The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-17, Page 8JS;. 'iLW-fr ■dr 4*r 3 ■m? WSS8R.'1 !"■ ... rat! .;!■•''!, ' V. ’ • Semh F« AsWieM Native / J r W WCKNUW .SEKTOE1 .1 ’ ■ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2-------------------- ------------------_—-ro VANCOUVER CELEBRATES LOCALandfiENERAl) NEW GLOVES —........... - " ■ ■" — —-------- :—r------ 'JKKSAHL MACLAMAKA. AT THE AGE ©F fWE GAINE® A HOME BT ADOPTWS WITH JOSEPH KEGAN NEAR. CtEWE-^OUSm’ IN AMESWAN €OTL HOPE HE MAY. YET BE AUWE. ■\ FOR FAIR RAY *? ■■ - ...... v- .. ” ' r~ -.SMAKT FABRIC GLOVESew teragths trtattwig. Selwtel n5? BfaA' gra”rii arf $l.»00' $1-50' 1.75'- REAL KTO GLOVES im m—The feted you see .te larger <tete?’es, ' New Cteffs. BfecX Brawn, Cherry and Qg<». C&teent.,. ... ....;.. . . CHEWREN’S PLFATE®5>: ^KERTSr-Nawy Serge,, Botany WW,' Buttoned on white top,' Size S’ years • d^-! OO" 1 to 14 years________________X________A »W X . X . . , , , ■ ■ - , ’ ■ .; ■ ”•' ITBEiK FLETT®' ’ BLANKET^—Largest size;. first, eptegty, . with EEue ®r Ptek Borders, 'with BLW or. .. <2.19 ■ Efinlt Borders, ,Pafir __!— ------------------- ------------ MEW BRACES—Tie New Free Swing BaeX PW —50 C XAEMES" FLETTE PYJAMAS—TaMored two-piece dj| *>E WHITE FLETTE GOWNS—teng sleeves- Emhroid- .00 ery trnnming. Gut ftnUI siizes>._.™-~~.-----— .1 ' W 'JTCE VOTES! TOK < NAME OF ©GNTESTANTr AEtea,. Mr, Efeiwfijte ©arrothera artel ; are“" 'tofe ■ weefc wW Mr. agd Mrs, Gepirge Ffeher at MB®, , ’' • Mrs, Rfehairdssm ®ff‘ Mdtoow. and Mrs, G, A,' SfifdaEH off Tarant®, hstee Beem spend&ig toe, past ©aupte of weefe" with Mrs, X A, Oeamfe M her Fofiut ©terfc cottage. •■'■■■ ■■ Vfentas wito Mr, and Mrs, W, X ILMte were toefir cacfefiiBR, Mr, and •Mrs, ’ T, M, ILittfle off Fact, Hope _ae- - (mmpanifed By toer Mr, and Mrs, T, Ffeher and smul off FTesfierto®, Mr, X EL Eeito, pBanni&er and sttean®-fifttor fe at 'present engaged with Maha® ®rtfe..,nff/WiH^canB, ms- . staffing a hat wateR heatfing system te toe itedcfeme off Mr, (ESjB&iings ■ of. toat' townv Mr, , and Mrs. Hfengy Oemem®, Mrs,- Normam- Kefe^ ' and^ Mfes X. Hann® aff Taranta and Mfe, X Mc- KeEzfe' aff. Mfimeapolife, - spent .toe weefe-eid wito toeir cousfii^, Mr, and Mrs. W, HarneEL . RaBezt FgffleBU Erwfi® ■ vfeitedl tofe weeh .wito Mr, and Mrs, ©ecM RaBte Mf„ Erwiffi, who fe wito toe ©anadEam Array Sendee Corps at Madam, hash .been 11 fraotefemed to ©h^say and Eeaves for toat city' shortEy, The' SemfceB fe always am toe Eaafc- aut fat- news ffexfe but without toe ’®-aperattfe® off our ffrfiasotfe, we-wauEd not get very for. We woodd fifi® a® frfeadazs and others -to mate it a painffvto fet us few any dtons whteh terne /to tow •otteitfem, Mr. Jaefe SpsEGnerr ®ff TcnreHsto, prins ttfing msttroxfifer te‘ Wifetem Teton-fesd scfiaaE, vfefited with Ik. and Mrs, NT, X Bushel® toe end off toe weeh and am fife rteferm was OGcampatTfed By Mrs, Spanner, who had spent_ toe weeh wito retetoijtes firn tofe yfefiiifify. Wont Ssteerware 0® Fkee TSdbet ’ Mrs, Com, Faram aff fflL Helens wort a aSpfeee sfllverware set wfiem she held toe Eucfey mimfier off a card sBfiE by Mfey >. Etenalda ' MaeERteaBdL" Mfee MeEteaEd afe® wa®3Spfeses ^fsuteer tor 'seEEmg-toe <ser2 fir Doss toacm ttw® wteha. Ota SpeoBtosg Tour Sa West EtevL A, M, Nfitoafeom spent Thurs­ day nagfiit., wfito Mr,. and Mrs. Arwfcce McIntyre. ’ Mr, torse, raomto s^tfrey off toe Cl ©, F, un Nd ewam, Mrs.' Nitoafeam s remaining fin Toronto, Visitor wfito Mr, and Mute 'Eb&ertt Rfitd&te over .toe weeh-end were Mr, and Mrs, X ©. Etoehfe^ JOtofflHli: Mr, aird . Mbs, EusheI® Rife&ie and M&s IDtenfelda MacEfeaallX St- Helens;: Mr, [and Mrs, Henary Gardner, Mitos and ' Mr, Effitomrd Gardner off Zfeai and Mr, ^and Mrs, A, X Wife®® off Mcfcndw, !Are Emparwrarag Eheacfeagnig nuproveaaept fe noted fin toe canditteu off Tami MatdEenafe and E® WeBster, fin Madam and ' Gfcdenfch Haspfiiafe respectively, Tam, toe mare smrfeusEy nofered ®f toe tw® nr sb. MBter W JSfih dtet, near Etenganmanv Bas suffered greatly dur&rg toe tetet fdn- days But fe getting afeng nfiteEy and a edmj- p&te recovezy fe EoafeaE fSsir whfch however w® Be ratoeir stew,- tradoes; to toe eity- ato afe® ’.atimnig •®dt&i dags .and bundtiHig wtefe ,«fe toerm attoafefee hy day xstoen. ’ toe Egfits d® not s&w- .'As I write tofer ,E eannmot' fiettp tot resaSl same CafedonWE. games nesudy toady . years.. ag®>. beu JLuefemow . wten StreemeEs across, toe street tee a pfetora <®f e 'feawny Sept auud 'toe legend “We Fe®r Sfee FoeT', Em p®u>- •portioni0 to ds pcpdfetfeiiE, ILeecIeehow- had as many yfeitoirs 00 some of those oeeasfens as VaneuuKreir fe fiaw- mgr Hi0w_ ©d JuuEy aad_ toe C- P_ B^. a$ a eoafe; tnf&EEfj&mi to toe JurWtee off Vaneouwer. and &e eormeetomi with its o>ww dub- tee, Brought m a speciall uEfca.. mod- earm trams, hearing’ offiefefe wito'. a gre^mg.to VaiMowet-^The arfewali off toe team, toe pfeymg off’ toe’ hamfe. toe .speeches tooum toe €hP_R repre^ntatfees and toe" Biriitfefii puress defegatfem .whfito same with it and .toe replies om Behalf off Vamcouweir sue off toe Federal! Gt'Wernmenit were hwadeast aver" toy IhtowmFnrit TOse rye^t day tomre was amotoeE cmremcmy eomreOted with toe dufitee off toe EEai&aay and off toe city, toe amfeaB at ■ Port Moody, E2 mtes up.' Etn^rd Enfet. off toe ofegmall toafe. tout', reached tout pfeee ffiSiy yearr ago, tEafe and ■ eagme^ except ' fen . necessary r^pafizs, just as toey were am tout atfepfefeus oeeasBom when terd. Strathcona and hfe party, aff-r ten sttsppfeg a whte at .OzaigallfeL- : tore he toe’mhuHitams off Elrfefe&j (MI- ■ untofe to see toe fest ra®- fehi and te. drfee toy fest spifefe ©mtomied tomr tiiip> west to toe coast tons eompfito- toe fest trafni trip> across &&- ate. to toe Fheife, That toato came fiitt toy fest' tony ducmg toy KPfgrr @xeem Vfettorfe, wfirnm ,’lLflnrd Efens- teww was fewrar Generali and, Seb JFo&m A_' MacEfenald Mafea&ni Meteam fest mayor- , of VanEauwar '®m hand to wefarme it Slow St has agate- come mi during toe rpigm ®ff Vfetorfafs great granteom Edward' WEE, wito Eord ate and EEom. W, IL. MaeKtezfe. King at toe . head off toe towern.merr.fr, and Mayor WGeen and Htam. EL EL Etem- met to gfee fit weteime. ■ '^fetorfeaEy toat was a, very finr- tetestfeg event, '’But what was- st®, mere