The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-24, Page 8* . / 'EffiE fflIMW SESWMHL ■‘"j/ 77^ ft «hwjmry ocff tto carp- r ■ J I ■ Iler will nsesife am tto- Hrfi^apon^s TO3mrttottetenilyoa&sati^ ££m f v„,__/, aaidl ssrerss <.t£f tiiins^s o(ff. iirttetett from to sstankipbintt off to —~— ' "■'-------------- ■■■■—■■ ■■■■III ......... SK J0IED fflS SHifiDiG *1. ahH*alA ..'.»»■■ ■!.i.~.JiM' sanrartte aanld aa ligthts off vvariooss tornss (S&oedfafesHtmg? jfeH topaiteasttmg ttxwHi. __ _ ttebk. gmrt iin to© ddanee whhrh, OomtijHJSid ttill rnifiirigHtt- ® .(SranHvte^fe ffijg dds^/toe. Jbgggte^ we Hsave eereer HSH. At aa ceetoain ttnne ihni&gsadfee®?, ttHtoomssiarhddss ceTosviteki B»ms, zaswtellafts inssifntoe aansxmr off ea Ttotxreed ibtecje cecnifid dte. eevertt- indl$y IfemiiBg' iin tto ttoffi^&L TYfee (XEbto^, tto Japanese, CHANGES wimighiis , :T KONts^-ffla^L. . • Am iitttereitmg weffiffiusg wsas stel- jetoizedcattto’reetxj^.Iteidm^ oc» ^Satunday, SSepteniber 09, when ERsv. »w.*s:W»Wt^<rtST«WI' ■ .'TIW'tffiWTTf' • •«*■■ - ««-<>. ■■■: *, -I. -.r:,^- ,c>- -I .,. '-.•] .■•'■.■.•„». . rniee toe jjsstxm u iwee un iss {sz*jeai *«««*’SranSview. . Wfe rfteeba BBiitt ffirasse-l WLlteKen1it^SSSf1«.n M&Sl tfc^r tto the otmr utstesen aaxtid ome cd^y im ftoiy ttfee urormmtom tteM gflase^Teetam gm& jjisstaggHssiteugy thomeJ Jnxt®?. tOmes JShnUinS TEfeene-was ia gmsmsston off fftsate Iteil, fce a»r ss|X I'casss. dtatfeeipdl^^SSajtoattoe({$na-j a^ Mmntt^CPdlfeeiinttoeirnBaiceffidte ^feafcr -aaiKwtt- s$x>rte&. ■ and eeaxwiw g^nuaitfes, - ' ' “Ma“ : " TEfe Mgyxrr off Waiwsu’ter ffdliowe^d with Mbs. MeGaer wHjp gser^&nrn^d : ttfee deecemony off ommriii® Wtto. .-Un ’Wtetoiia gm& asgiid ttwo otherfftatosoff ttfeeditefcitet,eeittettom4 w.—„—-.—,,—.----,. --- .... .. . iment iwag.l&gttmp&nm 1D0 M-W. ttilllssllfe wam^t^xamor^. zawki ssik< iw c^- rmBdrii^ftt. Un ttfee saieeriii^ ttfeme was] J1"- ■ *’"”**r ogsen "sair sstreet' dfetteew ®» ttfee 'H^fi-fctfee totgxtida o saetom ocff gsammertt fesmiffiiliy Hit tmrrartte'aanld M jfl)\witos£ecn^o(ff'e^teet^liaJtten5saanH! ksome w&w ffnse jjgg^tog, ligtoteotff vvatosKs ffitnrnss (SfecedfafesHun®' 4- ;r_._„ ... ^'j. 11 ~ —------ inv^fc^tld. rmsssic tfeeii^ ffmhsHwi Hjy1 toess iin tfinvee-r gsofcs..' ;a s^secifel iboxikicassiing ttxwHf. Hton-’ Hteeiis ttehk. gmrt .iin toss ddanee cwHiidh. AomtnHjeid ttill miadhiigHtt. Ht .(©ranidyte^fe '.big dd^?rt''ttfee..Ibggggait we Hsave emeer Hsud- At aa ceerfcain ttnree stffter dtaidi on ifeeing matoeid H^y ttfee toukisns4ke^, ttHtoomssiarnddss amawHgki (from toe tother giaifcs.tto (Gnankiveswl vwi gse£&l|y iSOMSStmcteki, sset oon ffife aSnfl Hgr ttfee cci|y toeenien. JlEhen- ttfe^y meeitt ' Haadi tto ttfee gsariitolar (path ttfe®r \were imxsst iittteEffiS^d iin. ... Wmt was cktone iin (GrtoHtow waM ------ ccarsteld amt with waxiataoiss aSt ...setoff; ttfee. .oorih4. c<hnl&l esssfee dfezzen oftther ssattiMS ckff ttfee artfe”, ,tfc rmmntttes. toe ungyor aaiftj toe ipfeliee tttoijgg [part iin esato off toem aanH ttfee llaijy mgybESss od^etetw a^t mtott otff' ttfee amroimtMMSs Steme ocff toe wsto* . toter tidssttotts Hiaid veegy tel^Mrmte grre- jgessioiss aanld ffeateress toat awr .dilis- tfctiet cooiiM rurtt grroviife (One dds&z ttitet edited S&ttsiteraotofter aan Hfedian (XHitef. gmt am aa wnteteaf&il a^B ddg-y rpragEam ctff [namite?, sspeetoa?. thusscc feaitid dteitefeg, iin aifidtom tto/aagufetie ssporte aat toe ibeato aanld iin toe intol, □me ocff ttfe tbaSt iin dSan^te. vfH^ee ttto Hasaye ,za sseyertfef^te fffeff (Hiving - ssttoki. - III TUfeere was ome ddsjy ®reen tto eatfeer- toinmemtotttfeaair^^witaes^ Hjyaa .great dhwiig ocff- g^tgfte wHiito ttaoeeid -:toe ttWWffitation iaemnatoaiwj, aair msBes. sStmttflgyiigr. ssmbfee wtttjiggtoir aaflverttsahjg aanld ipanatoitte jjnngm^ were gmmkted, dtezeas ocff glianes ttto- iiigg gaati. ssnme ocff toem ffrom listen sstate. ■ • T&> ime toe.masSt iirtterastn^ ttiiiig mt tois “Sangmt was tto ssee aa ' ug> tto aa HtegHtt aff.22S(H). f&tet-aar rtKore tfey^ooi^off^toe aafagHaiaas. jiff toe gHfiter csast aiff ttfee ttow^iae (Gorr w&r of tehe (ckbdxt ' Ito Ilart week^’.iisiue^we jgave--An- ^gQ9 ©shsB^Wll eer«ait tor ttfee torn fifine .wfednigs lhat -weaae agree® aat tjtfee ^cottbh nfe^fet ccosjefflri. .Angsts ifee-. Smses iin aEfirogg cesesift wfeese ceceSit iis ddne .and wse Hsato HearaeH ttimt tit asaa .-Sandy- McGee, wfeo -was rEegwfe- sdbie tor ttfeeto rtwo Homnnoizs rinnm- ‘A«x rSaiady ’.*3 saiij to !be flfnite $ ssfegger also, .mad Hmefemw toft will wAome toe opportamty to ssee aafedj tfeear feim again, -as well .as en- ' tore hand of tpopoiaf .<Stots. 'nfe^y .fike ■Lednaco?, toey «ay. Wifell, ;ite . ««rident that laadraam likes toem. HU •is not 'possible tor wfedfe band to be tftoBent om '.. or 'feur oif them“ will be ■ rfee®e"l sand' toeyHl have sxmeethnsg -special .fCtfe. fee toir -day erosni ■ ■ i toe iirtte^ptetaiton iin ddblfe off ame .an TJHtete’ kaflee ssiBss,' iimw oammrewit. ■ ■ gmiitth^, Hixmzass aanld ixows ocff ogjg' . skteilis \w' * ’ ‘ *“' 14 ‘ (‘^+ rna ilrt+" as^) am ti totosuaiian, orr 'to^, .^xt-jfe'Xsey.. '’^tagas ocff ^exining. ' (ftotsikte — '■-,< •- (.phrfee&e -^ticress. irstt- to. vtofeere II ttrgiKzze \wnto. zhlso sworss off CChne^se: ' (On toe iiiigh-t (.after any vtoitU iShri^y ■ Tfembfe was :a jgetett rat ttfee (ffiiiftete Htesttivai zaiidd' ' gi&ttuW _ Abw ifeer . . tosHiing Haanfcks with, ttfee ijj-nse onid Hojy \vHw> \wss o®fee ocff rtfeelfee^t (.CHihease aaotobats ?$teeklibess ttn ssay H vWjffitifid Hsave ipoetoofeetl rnjy ^wU tto ttfee \VJtI oofee (ilay tor toe TTfee weJ&Jy Hsdlf iis dfesaws- eeU lhsdHy uirttll ttfee eenH off dfettofeex. Wiss SKaw Stfcnttfeas lisas ggnne tto Wtorttg, sfe> mill ssmii ttfee vwimter. . .' ’ Wr. Wsvin ^mittii neraaMKBffi Hife <fi»- tiiss Itent jess gnHwtg$l «£f Hws- M9WSM ®hss. JJames ©aintt off Wfett Xtyfew- tEWifetti iss iin gwtr Iteadith tartii iis umfeer ■ ttfee di®ttaf£s GStoee. . NHr. dtoriton TTfoMigson off . iis xvssitiigj Hsese wtttfe Hiss gja-sente?, SMr. amid M’ss. ®- W. UffeonsMon; JHr. JfesgHi W41&HgHi ^bn$s tto Iteaiee f&r ttfee Wfett ttiiss .wesiik wtfe&ee Hee will iieenrain ^oir »onee ttime. . . / SKsstt ife “Wamliy iin Sit H&tofgs, $t ttfee $fewn ofiteteSc sssr- vme. wtfeen ttfee Sa^canKrtt ogf Hfcgttssm willl Use aHsasawerii.. TUfee flfest ttouxHi off Efnstt caame llastt nHwmsH^y rriijHtt Hott mas mnt Hsaxkl eenxMgHi tto cite aaijy sEffltixnW diam^e. ' XHsss Mnftegy Hfeidfeston off ^l$lfc- jtexton Itfegitto], iis s?penHn^aa ttoto- AJ a> - —_iX 1 yt___<? 1 v terer hfeaen itn ttfee gttHHre teJCe to tthis cfeffiitiieertt. Sir ’SStorllte XWlHriissxm, tto arretor ocff tto imatotas ffiai'sy jam^tatcttion (.