The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-09-03, Page 4*HE LUCKNOW SENTINEL
SEPT. 3-4-5
» .
it Mr
J ames
Thursday afternoon with friends
Varna. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Pharis Mathers visit
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mis. J- D. Lowry of Sud-
MTs. Wilfred Hackett. -
/Xj^erfietd" io another glov/-a
>- ^hymandowneAtfrotn^heprcKfucsr
? z -foho gave yaw IMIS’s br-“
ill Central Ontario Rus Lines Ltd.
to her school at Clifford on Monday.
tor at Mr. Robt. MacDonald’s.
GASTRONOX knocks eras, heartburn and
. that heavy feeltnsr relieves dyspepsia. . If
you are afraid to eat, get this wonderful
Stomach powder today. GASTRONOX will
help you to immediate relief as it has helped
thousands. At ail drug stores.
A MILE Roind Trip Bargain EXCURSION
Minimum Fares Adults 75c > Child 40c.
r Ml CEMP a* Whitby Jet., Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port
.wltle MMrle 1'9 w Hope, Cobourg, Trenton JoL. Belleville.,
Napanee. Kingaten, Gauanpque. Rrockville;; Prescott. Movrisburg.
Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro. Campbellford. Newmark«-
AWndMe. Penetang, Collingwood, Meaford, Barrie. Orillia, Mid-
teihd Gravenhmht, Bracebridge, Huntville, CALLANDER (Home of
World-famed Dionne Quintuplets), North Bay, Parry Sound., Sud-
m^ew^Gtafario on line-of-Temish^ri^g-A-^orth-
ettL Ontario Rly.; Nipissing Central Rly.; Kapuskasing. Longlac,
Hardrock, Geraldton. JeHicoe/ ;
Sat SEPT. 19 to TORONTO Chesle^, ^Ointoi?’ Dprbam,
FtergUU. Goderich, Guelph. Hamilton, Hanover. Harriston,
Ingerabll. Kincardine. Kitchener. London. Listowel. MiteheR. Niagara
•’Owen Sound. Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin. St.
> St,' Marys, Sarnia, Southampton. Stratford, Strathroy.
Walltorton. Wiart<>n. Wingham. Woodstock. / - 7945D
■''UMCh Tiom NArmWim, Taribcsi. cmmUc wr—ff«
. V -j'1. ———- te
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sherwood. Shir
ley and Norma kof Crewe spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Les. Ritchie
Miss Jean Long returned last Sat
urday from her motor trip to Quebec
city and other points east.
Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald spent
Sunday with Kenneth'Farrish’s. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Little visited
Albert Helm’s on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. George Topp bf Lon
don were week-end visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Cr E. McDonagh. Mr. and
Mrs. John MeDonagh and children of
Belfast also were guests for Sunday.
. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cruickshank
of Tara. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Har
ris. and Mr. Ed. McLelland spent
Sunday at Mr. and Mrs, Clarence
Farrow’s. 1 ’
Mrs. George Harrison spent Satur
day at Miss Elizabeth Pierce’s. ; ;
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eadie. Dorisand
Lome were Sunday visitors with
friends ot Glennanon.
Mr.. Reggie Broom spent Sunday
evening at his sisters, Mrs. Cliff
Young. 8th con. .
Mr. Ed. McLelland was a . Sunday
evening visitor at Mr. Mark John-
Eton’s: '■ t -- ■------1--------
Rev. Benson Cox left on Friday for
New York after spending his holi
days. a| bi$ home, con. 10.
Mrs. H. Brock of Owen Sound visi
ted lost week with Mrs. F. A. Black-
well ’
Mr. and Mrs. John Lang. Bess and
Jean motored to Agincourt last week
and visited with Rev. and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. A- E. Haldenby. Mr.
and Mrs. Art Graham and Mrs. Brock
spentSunday with Walkerton friends.
The PresbytenauT church here fe
being re-decorated for the fiftieth an
Mrs, Hamilton and son of Wing
ham were recent visitors with Mrs.
F. A. Blackwell,
Br. Bruce Riehl is renewing ac
quaintances this week.