firtorestrng to was toe fact toat my friend W, EL “EEIEy”’ Ewans- •w&® firuugftt toat trans into Fort Moody he JfiiEy liSSS, Brought agate to July I2®6L a vmy fetoig arrangEment fmr wfifcfii toe C,F,E;; and .toe Vammuvte- Ju&tee Chmmittec dfeserved credit. . Next day tofe dytemfeu Mayor off ours wmit to Seattle and actaaEEy toi& ® sqjiad off EEoyuB Canadian! Mounted Phtee with fiteu, horses and aEE, as wa® as one off our BHgh&nd'- fiante, W&te- ’toe Americans found w&at he had done, toey altered toeir- rtens and toe ©anadram Mayor,-toei Cstaadfeii- - pipers and toe Camadferr. Mounted Wtee’ fed toe progessfaw of J£nterfeans to toefe cefeBratfem off Em depe-ntence Edy, Tfife worn a fet of frfends for Vancouver nn toe Amer- feam seaport. As. a result/off tofe good SeeGirg^ when we had ouor Veterans’ parade and march past toe Exeat. Governttr am Aug, 4th, there was_ a (feteehmart off >toe Ametfean;. ILegfai^ wfto toefir Band and cnfecs talfeing ipmnt hr toe eerp^nony. And agate one ; mg&t recmridy one off ■ toe most at- tmetfire -features at toe special tatao ! gfemn am -tofe occas&m of toe- p®e- stetnig off Cofers 'to toe Est Vancou- !ver Veterans Efettaffiom By toe Lord! Mayor was to^'exfii&it By toe drill! srpcad of toe Seattle pwtee farce, ft { was gfifem’ Before toe arrfvaC of’toe > •feted Mayurfe party.’ and- was such i om,attnactfee feature toat 'toe stpiad ; was rfejuested ■ to repeat fe so toat ; toe hard Mayur^ couid see fe, The !. Mayor of Seattle was present am tofe ; ||accasfenL ; . j ; From toefee first four, strenuous !, teys’ of -Etdy t® naw, our Mayor has jbems feeping up> toat feted oif pace Vfitee has Beto rte tet upi. FossfBEy ■< the evmrtfe of fest weefe have do.ne ■ mare to mafe Vancouver fenoWn m J and out 'Off toe Empire toon anything 1 tee. ®ur Mayor git ft fete fife, head’.1 that a Eord. Mayer who> visited ’ Ca-pi- ' fate Vancouwsr'h grave near E.otn&ju 1 migfit afen, visit Vancouver, and gave' ■ fifed toe HEvftetote wfifcfe.'wus' ao I ceptedt At n®. time had JU-Udonf's J hard Mayor ever visited any city ,1 .terar off (tofeet'Efiit Sir Pteey Vincent. ' jttfie pressit mcumBmrt, has made a 1 |speefeE trip tent Eoiiiifoix to Van>-.1 ; eouver to present to our city -a pot- : - mf ©aptete Vancouver and ape .faff toe ■ EhgSsh graveyard where fie I ILted Tweetemufir w® msfe ami | wag? Burred, add to urtvmll toe mrinii- afficfaE visit here next weeft, and figfet’off ©aptafe Vteteomyer ’ at aur’yhil'e here w® adifess1 toe Gtattgr giiHgii-““ w,**»-<=r *«*w «uin. hl imxluk New City EEa® Vestmfrfey fie artiv-’ dfens €luB>, apem toes’ new Seaforth aauw T ^r“—SE .jujK, affi operated By afiadsfeaC nnteB- ®g Stoeesded through the efty > KigfilfendteB Arnratefesi, finest fe ■Bfa ■I T 4 EWEE W0IE BGEEEfe^ fem McfeHI'zife ' fra aff toe .Efemtofenfs' feuding gitoEitoF-uwned' entezprfees have Been EjTiPtetR uTTifcw- new- emitzmS By tore ap- pte&ifeientt off g Board aff- dteseters to aiflteiafidtar toe- Etexadfem NatomaB RarEway^, muB & Board off ®Lvecmrs to dteestt toe aesfenfeg off Nsfi&m®E EEroadlntetmgL Lt ■ w.H <w^nwj*wjg» ■ -V- —tiunii-ii-L2LIXZ: JUU. ,r,» i,-aa^—-■■ - —. ", gwntndp- Wferrre 3©tfeBsr W^Erenmre| lion?,, regnuated ^and rndfarmeGB ~ dp fa toe . ffismtrofi fizunm toe roMway Baord- off arag gag ©ferndfem Rafe®® SmtemBer to Mn Omnnfesrauu- Sato a&^- gmOTirnxtt. s. Knewm fa Mrifaaw MbeKEEMS—Sr toe Cfactom Cfenn- Etega^fiter-GezieraE Vwtar .W, ©if- [ ffnifriay ole Sfptem&ear 4Ste, Qjrn^, who was n?Erm*d ante off toe xy****- fa< Mr, atateji iWfeR..