-edited -TfitariidAs gtetere,- tohteh Has Ifeaen Hrere.f&rr ssxmre tinne, cdltereeld SShittey rto Haatote. Hiss eeoHii- - ..•—■* » > T 1' T V* *1 T 1. — '-' tl_1 y—-*- T - -' - Si^feSh tto"vstown .Hte ;gT4itrea ftott grrivitege. ' ■ Me Ssgmsrishh QfeSian Ifea-te eewtteH $ .Hikbitee Dteiiaan wiltege. iiti, Sitaritey garth, itoHiiidnsg aa Ito lfaiiiltin?g. tife?y Ifeave gmt mp .'tifeensKHves. ;awid ssewrdl ■ [Ja^ge ttOtenn rprifey?, $11 unaiferr ttfee SffMa- tmhh dHi«ff XtMiias (_<$piimiDQ. ssxm isa??a . ssueesssnr off (,01i«ff .Uj®e (Gapltenw vs-Hw j^eaass $®o vrisitsH nxoddon tto ssse ttfee ftgityg- Hn ttfe IbiilSdiisg ifeflian xaries iaisid cwis&taitt c^ehhiaiiaoBs txif tfe^ir watimss rfchEess. $ll.(kimee ttte . HnHiaiss. 'Tjfee HuHiaiss <xff ffiittsih- ©dJ-’ unrifraa tilo mot Ili^e im ttents o®r v^rgg- Uraanss sss dip. ttfesee crff ttfee Hatt Haiiiki cooraimmitty ■ Hammss. aard! s^fcdlefi^. oar c^kJar Ifexaarlds, afts tti^y ii&l 5vifeeii detain ©x$fcuapU'(I$ittain Wai«£»n.ver tftsst aww tttessh. Sonee odf ' tttefee mmimnritty Haxasseis ■ \wsrce veff$y Ifergge aanfl ttfee TExfctem fpxife iin ffwatt Mff ttfeemAa^e. fftom 22)0 tto ,WJ ami dfeipBtt ■ iin fifetree Hawaa^ge ttfee Hisitosy ttte HaiilHeT oar Hiss tttffee. ferom lha*t mg^ittss il^wr II leaarn tfett KKdttiii^s \teas ipTesertted tto ttfee ttfee? .As. set. gaatt cfef e^mT grmesssixm tife 3a tfeearttf&il’ vsHitfee HsGsgitMl con vsHes&iLs gnilfeil aas $ ttoaifeer Hhsy aan aaitto Also ■ gitree wHitte eeocegtt tor ttfee lfer?^e rmi .cress ssggn. TYiiss H«s.gjttdh inritt iw. aefpiilH^d with' ifeefe. <weaatngg ttdBh ■ aanld $11 HtoiSs off cexmttoaaraees. cdfeem- ie$J§. aa^d ‘ Haaid^sss tto hsaiaklfe aany 3sn®EEgeK«y. with dtfeitox. oarrtieHy aaidd rrarKfe iin sgafcttess c$bttee.. .jAt adll • Ibfe? Jliibitee gaadtheifiJijss, inadfeddnjg ttfee- EEsHifhttion, iit Huas rteen iin ^vakfeertee Santtmsatojy Hsa-ee Haatl m» Haaid- ctdl- • aaniitess. Huitt ttfere Hsa-ee' ’been oDCTas-. ' icons token iits greaeeKiee wasaa jtoi?- ^Eend.tto aa gmtfertt Hurtt iin jatniaEceftfertlfa oar oreemafee with ttfee Ifeaat tofiite am aa [pa-nakie orr iin ttfee emto. ■. ®n ttfee ‘22Sth off’.Aiggmt. ttfeeir ®x- relferrciss Hxnil aanld Haaldy TFwedis- mniir aarrne^d ttom Wfetoiaa < to ttfee, CH. • 3ISS'. .Awdlid/ctrato i-mtoern vemiieet r - * — . — ■__. ______________ 'Goraaidian (Gkkl totf iin ttfee ^Aftonamm < opmeid ttfee (Gan sakia ffifed&c CHogmsitto) iteeto ((STth aamimd)). (Dn. S^turkiaytjifee ■ w 111, torm - ally o?pen - ttfee- SSehfotth .Arnutoxess. 'tototto tto the ttfee .fifn@e$t iin' QGarsaHa. TJfee ^stotih BS^feiankiiffKs win ffcrm toe cteremeny <xff ttiwp- iifeg ttfee cto&FEs iin toll -.'t-ertoiohMl $1 > ttree aafed aa s?petr$l sAraarld $T IfeorMsm* off imen off ttfee criMTM Wttditon toil’ [present ttfee ccdiois -ttfe^y egot tf-rorn ffenEg (Gexyrge (iferitog ttfee \waarr tto ttfee tofteih itoytotmtes, ttfeerr nmnto aanH tonse. Haam gaaritoi$tiy iirtfetestto itn tHiis aas II \wbf to-lEhance tofthrttfee TEtod. . TTfee aaimtol ©ziteHtosan egamss ttfeto glfe^ee ttfee (iigy -aff1 ttfee ' waning' < to toe I-Eto kbit ion aErto i if wtoSd itodfee Aiyy tottomtofte off 225 m rmtoe ^feaR=jfeg:b rprrtod tto seee sswHr $ etofeerrfeg>rff ttfee' ■itoas aato tto Ifeear ttfee gigees. ®reej JJ; cGgoghjgHn gtomnmi tfce ^exemo^y umiitiQg iin pnaxtinge EB&11 off ©one^sion 77, AdlfiG&id, sand ©hastes HSctoter off .Ato&e£d, ssmoff . tfiiejfette iSHr. smtt Mr3. BEtmter. T&e tbtite wmceja HteconijQff Hnovni een- 'Atnffite {cnmakitog off ces^e ditea?, oecMtt omd s^essartesim |Hhe sseane ^otite. 