School re-opened Tuesday,- with
Miss Jean Anderson of Mafeking as
Mr. a»d Mrs. Sid Parry and
of Detroit were recent visitors
Tohn Hodgin’s. • . f
Mrs. Honderick and son of
are visiting her sister. Mrs.
Big Crowd Attends
Langside Field bay Lyceum Theatre
Show Starts at S.flfo P.M.
To Those Who Use
The Highways
At Night
/or either driving or walking
I APPEAL to toe motorists of Ontario to make ni^ht
drivimi (and night walking) as safe and enjoyable as
Let us make it an mfalHMe rule to top or tom our
Eghte when meeting otoer cars. It will soon become
akhost automatic for us to do Iso. Oncoming drivers ; .
will respond. Within a wry toort time, this “ddiber-
ate gesriug^ of Courtesy (as it now is) will become a
fixed Itabft.
Do not crowd toe other Fellow when meeting dr
passing. If he is inclined to be a nervous drive^he
And it costs’uFnotoing to pve him several feet of
.clearance. ■ .:
1^ us give pedestrians MORE than ample space for -
wandng. We have all toe advantage vtoen we are
driving and toe otoer fellow is afoot. Let us not use
toat advantage in a bullying way.
On the otoer hand, when we are walking, let us show
true courtesy to those who are driving. When we walk
WITH traffic, we place ALL toe responsibility upon
the motorist Always walk facing oncoming traffic,
and wear or carry something light toat toe lights of
- oncoming cars will pick up, even if you carry only a
. partly opened newspaper.
These are a few instances only, to demonstrate toe
SPIRIT of Courtesy which I am suggesting and ,
; recommending to toe people of Ontario. z
Practise and pleach toe golden rule of toe road
“Show to others toe same courtesy that you would
like to have shown to you”.
Sincerely yours,
Miss Elleda Hunter is to be,'Con
gratulated on completing her firsi
class certificate and plans entering
Stratford Normal at the opening of
the term.
Miss Beryl Gardner left on Wed
nesday to spend some time in Tor
onto. ■-1:
Miss Jean Nelson was a^guest of
her friend. Miss Ellen Andrew, on
Tuesday evening.
Miss Marion Gardner visited last
week with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Ross
and Mr. Ross of Lochalsh.
Miss Elsie Ritchie.- left on Monday
for her school in Stanley Twp.. where
she has been engaged to teach for
the coming year. She was accompan
ied by her mother, who will spend a
week visiting friends in Varna. i
Those attending Lucknow High1
school from Zion are Misses Ellen
Andrew. Rena Hunter. Violet Ritchie^
Messrs. Lane Gardner and Eldon Rit
Church services will be continued’,
here on Sunday A.M. at the usual
hour. '
Mrs, Fitzgerald of Dungannon re
turned home on Sunday, after spend
ing two weeks with her sister. Mrs.
R. .Gardner. We are glad to report
some improvement in Mrs., Gardner’s
eye condition.
Miss Daisy Ritchie of Lucknow is
spending a week at her home here.
Mr. David Anderson returned, on
Monday to Leeburn school where he
will teach this year. i
Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Brown and
daughters Ethel and
guests of Mr.aand Mrs.
Thursday last.
Anniversary “services will be-held
13th. when Rev. J. A. Walker of
=Htekstonr*a^fGCT3e-rvTl^.t Sr ...will have
charge of both services at 2'Jo0"''~afuT
7.30. Mr, Sam Walters of Goderich
will be soloist and furnfsh special
Once4 again we hear the sound m
the school bell. We. wish Mr. Jonh .
Martin our new teacher, success in
his new work. r
•Mr; and Mrs. Ben Comfort return
ed to St. Catherines on Saturday ac
companied by their • son Ennis, who
had spent the past two months, at his.
grandmother’s. Mrs. Blake. :
A number from ‘here attended the
Silver wedding anniversary of Mr,
and Mrs. Roy Maize on Friday even
ing.'- . ' .
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stothers and
family visited Sunday evening' with
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tfeleaven.
Mr.-and Mrs. Cecil Chamney and
daughter Ann' iff Belgrave? visited
-thel/formpPs sister, Mrs. Raymond
. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Plunket and
family spent Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan.