- Bee MieMadL ib tenu ®ff tore .Gavecnfexg BteHzd aff tore '—Efrimtog- fan. ’ yamtei'an-. Etuadcasttmg Corporation fe ‘ feuawm &e. Eucfexaw^ wfisfe as sb youth I ^totoitee—Lfa KnrFmgR vfEfi^s am he spteitt. numerous-fiaffifeEgs wfiffis hfe TRireufity, Septemheir 8toi. to Mcr_ amfi grandparent^.. Mr_ and ■ IWfcs,. Jo^ns We BhpcBFtHi. a (tffiig&toX- ffhHfarm lyre fe hrototer aff EX Oflfem _ __ __ _■ _ 'sto® -yas rafeed fen Eunfennwr By. fife- , -FEBGffiHSN—fa toe; Tawnto^ at grteidpariaitts and naw fizetpnaitly am T&ursfey, ^ptem&esr aintnfltatgs antofe®. to The j&mtorf.; liteL to Me. snd Mrs.. Thomae ir®r- Tkg. f^Qnns were maajBezs' aff ad sb 5am ' **fighttteg^ ■ Hagfish ’tomfly, wha> dfa ■ — uafe hesntete to respond wfer duty arwmaKnx -cm cwsifcM’ ’ salted. .The grandfatosr was hffli BjBwraCs ■ (LEsBi® ftJLfiwJft,- sfflz^aufc.. off Mcfinawfe vafiintemr to- --------- ‘ x gfinem aff toe early daysL AjOfafe ^r ©fippfed Chffifeto w® . tengag Victor ©dfiunv newspaper- •Be -'at theAfetonwzs; Nacfiire mum and wotero-ris ®f tte® woto.'- was , ®heess£ EBispitoi;, (Snfencfe. am Step- (torns aft GaBauEg, ©tetL, 5(5- years ogte. ,tenaer,2ffite« tet KB W_ stfiE a. child! tie spent some ©teicse ffi&iiMty ..off - Xmt&m w® yetos &e Japsm where fife -fSstorer was fa'todegte. .Tfife^G&rfe fe^fige to^any aigaged fir edtecat&iniEl wurfe. At 'wfim Bawe-s. <snppfedl texffit ’.toe age* off Ufa he scnanxpsni^fi fife Ffersaits ar® asked to get., fee tdmtoij-piBnmts to- ffifitfeh GhThmfrire, wito toi^r’feegg gldefeEK. 3to mental! [ tofr cnrrcPitefoYT-. off frfe frp imees w®’Be rsrH^ed, 'gtoe Fnfitotety aff.Toronto frre gm-, •\ ' btoted newsphpe^, roparttmg^ jbuiftrg 'ittw csw 'fa TOKfia " G®r® st2®- . aff The Wanrouvmr EMy . WBS' War&X a louroaD uf which ar VSOX • - ' AS® feSt-OHr ©FEES* S8® Itre hoEffiaie refitnrMrr^>hireff ._....- ” Mteaitefnlte. toe Sinth Afrofem War . A 4SMine EHsfuig natfee wmEtosssv- had &ete® fiteghtt, ..and uc fe&att attirtt— &y The Star ® (loupte aff days ago. pMgm feneral ©fl&Eto carved to a ’ fcrai toe seerdary off & ffto. Eft car- pritofa safififen fin toe 2hd Stervfee used toe tiid-age pratsunr. -stock phrase icat-roJm-n- .off gfee EEayaE (Timadroit; ‘teuib tofe to tore tnsitz issue off Suur" ffiegnnent.. He -Was enurmfesiuner fitefe g^er as w fit would Efe off to-. teEusnd and ’ttrausterrofE to the’ .tfed fafeffi to people to 2a;ur-fettect,’’’The C____ _L.