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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-17, Page 2
'I; <5 s tec* FWWW 1253wa -W FWWE 'I », I . ~ ? 1. , ‘ •■■ '■ ’ ^X, .. > , ■>„ • ‘' i KI1< -naft r> , JroWK* K-fii < • ,r’"^ ">,»■-*<•■ ■——•7®SsE B 1 !■ . Htata &eawsstav, ssiHmsj-ttnwr. gjrtj, witasai Jds^h^tadteftwsttcOTi tay war&c- {h^ ses aa tamsasnsid;, taitt aw .ttree ea?s • <jff fi®rgn3ffidssii<xJTi, tian-taiiftttessttafcisr aSfeJnrs rterr. Efeataise. ta tevee ftar Bter; ■mttttaenp.wtaostaii.lj.^tfej. issafcgnsta ' Ifcttc tttee sartfiffl Eiffe odf derr ftaniiyy. SSie ■ ffesiss ssiee will I itaae Jtarny frHigjiess, the man j^ree ttaesss*' ^fltoltt' wqsx®;, MnfX.she ssidi. ~Ewefe camEeEtjjHelU'Secoi”’---• ASter ai wesS;, ffiaS^wmdtaail duHty ffi aSse Hsiil eyes' Knawm anyy aifier' liffe- tfiiaa' Etis? rminnii ag' att 'tUee s&sm®:. 3Str Hfewiseej way tin tteii. and! ■tftedtaenn-ssiiffl^iBp Hbit& ccr^nty c&bxb.'."' Hbrr htjsrc. was- bsd;. ElaShi wsffiag)3£i.diOTweree!Ei aiiimiBg-. Qnry.iiis.- ssave: Ekrrf an itmes- os> ssei Swt HitandJ fier sssEer"«I2rnS;. Giraii Wass aB.-sew saoingssT 5se; Lkcax. :iii5rsii andi vigoKKasi S^**1 hEdiaa jjts- ’jt ai'- moq&j rfaiai psidi trreH’B dwlilry m wes^-. . ■ ■ ’ s-- ■ “*1131 sgsEi mitt of! Eiena? in: 5 minute, ill Efa .weeteedii Etai’ W^T' 'S&&> fetate “’Star weas? orargy taxenma- taasa.'’’' snjy msntit^'. ten/,’ Saita.ssjsgp- gsdj. ss stafi guit t[fe? caSfesp ow edd Hsnll. **Star sffi off m^,. Efe'CEjodffl'sSitti SitasefflELT' . ,' j^itim. Eigtax;’' ' (EhraS i, ’ ■JaissegSl.' EEtare te'eonsESir'. ". . " . . .. Wiem (Eariill.-SEig! ESa ttadl sane,. Eltasu, / I J V *r .\ ■i ‘z ---—,— ------- --- --- ------ --- -—— rrmwfih fT-Wrwfl': rmurgnipri'! si gUT. ■x;r- sssls? EjST SEE£. TS&e SS3. tCt t3» • RJPP-" ^TW^pCTa&Stetff rgtafegrainsas:tife-ear^aBs ■' txtttSEiL. «E£3tH® _ 323H!'csfesi; tfar^s^iiiag: anr flrsfc si£?w tob- £2?^ Ites— prepared ix mgE rypm^'-Hiroa- tfcpgrgaw. argmffiPgr rrmk- . * .COTS’ ,$eT EtetF .y^jg-aC ■ ssta a£nrrewfiri rmSlj Stans- ffcrrimwrig:grins. , .H& btatfe EE-lail- rgECZsi ■Btalljztas oME; ■ Ih. dtar uEETEiiEESlsr’’SeSii. . T*3 y^fefficiR 1 ftianE, ^hsN s&ars Srpau. •wegress hmHs rsrnr ffeg- yf-=g S' rrr a&aXI- SKJjTHZS- .,' frsifgl. EEBe. ffiaiEF.. EEir' jr^m- "ST2S froife^ ntspaggng 'TWfei Ssijniitrteg pESig.. OMrsF&rS^. * at HEUEHtES. £■ ritrsrree coz | Jis > Memory ' Tk Ob^T^ P^O^r the Eygsten •Wai^-Stend- . «y«L hlSS bksSSEEe cf E&^ . fepgp fiamiTy B'ihfe tfest used "ia bfe a feisd- marfe in any &uur musfer? . Aiscnf- fng. E® Kev< F. W. MQer of Auqtaafia, s&is Hole Fr.irfh-^ZausjSan. tawii,.. 