3Mr. smSd IHte. ffiam- pam to ' 77— !BlNICTig¥--mBBR«K ime yjmieiM;, • trace jmimusm;, mags] , j»g>.ai. uuu <»«&*•.• v~~; A pretty wridHn^r rtohk rrtlaee afll iWgEwggaan oeornnmiiittes Hetoe Hza-ee \Vtoexmv^ (Gemrdl Htogiitdl Ha&s. Haaid BmaSMj, 4X3U “-***” ■”- ant Hiigh mum, totem BKdlly ■ BEew^, dai^hteT off Mr. san^ Mes. TOta- CEL iRepper off Skxze^id anid f&nrmeiiy otf Ifeeeame toe HnSfe otff Mr.. 3teo^e IK.- Htokney, sstm ocff Mbs: xff aSsmrtiBwmiiigj.IBev. W. M-Hterm- iter odfiieteted. THte Hmite mote m Hmr- £nte|y toeer ceEgpe todd entt vteitef iirsss sand cezjmea aa, tboegnet ocff JXokd- tna '®311 rmsesL After toe ccraeonmy B rte^ttentoasHtefidatotiimHmDee at# toe HntiteSs gxatente. Mr. aanid 'Mas. • 3?nkk»ey' Iteatogg Hater con so. stoott motor ttt®, ttfee Hriide ttmteRw ite & mixart r»aw ^hte toit toto taxeesxaet- .tes tto imdteh. (On toeir ctetom to@?. will rresiiie oan ttite ggneonfe - ■ ffiarm iin i EEhant. ' □sarHi Hsald tiinse aanff s?pa©e ohltetfedi tto ttom aanld Hssnee aaHkteid rmrnHi tto tto eentettammettt ocff tto temredis. Uto • L^xnw^fems sitosdl aa ip^gseartt xvtore aa withaaarixwoeffs^hsatt, aswartfey. HsednsSfesegd Wiktoss Harad- ' && 'tore jjsstt aas tifegy ddid. iin Wiritoid > -rv ,i____I JOT tto Atteiitk («raast iin tto xidajBs off ttfeeliate Hteteatt HPiridntey rTjjgf ~0^ra4t*fcg<?n nime HumttBdd.jseeafe ^gid Ufee HtdiiaBS jHsaid rtxatree dtefee- iW mnH adlso ssfcaged aa gsggaaartt ocff tto Hateingg off ©dtorttass iin W4S2 TTfee Uapaas^ Hsald aa ipamite with ssonee Hnnftteeih ocff ttotr ddEssedd ffrom Hite stfaaw'4 smniidfe tto Hxafr oennkbs iin tto aattKtefcree ®atb ocff ttoir <«xMnttry, ddawtoff adto^g tto sSttofes. TTfeeBe were ffixxtis Hteattff&Wdtebcmafedi with .'4feer?y tteees aanld ffiill ocff Htemttf&il matoi© gilgyirg? tto matree itotrH- mtertfe ocff .Ja^pan. Tffiis gnpcesfcxm, ^.,,. __ ______ _ ____ _ .. lito rteeai^r ;dll afffesr?,wmlteffiiiyoa®e^f tto Wfest ffiditer sffimkiTon. 1 ocff:-amt IPIRe Hrateis aatei ttoir rmardfe tfee’aaiftirssaeeH ttfee (GmaaHia * -pace was tteo ffsatt fforttfee.HnnmhBeiis ocff wee"<ii3ncffi59. sso tto-ibanB Hxaid ttosStqp eeve^-’liittte ^Hiite tto lleit tto (iiarjcers ?eatehuip- Atlteitttoy cent tto Iten- agife off stteP tto atoatt aa gjuatter tto rcegdiar sttep amid sso gHaying^torr rcegitor linarnHiiisg ttnae$. sso Itoveld ifey adBSecktettowxfflHareeT.ttoirffoxmarid . [jnwtess w»s's4to«teid diowm tto'ttot aff tto' ediitoen iwto were ffattor Hsfeddc m'tto gwopessiton dtewipg- tto rtorr nwn ssdft cHreanjy gimste UFfee sgxj^gs- offi cebfems ocff tto JIgpanese ddrasess. toir Efems aatel ttoir anmameitts rmakte ngrtettystow. , ' ■ . Tton (tore were ssereetol ltopg Jjsar- sule gmtoan tntiifetewe^fe tby ttbeCOhraese tn?’' NH-bs. H&viil 'H&irtiHi, wHw iss 'ssriSas- iifeg vwiih aa ffmt aaihi&itt was ttdfeam !ba^i ttp (Exdtefeth EHxxgiiMl ttfee lhttter praaxt off ttfee wegjik. M JJ®e EBnitfett mitmreeii ffnom Hiss HftH&fejss tto s?je®nH'aa ffw d&jys Hance ttfee eeitid off ttfee vwee^, iptiar tto lteaviikg ixm fSuniiEjy Swr Huinjssvilfe. 