Mrs. John Watt who spent the past
week with friepds at Glamis. return
ed home Sunday, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Roy McSween.
Langside community held their
field day on Thursday last. St. Hel
en’s and Langside men engaged in a
baseball contest. St. Helens, the win
ners. later played with Whitechprch.
and were again winners. /The girls’
softball team entered a contest with
; men -over Aft years. The score was
25 - 24 in favour of the girls. These
aged men were dressed in old-time
costume worn by the ladies many
years ago. Each had their names pin
ned on their backs.. Piper Neil Mc
Callum led these ball teapis to their
.respective places and the .crowd
gathered in - over the diamond, re
quiring the aiJ of policeman Jack
MacMillan to keep the diamond
-clear for the players. Races were held
All children Up to 8 years received
orizei. Girls. 9 to 11—Mildred Moore.
Loraine Griffin; boys ® to 11—Dan
Tiffin. Ross Patterson; girls 12 to 14
—Joan McKinnon, Pearl Hockley;!
boys 12 to > 14—Aifgus MacKinnon.
Joe Tiffin; slipper.; kick—Edna Wall;
-lindfold—Pearl Hockley. Angus Mc
Kinnon; married ladies—Mrs. Ivan .
Conley; married men—Wesley Tiffin.
AT booth was on the grounds provide
provided for the amusement of the]
-hildten IfnTteh*was served and in/
;he evening a tlance7; was ’ "heid^^^
Langside Forester’s Hall. MacKeiv
zie’s Orchestra provided the music.
Mrs. J. B. Morrison has returned
from a holiday with her. brother.
Mr. Harry Hisson and his wife at
their summer home Lafkay near Tor
onto. . 1 ■.'■■' ’
Mr. Charlie Anderson.» who has
been assisting Mr. George Tiffin for
the past year, is going to assist- Mr.
Foster Moffat'for a few months. -
GENE ji^Y»tA Np“ Slid "II El. EN BWM >EII I(-K —
. . in
Two Reel Comedy “DOMN THE IIIBBKR”
,• '■ . r. , AND NEWs;
■ *". •«>. ' Special ■
Mon., Tues., Wed.- Sept. 7-8-9
■ SEPT-*
Rev. R. W. Craw and Mrs. Craw
■ of Dorchester were recent visitors
with Mis. J. B. Rutherford.
Mr. Chas. McGregor of Kitchener
Mr. and« Mrs. Fred McGregor and
Mr. Rory McGregor of Kiniail were
guetts <ff their, cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
George Stuart. -
Mr* and Mrs. C. Featherston 'of
Kitchener were guests of Miss Irene
Miss; Mildred McQuillin spent a
few days the guest of Miss Dorothy
Aitken and Miss Ethel Johnston.
Miss W. D. Rutherford left on
(Saturday 'to resume het duties , as
teacher in the Kirkland Lake High
ScbooL She was accompanied by
Miss Florence Stuart of Evanston.
HL. who has been a visitor. here*
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Webster and
Mr. .Harold Webster of Ashfield,
were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Thom.
School re-opened oh Tuesday with
Miss Sadie McCharles <ff Clover Val
ley as principal and Miss Beatrice
McQuillin. assistant in fbe St. Helens!
school: Mr. Davis at Belfast; Miss
McBurney at Fordyce and Miss Mas
on of Goderich at No. X '* . \
The following teachers and stu
dents have returned to tehool after
the vacation: Misses Irene Woods to
Waterloo; Dorothy MeQuillm to
Windsor; Dorothy Webster to London
Zylda Webster to Toronto; Donne
Webster to Carlow; Jean Webster to
Wingham Junction; Mr. Chas. Mc
Quillin to Clandeboye; Miss Lain
Weatherhead to Phrry Sound i dis
trict; Norma Weatherhead. Kathleen
Thom. Laurine. Miller ' and Gordon
Miller to Lucknow High School.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith, Elmore
and Yvonne of Toronto were recent
visitors with Mrs. John Webster;
Mrs. W. J. Humphrey has returned
from a visit with- her daughter. Mrs.
