The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-08-27, Page 3i ..mu ■* .1 ■.............• - THURSDAY. AUGUST 27TH, 1936. 7 * i THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 0 \. . X. / »> PAGE fivb »' • i 1 ......... I > i r • i ,L, Ll 'i kI i, ize 0 AL? hl ELECTRIC WASH ER. OR COMBINATION RANGE On Display Ai RAE ■& PORTEOUS PTniu V > k WALNUT CHEST. OR STUDIO COUCH On Display At DAVISON & SON SILVER TEA SERVICE, On Display At • B. T. ARMSTRONG’S GrandPrize-Sujjestions' 1 GOOD-WILL [COPYRIGHT REGISTERED] Sales and Subscription Campaign i i -T£ if r7 e COMMENCES Friday, August 28 - - CLOSES Saturday, October 31 20 Valuable Prizes Given Away Free To The Buying Public of Lucknow and Surrounding District VOTES FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS A SPECIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED to the MEN, WOMEN, BOYS and GIRLS of LUCKNOW and SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES to share in this big event. You can win a beautiful prize for your spare time in the next few weeks. Secure.new. renewal and arrears subscriptions and receive vote credits on payment of subscription accounts. The largest total vote secures the first choic& of the grand awards, the next number, of votes the second1 choice, and so on until the grand prizes are awarded. Those contestants who do hot share in the grand prize awards will receive a cash commission . cheque art all subscriptions secured providing a minimum of $50.00 is turned in throughout the campaign; X’ . . --AND FOR CASH PURCHASES X A number of “Club” merchants are joining to co-op­ erate in this prize distribution in an effort to encourage more local patronage and to stimulate cash purchasing. Contestants and their supporters who patronize these stores will receive coupons on the following basis 1.—One unit of 25 votes given with each 25 cent cash purchase, or im the same ratio. .2.—Votes will also be allowed on payment of out- ' standing accounts. 3. —Any Club Merchant will be allowed to offer ; additional votes at his own discretion. 4. —Subscription votes and votes on Cash purchases from Club Merchants are of equal value, anrl can be combined on total votes. THE MARKET STORE TEMPLETON & CO. WM. MUROIE & SON You Can . Save Money Buy­ ing For Cash—The . Market Store at Lucknow Buys and Sells Only For Cash. RAE & PORTEOUS “The Red Front Hardware” Everything In Hardware Plumbers and Coal Dealers ’Phone 66-w QUALITY DRY GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES , » ’Phone 75 I HARDWARE MERCHANTS Copl Dealers & Plumbers ’Phone 10 RATHWELL & REED NOW ON. Gigantic Closing Out SHOE. SALE ’Phone 75 / 5HS3 CHESTERFIELD SUITE OR BEDROOM SUITE On Display At DAVISON & SON I >/■ . ■ ELECTRIC RADIO. OR BATTERY SET On Display At T. W. SMITH'S 'ww*tw- tai .1* A. E. McKIM The Rexall Drug Store HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES ’Phone 32 R. H. THOMPSON ■ .GROCERIES • The Place To Buy^ Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ; ’Phone 82 - F. T. ARMSTRONG JEWELER & OPTICIAN Your Gift Problem Made Easy By Shopping Here r* FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR ’Phone 28-w. B. PEARLMAN LADIES’ WEAR GENTS’ FURNISHINGS DRY GOODS ’Phone 85 . ■ THE FORD GARAGE FORD SALES & SERVICE Experienced Mechanic In Charge ’Phone 40-w D. H. AGNEW JEWELER AND WATCH REPAIR 3-Day. Service. MacDONALD BROS. SHOE STORE “The Home Of Good Shoes” YE KEN ITS1 CASH The Variety Store The 5c to $1.00 Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES J. A. GEDDES 1 '!1 W.W.HILL GROCERIES, FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES ‘Phone 20-w F. M. PATERSON Nyal Quality Drug Store GET YOUR SCHOOL BOOKS HERE ’Phone Central Hollyman's Bakery A. T. Davison & Son For Quality & Service TASTY CAKES* COOKIES. TARTS & PIES ’Phone 36 s 9 CONGOLEUM RUG * On Display 'At TEMPLETON & CO. ; T. W. SMITH CENTRAL GARAGE ' A Full Line of Tires,. Accessories, Etc. REST ROOM FOR LADIES Employees of The Sentinel. enter this Contest. This does not apply td newspaper 10 FOLDING CAMERA On Display At A. E. McKIM’S FINLAYSON BROS. FLOUR FEED, SEED & GROCERIES ’Rhone 91-W The Lucknow Sentinel Big Votes On New; RegewaT or Arrears Subscriptions 1 ’Phone 35 LADY’S OR GENTS TRAVELLING BAG On Display At RATHWELL & REED’S ■ ' - * DINNERWARE SET On Display At GEDDES' VARIETY STORE M- L. 1 m J 'I I $ LADY’S OR GENT’S WRIST WATCH On Display At D. H. AGNEW’S CASH COMMISSION PRIZES , (For Subscriptions Only) Additional Prizes to contestants turning in . largest amount of money oil subscription accounts. 