3Mt. ?3E$h©(ihn "WSateon lMft ooii I&ees- ftor q$i££eil£s. Uhifeee^hy, ffiiftg- Ifee will sgseiad ttfee ttexm f&rr Hiss d£@see. SEfcr. aafefl SMoss- IL. JJ. He&aigg aanH rifeai^htor HSnHmrne.ctff WS$H®eHamr, wistfedl ttfee ffi®tt.oSf ttfee with ffiandfe iin EKiiibsss aaitid iLs^mnw. 31-ss. j&rxHfee Wax&Iilian ocff UldJtote i ss vvsstiirgrtnt ttfee Hwmjk crft H^rHnntfeer -iinHiSWy, Xttrl HHiilijp WaSMilian aanki with itofettfeees adt IlxwHSSifee aanii TEees* wtotor. ■ 231^ I1$W1 nha^la?, dSaig^ttor orff Wt.‘ aanid 3®fes. W. Jff. Htoi^3a§,jl^t'lte$ ■.wefe&k'tto adttonH Sftmf&nii ESfermKH. EEnrieee Kffestton wertt tto T&mntto ... tto ttdfee aa ssmiliar co®HE®e. ■. \ $Ir. aanH Sttss- IE. JJ. ©antenna Stow- ■aatt aankl. .-VtBifeHfe;, wsst^dd ocreer ttfee vraefkkeaai $t iBnanffenil ffiaorss aanil tacpiHnpaneeki Hjy ttfeeir sanu Hfenmetti aafeH ffinenii?, eerji%@di aa mtotor ttarjp tto ffimriitton aanH Q&tinads^y. Htev/ IE..®. GMlhggfeer, reettor otff St. TSfeonsasS’’ ©hircife, ©vton SSnmti^, ewH ffirmestjy o$f Uariferawr, wss ajp- r^irt^d E&Esj&fertt a$f Htntol Uteaiss off ‘W- Wtoesee otff ffiinon sfet ttfeeir ceano- ffewwte Hatt weSk iin ilxHdfen). HEatiiteen Hfeei$, (idaigHtferr <rff Mfr. aaitid 5Hhss. IlaawnteKee E&eii}, amid aa fhrtaotto m®om FP®Hii), f&ll odff ttfee Ifemri- zoorttni Haa^s ant seHsoJI ooh Htxfeixy, . iptoninEg Hearr wistt. nt was att fifrsst . f tensad ttfee aann was Hm&en. , TO3IEK WHJ stttentfngg ttfee’ riHKH&OIW 0kUL cffiill iflfed HxmHc (p'err otHrr sSamStea, aSf BSfedtetto- Mfeasiree SSritts aafed ©hesrcont?, $31563® awkl uip.'IEai&rGdd siiii4^ywttodinte^- TBaitor. Iliitte ^Itaragy ©amtt, s»m off Wr. aankl AMrs- jAjdtoew GSamtt, caiaedd Hiss rtsaentte aa dfedl off wxrrgy Hatt weedd^, vrifeen H®e disns&HKid aa sSij^itt I feofs^l aifeStxiEttion am THnradigy ttfeat ......................lantteniiartt alt ttfee gaas^ad aawgy, lfeav- cife?P mono ttfee wreee. -«— —[ -— ......... ■•■■-■- 4 (GEORGE AliEXANinatlBKOOK :' JJrnt tten ddaysogmt Hiss SffiHh Hkfcttb- kiay, • Heath <’eame tto aa \wStefy aanld ffa’- Eibly Hntown 3brrpn ffiommnp rresaktetti Georgse Atexarater EBna&. THavmg been -©OTJSned tto Hiis tfeeid ffar oorijy two -wedss W tto ifearae off Hns smn, George Mtofe, tto o^d tgerffteman Efeffted 73apifiy -aaaa gassed tawajy am iSafeday. > A -®<m rdf tto Hate Mr. aaaid Mbs’. .dFobn' Mtotk, tto .iteceased was bbam, ’ near ®rantfemd, ceonin^ tto . SHrnron Tovraafeip -as La yyasiag m&a ssix- :ty*fi-re :years jo^q, aassid stoirtly sifter marited 'HEliaa' Sane Htehirton,' wto predeceased him ssoafee' rfffteen jy-eate agn. . . ' - ' '! <Dne :cff Mr. ®r©d£fe tfett wh^ (to -assiat Laying tto xaihsay. Mr. aand Mrs. EBroxii tfe&t ttok np,£fcannmg am Ito 'iBtc -Kff Mirren. -aa®d ddiiin<''- ®s-‘ eeedir® years of .'feWTRfe, toid-lfiv-i ekl on *to litb 'Miari -2nd concessions .ff -to s®a3»e tzywmhip . Mr. cBtodc iwas! aa rfafthfcil otoreto nsan, and aettve > in tto off Htotife Olivet -.and < Cfertk .xtorrefees.-Hfee ffetn-< ■ CHECK LSRUm STILL «MS8W eral wrrire xm 1 ted Wv.- <C. "N. Macftoto ^t tto -iwaae *ff 'George t®red>k.' • j interneent-.wis-in Mipl^cceiaete^ ----------- ------- ---^ —- .. - montn parsed wrtotess todc atklto three reniomntttes >m wimfc.'to war :torki$,ttiri^^ to gsakSite^ m .to .Hinijght “to 4tens <rff ttaxmaaniis- ANNIVERSARY -SEtoiJM At .Market*.'s Cffirrfe, -c® ■Sstaiday^ October 4tr-—servijses ' at 2J20 ’ and . ,.,.'.7^0 M -A^rjiversaTy Minister. 