George Walker. Fast Wawanosh-
The meeting of the Y. P. U. was
held on Sunday evening with the
president. Mr. Stanley Todd in the
chair. Miss Mary Irwin gave the
Bible character ’on “Peter”- The top
ic “True ■ Friendship”, was- taken by
Mrs. E. W. Rice.
Mr. Harold Hyde was home from
Kincardine for Hie week-end.
Bobbie Phillips has returned to
Fergus after Spending the vacation
forth his grandmother, Mrs. R. J.'
Woods. ■■
r Mr* Tom Todd left on Saturday
for the C.X. E*. Toronto, with, their
herd' of Poli Angus cattle. Mr.'Har
old Gaunt is exhibiting a .horse he
recently purchased.
.. Miss Florence McQuillin* nurse-ih-
trainmg^ in the .Stratford General
.Hospital' was a visitor at her home^
here bn -Fridas'. ’
Miss. .Jean Hayehs of Lucknow was
a visitor 'with Miss Vera Taylor. I
Northern Ontario. Where he will ms-1 it hiS sister. Mrs. Tyson Of GeftihL
Old Horse Breaks Ley
lloinj Tricks
' ’ ' ' ; ______ ' T
Mrs. J. Richardson and children
June and Hugh returned from a two
weeks’ visit with friends in Toronto
and Port Colborne. '•
School re-opened Tuesday, Septem
ber 1st, with Mr. Graham Pinkney
of Walkerton as principal and M^.-
01iv£ Farrier of Whifechuteh in the
Junior room. The enrollment is. Sen
ior room 19. and the Junior room 39
Mr. and Mrs- Orville Fowler and
two children of Toronto were recent
visiters with his aunt. Mrs. Elizabeth
Robb and other relatives.
Miss Mildred Anderson, who visite-”
her grandmother. Mrs. Joseph Irwin
Auburn* returned home for the com
mencement of 'school.
Visitors at the home of Mr. Jaci.
Richardson on Tuesday were his
mother. Mis. Richardson of Fergus
and uncle Mr. David Campbell. Okla
homa. <. Visitors recently at the hptee ot
Mr- John Moss were Mr. and Mrs.
M. Walsh. Pontiac. Mich.; and Mr.
and Mrs. F. Linton. Port Huron
Miclu. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
V. Shaw and son and daughter ot
London visited.
Mr. David Figgins of Weiland was
a week-end visitor at the home of’
Mr. and Mrs. David Glenn. Misse<
Agnes and Jean Figgins returned
foith their father after a pleasant
holiday spent with their grandparents
The residence of the late . Mr* Jas.
Maize is now feeing ‘remodelled anc
improvements made and in the hear
future 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Durtur
intend” coming there to l^e. .
Time Marches Back<ard”
One day last week the entire pop
ulace of Dungannon saw a revival
cf pioneer days.- when ■ Mr. Nelson
Culbert drove a yoke of oxen thru
the village. They were yoked as-our
rdrerathers had them by a neck-»oke.
The whip was carried and “gee” and
“haw” were-the commands. Mr. Cul
bert plana; on working them in the
bush next vrinter. ' .'
Mrs. Dr* A. Yokes returned Mon
day from a "visit with relatives ir
Toronto. ‘
' Miss Alberta Currie has been tak.-.
en on as a beginner to learn the “op-,
erating” at the telephone office.
The ■ August, meeting, -iff. .the Dun-"
.ganiion Womens , Institute met at
the home of Mrs. Wilbur Brown, th*
^resident, with Mrs. Burton‘’"Roach
Difesidine. Mrs. Wm; Stewart read a
"paper “The Duties, of’a Guest” )frs
R. McDonald, the Peace Convener
read ah article on “What Wr)men. car
do to proinote Peace”. Mrs.. C. C
Brown gave an outline, on' Curten*
events: Mrs.. R. A. McKenzie'.read s’
oaper on Child Welfare and, Mrs.
Lome tvers 'gave a demonstration
on “How to make a- ■ set-in . pocket.
At ‘the conclusion -of the program
lunch was served 'with Mrs. W. Sto
thers. Mbs. J. Richardson and Mr
(R/ McDonald as hostesses. ,
■’Old horses ■ should not indulge .