10% Cash Commission tn alt con­ testants Ort paid subscription, during the entire campaign. HOW TO GET BIG VOTES I Schedule of Votes Given on Subscriptions. Renewal,. Paid-In-Advance Subscriptions dated from June 30’36 Each Year v. 1000 Votes Arrears Subscriptions Prior To . June 30138. Year .. *«......... .3000 Votes Subscription, not on present. Mailing- List Year 5000 Votes Each New Each ■ Y « This Contest is open to. any BOY OR GIRL, . MAN OR WOMAN, residing in Lucknow or surrounding district. ’ Employees of The Sentinel, club rnerchants, their em­ ployees, or their immediate families are not eligible to correspondents dr part-time employees.* ’ . . ' , Entries may be made on Entry Blank, or in writing to THE SENTINEL. , Vote coupons must be deposited at THE SENTINEL office. Name of contestant must be plainly* written on each to insure proper credit, 5 Coupons, once deposited in" favor of any one contestant, cannot be transferred to another. 6 Contestants will not be allowed to solicit votes in or out­ side of Club Merchants* stores, nor to buy or sell votes or to accept purchased coupons, under„ penalty of disqual- • ification. * I 7 Contestants may Work where they please, collecting back subscriptions and renewals as well US new; vote credits will be issued ’on all. 8 Cash must accompany all subscriptions where credits are desired. Each contestant is an authorized agent of this ..................-,.........\......................•..........................>....•........................................................................................... ................... newspaper, and it is distinctly understood that EACH member will be RESPONSIBLE FOR MONEY and remit amount, in full to club headquarters. /•' The first ten Contestants , having largest number, of total votes on closing, date shall have the choice of the Grand , Prize Awards in the order of the final standing. 1 In the event of a tie for any of the awards, prizes iden- 11 12 13 14 \j --- ------ ---------- I. -----------------is, prizes iden­ tical in value will be awarded to each tying club- member. Also We . reserve the right to alter or add to the above prize list, providing that the value of the prizes shall not 1 be reduced. • »’' • Final count will be supervised by a Special Committee. 11 This newspaper reserves the right to offer special credits at any time during the competition and to. correct Typo- • graphical errors that; may occur in any of its 'announce­ ments. ... a -'I It is understood that the interpretation of the rules and regulations, and any other questions pertaining to the competition, will be decided .by the Club Manager and, that his decision will be accepted as final. In becoming a member or participating in this competi­ tion, club members agree to abide by the above conditions/ ..... ......-.... ...................... ......................—......—.......-....... ....1.........-..-..............-...... SPECIAL PRIZE SUGGESTIONS Weekly Prizes will be offered to Coni testants turning in the largest total -|- votes from week to week: 1— PEN AND PENCIL- SET 2— MANICURE SET . • 3— BASKET OF GROCERIES 4— 100 POUNDS FLOUR -'5—SIX PAIR SILK HOSE Other Prizes to be Announced Later Note—Only One Special .Prize will be allotted to any one contestant •......................................''.............'..........J....................................... i... SAVE THESE COUPONS ‘ 100 FREE VOTES FOR ^AME OF CONTESTANT: For Further Information, Write or Rhone Club Headquarters*/ THE SENTINEL R. ,1. TAYLOR, Manager Eash i4su« daring the competition this coupon, when neatly cut out and v mailed or^bronghf fo the Club Head­ quarters. wilt, count ifor the person . whose name appears aboKe. A f 0 I. V ♦ * s’y SPORT NEW$ Blyth are champions of the Mait­ land League. They won the 3rd and deciding game in Blyth last .Wednes­ day by an 8 to 3..score. W, I. Miller of St. Helens and Cecit Treleaven of Dungannon were official “Unips” for the series. r ■ * 1: * And thus what seems to have been, a fairly successful season in this loop is brought to a close, alth'o Luc­ know’s fade-out before the play-offs -got underway—was a bit of a disap- pointment to some of the players. 