The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-03, Page 8LUCKNOW SENTINEL their Mac1- were j,,, * «,**«jH* ’7**.**to: ".'Ip t» Annual Be were* passe® as 'VEShge : $9*2.38;* Hydro, Water $72.55' an® School /WEDDING BELLS fe* % UKALandfiENERAL) Monday is Lahar Day and a pdbHc halfday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McNab are hoiEidayiug in Chicago. Mrs. to Struthers. Mary and Jean visited last week’ in Toronto with. Mr. and Sirs. A-El Reynolds. Mr. Lome Shortt of Kineardn^ visited recently at the home ef Mr. Jack Smith. PALI* MILLINERY display, an -Satur®ay,--Septemher 5th. at BELLE ROBERTSON’S. ” Read the’ merchants' double vote specials listed in the Gaad-WflI Chib a®, to this issue. ■ , Rev. and Mrs. to W. Ciraw and Miss Isabel of Dorchester, renewed, aetpiatotances m Lucknow last week. I . 1*V* muss gilahvsi victoria tucker ffiimlly dUmghfawr of .Rev.. S- T. Tucker i-affir®’ IWfr^L. TwfearZ of Lmcknow. whose* to . Mr. Roger- K .dtossa- ^ssfteir an®” the* Me. Sfe.-'Remitter ■of SauJfc . Sttfe. .*aia!rre> Quito has begg wi®-"taik^ pfUaee quietly the fiffisft week ioi Sep*- femibffir att Imcknow. Beth airer* gra®- uates of the Umnversuty of Toronto;. THURSDAY', SEPTEMBER 3, 1936. Kennetb (nwfoni. Tap Dancer Kincardine Pipe Band Lucknow Pipe Band Massed 30 Pieces Mrs. Fred Fisher, Miss Myra MadtonaM, Mezzo, & Others Cameron Geddes, Bass Baritone Master Of CctomMcs ANGUS CAMPBELL of Kitchener, and 5 Old Country Pipers from Guelph and Kitchener; ilso his daughter, “One of the Best Highland Dancers In Canada” will take part ............ • ■ • • --------------------------------------------------— ——“———5— ■--------------------------------------------------------------- ' - — " nfcKslis^b i Ladbmrf to Concert, 30c, including tax Children 15c Free Parking WEBSFEB-QUINNEY • A pretty* wedding' was solemnize® ' the home- of Mr. an® Mrs. 'Ebner _ nrnnery,* of Hyde |JPhuik on Aug; 22L wbmr their sihteir 3 Verna, . younger daughter ®ff Alfred Qurnmey ®f Lonr- doa Township) .was unite® in marriage to Mir. J- Cee® Webster, son- o< Mr.. and ®Ds_ Jas. T, Webster off Lucknow by R’^v Mr.. Dtaamfiord. * TiTto Eufide entered the ISivipg' room 'on the arm of heir father■ who gave h^r to marriage. The bride chose for . Itof wedding gown a model of whEtte; satim tore with wEraeh she wore ai wedding ■ veil of1 mmbroidere® sink net an® carried a bowspet of opihefa roses an® baby's. . .breath tie® -with wfeftte* satin streamers. Miss"R®th; SISEer .of played the wedding' music.*, the * gmom. was best mam. ■ The* gywmTs gW to the bricDesmahi wa- a silhjgr cake plate and’to the gro.om- suoui a gold chain coIEar u®® tie* set The Bandlesmaid. Miss Velma Ed­ wards. of ' London, wore _a fioer- ItorgtPn gown’ of Mue* sEEk with large pfetonp* hat and carried p®nk roseS. Mr. Clifford Webster, brother- of the groom, was best mam. •. ' Wire Webster, the. grooWs . mother wure-ai printed, silk easemble with gJtoid®egpftto nff pink' wses an® Mirs. ATifito® Quinney' wore a Mue and white chiffon dtaess with corsage o^ white ruses. Mfflawing the ceremony, a wedding d&msfiur was served ta> the immediate* relatives^ after which M®-- and Mrs;. Webster Eefit to spend their* honey­ moon to the Georgian Bay dtstnett. The bride cEftsse for travelfflmg a hijack swfit with white ’ accessories. On theri.* retunnr they wfEE reside in London. s in Lucknow last week. Sir. an®1 Mrs. W. X Little an® El- fett mptore® to Barrie the 'first of the week ,to visit with relatives 51rs. James Pequegnat. Mn Nelson Efeqgegnat, an®' Misses AKee an® Joy P’eqgegnat of Stratfor® were* visitors East week with Mr. an® Mrs. -Roy. Hudson; RevP am® Mrs. A. W. Brown an® two: ®aiugMears from near Hamil!ton> vis®e® wfifhi friends ini' the domimun!