-oktsh tricks. On Monday eveninar ar
old' horse. (28 years last"spring* th
property, of Jas. Storehouse, -broke
ifront leg by slipping on.,...the
■ ground. -'While being 1
*neraiJture. after a JayV work 'of plowing-
home'bwnd harrowing, she had a mental re--
'Hapte and. thinking shewas a colt
’again, bjroke into a gallop and =*er-'
, ved around the Mrn. #i*h. the sad re-
|,su!t noted before- She was the .tnoth^
'.i- 2^.^___ ___ __“ *.____J. done t
her share of the work fohe-n /fee wa j
owned by. the John Savage &nd
wite generally ftnown a^ old Pe2xL
Rev. Patton and family, have re
turned home after spending the month
of August at their cottage at Sauble
Beach. We hope they had a good hol
iday. - - •• ■■ .
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davis and
children arrived home oh Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pharis Mathers visit
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Hackett. . .
bury visited last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Hackett. “
Miss Melda Lane has returned to
her school, at Coldwater. ' ...
Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Brown of
Hamilton visited ■with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Alton on Thursday last.
Miss Isabel Alton of Toronto
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. W. J. Lane and Etta and Miss
Margaret MacLay of Ripley, visited
on Tuesday* with Mr. and Mrs. Wil
fred Hackett.
P&QUD-. jo 1
DyyotM held no /r&ortr. ;cr M
yw (Dok'to yevr hear! in "Davtd
r*. Sr.'-; H-, fy.rr
Produced by DAVID O. SElZNlCK
■ JOwN.OOMweu •
... Mrs. R. McQuillin Sr* left on Siin-
day for a visit with her sister, Mrs.
Robert Stephenson. Varna.
. Jean McConnell, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Allan McConnell, had the
misfortune to have her arm broken
in a fall on Monday.,
Mr. and Mrs. “Pete” Farrish, Anna
Mae and Grant of Curries’ Corner,
arid Miss Phylis Felce of Toronto,
visited recently with Mr. and Mrs.
W. G, Reed.
A , number from the Second Con.
were at . a weiner roast and dance at
Mr. TyndaJ Robinson’s on Tuesday
night. » ■
Mr. Harold Gardner and Billie Reed
of Zion, also Howard Reed, were visi
tors in our burg. Sunday.
Mr. Jack Webster. Mr., and Mrs.
W. G. Webster and family, spent
Miss Flora Andrew of Lucknow
was the guert of Mr. and Mrs. Win
Andrew during the week.
, Miss Olive Anderson, Miss Olive
Blake and Mrs. Will Andrew, each
entertained a number of their girl
friends during the week.
Mr. Sidney Brown and Misses Ethel
and Bertha Brown of Hanna, visited
friends here Thursday.
Miss Isohel Douglas of Lucknow,
spent a few days last week with her
friend. Miss jeah Anderson.
. Mr. -and Mt3.‘ S. B. Stothers and
j family, who had spent the vacation
at their cottage at Kintail returned
to Arthur Monday. They were ac
companied by their niece. Mary Hor
ton, who will attend High School at
Arthur this ’Feat.
With the 'beginning of
school tertn out local teachers leave
for their several schools: Mr. and
Mrs. FinlUy Shackleton to Arthur;
Mr. arid Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick. Tor
onto; Misses Olive Anderson. S. S.
No. 9. Ashfield: Grace Blake. Arkona:.
Olive Kilpatrick, near Atwood; Jean
Anderson, Kinlough and Mr. Elmer
Johnston near Mihfinay. Mary Cran
ston. Muriel Blake and Bertram Cur
ran will attend Lucknow High
: School this year. .
Mr. Will Cook and Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Blake rpeht Wednesday in
London. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blake ah J
Grace and Olive Blake spent
f day recently with • Mr. and Mrs.
Wto- H- Johnston. Exeter.
Miss Jean and Harvey Letourneau
who had spent a month at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kilpatrick,
returned to Detroit last week.