2er. , "M, It WVxg'- of Bxmtz presented «y -Mr Aitofestosifei taaie iqpartette o: Janjfejaow At 'bath’ eeriicea. i ’ A WfflfSIHEE > WttJ&MNBBOTWfMr ACE® HUKE HF ACE® Hit&h i^tteedtowpg tiiit c'OTOIlrtitUrrei ttiliss emspwnj. wHmi i«>cEt|i? cwtt amt aanid imdlfeti ow lfrw^Htt tto ttfee.(flbhb HkaUflKa-rtoR!?. will count 1 fffer ttfee gfeRfon wlfesee rrsmee a^pwrBs adfecito. HWM) miw H«IR ^®H'((lFOwI]S^\Wn-: Vf . ■..•■■ , ■'GMfTHiiONTJK kknoitk- wna?. hbnrrbWTTn n?irtd thhat hbunyy feetSnoy rfeitovefc^'.Whpvphkui'. Iff , j®au.aae« aSfnisld t&'etts;. ti»M" ‘ Ms* vwnddfrtiil stfinraohh ppwtoer t oika-yj. < lAffTtiONCkW wiijl hhifeiyKuu t «X>i BMiWHl'imfee reffot Cia-’-i ti’4ihs-4ibfeBdd .thbaukarids ■AAta^lddu^stf-rt’.Mw - . , i • nA GASTRCWOX ®& ssmM'Mir — iniurc sqwffi ! rten IH4&I fin HAarth (On 'ninxsdda? k' ' '' ■“■ " tifefrr ffxrr towr HwHld DfSty <gpxnk«... wi J Tfte&ddEjy. rimi <xfff jm t-iw (Gtotortihfei . . . ■ . p^i'^makhrr ttfee s.ugecrri'Mcxpx. aff Hfep Wee ftolfewnig ltetter, Hjyaa 'ffmwrl ttea4ferr <xff toe f&rn-r mwm. ■' Mmrijy cwtteSMi lTfffiaiibff niUIimiAXU , 22^. ffianBr Oittflanwiite Badk Un: IftiWiK Sdnnril ffihns; SjjiniiAtSnttfahNH^tt Hiind^Binr Mantes fRecdfetfd TBdfes (iff dfelfeHtofem (Ifewtwsi IJkn' 0to IRdAltc SvHwafl (XHHfeP Anff HfestoH AWm Bfemlimr Atoice : Ihl(,ln ®f Jlnmny EH&nttor As iSftorss ©f i* Wiilfe sommerrr vheesilwr, iPtotoiing;, ' ^trttto NSstot nn CMmmv IBwmjHtt EHato Hrnnid Mmwiiss ttfee J3rggp Sitevt?, tto (phnesre.ttfee.J3gi»wfi^,tto ,xaaRii ttfee EHdlteEktess oil tto ccife, adlliin ttoir oown geeoitor ma- tti-ee eoG&taBEBS. Utegse sfoxne msaite 22, ve®sy'. grtetfr- aafed vresy iinttntetvre stow. Store vre?y Ante, fficnsil ' fftatfcs raame ffrom ectttes iin Wkhnjgton aarrifi (fttegxro- Wrere were fftots ffrom $11 tto toitoampg nrtoeigteittte?, reg>- rreeeittn^ ttfeefr- grr/ctotts • owl inatos- [tfcfte?. ffrom vTaaiinm tbgg crenjparites ifeaniis . wntetteii tor toe ' (Gerami’i toejr gmtoetts SStevaatt ttrhtoy. ttsvo rmlittaxy i (72nkii ffT?™??' 'xeor?x??ss thfg cowanzmtwss ttfee,. Vifiamnirm ttfee- (GaraaHaan' Wsmfe'e Wifevay |H?ree togaattment stoxwrojg ' ttfee fiftce 0Bmd. ttfee-dSdtetohaan fSt, An- '^miHaanee rff W8S5,ttfeeffeesw ^f itteeSs S&tetetj- IPftse EBaraki. aanid ttoat .WW). aardd toe tosse^t Wf ttfee Wm3OG?JVx?r SWiace Home, -ttfee ^tttxss imdtaHmg tto Big? T^fWt aacrr- totter off vvHwnn -wa^e Htethatod twin- i-adl IteBter: TSfee flKxmts oSf ttfee Wan- htecs Weere' were mxtt 4‘fe Hwtoekl oexm-per gi^ygnmr^s 'w^e vee?y ©©eld gjnteBH aanff rfatt im (the toardh [psJ- J^nid etoeaatiTee. Wte Ilradfians adiso gny- _______________ _______ ______ toe inasseeti ifeanfe ttore wer-e <xveer -toteid; ante iin vstohh 'aa esmee gatljy tto toe ggTxKXHtis iss aa Ifesaxiti- ffxvttyrpto^ aassH toirty dd-rams. ’iatoe IMkten with cn^l jTO^dfeeii^^adM »«M«te agate ocff HaanH^an; with simdlt XKxm. 'hat (ft wi- ;ia ’’.fena^ zddxmgHvyimeeoffttfeeHMdm^.Wtes^s ifemzsarth ocff ceawm^s- Ubss fgate sSiHtt aanH :ia (gmantj <^wddto ’^annto (an .■qhtxilmiwntottoto-nt.totvto assBffiflPito®fifaatorttoffiii®teaff no uanes rfeezrrt. Atomto' II ((mt -^tterHo^tIteridH^ee toc^ee —s aatel ocm ssevffiai chtfeer -xseeatons Haail (from ®moe aafed aawi ipT«id ■ rtf 'bf- 4 to Ifrtoasss onamgnt cossa! tto WtetOTto (thisiis toefintfftirme iftHmsHaeen jingaa ^feStemte TI ifeavmg fl&T taffteki mites egw^y fftown^ (faa.ll _t.