- fty* Jast week- — - -t—’ ■■ —y -■ —to— “"l^CTmeifh--CamerQn“ain®tolinL”Mac^ Lairem of .Dfurnbo* visited! the, end of Hye week, witfc tfee fopnafs parents, and^Hsl to Jr'Cam^dto Dtr. A. PhfUEips of ■Chicago!' an® Mr. am® KEtsl Hadgins ®f Stratford were calfers on Mr. an® Mrs.. Thomas Roach am Wednesday. Sir. C. T- MacGregor, principal of EEzabeth Zagler school at Waterloo' visited on Sunday to Tnyknaw* with his;' brother, Mr. -Di Ik MacOregpr. Miss Winmifee® Johnston. . student Uiuurse at Western Hospital, Toronto;, is spending tw-i weeksT teoladays With ■her' ; parents,, Mr. ■ and Mrs. Peter Johnston. ... 7 Thg Women's Association) of the Unite® Church,, qur • Tuesday, - pre­ sented Miss Gladys Tucker with a loively, EnEtfeH-engrave® scEver water pitcher. Mr; an® Mrs. Jack SrnEtlt. Joyce an® Jean an® Mrs- McDougall. Freda an® DWothy- and Hunter * Patterson •' Eni Stratford. Seaforth Colored I Attached To Bell Holes Befitted! Agreement Received By • Cous he® Om Tuesday Night—But Vff- figge. Must Assume*. AID Responsi- BflEty AmjR With Summer- On The* Wane* CbumciE Takes No> Action!—>- . We® .Seek SwimmEng Pool Infor- mationi Early, "in the* ' spring. fit wasf?pro- pose® by the? Ebosters’’ Club* to> string colored Eights along main street an® the Village council agree® to) bear t&e cost of. the* material] an®-work in tfito connection. Permission. was sought to> use Be® Telephone poles where necessary to» carry these Ernes which were* to rum parallel, along each side* of the* street.. i With' sumpier- on> the wane the I Council Boar® on Tuesday night re­ ceive® a commumLcationi from the !Be® Telephone* Got. date® August ' the IGth, which granted this permis­ sions The communication regretted! that ai reply could' not' Be- given until • this date an® pointe® out that the-re*- quest covered non-standard eonstruc- tion>, which generally speaking; con­ stitutes a bazar®. It - was necessary ! ffpir Bell engineers toi thus' make* a /tu®y of this type* of construction., as* it to the* only one in the district. Con­ tinuing ' the letter said that • the grpun® clearance* did' not comply with the- Railway Boar® requirements an® that the local commission would have* tor assume all responsibility for accidents or damages.. Council declined to* take any action on responsibility in. the matter,., but mq®e* it clean that their offer had held goo® a® along to> carry out the work- It ba® eotly been propose® by the* BObsters’- Club th get permission flout property, owners to attach these Tines, to their buftdirigs but ha® hot been acted' upon by the Club,. *GL IB. Smith an® Robert. Rae ad­ vise® the* B’oard that the Booster Club fen® had falBen a few ■ do liars short of completely equipping the entire Pipe Bundi A municipal.' grunt of $25 was agree® upon; , * ■ The* H.. EL Pl Cl advise® tre local commission that a, Chech up of the in- staille® capacity of all commercia u^ers was duel . Reeve Anderson . and Howard Agnew will] 'shortly,. make this cheek Up; The mstalTe® capacity iffects* the service* charge. ' . Total! accounts follows: .£13802; fiber®, totpidsitmt® of $1-150, It was ’ pointed out that nearly $114'0® ha® ^een receive® in pre-pay­ ment of ta^fts an® that between $800 spent Monda in® othmr'pc W immers Em the mixed jitney on Monday evmping were Mrs- CTafr Agnew, Mrs. D-. Huston. Mrs, Soto*- .non, Clyde Reid, Mr.. Procter and Win- MacPEiersun_ * * . _ , Mr. “TedT Smith is stiH confined to Goderfch HospittaL, where he to imder observations- He is feeEhg veil hu'wever, and the soreness , in ‘ties: side is practically gone. Dri iff; V. Johnston! is spending two> weeks? at Cook County Hospital iim Cbfcagov studying an® observing iin eoimectmn with his profession. He plans to rfftoim nhaut September- . Elth. Mrs. Johnston accampanie® the toctor, Mf, an® Mrs. Brlifie Brshop> an® son