33 es&»_ £|e says tfee psdta &3t* besnae' a. Wyiw.y-TOgga aril ifce ■ B2?5e ^as betas rtaegMcd te swt® batic rensa csfeE <af staM- ' . The pEESstag uf tfee .tad itataly ELhfe-. i’ssiil fee. tegE&EE&ti .% aS. ®f- iss -sbo 11.-’ tfe mwgrfjwt En tfcase days Efee g^sr— ■•.^ct ■ fess^saier 'shes le scs tfee ssssst ■'jmr»ngrtBTBr :wra'.' ibosE itataes <Ve Cfbjjtat T.~.-?- \srss the .eceiving ir-twra asd shisw ■ rtr the bsESC-, "Sifee liSrUHIlEttB .vras W ■ tfee 5£ff . fearee&ur vnr.ety,_ ’■ -^r. tatadetiiy 2srrm£«fsr£5bfe to- Sit a® ■ tas. ^ras>. ^regtade t as . sss a&- , ■ n-'-n'tp., «v»>t»y-y <e ;d^',5^5iJE2ig'' of „ '■C-Hs EXMHtS-■ «i. • • ’ JLlhii£E* errs 5. ... 5a.»rs .f22-a?3gTfe "■£& j£» 3» €X<t2£3&? S13 ■ p^ss-rK-ft sEwHghz Sm£& rfto tEje^Eabfe t-srper. TreL <w<sr 5as. ' rfesed agfetly1' wid& . dse • ressi* rhpfc. ~-H? TQasai a 'iferfe- rfeil sir is, "®iE$er ‘Twig sr’.’S.wg' air. ns, saasB— wea-- W SEMES ■■« Ejg^sfc witlll. £&B: Is^asEiEBii c®2Jsi . ejgsShjr tse ’ <&&rTE2HB®fi Sy dfe? ' ns tsiMgfa ' ^ss Es&iwr— »3l3_' .SEilESERp, W~ ' il3SSS3EiBE&,' TESS- ’'^^iWraKtfigaSg. ...'sesgtea' ■ <be afee fesrse— _• bffittita' 3 ^fa Egy Rgrfeg H_BL I, €alee£szffis- tec. \ - „• . -: , ■* . ■ . , . ~ : ssEiaffites. rfe? fa^- yxnsiiffiEfen! tsesEntses. i _ . ■ . ' ’ ? j, 5 tfee fertrfapw!'- ■ ' ’ :’■■ ' • .'' | T^e ggsg^g <sf nfee . ggEly SSfefe ■ j; J . ' in . g^Frr. redBe sta ’ wz&'&s rerMds GE’ teffis; tfesEfas'-s^ g*4; msmjegazsat essa ta ..ore-; iram^ges mee 2S a Ssfc®- eImc ter >«■-are ~f@& ail kn5s <iE'e&i,'^sraeas is e® fee esA Tenter?- '. . ■ ’ ' -Ee2=tat^L te-' Efe.DSEsteaMim..^ . ■; Tl ■ •■■.. ■ ’ ■ i ©Sa, gssfer 'hsh ' tfee .gs^sfer Ssr— ■ . ” '' " Pmtw TfJf n.F^-\ fLu-L-jj-i'-T iasED«3iE ta tetfsy ■srS fee usasr^d fey . <f® £ sr5~.. ,",~r-f't=?-T7g??T< x 'I A ■ Ofef Peoce Ho^te / jr sEfsrn cress- are yteta-, ■ TRSWEHC5W&IO itr grain isr 5 eerress- 1 fFbv^t..-- Fu..’. j. . , ■". ' i ••% '-s ssrt&r or suxsEKtate 1 E ctxp s?y'xt' 1 ' 2 ctass 5rur '." . 2<S tafea ' 52 * -5 5~ta ■teassar-rs'* haE-Kirs pc-TStSgr j* gtg^TTSS ,’>■*-. 1 T^TSpCC ~ '“"ga^ps '3$e4E«afe— . Cseess . tSeb .jKSTter. 5es .ths SagS" ?5~5. Add feiSEtea ' ggrgg. -yedks zsai.1ta'err rs5srr. SFfr fLr_c. ueessstb.- tai basfas- reader. WsiizerEaZ WSa&nir S&fe l®Snafeoiiz . .1 ZCIKSffil* TauicsSfe WsafeE . | (^nnfenfes fin &s*nsir WHUNTS -I. ■ Tir-iEl.r difeSrtT®: rC?l|.£»JK&k t teie -36 WAKE IP TNK ■EcTrfc^yaa-Ta... ?jfa-rayr (Esa'aff^SfedcEScdHee 36* SjteB J; e rmaie of "7 5fiS» •