-off iifiteff’in^. wxrrth sseew, Atobtfeer- .imwgste .HiirHto. ffeatrrr^ErnarH Hhtet totweeen Steadi?yffia^c aafnid i^toHt^titety^tomtaxiIfe. was am Mian '•tot rr, torrmrid tto rmatn ^atetfomL II coan-' ■ Hn tto <centre off toe iss aa Ihitet -ttaTtmg ;atei 'ffbihiito >at -to -imt sttoplto dteEttrifee adll ttfee gg^ Ww 'Gfdh THxmee m-.Gxsdl iltetom. Htatfes ftorttfeete were cxneer ttono Hamid nHitmp- ©n ttfee (ferir-ife Sifcaritey iBatfc’, iin -xtHiMt tore i t-^d off ttom; ■ - i mn.KOTi]ddli3r(.«^rhff tejgfet rraaii-ee ibaat:- ««»th nsamseri ny (fff (“.msraee ttferce we®e Qtoife aajmnn- 6bc^^(^ime^aatt..Hmm^tegte^ Mfaiss- <xff -trto^ .tn '-fete ^xff liaagfe<Htete aa^t^e^toe aamarmeeitt tto _______________ _ ___54tfeat Htoid tto ite-ttte -xwi.fto w4K©. iin tto,wi«^a®K£ ;.wkj <e-e?ri am-'ttfee rwrffe aff eeneen tto Hi fegfe. -HurjLMmgss. 11 to-ee fgton aan amtito aff szxmse aff "to ff-mtoEes 'xff ttfee Jhibltee^jnisH siisAll i new - ri-'naw rm?' .-^ikieteh' tto te ci'teto'. ffm tf ?T ■ Irto nEtotet. tto .Jddbltee will to arm ■te'fto-II ffihnihh iff. :tori4tes tto toh- ,^. ___ v. ___ .. 'tto; rr-aaktefis mill cgrxw -wesagy .ato!' Anoogg ‘torn we-r^ ' T«z?ctt- ipEgw-ef:' wmbtern ttot II tore rnwt written aanj »fey tto (IWfeteSte'ctoaans. tto UU1—atfeite Hmtag-Hacriik. 1 tetter off ’ytoim ’btere (itettereiri ’>wifi- i^l lteltSter. TYfee fBxtefcs G>nsta&ie E a is still 'try-; ■ teg, so fair .witiamit Tesilts, to locate a- ycorag saay wba earty in tbr- 1 * ‘ - - ■ * _____ _ . TeaTijiaam's store. Purtbasing-a rfce&s«jtooea®eid.liTed,' Coxfe I Hamilton.. (Hroer ?ri#'ZXw.jgTydff X. iJn^-fcearttftKJl rtij^ttan. iTn^; ■'tiaee ;<s?ia« the yoesg aady ssstod a ebedt on the | Wilson* ®an -8. 'ISaePOTaafii., ®an sseen osdaide <xff COfitoia drtfets^'instoDto *on. ifey ttfee^S&aani^ Ifariaaris- rftrom ,I>cmwi>5n Berik to 1 „ ilSMSG. siaTtc’-zf- iaer toattee ®AltodL. ’ Resh, m wry neat faanKrwlittog. '®»«' r" ewn Sired rr. a© aceeKnrt r^mber-Jirearge and •Effort? to totote the. iad? have feeen'-H; ma^e’in toe ^fcmie EhOrfeto. _____.T______________ _ _____ ______ ___-Wingham fforhfeniLewid, Angus IE. Mactosd (*f tto rmn®a^ • r • . f .-'Jtew Aoidt. Wrere care iftems wtoed • to rpanarte <fff-iKrnt- -t^ rsa- nat&5OJ8H86. '(tore'sareg>«^2es<icJf^wxm-.’totttofEdhifoton wa.- ar^er^i by4to ............................ , i&fe camanKrits > G^wen&vr1 Gereefd-l wa- ■ to ’fitteV <erter steen -feere'. ’tor, 'feamrfr^d <^l ffedt--. totx- <tf 'ver;.4 entity, -to* “to; .an Htxsat' and ;a feiff t/> ’bast-- -by Mr. 3Btok ds jsmvived ’by ‘two ®ms npdttery, emge and itevjtf, both Of 7&rrcm. card, beaattfeil g^ttores ttttet ;pppear diy rtessg-hter,'Afre C A Iffcd-’b* he ' ?aamted imt cate, tell rhasid eem- r„, x.-..- . ., . J breotered .^teveiiy ttiaat -xme rfeas v*a 9t», ___ _ _ ■ limrti. <me -ntdantf iia CCtotmh iwith / Haddnom- HaHy, ^pfeemyad iin $ reewrtt iss^iee off TSfee QQ&ifee: - Memories ©f ILmjg N^g0 . . T60"ttfee EEHttor off Wfee (Wbe: ffto tfe ffoottt nwe (xff' jymrr g$w otff Monkey, ©tgtfemifeer 1114- xyxHi ccizrrsy aa’ rsKtwss iifeem off ©totts4h'?&i?W. SiftoO ttsto NigHtt iis rseninimmt off eaafjy SStottsto. Ilffe. iin Hwddmorav, wifeeTe ttfee CJadteUxtossjii pganess wetrce Ife^jld H$£f a?