Jack of EtheE an® Mr. John Johnston an® grainddaughter off Bluevate an® Mr; Chamiffie Sbueh of Brussels, visit-* e®, with 'Mr. an® Mrs- W- J- MeNaB in Sunday. The September meeting of the* Yomenfs Institute wiEE be held 9>t the "'home of Mrs. G- A. Greer jon 'Wednesday, September 9th, Auction ;ato of artfctos donate® by members- Note change" of date. The Gaod-WiHl Club contest . Es proving papular. Remember to get your* votes at the .stores with the pehants an® if youTre not in the com­ petition yaufll fin® some off ympr friends will fie eager to receive them. 3tays Fann* At Belgrade Mf, Flay® CampbeR has bought the farm of John T. Bell at BelgraVe. Mr; an® Mrs. Campbell an® family,.' who) have* been farming on the 12th af AshfieJ®, leave shortly for lew home. Mrs. J. W- Murray, D. A. Lennani an® F. D. MacLennan vrsftors at the Toronto Fair over the .veek-endL They motored to the city lceompanied by Jimmie an® Barbara ton ‘icks, wbo> ha®- spent the sum> ner En Luckno w. . Rev. T. El Kennedy. Mrs. Kennedy, in® son Jimmy of Norwich, spent part of East week with the former’s' lister, Mrs. Thomas Roach an® Mr. Roach, eon. fi, KEnfoss, Saturday vis­ itors at the. Roach home were Mr; tn® Mrs.. Wheeler an® Arthur of XJma. JUST ARRIVED), a large range of faU an® winter samptos of suitings in® overcoating,1'The price is $fi6;50; irr® up, MADE-TO-MEASURE. The GREATEST VALUE that, has ever • ieen offered in Lucknow. Choose your cloth an® Httyfe you wish, and have it made to fit you. Call and look the samples oyef. — TEMPLE QLAREE. Merchant Tailor. Teachers Change' Miss. ©Give Alton. last year at 3fonte, is this year on the Toronto' ;eaching staff. Gordon Johnston, who has been teaching at Clifford., this ;erm is- at Severn Bridge in Musko- ra, Mr, Malcolm Watson; who has I oeen teaching at Waterloo; will spend ! this term at Toronto University, which he will enter soon. Locally the teaching staff to unchanged and in f rnbst other cases, teachers who* have j beln holidaying at their homes here haw returned to their same schools. ■*.--■ : , - it*.............-rt...j..............-■ I. '■*........I...-' . in® $9001 in back taxes had come in ! vs well as some arrears from the i ’ounty Treasurer. .*» i Reeve Anderson enquired of Coun- i llwr BUshell if he ha® anything to> I .sport regarding a swimming pool. [ Mr. Bits he® state®, that severs® ha® [ »een speaking of the matter and. he i ,elieve® internet could Be aroused in he project,. Reeve; Andefson thought t would be well if members of the. Boar® an®? public spirited citizens youl® ‘ seek information where wh^n possible concerning the an® requirements of a pool. 1. > ••y.; Fteom I all Stations in Eastern Canada . GOING DAILY—SEPT- 10 to OCT. 3 inclusive Return Limit: 45 days CANADIAN NATIONAL Holyrood Post Office Established 80 Years Ago Mr, John Elliott Retfues History Of Holyrood And Ripley Pest Offices— Has Known Personally AH Post­ masters At Holyrood Except The First One— Miss. Susan Ptarves Filling Position At Present. As a small bay, early to the year 18681 I trudge®, as I r erne mb pt, with am older brother, from Holyrood cor­ nier to Ripley post office; more tlian. two mSes west on lot '2, com 8, the agenn® tot from Huron, township' boundary. RfpE&jr office was being- moved an® the post office at Holy­ rood was to be reopened in the store at* the corner with my father as post- master. Quar errand was. to get nffor- matton from the retiring Ripley post­ master. Mir. Thomas Harris, J.P'.,one of the original Kinloss pioneers ano grandfather, of the-present Thomas Harris, af the **7th com, Kinloss. He receive® us kmdly an® sent us home satisfied... 