—- » (iallisjsto -aeseve fe -iff intteESstt, hut toe toe eoi-dfictt Be. idtetofied Bitesteiff- an- f aff would j Be off irnutoi tfeely wfi& toe nrifitih, ffifeft to Tar- » umne fixteHSst -to T&jS Sfcto, -fa ®iy toto and them to Vancouver, ' J 'atofer aew^mnerc—Gpdtofefe Shsro Efe nTOrofefed fa France 'to ■ tS-FJ- as I ' ., '...1.....T---"..... seTOnd-uirromintoid aff tore Zito ESxft- MEd® ©Marer Ssnteffited , , ' Ctontofiiaa,, Regfe heights, toe arrangement and toe Xsr^PB W&nfent '^yesr-ted Ernfem W g^-tu^uy rotors dhongnig eonstiiitry, Ett was ® ms® eafafer, was SEaxteamdd at. toozvmg toroug&ouft^ans. Jtoe- s beautiful s-igtit^. taknig- eight ftrfifr* dta ed Frafey to five-J^S feu Ktog- -Cront, he was promatted hrig^ 'uttes to rompfette toe.eydfe aff efimr- afasi -peadaHriStoy stor tt&eft’feuuE ^terd to rofor jhMI sUb£"Sxs^^ » >rafa£ ^ct«bhb6»*'®*c f***6’ -.. j..^-..^ BCtUMMSatlkUrtS. , llpipig; tlfElTfm?. HeCeXV^E gceani. iq4.yu»uc«=.EoEtewLug 21E ea&nist [’Tie ®st Varmouver Veterans Batto- | Eng fiist weefe gnxmuniced tore names EfireEd coEbred * Krausert, .w dff those- wfi® w® sfimrtfy tote avsrl gmgs and fiedmet^, and teamed for ' '' dmroanstnMnms during toe JuEdte^, \Mtaze gtem very popular wfi®j toear awm pope Band, as were toe na-vsE dee tJmtemeadsB from toe, EEJ5MES, Sfesgiai and toe EOELCSs. Vancouver, and toe sfimxag jprn off wfimm made a. fine showing. At night st toe same.pace was anjotoesr Bfe'crawd to sEe toe p-^eunt ( off Vancouver, fifffeem sctmes,_sanie 5® fgfitemfi. same acted, deflating, toe j hfetary off tore regfism fruim toe tone 1 aff (Ehptsnis ©aafe and Vancouver up 1 to toe ©teat War, The stoiery. ®ur 1 euefii- scene wtes arranged am am fin- < nrrerTSre idrmfFHy. revuEvEng stage ,WQ& ■ fifiteet seetform ter spgmterfap .Bdiwemr. j toe acts toe Egfits wreaie turned off 11 toe stage and switched, to wheze one 1 . could vee torough m wfirdiw mto ® - rutnig where am eSSsrfy geitoemaa. < sat at a taBEe wftoi twu> grandtofldtzei. • ^answering to^r mttstome afiatet toe 1 effizEy. fifetoEg ®ff thee city- and province.. ; Wfixle to^f dfeEugfed together, toe ’ whole stage remEyud, tflE toe nest •] scene was fit place. Then toe fights j tturngf BsecIB to t^e stage and toe I i acting Wert am 'aEggmc. Thfe process P* wafe^Tieaeatod fer esefif sceie. . St® a® toe first day's actEvfiifesi were nat aster, fur at toe Etteiland-I swrrn rnirrg Beach toere was another eitertsfiimeit am toe watesg.aff Jap^-] onese Eantemsx Then at dBout F oTetecfe or Ester toe crownfiig cere- many of toe day was performed By Mayuir Mcffeer and eg-Ehenfen- Beu- ueat wfieu toey! putt fiito apecatonr toe pumps anff toe fighting ^sterns iperoting ’ toe fountains mod toer mlhrgdi ®untfiiatoins . as wdT as toe toousanefe off Ieoseir fights Off various __________________> iff othefe E sat aui toe grass around | te toe overseas damittimx dtefing Bte Hast Lsgaan. to see toe tofctty tones- J and dollar feuxtfrafm s&dofc up^ toe rertraE stream maybe 75 to £(K& feet fhigfij. and _scares off others to voefous >bot> tot 3 piprw' itmai 8VJUJJi W;WBfe » WWWMt - — .. - *, the ©feat War, The scenery for h w» * .....u..