'Palmerston made it two straight from Kincardine and now meet Wing­ ham for the southern group honors ■ (with Wednesday and Saturday of this week set as the dates for this . important series. Palmerston won the first game, 6-5 in 12 innings* Wingham will be-without their 3rd sacker. Bob Thompson fpr this ser­ ies,, and who wielded an important^ bat in the Hanover series for the Hurons. Bos is in Chicago this week attending his brother’s wedding.* Clinton nosed Goderich out of the Huron League by coming out on top in two straight games that both ■weht“ten™innings;—ClarkFinlayson xplayed^first=base=for=the=Sailors=in= this series. » i.. The “Old Orchard Club” at Point Clark has constructed a new clay tennis court which was recently offi- . cially opened. Plans are now under­ way for constructing a bowling green.• • , • • • Elliott Carruthers, Harold Greer and Gordon Miller were on the “All Star” Maitland league team that played an exhibition: game with the Wingham Bruce League team who won 8 to 3. Carruthers pitched for the “All Stars”. • • • ■ • ' The Bruce League will send three winners into the O.B.A.A. playdowns by the recent ruling of \ this body, which shot Southampton, into “A” ball. ’ • • ■. The Fishermen will continue in the “A” playdowns, Meaford. Allenford, Wingham and Palmerston will battle for “B” honors, and the losers of the Winghash - Palmerston tussle will \ continue in “C” ball. — --7- PARAMOUNT Mrs.- Arthur Cook and Miss Mary „ Cook, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ad. MacDonald, Pine River. Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs. Wm. R, Martin, were Mr. and Mrs. < A. Cowell and Miss Beverley from Peterboro and Mrs. Joe Wail from Culross. ;l ■' Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ensign and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ensign enjoyed a mo­ tor trip through Bruce Peninsula last week Mrs, Lome MacLennan and Miss Catherine from Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James MacDon- . aM-.< Miss Norina Ritchie. Lucknow, vis­ ited with Miss Eileen Henderson last week. Miss Anne Kennedy of Ripley, spent last week end ° with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ensign. •{ ■ J3i WORDSWORTH’S COUNTRY THE ENGLISH LAKES (Continued from Page 1) cial High School in Toronto. Ray tells me that he came over in a cat­ tle boat with a chum, who is . at pre- .... sent visiting friends in Scotland, after which they will set out togeth­ er. After an exchange of greetings we walk together until the foot patli meets a main road. Here I mount my bicycle a^d coast down the wind­ ing. paved Toad over some steep slopes. I (tarn left to the little vil­ lage of Grasmere and upon enquiry take my way to.DdVe Cottage—the home of William Wordsworth/ his sister Dorothy and later Mary Word­ sworth his wife. Modest, but also very quaint, it is kept in its original setting—a shrine, as it were, to which, admirers and disciples of the poet Wordsworth come from all quarters of the world. Here he wrote the majority of his Nature poems, including the Excursion, Michael, etc. It was in this house that De Quincey the queer little man with his opium tendency came to visit the, Wordsworth’s, one visit lasting fif­ teen months. Lamb and Scott were also visitors. I go out the back door of the cottage and ascend" the stone steps leading to the ’lookout” in the garden. As one waits upon the love- lliness that this view affords, a spirit of reverence seems to brood over the scene. A ten-minute walk takes the . traveller to St. Oswald’s Church, to which the rp6et refers- in the Excur­ sion. To tb^ rear, are lofty trees of yew and under which is a mo­ dest stone bearing-the names William Wordsworth 1850 . Mary Wordsworth 1859 , Marked by the Utmost simplicity it is chacteristic of the poet and the life he lived. 1 return by motor Toad by vray Ambleside. Although leg-weary and hungry after this twenty-five mile tour, one has an extreme satisfaction in following your own. inclination-^ and this day shall always stand out in my memory fur have been most *n — The Yorkshire pudding and roast beef never tasted better. And, so to bed. ' *' * its impressions ivid. ii t