner $Ws. oaEywbsn® ^sdhTtfee ifear- se Efaffiz^. ferfer..' TOwIinw fe -iiffer 'ec' Sffi aspffiJreWly dtea® ga@a. 21- szWfe. imfese; Tfe Ihflks Ttryrarf t®" ^^’ST^tmaraE IfeWraW wo® ft® We' femg ms x >g' andIWeM 31^ i,• ? .„„' ®a die ssircs.. EBe feay fey® msWreJ . We totseeW T-j2t3TT„ amt t® fe? • r _ _. • * - ~V.._ . -r . —. W3E; armre We wWesES (&b m®u kiss wiace 2c- fir. WHE uWesr We* Dins-zac- nfe EiSue as aiEL: Tfed' aunjEss er-rm wixrfe.- ‘Aw (rffi Wzih’:.' secmkS asf WftWfef gcraes ~3, We ^iigb ClitEirft. EfeSitre sferusft. ' . . K! ' -. ■ - . Bea-EEtiFgal Bfesas^&sEEQ IhsIS: By Es-Mhw yxeasramg. "Wnie $&,MDie lamtd tf«?M.Hn jpnmrari«3 witsJbile 'ffwr imks axCTiass We (cmnntta-ysi&e. ttlhe Funster Mtcmwiian IWtainHdifemm Ihas jjinsft he.ran (CfflK^jktets<fl am We Foster Mfsrnraiiall (OHmethHiy mewr Friteudg©. • ffiiirikfiy • tfciii^beoi wiiW imamy lurafetiies ©if nnanftfe, mwiSEne ’wnwik amd syinif»d&c ifl«w (defjfens., tthe Sinteriwr ife tewm tEW<e iiunjn«ssihte'Wain ife '©WtfitVfwt Tike IkaSffinag as im ime:mwy <®ff tUhe HaiirriSy ceSf Tfevmas Fcetttfra;, (Es^Tmiytfv'' ©fT T«r<rate; ''' :' ''' -••' Ifamaw -*afem®- m««ftiKng® 'ail (IwHns^a Ehuftisiri. H.teT.; to niigiirrt iim nfe mihow Tjti'tiunw rums' femgft ScnOftr KiutiuD IDtoC.iaurf'fjl. amd Hfe (Q).. &>• St?- ■" ■ ' ' } JjEuii^/r- <-?.f ILi