^; i 6- ■ X with fife twm sheriffs. fife sword Beffr- ler and sword, fife ge^Hant-ott-arins wfito the gorgeous 5-fautt goldtex mace and a group off aMtermem and other >flihfalh -of LondlnB. olE off then to the rates. oops and fid® regalia pertafir- ng to ttfiefir respective affiees.We had ffefeali weather and a£ roars® fenaneaise /crowds along’ toe.route Off toe pro«- t cessfew from the stattfam to the BateR. ’ Stone after life arrival, he went to„ toe 1 Military Hospital to see toe wrecks !aff the war, tnstosfng' to have tofe item cut out .to mate up for fife Be- mg a day Esto arrfvnig’ here owing ; to fend’ slides stopping fife tra&r, At noon. fife Euncfred wito toe Rotary Club. and members a£ toe Ganodian; 'Club;.. the great crystal Bedroom of toe Hotel Vancouver Being fHfed to capacity.. He showed toe humorous side of. fife notate 5®‘fife talk on. .this occasion. Cue ^af fife party brought from Gaptato Vanxasuwsarfe town of Richmond & desk matofrom i wood tooms a tree grown there, which | he presented to toe Edtay C&to ' of Vanaouvmr, and fhe Lqrd Mayor brought a. mace praetfirally toe same rim sfee and design as’fife own, which 'he presented tto our Mayor who- wito h.fe gold chafe off office, cocked fiat,! rates, mace arxfl „ maCe-fiesteasr w® ' henceforto Be® < picturesque. figure, E think fie fe toe only Mayor m.Gan>- ad® wito mace and ® regularly appointed mtece-fiearer. k ■ <A ' . . "IRI « I ,—' " -■ " ' ' ....... ~ ■— ................... . 1 ’ t . ’ THE YOUNG AWfOIff ■ FROM, KINTAEL. ■ I teas Borm near tt&e s&oros of o>Ed Huronfs BEue watiers. And, as high above them I_ eagerly safll, 1 . ' I tihteik of the .many strong sons- and fate daughters, _Wh®, are also up high, and 'were bom at KIntaill. Itt runs fen the familly, tthfe mania for flying, I .blame fit am dad,' Butt • perhaps 'that's not fair, . When I to&E ham toat, that, was toe fife I’d be trying, ..' Them ‘tephteer toam scat/” he wentt (up fen. toe 'afit My father dad scold, and my mother was waHteg,. i ' They sand W young Eife, I would sure torow away. And fit wuuidnftt look wel®. after toe ffaarm. to Be sailing, 1' WWe Etencam and doh® wrestled there .with toe hay. ST ' ^*5. . • AHI -mem acenft toe same, some seem to -fie happy, EBdto am toe ground, never feofe at to® shy, Eut E fimg for something a little more snappy, Sep, that fe the reasom, Fto Eeaiming to> ®y, “■Have , ya® ever heem up where the afir fe tfe? clearest. Two,‘three thousand fefet away up to toe* BIueT’’’ ’ Ya® have some sensations, told' they ar© the epeerest, Off a® toe sensations, that ger came .to. you, . Utts hard test to teED, whom su>.fiastyou .tor^! goteg. What township) fe this? or what town' ate fi^n^ar? ,. ©r who fe toat pteughfog? ar who- fe that sowiing? ' (_^- ~©ne gEanee, and. toeyVe gffiided away to> the rear, ©b; its W. and away, white the Bright sun fe peeping, Wito sweet humming motor, we ttafe to> the wind, Whilfe earth Caving mortals are st® soundlly steeping, -We have the old earth, and fits trOuBEes Behind, The old B® ealfeetar ,fe out. of .toe running, For up fir toe afir there fe nothing to' pay. We are ffiree 'ffirutm^toe system off dunners, and dunning, j. As Ring as we up fin the ether can; stay, • . Sfett afos . toerefe am aid te> a® earthly enjoyment, Whereevmr, whenever, however, fits found. And dying fe surely a pleasant g mpfeyment, Stet though we fly hgh, we must roost om- the- ground. , E might'-fie a pitot some day, and herefe hoping. - ETUI awm ray - am. plane, tofe fe no- s®y yarn. And