Mr. and Mrs. JohrtjBlake. Miss
Bernice; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twam
ley and Misses Hilda. Elva.and Fern,
■attended the twenty-fifth anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mais^ which
■ was celebrated at their home'.Friday'
afternoon and evening. Over 'eighty
guests were present, •
Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Patten and
family returned from a month’s hofi-
tiays at their cottage at Sauble Beach
Monday. Regular preaching ■ service
will be held in Blake■ Church ' next-
Sunday at W P-m. ' ■
| Miss Sadie Farrish is so far re-'
covered from her recent operation and
illness as to be able to come home,
Mrs. A. E, Miinro. Mis*s 3Iaud Mc
Kenzie. Miss Edna Hawkins and Miss
Mabel Bentley ef: Detroit, spent the
week-end with friends here;
Mrs. Henry MacKenzie and child- .
ren were at Point. Clark for a few
day the guests of Mr/Bradley.
Mr. Dan MacLean 0^ ,.Kintail has-
‘completed his contract of remodelling
the' school at Laurier.
The Presbyterian Young People
postponed their picnic on .Tuesday
evening on account of the rain and’
held it on Wednesday when a Very .
enjoyable time was spent.
ReV. T. Robinson of Stratford Oc
cupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian
Church both morning and evening on
Sunday last.
Mrs. John MacLean and children^
Grant, Fraser.. Mary Catherine. Don
ald. Sarah Jane and Jamie and her
brother. Mr. Gordon Grant, al! of
Evanston, IIL ’ are ^spending * two
weeks at Donald and Alex MacLean’s
ifr Ashfield. .
Travel Bv Arrow Coaches
“For Your -Convenience'*
Effective May :)rd
al .12.25 P.M. & 9;25 PAL
„ / Standard Time
6.15 A. M. p. M.
Saturday Only ,
Extra Bus. North. 1.2.5 PAI.
points in
States and Mexico.
Miss Peggy Case of Seaforth visit
ed last week with Miss Catherine
Miss Catherine Patterson returned
to. Stratford hospital last Friday as
student. nurse..' after spending, her
holidays with her mother. Mrs. Hehrv
Patterson; - /
Mrs. Ogilvie of Toronto visited re
cently with her father; Mr. John Club
Miss Myrtle. Webster of Lu'eknow
visited last Thursday with Mrs. An
netta Knight.
- Quite a number from here atten- a^ter spending
ded the field day at- Langside la<t’’Mrs. G. Hamilton.
Thursday, •••'*“'.. ' . . , . .. • — • •• »>. .nrroitt. ana om
Mr. Patterson of Auburn spent a *Pvnt .the week-end with friends
few days, last week forth his daugh—' '^d-<horo. an’. Brussels
ter. -Mrs., Clarence Cox. ■ Mr. Harvey McDougall returned to
.us school the latter part of the week
lie wa< aetromnanied by hi< brother.'
w *<* .s-'4’ farther 'we'-f
jeport the misfor
tune of Mr. Ham- Lavis’, who had hi<
•tesr barfly by a largfe
he was-digging out. fbllmg back on
arni- hS,’ he is in the Wing- .
and! nam Hospital.
Mr. ■ Orville .McGuire;/ of Detroit,
spent- the week-end at W. John M<’-
cvirfitTay •
Mt/’and Mr;.-.Howard .....
and Shirley-of Mitft*!* visiter
Mr, and Mrs. T. R(/-i
of the 'Week.
Hamilton returned Toronto
spending several. d»y5. xyii
G. Hamilton. i
21^’ ^r'» Moffat 'and Shirley
he la<t
Sir. and'Mrs. A. E. Purdon. Mrs.
George Tiffin 'and Mr. arid Mrs. Cecil
Falconer spent the week-end at De
troit with the former’s son., Mr. and
Mrs. Elgin Pardon. •
We are sorry ■ to ' hear- Mr^Wm.
Henderson, teacher at < S. -\'o. It)
school, had. his shoulder broken
*5?^ be-able to teach for awhile '■ Mr d. r. _ . ' . ■
“ ufctw his ■
a,^K'rry to ppo” J'f-
1<>W ark* not ‘ MHver roturniidhope, for his recovery. ■ to sfiay. .