1 That was my fest and only visit to Riptoy post office, .but its story as given by Norman Robertson in his ■ History of Bruce County always in­ terested me. .' '*, | Estabfishe® in 1856* at lot 4, com . Huron township;. Malcolm, McLern nan was its postmaster for two years. It was then moved to’the house of Thomas Harris^, who* was postmaster til!! 1868; In that year it was moved to John Brown's house; lot 12; cou. 7. Huron, an® finally to the present location, . tot 15, con. 7, Huron, an® Donal® McDonald became the post­ master. He was succeeded in 1874 by Paul Dl Mclnnes,who goo® Scot that he was, did not like Riptoy, which is the dame of a .town in Derbyshire, England, an® he succeeded in .having it change® to a goo® Scottish name, I Dingwall, more id keeping with the ! nationality of the majority of tne'i settlers. The railway station, how­ ever*. was calle® Ripley, and to avbid confusion the post-office ultimately reverted to> the* old name in 1880, and Riptoy fit has been, ever since. Biit to return to* Holyrood Accord- [■ing tq> the records of the Deputy Post- I master General, the oiffice was opened August 1st. 1856;. with Mr. M. Mac- Kenzfe as the fest postmaster., (Mr. Norman Robertson gives the. name is William MacKenzie; which is pro­ bably correct))'.. On the 9th of May, j 11857. it was transferred-* to John An-| (torsorii. an® in June 18641 . it ’was |closed. Mr. Anderson was a pioneer* : school teacher* and) after his retire­ ment" he live® at the Black. Horse I (iKintoss))* where hei died marry years pgo*; I remember him well: and I was at all] times greatly interested in his reminiscences. In April 1868, following a petition to the Post Master General, the office Jivas reopene® with William Elliott as ^postmaster but he die® before the [year was out and; was Succeeded by [Andrew7 Campbell, in December 1868. Then followed Mrs. Agnes Campbell, an® Mr. John Purvis waq appointed >n the 1st of December 1897. Follow­ ing Mr. Purvis’ lamented death, his sister, Wsb Susan Purvis was ap­ pointed on the '30th June 1927 and hals efficiently filled the; position ever since. With the exception of the first,. I have personally known Tall the postmasters of Holy rood. JOHN ELLIOTT. CORNS remove£whr CASTOR OIL? Say goodbye to clumsy corn-pada and risky razors*. A new liquid called KORN-KING ends* pain,ini .60 seconds. Dries up peskiest corns or Callus. Contains pure castor oil. camphor and iodine. Absolutely safe. Win­ ner of Good: Housekeeping Seal. Easy di-‘ rectfona in. package; 35c bottle, saves untold misery. Druggist returns money if KORN- " KING fails to ' remove, any corn or callus. For sale at, F. M. Paterson’s /' /. Talking Pictures Advance Film Service Presents . “Red Haired Alibi** FEATURING AN ALL STAR" CAST WITH TOWN HALL Lucknow » > ADDED ATTRACTIONS . Maple Leaf Hockey Broadcast Comedies; Cartoons, Musical ■ Shorts, Etc. ' z 12-Foot Screen; Safety Films R- C A. Sound An evening of exclusive entertainment Performance Guaranteed Appreciated Ini Over 100 Towns ADULTS 25c • plus Government tax 2c CHILDREN t*5c tfx free SHOW STARTS AT 8.30 P.M. I ap- TROUBLE AT DANCE John and Goldwin Martin, who are* trying to run the Paramount dance ' hall; west of Lucknow, in a rp*mect- able manner, had* occasion tofrject an alleged drunk who was wobbling peiceptibly on the dance'floor on the nighf °f Saturday, August 15t.'i, and they were interfered with* by William Johnston;, age® 2lb, of Huron, who in a more qv less booz­ ed state .is said to have started. to swear and otherwise raised a. distur­ bance, while Thomas Howard*, aged 23. also of Huron, was state® ti> have assaulted one of the brothers. Plead­ ing guilty, in Magistrate Walker's ■ court here on .Tuesday morning to charges in connectiofl with the affair11 V 1 Ml Llitj <lTF<Ltl they Were let off on paying costs of each and warned riot to repeat m future,—Tir-”~ - ”** - -Walkeitoh He raid-Tinies,; I ■' i