tfcfe fe toe pEtofi, that far days, I’ve Been doping, IT® ®gftt to th® pasture, test' nortfi. of oter Barn, I Bear ® feud shout, yes^ tftats ray dad! eaillifog, Ett- state' fe dfed calling, and what does he say, EEe snouts out, as over the fence, he comes sprawKing, *]Sfew off wfith those togs, and help1 .Eohn wito toe Bay.’r Sb> dying I’ve chosen for. my octnz pattern, E might Be an ace;, or again E mrght fait, But tho> E might fly, to the'end of creation, ET® not find a dearer oEdl spot than, KEntail.. k and ah® toe ©alnada fefe m here. Every one fe Eoofe- !mg f ord. to tofe accostem. It wfliE iCacfc e pomp and. ceremony of„ toe ' Mrd . “ 6- visit Butt the dignity, fideEGectt and wisdom of toe famous author who fe out governor maltes fifim a weEcom® guest, ’ There have Been.- so many events m enumeettfoni with toe JuBiTee toot I cam . only refer to a few toot were- faff real interest tto>.meu After the pageants at toe parfc which contra-: lis^ feir ’a ctiapfe af- weefcv, the •’fcet- [grans BhttaEfoni ‘staged a rpffiitauy I tattoo' at wfnichi toe. BeautifaE cere?- jmony af toe trooping of toe coteuro ! was eginrred out jjistt as fit fe dtihe at [StL james PhEace am . toe King's Bfirto- {(fey, Esefiing of course the gorgeous' unirorms off the. EmperfaE tegiimeiits and Bands, But with aW the motions and toe ' music, Foltewing toat titee^- ttanored ceremony there were ez&- - I li&fts By pipe, Biigfe and Brass Bandsv dr® By specially trained s^tfedh,. a torch fight -drill fix. toe daajfc, and other things^ the program tuhin'g j three, hours-.. This tattoo hos; been igteep oTready aBout ten times,, eacfi. tone to thousands of spectatoife,^ At toe Malkin open, air Bowl in the parfc toere are many concerts which cam be/Beard By thousands, A special 1 By, toe Vancouiver ! Symphony. ‘ concert, party1,..' crmdti cted! Jfiy 9% Eknestt Ma^MEfettv.was listen*- „ ^umis * ed By maybe ten thousand peopk? >’ nd Wolfit (Clothing—THE. MARKEX 1 seated ora Benches or on the gsu^Sv^te -^TDRE*. standing to-toe- space in front of toe Bawl, Every Stoiday nighi; toe Home (tea JuBiifee ©Whestna puts toil a very high type of concert often l broadcasted by toe (fjanadten Radio Catondsston', There have Been many mtertainiments at. toe ■ beaches, par- .ticulBrly at toe Kitsflano' PboE where they* have Bad' fancy swimming and ! high divihg aftey d’arfc,, as* well as entertatoments fimm a floating' stage facing toe seats, Divers- were Brought i truini Hawaii, aTso1 a group’ of Elawar- • Eam singers, each of wftiefi. group) ifettnshed enterfrai.-nmenfr for a weefc^ inr Wo<„ ■■ . • I * CTO- Ete- Contimiedi)) I . --------------------------------:------------<' ', ESMSrAGESITEm?' A^NOETSffTO ’ The engagement fe announced of jtonia RMiena,. daughter of '$$’• ^2^' > jsrt ’ .ShieLfe and toe late- ShsMfe,. tb> Mr. George A. Stc.Bonalnk. son o>^ .VEir.. and Mra.. Alex McD'ohaid!.. Cpw- essfeu 2;:. Kutmg. toe marriage tin. tote' oldee in September. entertainment. byr....*.... ■ I 1 ■Highway contracts recently a- wawted By toe province -inctede one to the Towfund Construction (£0., on • toe roaX east font miles from So.utlV ampton'i. I (