> creerttasy $gn. iLHwee crffton Hmnti on:' Egtantffdtfeey, ‘“ffigg ©anlcly’” ‘MferdT^R- $Sd, wJfeo was (xme otff-ttfee (T$&ddoriian sssj^'ttfeat sgmail, tttonss vweerce mm, fftom 3Itorttc$J. (Wi®a^gK) land o$fe»r tHitfemt gsorfefes tto HiwHrnm' ■ lifer .ttfee pgtons^, amid-ttfee jsaawis ifeerw-’ ttoflitailjy SfetottiH?. cemiJfcl want hfea^ bteeen lfed^d Ifey aarjy Hgrtt .ttfee ixe®to4e vstfe; hfei&i ttfeeny Atoid naxw S&tottsto ISN&Htt HoxiMs na sttongg irrttocsJt fffer ttfee cHiiStoen oil (tifesse e^artjy gioweeB^, sethttowii etrv- effl^ytfeanee so® wnee iaree. aanld rwarwyt’ rrff ipss aare tfaeedf. a£tltemtimstonit. •witfentfee,Ec ' .ktoemmiartts cxff ttfesyge eaarijy. to^wew ' —fltome XHadJtond'Jld aas Hs-e g»pp<ss ttfee gfifetoH}; ©aneerxm. itteidiM' aas •hbe itoises Hiss rrehh Haass iin ttfee aHH —aanid esato orff iin Hiss <or htot mti wsgy, Ifetgisss tto n^^tmje ttfee storti4 off.ttfee wi^fef&ri'jy Ha?®j5i, swiaBfe ktintos wHm'i aa mwtoss world wkrs $- t5$a$d ass Hifej Ifernfe, amid vtoaat j?<w. \vwfe$, aanld rtartt wHait ntos»s;B3«ofe« jyorj Haak), .ptoOTttotl with jwrr fftimafe. H osari Heoar ffeatipjsg names? $ pKsri; orcttfenn ttfee vtoiee tof aawntifesr -Hmmjy EHnrttot siifenw tto <H-^rttns5.’* tttoto- ■[toakfe otff ffrwdrB lteatogj* HwHdrww $<tor g^tfeerfeggs IfeOi:' iHWJ|h$«rrtao ?cnnee Haairfc a^aato??1” .J.Jwnj5' WSSS ;if ] . cdfeanaEttor ;mdd $>'■' '^•wntsiv szmj^gs tto ttww) ror ttirree d0wi4tw ;W Lluaidnaxw. Ttfee ffelkferr rxme^ Jia^- rmia-t'Jy adj'i atow rronw.'TInm;1-. Hsaree <"ftairsx-ti] tfiw, mwhb ' II orfftwi wonHet '.tohnt 'Wr Ejens woaHkl ttfeffeK to? ifexw. Wvto E$eeraetoito®ts $f rirajy rfeexpfl^- lia*- ifei rife rxiJid SStottito -•tMr^tory' art* 'I'iuHdroma' :a- EMlJxwS.- . ■ ■ , . ' dirfif HteWi • Unrtilxrr 7—(fbvw SiUacrtL Tlte^l S»H- iwwro. ' ' '...,' 77 amid to-Hfetisy Wtetevren. .W-$y IJcmisre lWttexM&~. -x-V- S?1 ID^-iXNoW. Hitt-Hito Jkem [N'wwH; lEL-Ma^y ..tol^Wkj. [Iwiedlte Itoto IW VW#®stet. - - 111 :owH lES-4(ferr4jyj: Alto; -towfitt.. (I kvei •' Heeen. tlifelter 7*—HbWHp'iX' (<w^«><ggEirjj, Wil+- ■ 1’Otid Bfefck. - . 77 ;iwid i=K—HMUte AIHmuj. -Alien SJtrtftrtt !h lBp-4ltay HMHOrr. 411 asnid '112—libss> IlfettoBsxwj. Hbsss irbwteft'exm. ' r-< l-E2—r^-. (-G- 4bWm:ttmj. .WxHmnit* • (Jfcrr. . niv^‘c*c> . CRwin H—HHiOTi MlKi'frwisliit.i, Hfe-hu- irrki 'IYwiwr.-. - . ' r Iljwm LH-Ma-jy (Itortfer) • town HTI — Mh'rrj^rriH' SSoWxwwojj. 4^<irl Sfttortt. f , • , town, IW—IIMwi ’(Vr'v. HfntWto.' Mch&tfen-. ,. - ■ ■ . . WMH»rrrxw f town II~((cww. (tohi ;mrtl Oiiwnt ” iwlaa&i. ttoaxnn HI—j4Jw-i4 TF'Mecvvw; aiwfi -Him- $(*0 torggwuwj. ’ ©toi ;waki VWtrrrw Wtyyafe. town IKV-AJh^j AWihisttei ;mf|l to^:'. - HfetteRtW. , H^HHwrdd niwve toapwn II-Htedw .Wwf’neisM;, bHfejW I i’wwn 3 Ufemr Ill-rltefvfe. towkj. totth Wim • ■erntteHL town HitlW,. IWnaw' '•Wwwj. , r reSKy.,lV_‘toM!7r (GrtK ,U1 Jcxcjfjc^jd town II—iVowlclfei X'-iaW^wi ;uiw|d vJ-iM'jy naymijyc* .l-bw.'Skloji?*.'. toirni ni-ltoh nAtop.'"iwnkiWirt- e<y.'((uiilfertt • S$lw'IIIU{Uld* Hftt'W.'W. llh^ to<*Mvi II—I Hu Ife. H.feYrk' ;f)w|d Ubi-v .All ‘hliswj. Ilt/wv. II—.f-fej-fo T^Mfea-'tiwA .Hwimte’ r’re.pjtns^i),. ' ' ' , ' I lbws: 1111— [ B[i J few [ Bp t f t/hr -; mriji, Wifei-s. - w .- • • ■ ■ ■■ r iW' ''*r lbMf’ '^’-1 flint.Aia-»mrrf:c, .»!.» H IWw^l|l»»w ____ _ - ;rh*tw«"' 7*J- fiisw ^msiin Mmb;wk' toyy-,: SSitwn-i .yw,l fl^i'W(HWnjU.v . Wtotrtfa^rnHI. MAlRWn' ay! WVxrtfc cMXxH'l’h* / & r